Three months have passed since Master Mario and Princess Bowsette had started their truce. This one had evolved into an unexpected friendship to all of us. I was forced to admit that things have been positive for both parties.
As promised during that time, Mario resided in Bowsette's castle. And they enjoyed each other's company. Not romantically of course, but it was as if they were siblings that decided to catch up on the lost time from being separated for years. Truth be told, I started to see the possible peace that could last between the two kingdoms.
Mario and Bowsette exercised in many fun activities; kart racing, tennis, soccer, baseball and others. The Koopas and along with Luigi when invited, participated in those fun games; enjoyment was rewarded to all, even if sometimes the games went out of control. I still did not understand how the Mario brothers, the Koopas and Bowsette could race on a volcanic zone without one single casualty.
Mario often visited home along with Bowsette. Her presence was still ill-welcomed in our kingdom, even when at Mario's side, but she did not care. She had fun with Mario, and this one with her. Mario had bragged about Luigi's cooking skills surpassing his, but the Koopa princess could not believe it. She was convinced when the three of them had dinner at the brothers's place. And frankly, it was not the last. Luigi, too, had been a witness of Bowsette's change of behavior. And he had acknowledged her efforts for a better path.
While her presence in Mushroom Kingdom was still uneasy for many, Mario's presence became more welcomed in her dominion. While Princess Bowsette was still strict with her soldiers, the Koopas noticed a more admirable side of her. Some would say that she had become kinder thanks to Mario's presence. They felt more at ease and relieved that they did not always have to battle the Mario brothers. A lot of Koopas, if not all of them, hoped for this peace to last.
Mario befriended a young Koopa named Clein. From what he had learned from him, his dream was to become a novelist and a poet. Yet, his nervousness always held him back due to Bowsette's authority. He did not believe that she would allow one of her soldiers to be soft-heartened. Mario encouraged the fellow to follow his path and dreams. Learning of this, Bowsette, too, did the same, in her own style. "What the hell are you doing?" she had shouted to Clein. "If you want to do this, then do it and show the world that Koopas have talent and conquer the world with your stuff! Come on!"
But Kamek was adamant about his hatred towards the relationship that his sovereign developed towards Mario. He just could not handle it. His presence in the castle was very scarce. Bowsette had made it clear not to bother her and her guest. He obliged while working onto his secretive projects.
While Mario and Bowsette had a good bond that grew greater, I was worried about Princess Peach. Although it was supposed to be kept in secrecy, Mario decided to drop quickly the charade and told her along with Princess Daisy that he was staying at Bowsette's castle. Needless to say, the shock on the girls were not of this world. Mario still hid the details of what happened during her death; this was too personal to reveal.
Mario's presence in Mushroom castle was missed.
"Come oooooon!" Daisy pleaded to Luigi. "Pleeease!"
Luigi sighed. "For the last time: no!"
Master Luigi was having dinner at his home along with his beloved, Princess Daisy, and his friend, our Princess Peach. Daisy had the idea to drag our princess to the Mario brothers's home for a simple friendly supper. But her real intentions were hidden behind the warm idea. She believed that perhaps with Princess Peach's company that Luigi's outer armor would loosen up to pressure. Daisy wanted to know on the matter of Mario saving Bowsette. But after the last three months, despite all tricks, threats and seductions, Luigi did not break.
"Is that-a why you wanted to have dinner at my place?" Luigi sounded exasperated.
"Seriously, what gives Luigi? Why won't you tell us?"
"It's okay, Daisy," Princess Peach said kindly. "You don't have to force him to."
"Thank you!"
"Come on!" She snapped. "Dare tell me you don't find this weird! Mario living with Bowsette? Bowsette of all people!"
"Well," Peach continued, "I'm sure Mario has his reasons."
"To sleep with the enemy?" Daisy said.
"Hey!" Luigi shouted. Louder than intended.
"Daisy, that was rude of you. Apologize right now. Those are words not worthy of a princess."
The princess of Sarasaland looked at the seriousness that Luigi and Princess Peach bore in their eyes. She felt partly embarrassed, partly cornered. She sat down and apologized in a sulking mood. Peach's smile returned, while Luigi shook his head in disbelief.
"So you're just going to let this slide, Peach?" Daisy asked.
There was a part of Daisy's question that shook her. Ever since this truce, Mario was rarely seen in the Mushroom Kingdom. And for the few visits he made, he even rarely visited our princess, which worried her.
"I don't know what happened between Mario and Bowsette to make this truce. I know I've barely seen him these pasts few months, even though he visits the Mushroom Kingdom to see you, Luigi. I'm starting to think that maybe I am at fault for this distance growing between us. I miss seeing him in the castle, quite frankly."
"See?" Princess Daisy pointed out to Luigi. "Even she thinks something is—"
"But," she interrupted her. "I've known Mario for a long time, and in the name of our entire kingdom, I owe him so much. I trust his judgement on his actions. And if this truce works well, perhaps we could finally have everlasting peace with the Koopa Kingdom."
"I give up..." Daisy exhaled, her hand covering her face.
"Listen-a Daisy," Luigi embarked into the conversation, "I know your doubts about-a Bowsette are founded. I mean, Mario and I fought her for years. And I also had doubts about this truce thing, but... after Mario brought her home for dinner, I have to say; I was impressed. We really had a good-a time with laughs, jokes, good food. Honestly, she looked... humane. Cheerful even! Like that drinking buddy you haven't seen since college."
"Drinking buddy?" Daisy frowned.
"That's-a the vibe she gave me." Luigi replied. "But the point-a is, Mario gave her a chance, and she gave herself a try to be something else than evil; and I'm seeing the efforts in her change."
"If Mario is having such a positive effect on Bowsette, I'm happy to know that. Maybe I should worry less about him."
"Well, if you were worried," a tone of enthusiasm dressed his voice, "why don't you invite her to the Star Shower Festival?"
"What?" Daisy exclaimed. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"If Mario has faith in Bowsette, so will I! That's a wonderful idea, Luigi! And besides, if she's with us, then it shouldn't cause any problem."
"I'm still having doubts about this," Princesss Daisy moped about the idea. "But... it could work out well. I still need to see those changes in Bowsette myself."
"Trust-a me, you'll be impressed." Luigi reassured his girlfriend.
"I hope you're right. I really want to believe you guys..."
"I'll send him a message right away!" Princess Toadstool took out her mobile device with eagerness.
I shared Princess Daisy's concern regarding the invitation of Bowsette to the wonderful Star Show Festival. On the other end, I had to admit that the friendship that she now shared with Master Mario bared no ill for the two of them nor towards both kingdoms. It was a good bond.
Perhaps we were too harsh onto the Koopa Princess.
"BOOYAAAA!!!!" Bowsette shouted victoriously in her living room, holding highly her video game controller.
"Again?" Mario leaned his head back on exasperation.
Princess Bowsette, along with Master Mario, Clein the Koopa aspiring novelist and poet, and Larry, one of the twin Hammer brothers, enjoyed a good evening in the grand living room. Accompanied with delicious pizza, they were playing a very popular video game titled Super Smash Brawlers. I was too old for such entertainment, but I had heard it was the newest sensation among the youngsters. And it seemed that the Koopa princess reigned as Queen among her friends. She had just won ten brawls consecutively.
"Well, your Highness," Larry got up as he put his helmet back, "You are the undisputed Queen of Super Smash Brawlers. I bow to you."
"Likewise, your Highness," Clein followed his elder's example. "It was really fun! We thank you for the invitation!"
The Koopa pair bow respectfully. Mario and Bowsette returned the respect.
"Too bad," Mario said. "I really thought we'd win."
"You guys were fun!" she said. She ten mimicked a deep, grave voice. "But there can only be... one!"
They all laughed about her imitation from the cult movie Highlander. Things had changed due to Mario's influence over the princess. She was still respected from by her subjects, but more adored and loved than feared. The Koopas enjoyed her company instead of fearing her on a constant basis. Of course, her wrath was an element to always fear, but Mario's place in the castle had a positive effect onto its residents.
The evening was being concluded as Larry and Clein left the living room. Mario and Bowsette retreat themselves to her bedroom, along with the leftover pizza. There was no way they would throw it away, even though it had turned cold.
They both lied in bed in their nightwear. Mario continued reading a pocket novel that he had started a while ago, The Three Musketeers, from an author of his home world that lived a long time ago, Alexandre Dumas. On her end, Bowsette already went to the land of dreams.
Mario looked to his left and saw her sleeping peacefully. A smile at the corner of his lips rose as he faced her angelic features. He really enjoyed those last months spent at her side. A part of him did not want this to stop; he wanted to continue to be at her side. But such discussion for the future would have to wait. Right now, he wanted to ask her something that had been plaguing his mind for a while.
Putting his book away, he sighed longly as he made himself comfortable to sleep. He wondered how he would ask her this. No answers came to his mind. Perhaps for another day.
Bowsette's arm suddenly wrapped and pulled him towards her by surprise. It had happened a few times due to Mario's smaller size. Bowsette probably thought of him as an over-sized teddy bear to hold close to. But he never tried to wake her up. As a matter of fact, he rather enjoyed her cuddling act, even if it was random.
"What is it?" Bowsette's voice startled Mario. "I know you now; when you sighed like that, you got something on your mind. Now spill it!"
Mario smiled at her words. It was her own ways to show concern. Bossy, but adorable as well.
"I wanted to ask-a you something."
Mario took a deep breath and exhaled following his request. "There's-a the Star Shower Festival they do each year at the Mushroom Kingdom. There's-a going to be lots of games, stands with candies and all of that. I was wondering if..."
"What?" she said impatiently. "Just say it!"
"I was-a wondering if you wanted to go with me."
She smirked with a teasing look from her eyes. "Well, well... if I didn't know better, I'd say you're asking me out on a date."
No reply came from Mario. As the sudden silence stretched itself, Bowsette's gaze became more and more filled with disbelief.
She turned him around to force his gaze onto hers. She wanted an answer to Mario's request, but this one wore an embarrassed and shy veil on his face.
"Wait..." she said. "You're really serious?"
"Well..." he shrugged diverting his gaze from Bowsette's. "Would it be bad if I was?"
"And what about Peach? I don't think my presence would be welcomed."
"Actually she's-a okay with it." Mario reached for his mobile device and lent it to Bowsette. "She invited you to the festival."
"What?" She grabbed the cellular phone and saw the message. Mario was right; she did offer an olive branch by inviting her to the Star Shower Festival. She returned the phone to Mario as surprise dressed her eyes. "Weird..."
"Weird good or weird bad...?"
"Just... weird."
"So... about what I said..."
Mario had been nothing but wonderful towards the Koopa princess. But unknown to her, she, too, had a great effect towards the Mushroom hero. As his heart healed completely from the sadness of being broken, he could not help being enamored by Bowsette's daily presence. The past of the ruthless and evil monarch that she was seemed like a distant memory.
It was Bowsette's turn to look away. An emotional vulnerability opened in her; she was opened like a book. Her face twisted a bit. Part of her wondering why her; what was so special about her to be asked something so sweet. Another part of her did not want to believe this and defined it as a silly joke, but her inner voice reminded her that Mario was not one to play with hearts and feelings.
"Are you really sure?" she finally said. A mix of small sadness and pessimism laid in her voice. "Your friends might end up hating you for constantly being with me."
"Let-a them, then." Mario smiled. "I know Luigi likes you now. If he and I can see the beauty in you, so can they. And if they come to hate me for it, then so be it. Let-a them call someone else to save them the next time the Mushroom Kingdom needs defending."
The comment aimed and touched rightfully her heart. To know that he was ready to burn bridges with the land he defended so many times was astonishing; by far. But anyone in his shoes, me included, would have probably done and said the same words. Our proud hero had seen her heart's beauty. He would turn his back onto those who refused to acknowledge such fact.
She smiled. "We really could be a great team to conquer any kingdom, you know what?"
He laughed. "If I was-a interested in that, yeah."
She took a deep breath. "Okay, fine! Let's go on that date thing or whatever it is!"
"Really?" Mario's voice was more than just enthusiastic.
She nodded in an uninterested, but smiling way. "Yeah, yeah..."
"Great then!" Mario's face bore a glow like he had received the greatest Christmas gifts of all-time. Perhaps it was in a certain way.
"Well, now that's done, back to bed! Goodnight!" She quickly returned to her sleep.
The night's silence returned. Mario fell asleep with a relieved expression. His companion wasn't. Her gaze was lost in the ceiling. Emotionless, many thoughts travelled in her mind, but none of them were negative. She turned to face Mario's back. Bowsette could not help smiling. She always had her tough exterior, but deep inside, her heart bloomed joyfully when Mario had asked her out for the Star Shower Festival.
She closed the space between them again and wrapped her arm around Mario's waist again. The plumber awakened by her sudden gesture.
"Bowsette?" he said in a sleepy voice.
"Shhh... don't talk." She replied whispering.
And he did not. He accepted the kind and warm gesture. Mario rested his hand over hers. Their fingers slowly intertwined.
They remained as such until the break of dawn.
To be continued...
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