Garden Lodge

Freddie had finally come back from the Jazz tour to his family, and as he was getting settled back home he was starting to plan what to do with the new house. Already he had his mind made up for the garden, which he decided would take up a Japanese theme. As for the interiors, he'd visualised some of the rooms and what he wanted regarding wallpaper, paint and tiles etc and where he wanted to put his beloved collections. As for Monica, he thought it was best to leave the rest up to discussion with her even though she chose to remain open minded. She had two babies to prioritise first, and wasn't confident in her own visual tastes as of yet.

He stretched under the duvet, and rolled over, but his arms didn't feel his lover's warm body under the sheets.

She mustn't have been up long though, for her side of the bed was still warm.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up to pull his underpants on, wondering what the first thing it was he should do and knowing he should probably go downstairs and see. He and Monica were going to check out the new Georgian mansion before lunch, so he probably still had a few options.

He grabbed his bed robe and instinctively walked into the first room he passed, their nursery.

He tiptoed in, the Peter Rabbit themed curtains pulled over the window, careful not to wake either of the twins. He peered into their cots, admiring their peaceful, dreaming faces.

Freddie could not believe that their first birthday was coming within a week. Almost every day since he had come home from tour they had a new development. Thankfully they both had a settled sleep pattern by now, but that still didn't outrule the havoc both caused by day.

He smiled to himself softly, and treaded back out the door heading down the stairs to join the girl he loved.

"Monica?" He called out gently, peeping his head into each room.

He doubted she was in the kitchen for he couldn't smell food, but he found that the hallway felt draughty.

His hands grazed Goliath's head as he sat in the kitchen entrance happily cleaning his paws before the man followed the cold breeze to the open double doors.

There she was, sitting on the small bench with a cup of tea on her lap.

"I thought I'd find you out here." He quipped, leaning up against the doorway.

"Oh! Hello." She jumped a little.

He giggled, and approached, "What are you doing?"

She shrugged, setting her teacup down on the patio tile next to her, "I don't know, just thinking about the changes since I first arrived here."

"You will miss all this, won't you? Because I know I will." He sat down beside her and took her hand.

"I will, and I'm sure our new home will be just as lovely," She smiled a bit. "But... the memories made here."

"I know, but don't you see? We have a chance to make so many more, just wait until we visit our new Home today!" He whispered, pulling her into his arms.

She laid her head on his shoulder, smiling as she glanced at the engagement ring on her hand which reminded her of so much ahead. A wedding to plan, employment, the new home...

"Do you think it's too soon?" She finally asked.

"Too soon for what?" He murmured into her neck.

"The house, Freddie." she lifted her head.

"Well, it's not ready to be lived in yet." He kissed her cheek.

"Yes, but... you're demanding and doing so much to it already. I know what you're like!" She retracted from him. "You're adding more to the mortgage all the time, are you absolutely sure-"

"Listen, Monica. Just wait until you see it so far. It's only a few touch ups to restore it to its former glory only with my take on the interior design, I promise." He sat her down on the bench.

"Okay... but, how long is it going to take before we can settle down there?"

"That all depends on how much time the builders and contractors need," he lifted her chin. "I was hoping it would be ready by the time their first birthday rolled around, but I suppose some beautiful things need time to cook."

"Speaking of their first birthday, what are we going to do to celebrate?" She anxiously looked up at their bedroom window.

"Well, I have had their presents sorted long ago, but you know that. And I suppose we can string a few friends and family and have a lovely little get-together somewhere. I'll pay for your parent's air fare-"

"No, Freddie. Seeing as they're my mum and dad I will dip into my account," she sat up. "I was saving up for childcare when I started working at the cafe again but-"

"Love, let me handle all this. You have nothing to worry about," he took her hand. "I make more and more money every day... more and more fans are knocking on my front door since that German magazine published our address... the bastards," he rolled his eyes and continued, "but that's not the point, I'm getting bigger and bigger every day. Don't you see? I'll be fine... we will be fine."

"I know you're one of the biggest rockstars on the planet but I don't want you getting bankrupt and regretting anything, Freddie." She sighed. "I feel guilty when you pay for everything."

"Monica, look at me... I am sufficiently earning enough money to do us all until we die... and beyond." He firmly told her.

"You say that now... but I fear that will change." She smiled a bit.

"I have Mary to keep my money on the straight and narrow," he winked, standing up and shaking his bed robe off his shoulders. "Besides, the world all wants a little bit of-"

"Freddie, don't!" She laughed and sprang up to pull it closed again before it revealed too much. "Someone in one of those houses will see you!"

"You're very lucky to be the only person in the world who gets the private VIP show, my dear," He sat back down and pulled her onto his lap, and her cheeks flushed at the images his words conjured up. "But then again you're just a very beautiful girl and that's why I'm willing to do it for free."

She giggled as he buried his face into her cleavage, "You bad boy, you!"

"So, would you like one now?" He smirked.

"A what?" she slung her arms around him.

The man simply looked back up at her, holding back a devilish grin.

"Well, the back garden, in broad daylight, is absolutely no place for-"

He silenced her with a kiss as his hands steadily slipped under her gown and to her thighs.

"Freddie!!" She gasped.

"Shush!" He giggled, one of his large hands squeezing her bottom.

"Naughty!" She yelped, and he pulled himself up off the bench with her.

He laughed, and she shook her head and ran back into the house.

"Hey!" He chased her.

"No!" She made it for a stairwell.

He tried to poke his arms through the rails to grab her ankles, but failed as she darted straight to the twins' nursery.

"MONICAAA!!" He yelled after her.

"You'll wake the babies!" She hissed, bringing her finger to her lips.

"Alright, sorry!" He grumbled and stomped up the stairs. He sometimes missed it when it was just Monica and himself in his flat to themselves, but he loved this life even better with the two of them now in the world.

She quietly turned the doorknob and whispered, "What time do you want to leave?"

"The construction company says we normally have until 5pm." He replied, and she nodded and pushed the door open.

He smiled and followed her in, and she drew their curtains open before opening the window slightly in the hope it would gently wake them up.

"Did you pump milk for Roshni last night?" Freddie asked quietly, folding a blanket on the chair.

"I did," she sighed and reached down to softly rub her daughter's head. "Thank goodness one of them was ready to move off of me."

He giggled, "Can't say I blame Johnny for still wanting it from his mother's-"

"Would you stop?!" Monica gritted her teeth, thinking back to how painful nursing more than one baby was.

"I know, I know. I shouldn't be mocking breastfeeding." The man rolled his eyes as he watched his son stir underneath his soother.

"Are you saying our Johnny is a mummy's boy?" She joked as Roshni rubbed her eyes with her small fists.

"Oh stop!" He scoffed.

"Oh, are you jealous of him?!" She teased.

"Come on Roshni, your mummy has a new man in her life..." Freddie snarled melodramatically, reaching in and picking his daughter up.

Monica giggled with satisfaction as he walked out the door as her daughter babbled over his shoulder with a toothy smile, the day only beginning.

"That got rid of him, now we have some time to ourselves" she cooed and reached into Johnny's cot.

The boy giggled as he made grabby hands towards her, grabbing her falling hair as she affectionately nuzzled him.

Meanwhile downstairs, Freddie opened the fridge with his daughter on his hip, and he heard the front door open.

"Morning Phoebe!" He called.

"Morning, boss," the man rushed in, shoving his keys into his pocket before setting a bag of groceries onto the counter. "Sorry, I wanted to get here before you were awake but there was an accident on the A315."

"Don't worry yourself, dear. Just sit down and have a cup of tea." Freddie reached up and grabbed her milk bottle on the top of the door.

"Oh tea? No no, no thank you but I'm... I'm trying to lower my fat and sugar intake." Phoebe's hands grabbed the body rolls under his plaid shirt.

"Why don't you... why don't you sign up for gym membership? Or a personal trainer, I mean you don't want to exert yourself in front of fit people, now do you? I can understand how intimidating it is." He suggested softly as Roshni's small hand tried to grab the bottle.

He often tried not to comment on his assistant's weight, for Monica didn't like when he gave anybody 'fatty jibes', behind their back or to their face.

"Well, I... I don't know if I'd have the time. Anyway, I am surprised you find it imitating because you're used to prancing around the stage on tour, aren't you?" The man stammered awkwardly, putting items in the cupboard.

"A little. I've been using a small pair of weights to pump up my biceps a little recently, as you can probably see. But Phoebe, I mean, are you even getting any?" Freddie adjusted his baby girl in his arms so that he was cradling her.

"Getting any what?!" Phoebe widened his eyes.

"Sex! You know, these days they're saying that it burns off a lot and substitutes as good exercise... I read it in one of Monica's old lifestyle magazines." He pulled a chair out with one finger, his hands too full with the baby, then gently sat himself down.

"Well, I don't uhmmm-do you really think it's appropriate to talk like that in front of your daughter?" Phoebe laughed uneasily as his cheeks flushed pink.

"I suppose you're right, my bad." He murmured, aiming the teat at his Roshni's small lips, and her hands grabbed hold of the bottle.

"So, what's on the agenda today? Folding the laundry, then the new house?" Phoebe stood up and headed for the utility room.

"Yes yes, work away. Up we go, little one!" Freddie sang and waved him off before getting up and leaving the room as Roshni continued to gulp.

"Bubbah!" She called out as he made his way up the steps.

"Mummy's giving your bubbah his breakfast right now." he propped her up a little and kissed both her cheeks as he strolled into their bedroom.

"She certainly is. Did Phoebe arrive?" Monica lifted her head from her feeding son in her arms as Freddie settled himself down beside her on their bed.

"Play!" Roshni squealed, lunging at her brother.

"Not after your burps" Her father shushed her and bounced her on his lap a little. As adorable as he found her she was being restless and disruptive; that was the signal for when the mischief started for the rest of the day.

"You've got the easy job, you know!" Monica gasped, for once again Johnny dug his teeth in too much.

Freddie was about to argue back as Roshni stood up and grabbed her father's face in her small hands, the feel of his stubbly, scratchy cheeks on her palms, his upper lip the most unshaven part.

"What are you doing, sweetie?" Her mother asked.

She gestured her face, smearing her hand over her mouth.

"Oh! You're right. Daddy does need a shave." Monica laughed, and Freddie grumbled and untied his bedrobe as she continued, "Unless he has some wild idea he's not telling us about."

It was true indeed. She'd walk past him in the bathroom each morning and notice that he would deliberately glide his razor away from his upper lip. She didn't question him on it at first, but the more she paid attention on the thought she felt she had to bring it up.

"Maybe I've been far too lazy these days" he changed the subject and closed his eyes in bliss as his hand raked through Roshni's tousled black hair, and the infant laid herself down on her father's bare chest.

"Time to finish up," Monica announced in a sing song voice as she pulled her son off of her gently. "We have an exciting day ahead."

He crawled over to his dad and joined his sister as their mother buttoned her nightgown back up.

"My beautiful babies... stop growing up so bloody fast," Freddie cuddled them closer. "Lose anymore of your cuteness and your mother and I might just have to discuss leaving you both behind when we move."

"Fred, don't joke about such things regarding your own flesh and blood!" Monica scolded, picking an elastic band up off the bedside table and pulling her brown locks away from her face.

"Don't do that, leave it down." Freddie pleaded gently.

"Stop threatening your eleven month old children and maybe I will. " She argued back with a wink.

"They don't know what I mean yet." He argued.

"Still, I don't like hearing it." She tied her hair back.

"Get over here then!" He grinned and grabbed her forearm, jerking her closer to their little family.

She leaned down and kissed his lips, unable to resist the adorable sight of her family close together, and his infectious smile that went with it.


Logan Place

"We're there now... take this corner on your left." Freddie murmured, looking out the car window in the passenger seat.

Monica nodded, and before she turned she briefly glanced at the tall brick wall with the branches of a tall green cherry tree skimming at the top of it.

"You two excited, hmm?" Phoebe sat in between the twins in the backseat as they looked out the window at the world passing by in the short journey around southern Kensington.

"Pull up behind that white van. That'll be the builders." Freddie pointed to the vehicle on the pavement.

The girl nodded and gently pulled up on the kerb, trying not to get distracted by the surroundings that she knew one day soon was to be her new home.

"I'll show you through the back entrance." He unbuckled his seatbelt as she switched the engine off.

She took a moment to look at the tall brick wall taking up a majority of the street in front of her, ignoring the workman who was pasting lettering onto the bottle green door with some sort of adhesive. Her eyes roved up to the brick building and noises of machinery being obstructed behind it, a large circular window frame.

"My my, Fred... how did you afford this..." she thought.

"See that? That's going to be our master bedroom." Freddie took her hand, interrupting her thoughts.

"Oh! Who-The babies?" She was startled.

"I've got them." Phoebe was strapping their safety harnesses onto them one by one. They'd learned to stand up rather quickly, but they could begin to walk at any moment and mum and dad didn't want to chance them getting lost.

"Good, don't let them get away until we get inside the house." Freddie ordered.

"I'll carry them, Phoebe. It'll be easier for you. Where are we going?" Monica asked, picking them both up.

"The back entrance." Freddie answered, and the group continued walking around the corner into an alley.

"This building doesn't look like the brochure." Monica looked at the door they were approaching.

"No no, this is part of the mews. You will be sharing this private entrance with another property owner." Phoebe explained to her as Freddie got the keys out.

He unlocked it, and with anticipation Monica followed behind.

"We'll need to get helmets." Phoebe picked the yellow plastic headgear laying about up off the ground and put one on Monica's head gently.

She giggled when she saw Fred place it on his head, for today he was wearing his plaid shirt with suspenders and it completed the outfit perfectly.

"He looks rather like a builder, doesn't he?" Monica whispered to his assistant, and the man held back his own laughs.

"What are you two snickering about?" Freddie turned to face them, and they simply shook their heads.

He shrugged and pushed another door open, and they emerged into a walled, slightly overgrown garden. There were wheelbarrows, bags of cement and bricks scattered everywhere, and the lawn needed a good mow.

"I plan to make a gravelled path leading up to that front gate, and skimming the edge of the house. Oh, and a pond in that right corner there..." Freddie pointed across the side to the front of the building where there was the gate Monica had seen outside not a minute before.

She looked up at the large building in front of her, "Look, you two. This is our new house!"

They were more interested in the workmen walking in and out wearing warning jackets, which made her giggle.

"There's a backdoor to the kitchen." Freddie lead the group down the back side of the house and to door which already had a new cat flap installed on it.

They walked in and looked around, builders passing by with planks of wood or tile cutters. The floor was dusty concrete, the walls stripped of paper and not yet plastered, electrical wires hanging out.

"This space was the old staff quarter but it'll be our pantry, utility room and kitchen. It'll have an island worktop and chequered floor," The man directed them through the dusty bare rooms. "And in here will be our new dining room all on its own."

"Splendid!" Monica looked out the elegant, newly fixed double doors.

"Oh! And the best part is in here!" Freddie lead them through another doorway into a large lounging space with newly varnished pillars in the centre of the floor, light spilling into the room through the tall wide windows.

"This is where he will be putting his piano." Phoebe smiled as Monica set them both down.

"You'll have a wonderful view of the garden here." She went up to the window and looked out across the outdoor space.

"Watch that they don't step on something sharp or go up those steps!" Freddie called as the infants crawled towards the staircase leading to the unfinished minstrel gallery.

"Aww, now look! You've both got sawdust on your hands and knees" Monica grabbed the squealing infants in time and held them, and Phoebe helped brush the dirt off.

"Wait until you see upstairs" Freddie lead them out again and to the light hallway with a large wooden staircase.

"So where is your giant deluxe bedchamber going to be?" Monica joked as the stopped at the top step.

"Wait until you see," he lead her up one or two steps on their left into a spacious area. "Here will be our dome shaped walk-in wardrobe... then beyond it there's going to be a shower en suite on one side and a giant jacuzzi bath on the other."

"So you are going ahead with it after all." She giggled.

He nodded, "And up here is the space for our love nest."

"Oh, stop!" Monica followed him past towards glass doors leading out to a balcony.

He giggled, "Wonderful, isn't it?"

"Now you all have the space you need." Phoebe smiled.

"Why don't we check out were the other bedrooms will be?" Monica asked.

"There's a bathroom in between two of them. That means they will have their own to share." Freddie explained.

"You really have thought this through." She looked around her as the walked, and although the interiors were nowhere near done, and although the overall interior design was far from being planned she could see her new homely space in her mind.

"Well, we mustn't keep these boys waiting," he clapped his hands together and acknowledged the passing workmen. "Keep doing what you're doing."

"These two are getting a little sleepy, we should head back home and put them down." Monica looked at the infants in her arms who were becoming more limp and heavy as their eyes started to droop.

"Perhaps you're right, your arms must be getting sore love. I'll take it from here." He reached his arms out.

"Would you like me to sit in the front on the way home this time?" Phoebe offered as Monica handed them over to their father.

"Old house, you mean." Freddie winked as he propped them up in his strong arms.

"I don't mind, as long as you're happy to." Monica took her helmet off and giggled.

"It just means daddy gets some quality time in the backseat with these two." The man kissed their heads as they yawned, and they all made their back down the elegant wide stairwell.

"Why don't you go out the front gate? I have the lettering ready for you now." A builder suggested as he appeared in the hallway through the front door, and it was the same man Monica has seen outside the wall not long ago.

"Absolutely! Shall we go, dears?" Freddie said, and now she was curious to see what the words spelled out.

He lead them down the makeshift pathway up to the front gate, and Monica gave the brick building with its long green grass and tall windows one last look before she went through it, "Until next time, house."

The group stood back, and the builder shut the door after them to reveal their home's new title in capslock:


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