Slur-r-r the Slut-t-t


That red, sticky liquid that you never hope to see flowing out of your friend's body.


The feeling you get when you're terrified, or seem something that makes you feel sick.


It tears your heart when you lose something or someone you care about so much.

That's how thirteen teenage girls were feeling. Two dull, lifeless eyes stared up at them. Blood was clinging to their clothes, their horror grew, and grief was tearing their hearts.

After running back to the house where the party was held, Viola, Sonata, Sunset, and Twilight had gone to find the other girls before going to see what had happened. In the room where Lilac had been in a fight with A lay a dead body. Lilac's dead body.

None of them cried.

After seeing so many of their friends killed, it was never a surprise to see a dead body laying in front of them. They were slowly locking out their emotions, and becoming heartless. It seemed to be the only way to keep them safe. They didn't want or need any more grief in their lives.

For a few minutes, they all just sat quietly around Lilac.

The only noise was their phones.

Thought Sunset would be happy. The girl who killed her sister is dead. More people just keep showing up to help you. It just means that I get to kill more people. -A

Rarity gently touched her head. "I- I think I remember something." She read the text again. "When I was with H, A and I were having affairs."

Sunny gave her a death glare. "Um, did you forget that you're bi? And that I'm your girlfriend?"

"I forgot a lot of things while I was down there, Sunny," Rarity said. "When you're with someone who's killing you friends, it's hard to be hopeful that everything will be the same. I never knew if the day I woke up would be the day I died." She hugged herself. "Finally, it got to the point where I wished she would kill me. I hated seeing you hurt. My life was just...I hated it."

"Rarity," Fluttershy said, taking Rarity's hand. "We may want these threats to stop, but we would be so hurt if you were killed. We'd be depressed."

Mera nodded. "She's right. I know how it feels to lose someone this way."

Sunset stared down at Lilac. "Are you sure that she's still alive?"

River had glued her eyes on a pool of blood. She looked away for a minute to speak. "Considering she's immortal, I would probably say yes. Unless someone else found her already, and killed her."

They fell into another chilly silence.

Indigo finally spoke up. "You know this is now a crime scene. We should get out of here before the police decide to start questioning all of us. I don't think any of us in here need another run in with the cops."

Vi opened a window. "It's only, like, thirty feet."

Sunset glanced down at her boots. I hope Twilight got back to the port-.

"Hey girls!" Twilight's voice called.

-al. Sunset looked back up at the princess. You're joking.

- - -

"Great." Sunset hissed under her breath. She stared in her mirror. Her hair was wild, and she had ripped her skirt. "Okay, I'm never jumping out of a window again."

She ran a brush through her hair, and put on a pink tank top and white jeans.

Her expression and her feelings contradicted each other. She looked defiant, but inside, she just wanted to end her 'strong' façade, and break down.

But if she showed her true feelings, she knew her friends would be disappointed.

This is worse than after the formal.

Sunset stared around her hotel room. I hate this. She walked in the bathroom, and rubbed a cold, wet wash cloth over her face, hoping that it would clear her mind. But all it did was smudge her makeup.


She put some makeup remover on a cotton ball, and cleaned off her face.

After a minute of standing, she walked over and fell face first on the bed.

There was a slow, hesitant knock on the door.

Sunset sighed and heaved herself up again. She opened the door, and didn't even look at the person. "If you came to ask me questions about my life, you can leave. Please."

"I know everything about your life, Sunset Shimmer. Everything. I didn't come to ask you a question. The only thing I'm here for is a kiss," the girl said. "Is that too much to ask from my old girlfriend?"

She looked up. Her jaw dropped to the floor. "You- you're dead."

The girl slowly pulled her hair over her shoulder. "If I was dead, would I be standing here in front of you?"

Sunset stared at her ex-girlfriend. She's She knew she was, because the girl was standing right there. If was hard to believe, but she forced herself to understand. Sunset lifted her chin. "Henna."

Henna smirked. "Hello. Are you ready to hear my story?"

- - -

Mera, River, and Sunset all sat across from Henna. They stared at her, waiting for her to speak.

Henna sighed. "Yes, I was honest when I said that we came to help. Twilight told me that something was wrong with you. She couldn't come here, being a princess. But I did lie when I said I loved you, Sunset. You were a great friend. Truth be told, I have a boyfriend." She shook her head. "Not the point. Anyway, your friend Applejack asked me to join her. I honestly don't remember anything after that. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a coffin."

Mera closed her eyes. "But why did you tell me to pretend that I was mute?"

"I don't know."

"Did you even care about your friends? The people who you were hurting?" River demanded.

Henna nodded. "Of course I did." She looked at Sunset. "Please say something."

Sunset didn't look at her. "I may forgive you, but I'll never be able to trust you again. You made my life so great when we were dating. And that whole time, you were just thinking of ways to kill me and my friends." She finally raised her face. "I think you should leave."

"Me too," she whispered.

River and Mera walked to the door with her.

Henna looked back. "Dawn loved you. I'm glad she decided to come see you before she died."

Sunset shook her head. "She would be alive if she hadn't."

"A really is a guy," she said. She set a piece of paper on the floor. "I hope it's helps you find him."

- - -

Fluttershy stood in Discord's living room.

"Thank you for coming," he said.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" Fluttershy hissed. She glared at him. "I told you that I never wanted to see you away from school again."

Discord smiled. "I know what I did to you. I've tried to say sorry, but you never let me talk."

She scoffed. "What you did? You mean like, leaving when i told you that you got my pregnant? Or did you enjoy that moment of power?" Her blue eyes were sharp. "I'm not some girl that you can get pregnant, then ditch."

"I didn't plan to get you pregnant."

"Then what did you want? The title slut doesn't hang over my head."

Discord pulled her to his chest, and wrapped his arm around her waist. He planted a kiss on her cheek.

Fluttershy tensed up for a second, but relaxed. She rested her forehead on his shoulder. "I love you. But next time, remember to stay with me."

- - -

Vi closed her closet door. "I didn't tell them about her. That would make things harder for us to find A."

Josi sighed. "They really need to know, I mean, they already thought I was helping A. If we lose their trust, there would be no way to help them."

"And Blair?"

"Not even she knows."

Vi held back a scream of frustration. "Fine. There is one other person who can help us."


She tossed Josi a blue wig. "I think it's time."

Josi looked down at her feet. "Are you sure? I don't think she should have to go through that again. Wouldn't that be too much to ask from her?"

Viola smirked. "She would do anyhing to keep them safe. It's time for Evie to return."

- - -

Sonata glared at the street. She pushed her foot down on the pedal. "I can't believe you would do this." She was talking to a drunk Rainbow Dash. "I was worried sick."

When she got back to the apartment she shared with the other Dazzlings, she helped Rainbow to her bed.

Rainbow hiccupped. "Youuzzz cam for mi!"

"Dear Celestia, you are so drunk! Why would you do that?"

"I has somefing to tell you!"

Adagio walked in the room. She was rubbing her eyes. "I was sleeping. What happened?"

Sonata sighed. "Rainbow decided to stay at a bar for five hours and get drunk off of what ever crap she was drinking."

Rainbow caressed Sonata's cheek. "I love y-"

"That's enough!" Adagio said quickly. "Why don't you get some sleep. I'll watch her until she goes to sleep."

"Thanks Dagi," Sonata whispered.

Once Sonata was gone, Adagio pushed Rainbow on her back. "I know why you did this. You don't need to be drunk to get her attention. Just be yourself, Dash. Sonata really does love you, even if it's not in the way you want."

Rainbow sighed.

"And you are going to have such a bad hangover tomorrow. But I'll make some coffee." Adagio kept talking, even though she knew Rainbow was asleep. "I meant it when I. Said that I would be happy if you and Sonata one day started dating. But if you're like this, there's no way I'll let you on her life."

Adagio smiled.

- - -

"Drug her?" Indigo gasped over the phone. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Sunny said.

Indigo sighed. "You've never been wrong with your theories. Well, about drugs at least. But why would you think someone drugged Lem?"

Sunny smiled. "You really don't watch the news do you? She comitted suicide. Only Sugarcoat and Aria were murdered."


"I'll call you back. Sour Sweet's here."

"Okay, bye."

Sunny sat her phone down, and plugged in her charger. "If she really did kill herself, there was a reason for it. Something she didn't tell us." She wracked her brain. "Um...I don't know. Do you have an idea?"

Sour Sweet shook her keys. "Yes. It's time to break into a few records."

They drove to Lem's former therapist's office.

"It's open," Sour Sweet said. "But how do we get in?"

"You pretend nto be a patient. I'll say I drove you, and while you're in your 'appointment', I sneak to the record room, and find hers," Sunny answered.

They started to walk in. Sour Sweet grabbed Sunny's arm, and pulled her back.

"What the he-"

Sour Sweet shook her head. She mouthed the words, 'look who's in there'.

Sunny gave her an annoyed glare, then looked in the waiting room. Her eyes went small. Oh.

Dean Cadence was sitting there, talking to a doctor.

The two Shadowbolts walked back to the car.

"We can come back," Sour Sweet said. "When she isn't here."

Both of their phones went off. They flinched before looking at the text.

- - -

Fluttershy held her door open. "Let me guess. You all got that text?"

Rarity nodded. "The one about a drunk Dash, and the one from A. I don't know which one you were referring to."

Henna stared uncomfortably at all of the other girls. "It's the A message. Even I got it." She didn't face any of them. "It's probably because I dropped off their team. I left him."

Blair gently toutched her right leg. "I'm going to kill you, and kill you again. -A." She sighed. "I loved that book. And the character who said that quote."

"What book?" Josi asked.

"I-" Blair dropped her gaze. "I don't know. I can't remember. That just sounds...familiar."

Vi smiled. "I just noticed something. Sunset isn't here. Where is she? Is she okay?"

Indigo glanced at her. "We sent her the message to meet here, but she never answered. With a murderer on the lose, I think it would be wise to go see if she's alright."

It only took them a few minutes to get to Sunset's hotel. She had given Twilight one of her room keys.

Twilight slid the card in the lock.

The door clicked, and they pushed it open.

Blood. That was the first thing they saw and smelled.

"" Henna whispered. She bolted into the room. After a minute, her shriek rent the air. "Oh crap!"

The other girls forced them selves to walk in. They all knew what they would see.

Sure enough, Sunset's dead, bloody body was laying on the bed. A ragged slit was cut on her throat. The paper Henna had given her was in her hand.

Vi put her fingers on Sunset's wrist. "She has no pulse. She's dead."

I only have four words about PLL from last night.
Okay, that was five, but whatever.

So, do you think Henna was lying?
Is Evie really coming back?

Welp *pops the p* goodbye everybody!

-Sara (I swear!)

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