Master Mario and Princess Bowsette went to the castle's kitchen. Its size was as wide and large as an entire restaurant.
She was not used to cook for herself. She had always depended on her servants for that. But Mario convinced her to it, implying the fun behind such activity.
There were many misfires in her learning of the process of pizza-making. She had almost wanted to burn the entire kitchen down. Luckily, Mario did not give up on her and kept on encouraging and teaching her well.
Finally, the extra-large-sized pizza dressed of many flavors was accomplished as they carried it back to her chamber.
"OH MY GOODNESS!!" The Koopa Princess shouted with bliss. Her first bite into a pizza was truthfully a beautiful experience. Her face dressed in a happiness that she never known before.
"It's-a good, right?" Mario also had a slice in hand.
"Good? No, no, no! That's... MARVELOUS!! And you get to eat that every freaking day? That's so unfair!"
"Hey, I'm here for a while! We can cook up a pizza anytime you-a want!"
"Don't tempt me, Mario!" she said with a mouth full. "I might give up on Princess Peach and chase you forever now!"
Mario laughed at the comment as she joined in. Never once these two ever expected to get along so well considering their history. And here they were; laughing while sharing a delicious meal. Mario's image of Bowsette as the princess of evil changed for the better. He enjoyed this evening so much that he thought of her to be misunderstood for a very long time. She had invaded the Mushroom Kingdom countless times, but perhaps she didn't know any better. From his perspective, this could be the birth of something new. For once, he did not need to fight her; he could just befriend her. As for now, this opportunity was going well.
"Well, that filled me up!" Bowsette patted her stomach. The delicacy of pizza completed its mission of satisfying her hunger, along with Mario's.
"Same-a for me!" Mario said. "Though I wouldn't mind going for seconds, I'm starting to feel sleepy."
"Yeah." Bowsette looked at the clock on her dresser. "Wow! Almost 1h00am! Yeah, I'm calling it a day."
"Good idea." He agreed with her. "Is there a bathroom I can use to change?"
She pointed to the left while yawning. "In the closet, down its hall."
"Wait, your bathroom is in your closet?"
"See for yourself."
He shrugged. He opened his luggage and picked his pyjama wear along with his toothbrush. As he opened the wardrobe, he found a hall that led to another closed door. The walls were decorated with drawers, compartments and hangers of fashionable clothing of all kinds. Urban style, gothic, royal-like, casual, Bowsette's clothing and shoe wear catalog had it all. Mario was impressed; at the facts it was grandiose and that he had only seen her wear the usual black dress after all these years of confrontation.
Mario whistled. "Mamma Mia! That's your wardrobe?"
Bowsette joined him. "Yeah, it's something, I guess."
"No, that's not just something! That's-a a freaking house! And all the years that I've known you, I've only seen you wearing your usual black dress while you had all this!"
"I can't exactly strike terror with a short skirt and a plain t-shirt, can I?"
"Point made." He nodded.
Being in her own home, Princess Bowsette was not used to have guests around her. Despite Mario's presence, her usual habit proceeded when she started to disrobe herself of her casual dress. Master Mario was still dumbfounded by the wardrobe's grandeur and fashion diversity. As he returned his gaze towards the princess, his face was struck in crimson shades. Bowsette undid and took off her lingerie piece around her chest. She threw the clothing piece away as she was searched for a few pieces of nightwear fabric.
Facing her back, Mario's eyes could not look away from her curvy, athletic and well-developed body, now only clothed by fine undergarment. Even her long dragon-like tail was sublime and graceful. Upon such nearly bare magnificence, Mario could not help thinking how her beauty reached that of the heavens. From his point of view, while Peach held a calm, elegant and softened allure, Bowsette's was more raw, bold, mighty and hypnotic; like an Amazonian goddess.
Mario cleared his throat as he managed to look away with sheer will. "I-I'm g-gonna go-a... brush my teeth then!"
She completely turned to him, her chest naked, "Oh, sure. It's right behind you."
Mario's heart nearly jumped out of its rib cage by seeing the Koopa princess's revealed body. Bowsette obviously had no sense of decency. While Mario ran fast towards the bathroom, the princess raised an eyebrow to his "sudden and strange" behavior.
He pushed the door at the hall's end in haste. The royal bathroom that she possessed were worthy of majesty as the previous room.
The entire room was sculpted in pink marble. In the middle of the room, four marble pillars stood surrounding an elegant and large in-floor bathtub. To the left was a semi-circular counter with elegant sinks. On the other side, beautiful furniture held many towels and other material for such a room and a marvelous shower stood, with no curtains around it. Being in a private bathroom, Bowsette thought to never expect any guests. Therefore, she was one who did not shy away from her body's nakedness.
Mario started brushing his teeth, but the image of Bowsette's otherworldly body burned bright in his mind. She soon entered the room, Mario twitched as he turned around. This time she wore shorts that kissed her thighs and waistline smoothly and a sleeveless shirt held with strings. The quote "Bite This!" was written on it. The shirt, too, emphasized well on her well-sculpted and developed torso.
Despite her being clothed, Mario's heart was starstruck by her sensual figure. A curtain of red shade couldn't be ridden out of his face.
They both brush their teeth in peace, but Mario found it harder to hold his eyes straightly in front of him. He always had thought that Princess Peach was the most beautiful woman he had seen in his life. Today, Bowsette showed him that there was something above such level of beauty.
She spit in her sink. "You're all right? Your face is all red. You're not having a fever on me, right?"
"Oh,n-no. I-I'm fine!"
"Oh, quit the bullshit! Seriously, what's up?"
"R-really, nothing's-a wrong! I'm done here!" On that, he started running back to the bedroom.
"What the hell?" Bowsette was completely oblivious to Mario's nervous state; at least to the reason behind it.
"Well, yeah," Bowsette declared as a matter of fact. "Have you seen its size? You could put 10 people in it and still have room for more."
"Mamma Mia..."
"Hey, quite whining!" she was stern in her voice. "That roommate idea was yours to begin with! So deal with it!"
The couple of roommates walked towards the grand bed.
The space between them was suspiciously too wide. As he laid himself on the soft and comfortable furniture, uneasiness embedded his entire self. On her side, Bowsette was curious but very irritated on Mario's sudden and nervous behavior.
"Okay, what the hell?" Bowsette was furious. "And don't you dare say that it's nothing! Or else, I'm burning you alive!"
"I... well..." Mario hesitantly looked at her. Her allure did a number on our hero. It would on any man's sight.
Bowsette got closer to him, carrying anger in her eyes. But as she got closer to him, his magnetic gaze on her body revealed to Bowsette everything that she needed to know.
"Oooh..." Bowsette smiled wickedly. "So that's your problem..."
She slowly crawled on four feet and got closer to the now-timid Mario. He could have walked away, but his body, paralyzed, did not listen to any wish to move. He was still nervous, but Bowsette's sudden seductiveness was hypnotic enough to refrain him to lift a muscle.
"You can get closer to me, Mario." Her face and upper body loomed over his. Her tone had a layer of evil sensuality and temptation. "I won't bite... much."
"I... I can't..." He managed to say with great effort.
She slid her index finger on his face's left side. "Princess Peach doesn't have to know..."
While the lull of her voice was lovely and drowning him, the name of our Mushroom princess downed his spirit.
He looked away from Bowsette's eyes, his face now showing a glimpse of sadness. He reminisced his recent heartbreak. She was quick to notice the plumber's sorrow as she immediately stopped her sensual teasing.
"Ha! Ha! Come on, I wasn't serious!" She said. "Heaven knows you'll never cheat on Peach!"
"She's..." he said mumbling. "She's not my girlfriend..."
"What?" Bowsette had not heard him properly.
A silence dropped its curtain after the loud revelation.
On other circumstances, shouting as such towards the Koopa princess would only be rewarded with instant death through ruthless viciousness.
Tonight, luckily for Master Mario, it was not the case.
Bowsette's expression defined cluelessness and surprise. She was not surprised about Master Mario's shouting, but about the truth regarding of Mario and Princess Peach's relationship.
She always saw Mario as this courageous, fearless and proud enemy during their countless battles. For the first time in her life, Bowsette witnessed a crack in his exterior armor. She could not laugh at him; she just looked at his vulnerable self while sitting by his side.
"Kamek told me that he was spying on you," she finally said. "He told me that there was some trouble between you and Peach. I never thought it was that bad."
Mario didn't pay much attention to her words. The fact of being cast out to the friendzone still hurt him. Bowsette was not good at dealing with emotional cases, especially with this particularly one. But in her heart, she knew that her new roommate would have done something for her. Just like he comforted her when he saved her life. She owed him that much at least, she thought.
An idea came up to her.
Her right arm wrapped around him. The gesture left Mario not understanding it.
"So..." she said. A mix of confusion and uncertainty behind her action appeared on her face. "Do you... want to... talk about it?"
"W-what?" It was his turn to look clueless.
"Look, that's what roommates do, right? I'm trying here!" she said impatiently.
Mario was not expecting Bowsette to be his confidant. Nevertheless, the effort was very appreciated. He had been sulking for a while in this heartbreak; perhaps he needed someone to talk to. And who better than Bowsette in such matter? She, too, had been rejected by Princess Peach; countless times. Of course, not for the same reasons.
"After the last time that I rescued her from-a you," he started, "we went on a vacation. We spent some-a great time together and it was really fun. I thought it was the right moment to confess my true feelings to her, but I never did. Before I could even-a confess to her, she told me that I was her best friend. On that note, I gave up on the idea of telling her. After that, the rest of the voyage was one hell of an emotional train wreck for me."
Bowsette was genuinely surprised by his story. She never thought our princess would turn down Mario as such. Everyone from all lands thought that he and her would one day end together in love and matrimony; I was one of the many who wished to see this dream come true. But fate deemed otherwise.
"Wow! And they call me a monster!" Bowsette said. "What a bitch!"
"What? Hey, look—"
"So let me get this straight," she cut Mario off. "All of these times you've been saving her time and time and time again, you've gotten, like, what: a kiss on the cheek, a cake and that's it! Until next time! That's it?" Bowsette struck the nail rightfully on the coffin with her comment.
Mario nodded, "Pretty much..."
"Wow... Okay, I'm seeing her in a whole new light right now; and not a good one. I thought for sure you two were at least dating or something! And despite all the times you saved her damsel-in-distress ass, she benched you to the friendzone?"
"Well," Mario shrugged, "she isn't-a forced or obligated to date me, you know..."
"Oh, don't gimme that her-happiness-over-yours crap! Do you know many guys that would go across eight freaking different lands and countries several times to save a girl? I'm not saying she has to date or marry you or have sex with you! But at least take the guy out on a date if you know he's worthy, especially if your entire kingdom loves and respect him to death! Shit!"
Bowsette's words were angered. But in this anger bloomed a hard but truthful sincerity. Though I did not agree on the way that she was talking about the princess, I could not help myself from agreeing with her reasoning. Mario was worthy of her heart, even if she was not in any obligation to date or marry her savior despite the several rescue missions that he had gone through.
"She has every reason to reject me," she said, "after all, I did kidnap her a lot of times. But she is making a big mistake on not putting a ring on you."
"You... You-a really think so?"
"Dude; until this Bob-Bomb news you just dropped on me, even everyone here in the Koopa Kingdom thought you were together. Hell, I was even starting to hear pregnancy rumors!"
"Wow, really?" Mario's eyebrow lifted in surprise.
She nodded, pressing her lips together. "I'm not good about this emotional stuff, so let me say this; just live your life. Flirt with other women, meet new people, and before you know it, she's the one regretting not kidnapping you for herself when she had the chance."
Bowsette was wise in her words; in her own way. She was truthful. As Mario looked at her, he could not help smiling at her. His heart became lighter and the pain of rejection was disappearing. He never thought such warm words would one day come from her; especially in such needed time. Needless to say, he really appreciated the care that his new friend was showing him.
"Luigi told-a me the same thing," he said, "but coming from you, the words seem to have more effect. Thank you, Bowsette."
"Well, I had to." She shrugged. "You looked all pitiful and desperate, so I had to do something. Otherwise your stay at my castle would have been incredibly boring. And look on the bright side; you're not the only one to have been rejected by her."
The two of them laughed on this line. Mario was back in his good, cheery humor.
Bowsette pulled Mario a bit closer to her in a chummy way. "You know, we could make a great team together, you and me. We could conquer her kingdom for rejecting the both of us.
Mario waved his head sideways. "She's still someone I care for. I wouldn't want-a harm to arrive to her just because of that. Your words-a alone gave me the pep talk I really needed. I thank-a you for that."
"Suit yourself." She smiled shrugging. "But one quick question."
"Is that why you were acting all nervous and weird earlier?"
"Ah, that..." Mario's facial crimson shade returned. "No... that-a was something else..."
"Like what?"
"Well, it was about... your body... and the way you're not shy showing it around in a revealing way..."
There was confusion on her face. "So? What about it?"
"I... I just thought it's very... attractive and beautiful."
The words on her behalf left her speechless. In her upbringing, she was raised to be a Koopa. Such compliments never saw the day; at least never towards her. Until now.
"You..." she pointed her own self confusingly. "You think... I'm attractive and beautiful..."
"Yeah. Sorry for being a pervert like-a that—"
"No one ever told me something like that." A small blush started appearing on her face.
"Wait-a, what?" Mario could not believe it. As a matter of fact, neither could I. "Never?"
She shook her head. "I never exactly cared about beauty and appearance and all. And I just don't care if people see me naked. I don't exactly have a tact for decency."
"Well, I can tell you that-a you are very beautiful. And not to get back at her or anything; but you surpass Peach in my book."
"I... I do?" The blush on her face became more radiant. Mario nodded.
Every time that Mario had to face Bowsette, she possessed a tenure of fearlessness and evil in her person. On this night, he felt privileged to see her so timid from the honest compliments that he offered her. She felt strange hearing these words, but there was a goodness growing in her heart upon hearing them.
"T-thank you." She said, looking away as a finger of hers played with a lock of hair.
"Of course." Mario looked at the shy princess.
He, too, started blushing, affected by the beauty that Bowsette had in her actual shy self. A moment of silence rested between the two. It was uncomfortable, yet adorable; like two teens secretly admiring each other and finding themselves face to face after a long time.
"This is awkward," she said. "I don't like it."
"Yeah, me neither."
"Definitely! Popcorn?"
"Way ahead of you!"
Bowsette hasted herself to the dresser next to the bed. Pulling out the drawer, she snatched two bags of popcorn to then return to Mario's side. As she held the bags, a warm and luminous glow surrounded her hands. To Mario's surprise, the popcorn started developing and popping warmly inside their bags to be fully ready to be eaten within less than fifteen seconds.
"Wow!" Mario said as she tossed him one bag. "That-a is impressive!"
"Fire control!" She happily opened her bag. "Being able to breath fire and being immune to it has its perks."
"You don't say!" Mario started digging in his popcorn. "What movie are we watching?"
"I hope you're ready for a trilogy! Because we're watching Revenge of the Dark Knights!"
"Oh sweet! I completely missed those when they were in theaters!"
"Ha! This is going to be fun!" she grabbed a mouthful of popcorn.
Grabbing the remote and turning on her large television screen, she started the movie with shared enthusiasm with her new roommate. No distance separated the two of them; it was as if they had already forgotten their past of battles, rivalry and hatred. Right now, at this very moment, it was just friends ready to spend the next six to seven hours in an epic series of medieval fantasy movies.
When everyone believed the idea to be ludicrous, Master Mario went forward and gave a chance to one that he had discovered to be misunderstood. Perhaps this was the beginning of something new and hopeful.
To be continued...
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