xxviii. | the truth unfolds

Blinking a few times Elena recognized where she was, lying in bed in the guest room at John B's, she then quickly remembered the events of last night, she sighed at herself for letting the memories invade her mind again, she did not want this to happen for the rest of the day, but, Elena knew she had to fake her happiness unless she wanted to be interviewed by everyone.

"Shit." Elena cursed a few more times before she lunged out of bed, she forgot her Uncle was coming today and visit the family, visit her mother. "Where's my bag?" Scratching the back of her neck, her brown eyes searching the floor, her surroundings, everything in hopes she could find her bag.

"Morning Princess." JJ leaned against the door, arms crossed over his chest wearing a smile on his lips. "Had a good night's sleep?" Elena nodded her head at him but didn't turn to focus on the blond. "Everything okay?"

"Can't find my bag, I gotta go home JJ, can you drop me?" Looking up, Elena could see his face, she saw the joy he was showing just by her presence. "Did John B arrive already?"

"He hasn't arrived yet, he's probably running a little late, I can drop you in a moment, you should come outside first." JJ walked back out, Elena didn't know what to do, she didn't know if her uncle had already arrived and was waiting for her or if her father wanted her to join them and pick him up at the airport.

"El." Kie walked into the room, the charming joy on her face. "How are you?" Elena could hear a hint of worry from how the question was asked, a bit of terror started to build inside of her.

"I am doing great, I'm just looking for."

"This?" JJ walked back in, the bag in his hands. "Kie, can you leave us alone for a moment please." Kiara looked at them for a moment, a smirk appeared on her face that Elena shook her head at her but Kie just waved goodbye.

Elena sighed and focused on JJ "What's up?" She asked leaning back against a wall.

"What the hell did Kelce do to you?" JJ walked towards her, stopping when he was just a few inches away.

"What are you talking about?" Elena could feel how her heart started picking up its pace. "Nothing, we just ate and left."

"Elena, tell me the truth please, if he hurt I got to know." Elena looked away from JJ's gaze, her eyes looked down at her shoes. "I'm gonna beat that asshole." JJ was ready to walk out, Elena grabbed his arm and pulled him back, this wasn't what she wanted, she understood why he wanted to do it but she didn't want any more problems.

"JJ, he's going to leave me alone, don't worry, I am going to be okay." Elena's face softened, she walked close to him and wrapped her arms around his body. "Are you feeling better?" The question had been related to the previous day and the huge fight that she encountered from the Maybank's household.

JJ Maybank scoffed jokingly "Of course, I am better than ever I mean, I bought a hot tub." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders making her stay by his side.

"I saw that, like why a hot tub JJ? I mean you could've gotten a car or something else right?" Elena joked, she looked up at him with a smile.

"Yeah I could've gotten more stuff, I could've bought you another necklace, you seem to love that one I got you." Elena tilted her head and looked down at her golden half-moon jewelry.

"Hey JJ, can you come to help us with something." Pope's voice was heard from the living room, JJ shouted out that he would be there in a second.

"Hey, do you have something I could wear? I want to get rid of this." Elena pulled her shirt a few times, JJ took a step away and looked around the guest room.

"I have some shirts on the second drawer, grab any you like really, and come join us when you're ready, okay princess?" Elena nodded her head at JJ, he left the room for her closing the door, For Elena, she had to hurry and lookout for something to wear, she had to get rid of this, she could burn it probably, maybe throw it in the trash, she didn't want a reminder of what had happened.

Elena grabbed a sleeveless grey shirt with a graphic on it, she pulled her shirt off and threw it on the floor, she saw her reflection on the wall mirror, a knot on her throat formed when she saw the faint color of bruises appearing on her waist, wrists, and neck, she felt disgusted, disgusted at herself for letting it happen. Clearing her throat, she straightened her posture, hiding the marks of last night with JJ's clothing. There was a loud sound of stuff cluttering outside the bedroom door, Elena walked over and opened the wooden door, her eyes searching who was making so lousy noise.

"John B? What's going on?" She questioned him, but he didn't answer, he was looking for something in the drawers, the rest of the guys walked in, all confused too by the way he was acting, he looked like a maniac by his sudden movements. Everyone tried to get him to talk, throwing questions but just like Elena, they were ignored.

John B walked over to the couch lifting one of the cushions, the gun was pulled and he looked down at it, everyone else just felt even more confused, Elena even felt scared, she didn't understand what was going through his mind, JJ had walked over to him trying to get him into his senses but John B just threw him down next to the couch. Pope even tried to get in his way and stop him as well but useless like before. Elena wasn't even going to try, she knew John B wouldn't listen to her or anyone at the moment.

"What the hell is going on? John B?" Kie followed behind, the rest of the Pogues followed along, worried, they looked at John B getting into JJ's motorbike. "John B." Kie kept on calling out his name but he didn't listen, he didn't want to listen.

"John B, stop and talk to us, what happened?" Elena screamed out too, hoping he would answer, even if he was all mad, and aggressive.

"Ward knows about the gold," John B answered and looked back at the group. "He killed my dad." Everyone stopped in their tracks as he said that, but even before someone else could say something, John B was too far away now. Kiara wanted to follow him, she did try and run to him but trying to match the motorbike would be hard. Elena stayed behind trying to process what John B just told them. Ward had killed John B's dad.

"El? You okay?" JJ grabbed her hand, she didn't notice that her thought had trailed her attention away, nodding she lifted her head and looked up at him. "Let me take you home, come on."

Elena and JJ hoped on another bike that John B had and JJ had been working on the past few months. The girl started planning out what she was going to tell her father, the apologies to her uncle and mother for being late, hell, she didn't even know if they were already at the hospital or they kept on waiting on her arrival, which was worse for Elena.

"Are you having guests over?" JJ shouted out, Elena looked up and the figure of a woman playing soccer with Melissa, she didn't recognize her, she didn't know her at all. Shutting off the engine, both teenagers got off the bike and walked over to the entrance.

"Elena, you've made it thank god." Melissa ran over to her and hugged her tightly. "Hey JJ, thanks for bringing her."

"Not a problem, always a pleasure." JJ lowered his head a bit as a nod and looked over to Elena.

"Who's that Mel? Did Dad hire a nanny? I really hope not, cause, that would be." Elena chuckled nervously, but another voice interrupted her from continuing her speech.

"Not a nanny, she's my girlfriend." The masculine voice Elena heard, was the voice she had missed for a very long time since she moved.

"Uncle Eric." Elena smiled widely, her little sister unwrapped her arms around her letting the older sibling walk over to him and hug him.

"Mi niña, como te extrañé." Eric hugged Elena tightly, pressing his lips at the top of her head. "And who's this fine gentleman who brought you? You already found a boyfriend?" Elena choked on her saliva and coughed a few times.

"She wishes." Melissa answered with a chuckle. Elena turned her head quickly glancing at her with squinted eyes.

"Hi Sir, I'm JJ, I live next door." JJ said walking over and stretching his hand at him. "Sorry for bringing your niece this late, we had."

"A date. Yeah, Melissa told me you two had gone on a date last night." Eric interrupted but with the wrong information. Both teenagers quickly said no and sometimes stumbled with their own words.

"We're just friends." In unison, JJ and Elena looked at each other, their eyes drawn to another place when they met, the brunette could feel the heat in her cheeks and she knew her sister and uncle were both smiling.

"Alright, well, I gotta head out, return and see what will happen with John B." JJ said and walked back slowly, waving goodbye to everyone.

"Please let me know anything that's happening." Elena shouted in response, with thumbs up, JJ rode off back to John B's.

"Nadia, amor." Uncle Eric called out for the older woman, for a moment Elena had forgotten about her for a second, she had been so quiet that her presence had been invisible.

"Hi girls, your uncle has talked about you so much." Nadia's voice was sweet, it was so peaceful actually. "I want to apologize for coming unannounced, but he insisted I met you already."

"It's fine, Uncle Eric has always been like this, you can never get him to change his mind, it runs in the family too." Elena didn't know why she kept on talking like this, maybe she was too nervous about the previous encounter with JJ.

"Elena Rosalia Herrera Aarons." Everyone stood in their place, they all knew that the older sibling was getting into trouble.

"I'll go and talk to him." Elena grabbed her uncle's arm and pulled him back. She had to be the one to suffer the consequences, she imagined this would happen.

Elena walked into her home, her steps were slow, she even tried to be silent, she could hear the sound of dishes being cleaned, the water was running and the faint sound of music played. She questioned if her father was really angry, but she imagined he would be, she had arrived home late.

"I don't want you to hang out with John B and those guys again." Ernesto Herrera wasn't looking back at his daughter but he knew she was there. "I got a call from Dr. Cameron, he told me that John B hurt Ward badly, he's dangerous apparently."

Elena was confused, she knew that that was a lie. "What if it was self-defense? What if Ward tried to do something and John B reacted to that?" Her father closed the faucet and sighed deeply, he still hasn't turned around to look at her.

"I said I don't want you to hang out with them anymore, and that's final." Ernesto didn't say anything else and kept on going to clean the dishes. Elena just stood there, confused, what had Ward told everyone? What did he do to make John B "dangerous"?

Elena nodded her head a few times slowly, she hurried to her room and searched Kiara's number, she had to tell them about it. The call never entered and the messages continued to fail in sending, she had to blame the reception in this area, she could sneak out and run, but that would be terrible, she also had her family here, she had to stay, in any moment they would leave and visit Elena's mom, but she had to tell the group about what just happened.

"Elena, grab your stuff, we are leaving." Ernesto shouted out, maybe this is good, going to the Figure Eight side will help her, they had the reception she needed to alert Kie.

The car ride wasn't silent at all, Ernesto and Eric started chatting up, Nadia made conversation with Melissa while Elena, she just looked out the window, she didn't want to talk, she didn't know what to say to them if they asked questions about how her summer was going, the only thing she could say was fine, it was going fine, having fun.

Elena missed her mom, she really did, she just hated the hospital, she always had, she didn't like the smell of the place even, sometimes she would get nauseous of the alcoholic smell, she wished her mother would get better and get out of this hospital, go back home, return to them, return to the comfort of her bed, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon, or that is what she imagined the moment she saw her mother when they all have entered the room.

Veronica Herrera looked way too sick, she even looked weak, her tan skin was losing its color, thinner was something else Elena picked up, maybe her mother was going to die, after all, she looked too weak. Elena prepared herself mentally, that the day was going to come soon, that she didn't need to show weakness, maybe a little bit of cheering up would even help her mother's health.

"Eric, you came." Veronica's smile grew wide on her face, even her eyes lightened up.

"Surprise hermanita, of course, I was coming." Eric walked over to her, wrapping his arms gently over his sister's body. The image of them made Elena's heart warm-up, she imagined the happiness her mother was feeling, how happy even her uncle was but also how saw he could be by how sick she looked.

"Dr. Cameron, glad to see you here." Ernesto Herrera called out making Elena's attention. "How's she doing?" Dr. Cameron smiled at the family, he pressed the folder down on a coffee table.

"The news I have for you are fantastic, Veronica is doing better, her melanoma has been decreasing, which is fantastic news, we just want to keep her here another month, under a few more test and see her progress." Dr. Cameron explained that everyone in the room smiled, hugged Veronica and Elena was }sure she saw her father tear up.

"And how much money are we going to owe you?" Elena's voice and serious tone got everyone turning to look down on her. "I mean, you as a doctor you need your paycheck, and this has been going on for long months, for free? I imagine we're going on a debt with you."

Both parents called out to her, but it was Dr. Cameron who walked over to her and smiled, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth.

"There's no need for you to worry about that Miss Herrera, I bet your responsibilities and thoughts are way off and more focused on what's happening with your friends right now, especially John B. Am I wrong?"

"What's wrong with John B? Is he okay?" Veronica Herrera asked, Elena, saw how her facial expression changed into worry.

"He's fine mom, nothing bad is happening." Elena turned to look at her father, with the expression he was giving her, she knew what she had to do. "Apologies Dr. Cameron, I didn't mean to offend you." Dr. Cameron patted her shoulder and said it wasn't needed but he was thankful, Elena excused herself out of the room, her phone being pulled out from her back pocket, and quickly did what she had planned before coming.

She wasn't going to call Kie, that would be too risky, but a text message was enough, she had to tell them that John B is being looked at by the police and how Ward Cameron was behind everything to make him look crazy, dangerous and who knows what else to get him behind bars. Also adding to her text that she couldn't see them until further notice, or only meet up during nighttime, she wanted to see them, be there for them, but the situation she was in, was too delicate.

"What happened to John B?" Melissa's voice made her sister jump, she didn't even hear the door open, she had been too silent.

"I am going to get you a bell on a necklace." Elena took a deep breath, turning her heel to be facing her. "Nothing too big, but big enough for him to end up being in trouble."

"Why can't you tell me? I am your sister."

"Because of that, you're my sister and the fewer people know the better, the chances of getting into trouble will be minimum. I just gotta tell you that, be careful around the Cameron's right now." Elena pulled her sister into her arms, caressing her hair. "We are going to get out of this, I promise."

"Well, now you are scaring me." Melissa pushed herself out of the embrace and looked back at the door. "Are you going to be safe?" Elena tilted her head at the type of question she just said. "Tonight, when you leave, are you going to be safe?"

"I am not leaving tonight Mel, I am staying, I gotta socialize, I can't make it clear that I just decided to run away after dad told me to not hang out with the guys, that would be very suspicious. And you can even get into trouble." Elena explained to her little sister why it was dangerous and how things for them were going to change after this.

Family time wasn't like how Elena imagined but it was better than what she expected, the hospital room was filled with joy, Uncle Eric knew how to crack jokes, Melissa had brought with her a stack of cards for everyone to play, Veronica and Nadia had chats about their lives, Ernesto had to make sure his wife was happy and had everything she wanted, and lastly, Elena, who really wanted some alone time with her mother, but she just couldn't find the right time to ask for it.

Nighttime creeped up on them, Eric and Nadia took a cab to go back towards the hotel they were staying, Melissa found herself a nice position on the couch for her to sleep and Ernesto took a moment to walk out and head towards the cafeteria, it seemed like the universe was on Elena's side right now, and she was going to take the opportunity.

"Elena, what's wrong with John B? Is he okay?" That was the conversation they were gonna have now. Elena shook her head in response to her, a gentle sigh followed Veronica. "Is there anything we can do to help him?"

"I don't think so mom, but, it seems like we know what happened to Big John, do you remember him?"

"Of course I do, he was a very nice man, your father had come close to him. What happened?" Elena sat down next to her mother, her brown eyes tearing up a bit.

"He was killed by Ward Cameron mom. John B found out about it today, and the police is looking for him, something bad is happening and I don't know how to help him." Elena wasn't going to lie and say she wasn't scared. She was terrified.

"But why is the police after John B instead of Ward. That doesn't make sense." Veronica shifted in her bed trying to make herself comfortable and pay more attention to Elena.

"That's what we are trying to figure out, but I have a feeling Ward is up to something and Dad ordered me to stay away from John B and the rest of my friends because of it, and I can't do that mom, not right now when John B needs me, needs us." Elena's voice broke a few times, but she had to control herself, she didn't want her father to walk in and see her in that state.

Veronica pulled her daughter into her arms. "He's going to be okay Elena, he's a smart boy, he knows what to do. Besides, he's got the most amazing group of friends by his side." Elena and Veronica looked at each other, a smile forming on both women as their hug tightened gently.

"I love you mom, and I've missed you so much." Elena whispered against her mother's shoulder, her brown eyes closed as she took in a deep breath. Even though the hospital was a strong scent on her clothing, Elena could pick up the lavender perfume on her skin, a perfume she had bought her for her birthday last year, a perfume she loved with all of her heart.

"I love you too my princesa, always and forever." Veronica answered back, resting her chin in Elena's head. "I'll be back soon, you won't even notice it."

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