Dark Link

   Ok, this is weird. A girl who I don't even know the name of told me to tell link and zelda to hide. I just don't know what to think, Death is her name, I think. And now she is evil now? I am just plain confused. I heard a noise, it was a mix of of growling and groning.

"PHA! Stupid brat, taking control whenever she wants." She mumbled. She looked up.

"What! Who are you!" She snarled. I stood there for a second, if I say the right think and tell her darkness is sending armies she won't kill me i thought.

"Well! Tell me or will i have to kill you!" Death said.

"Oh! Uh, I'm Dark link, didn't you just kill my father , ah you said you were in control now" I sounded so fake I wanted to punch myself, she isn't going to fall for that, not if she is like the other one. She looked at me weirdly. See I knew it, I just blew it! Good job dark link, you just blew it!

"Huh, the brat did something helpful, ok... When is Ganon waking up" She said. I looked at her like she was crazy, she actually believed me. She's so stupid, she actually fell for it. I guess this will be easier than I thought it would be.

"Round up all the monsters here, they need to know who their leader is now" I looked at her, What? She thinks she can just take over? This is my castle. I gave her a dirty look.

"What makes you think you rule this land and castle? This is mine!" I hissed, my sword then appeared in my hands. What am I doing? I just messed up things, i'm the stupid one now! I turned toward her, she was staggering, what is happening? Her eyes started to change, they shifted from red to bright lime green. I backed away from her wondering what was happening.

"Well that was shorter than i thought" Green eyed Death smiled at me, for some reason I felt fuzzy

"Oh I'm glad you're back." I said smiling.

"Really, why?" she asked. I felt my face get hot.

"Well, I actually don't know....." I said, I am really embarrassing myself. I've never done this, except for.......... Shoot........NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

"Ha! Well i guess, we should still warn Link and Zelda. Actually, I hear there minds at the door, we better go"

"WHAT! Wait.... You can read minds?!" I hissed. SHOOT!..........

"Uuhh, Yeah? But I have only listing for Link and Zelda's minds really"

"OH.... okay, good.... I mean...." I said turning pink, uggg, why?!

"What? We need to go warn link and zelda, come on" she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door of the throne room. I felt my face go pink.

"COME ON!! YOUR SO SLOW!!" Death yelled at me, I immediately stood up on my feet and started walking faster.

"You are a lot more jumpy than the files say about you" Death said.

"Files?"I asked, giving her a wired look.

"Yea the files mom gave me, it tells me everything about the people I need to know about, as well as the dimension ,what I'=m supposed to do.. That sort of stuff" she said.

"What do they say about me?" I asked.

"All the stuff people already know about you, and all your attacks ,

"Oh, so you know I'm the shadow of link?

"Yea, and that's why i new that you had never won against Link" I turned pink, she knows.......

"Don't sweat it tho, being beaten all the time isn't so bad"

"Ha, yea, sure It's bad or my reputation.

"Well people don't expect alot from you....."

"My mom expects me to be perfect at everything i do or she will kill me without hesitation"

"Oh, well, I know link is expected to do a lot of things, I'm just here so that I can slow him down, The shorter reason why is he's smarter at everything, fighting, how he can beat himself, you name it. He's better at everything, and me...... I'm just evil........"

"Ha, well he won't be killed on spot on site if you fail eating or something"

"Look we are at the door!" Death said as if she didn't want to continue this conversation.

"Oh, okay."

"Sounds like they are trying to get through the door, should we open it for them?" Death said putting her wolf ear to the door.I open the door to see Link and zelda. Link pulls out his sword and steeps infront of Zelda.

"AAHHH! WE COME IN PEACE!!!" Death yelled putting her katanas on the ground. Link dropped the master sword on the ground and it disappears.

"Well that was easy, I thought that was going to be harder"

"UUm, Well, I, chose not to fight you. Since, well you, don't look like you're from around here, and be glad..... I was being nice." Link huffed.

"PHHAAA! What is with you people! Don't you know only my own kind can hurt me!"

"Haha, you're so funny, go joke, now what are you doing here, and what are you doing with dark link, That reminds me, where's ganondorf, Dark link?!"

"Go ahead, hit me, then you won't think I am joking" Death said.

"Oh and i already killed ganon... he was easy."

"Yea, obviously, I've, My past selves have been doing this for a long time. I actually have beaten him several times as a kid with no training on how to use a sword and weapons, I kinda just had to figure It out on my own, But dark link had training, isn't that right?"

"To be honest I already Know! The files give a lot about you two."

"Files? Who are you? A stalker? A creep?"

"OH! Yea I forgot" Death told them the whole story down to now.

"So yea if I don't do this...I die, and..I have this evil goddess in my head, so..that's great."

"That must be terrible," Zelda response. " And For a moment you reminded me of myself, I am the descendant of the goddess hylia, and one time I was taken over and turned evil, I hated that feeling, I was a puppet that had to kill link, and That was terrible."

"Meh, to be honest, that goddess has been in my head since i hached I just didn't notice her until now"

"And to be honest you are only a demi goddess, my goddess..is something else"

"What? Actually, to be prosise, I'm in between them, Hylia is stronger than a demi goddess, the demi goddess are

"Pha, your demi goddesses are one fours goddess-Hrck!" Death stipend, her eyes started to glow brighter, a second later she eased, link and zelda tensend, i found myself doing the same.

"Hylia?I haven't heard that name in a while. Didnt I kill her? No that was treasona"

Zelda lossend, and became taller, she changed.

"Lotus....... How dare you enter this castle and kill the demon king, he is to be sealed in the master sword so that he doesn't become stronger,"

" The reign of successors in not over Hylia!"

"What ever, don't think I'll listen to you. You're the one that brought the reign of evil, You are the one that has helped to destroy."


"Ahem, plus, I can do this!" the thing called Lotus punched Hylia in the face causing her to fly through twenty walles, i have never seen that much power in one punch beafore.

"Lotus!" Hylia yelled flying back, "Who was the one that didn't listen to Theodora before she was killed? Not you, I'm the only one that did, if you chose to listen once, then she would of thought about you differently."

"I know who killed her tho" Lotus said in low voice.

"If you would have known what I went through, the pain the suffering, you would be like me to"

"That's exactly what Theodora went through, but not as badly because she died before anything really bad could happen. AND IF YOU KNEW WHO KILLED HER THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING?!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Death screamed, then went back to lotus.

"When the lotus loses, her diamond will have been fully sprouted, you better be ready, or you will die" then she was gone it was all death.

"Don't say that, you-" She paused. A girl appeared in front of everyone. Hylia left.

"Finally," The girl said. "We made it......." Then she disappeared. Behind the little girl that disappeared was another girl, but she looked taller, older and more mature, not like the first one. The first little girl had a weird shaped stone on her head though.

"H-help, nnggg" death said.

"H-howl, h-help m-me" the older girl walked over to death and nelt beside her.

"You poor soul, you have to live with this curse"

Then the little girl appeared again.

"Poor girl, I take it lotus did it, hmm, I wonder if we could fix her." The little girl said. She sounded like a fully mature girl, her speech was perfect. But she looked really young, she also Had many scars on her face and body. I wonder who they were.

"We can't dispose of her, my daughter depends on her, as well as my kingdom, but I think I can postpone the sprouting of her diamond" the taller one's hand started to glow teal

"I guess, we could...." The little girl said. Her crystal started to glow every color.

"Let Larna help us, let her give us power. Are you ready Theodora?" The tall one's cristal glowed as well

" Moonmaker....... You know that you are to never use that name in front of me, and I've told you that I will not explain why, you'll figure out when my successor can finally control her power and access me."

"Well...ok, I guess i forgot, It has been so long since i have used goddess magic, you could say i was excited,sorry"

"Yea, If I had my power we could kill her or heal her instantly, but I have only enough power to keep my successor from killing herself, or being killed."

"If it were someone else we could heal her completely, but this is lotus, we can't do that."

"And if my successor could fully control her power than she could heal her, but my successor is but a little child and is not trained properly, plus she's evil."

"What should we do with the three over there?" Theodora then walks over to us.

"Hylia, and her champion, plus his evil side, hu........ This should do the trick....." Theodora snapped her fingers and the colabst on the ground, "they won't remember anything, nothing about Lotuses visit, or Death, I have a feeling they'll meet again thou."

"Ah I must be going my daughter is calling me from my meditation room, I have postponed the diamond from forming, but it won't last forever, it was good to see you my friend, good bye for now" the one called Moonmaker faded away.

"Good bye..Howl" Theodora looked sadly at the ground, she couldn't ever walk again on solid ground, or hug anyone, she looked sadly into my eyes for a moment.

"Don't worry Dark link....... You'll meet them again, and see me again in a different form. Good night for now......" And with that a blue light appeared and then she disappeared and so did she. Then the world went black.

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