Poise and Grace
Daisy Aurora Summers
21th of June
Anya Miheeva
The light kingdom
Daisy is a friendly soul. She is a very kind, greeting people with a smile and. Daisy tries to see the positive in everything, having a spirit that no one can bring down. She's someone who will always try to help you when you are in need. She's a girl who loves to smile and will always try to make those she cares about smile and be happy. Daisy is also known for being a little....well dim witted. No, she isn't dumb, well not the dumbest. She just isn't the most clever, and somethings just don't stick. She just.....is a little unknowing. Like she isn't stupid, she picks things up very quickly, but she just doesn't know a lot about the world. This makes her look dumb very often. She sucks at things like algebra but she does have her smart moment. Like when she does something she loves, she will suddenly be a lot smarter, or she comes up with a plan no one had thought of. It does not happen very often and she is teased a lot about it. She laughs those moments away but they hurt her. She is secretly deeply insecure. Not only about her stupidity, but also about her looks. Daisy is not only a little dim witted, she's also very naive. She easily falls for the words of pretty boys and this has broken her heart more than once. She believes things easily and will not doubt your words. She's really naive, she won't question you and falls for almost everything. She wears her heart on her sleeves and her heart has been broken more times than I can count. She still tries to see the best in everyone and no matter how hard her friends try to keep her protected ,she won't listen and keep falling for those fûck boys. These boys who broke her heart over and over again, until there was nothing left but broken glass. Their words broke her down, hurt her and humiliated her until she couldn't see her own beauty and worth anymore.
Daisy is thrilled about the peace treaty. She is a girl who longs for peace and happiness in both the kingdoms. Her mother is the head medic of the light kingdom and because of this she has seen all the pain war brings. She hates all the blood and death that comes with war, so she's thrilled about the peace treaty. Not even one part of her doubts the true intentions of the two queens, and she believes that everything will work out from now on. I told she she was naive, didn't I?
Daisy was born to the head medic of the light kingdom and her husband. Her family was the best family one could wish for. Both her father and mother were thrilled to welcome their baby girl in the world. It was a beautiful summer day, the peace only disturbed by the quiet crying from a baby. Daisy Aurora Summers was born on the first day of the Summer. She came in the world surrounded by love. The first 3 years of her life were perfect. Both her parents loved her very very much. Unfortunately their luck ended when her father died, he was stuck death in a battle with the dark kingdom. He had been a soldier, and though he was mourned, his death didn't come as a surprise. Her mother remarried only 4 months later. She wanted her daughter to grow up with a father, though she couldn't have chosen a worse man to marry. Daisy's step father was an abusive man. He liked to torture little Daisy. He had never liked the little girl, seeing her as an ungrateful brat. If she hadn't been there, he would have had the head medic all for himself. He would hit her, pull her hair, scowl her and push her when her mother wasn't around. Daisy spend many nights crying quietly to herself, unable to go to her mother. Daisy went to her mother many times, but the other woman wouldn't do a thing. Not because she didn't believe Daisy, but because she too was being abused. The man, a powerful noble, threatened to ruin both of them. Things became worse when she turned 12. He was still pushing her around, treating her like a servant and a punch bag rather than a daughter, until he didn't. One day he stopped. He started to be nice, too nice. At night he would leave her mother's bed and go to hers. He would sexually abuse her, she didn't think anything strange of it. He told her that this was what fathers did to their daughters, that it was normal and that she should be grateful. This went on for years, until one night he took it to far. She went to her mother crying, and everything went down. He stormed in, fuming with rage. He hit her so hard she saw stars and she passed out. After that he would no longer be gentle, he would pull her hair and make her scream while he had his way with her. This went on for many more years, until she was 18, betrothed to a man much like her stepfather. She had thought he would be the one to save her from her cruel father, only for him to laugh and sit in the room, watching how her stepfather took her. No matter how hard she screamed it begged, he wouldn't help her. Instead he would call her names, shame her and humiliate her. Sometimes he would even join, whispering in her ear how useless she was. That she was only good for one thing, to be used like the whore she was. She spend every night crying after they left, every time another piece of her heart dying. It was at this time she met her love, a poor boy, to so she thought, who made her heart rac and her cheeks colour. It was him who she loved. She fell fast and deep. On the day of her wedding she begged him to take her away. He didn't hesitate, stealing her away on her wedding night and taking her in. Taking her with him to his crew of pirates. There she started to heal, slowly but surely. A year after she ran into her mother again. The woman was crying of happiness to see her missing daughter again. Begging her to come back how, whispering of how her stepfather, the monster, had disappeared and how much she missed her. Daisy agreed for she could not bare to see her mother in pain. Though she would occasionally join her lover and the crew on sea.
—She is the lover of hot n spicy cheeto. She ran away from her wedding for him. She loves him from the bottom of her heart, he is her everything. Her rock and her home. He is the only one who can make her feel safe and whenever the horrors of her past catch up with her, she comes to him.
—Her stepfather would often use her himself, but he would also let his friends use her. She doesn't remember those nights clearly though. He would often drug her as she would try fight them of if she had been sober.
—Her mother did know that her husband abused her daughter, but she didn't know about the sexual abuse. Daisy never told her, she feared that her would think of her as a whóre and a slut.
—She is extremely fearful of men. Because of her traumatic experience with her stepfather. She is extremely skittish around men. She had ptsd and tends to freeze whenever men are being too loud or yell, doesn't matter if its at her. She also can't stand people touching her without her permission. She tears up when she hear certain sounds and will throw up if someone, besides hot n spicy Cheeto and her mother, touches her during her episodes
—She loves to help people. She is a skilled medic, though she sometimes doubts her own skills and often helps others out.
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