Every Paw Patrol episode of season one reviewed in ten words or less

Sonicbronyuniversez: So I was talking with a friend on Facebook the other day and the one show he likes over all the others is Paw Patrol; and I myself like the show as well. Nowhere near as much as said friend, but I can certainly see the appeal. Unlike Sahara, where I just watched it because someone wanted me to write a story about it. Anyway, since it's been a while since I've seen the show and a review wouldn't make much sense, I thought I'd do ten words or less reviewes on every episode and then do a review on it. Well, except for season five, as that one isn't finished yet. Also, keep in mind that I'll be watching this on Watchcartoononline; so if the placements of the episodes seems off in some areas then that's why. Anyway, without further ado, let's get on with the review. Feel free to face palm at that one.

Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe

Rating 6/10.

Words: A good introduction to the show, and nothing else.

Pups Save a Train

Rating 7/10.

Words: Cali's the highlight and Chase is a badass.

Pup Pup Boogie

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Chase and Skye will get together; I just know it.

Pups in a Fog

Rating: 7/10.

Words: Holy crap. Personality with a little kids show cast. Fina-fuckin-lly!

Pups Save the Sea Turtles

Rating: 7/10.

Words: The episode where Rocky's fear of water was introduced.

Pups and the Very Big Baby

Rating: 5/10.

Words: If the pups were humans, Captain Turbot would be Marshall.

Pups Save the Circus

Rating: 4/10.

Words: Would've been better if the actual circus was happening.

Pup A Doodle Do

Rating: 7/10.

Words: Chickaletta breaks chicken logic, and it's great.

Pup Pup Goose

Rating: 9/10.

Words: Have I mentioned how much I love Marshall?

Pup Pup and Away

Rating: 6/10.

Words: I wonder if this shows how Mayor Goodway met Chickoletta.

Pups Pit Crew

Rating: 7/10.

Words: You're just as niave and innocent as normal kids Alex.

Pups Fight Fire

Rating: 9/10.

Words: Two fantastic Marshall episodes in a row? Pretty damn impressive.

Pups Save the Bunnies

Rating: 8/10.

Words: This episode shows perfectly why Skye's adorable.


Rating: 8/10.

Words: Anyone else want Rocky's faux-hawk to return?

Pups Save the Bay

Rating: 6/10.

Words: A bit better than the last whale centered episode.

Pups Save a Goodway

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Adventure Bay's residents are so colorful.

Pups Get a Rubble

Rating: 6/10.

Words: Did Rubble's parents die?

Pups Save a Walrus

Rating: 5/10.

Words: I like Wally, but the suspsense felt a bit fast.

Pups Save the Treats

Rating: 6/10.

Words: Why is this in winter? Besides the episode's premise.

Pups Get a Lift

Rating: 7/10.

Words: Snowboarding does look like fun Rubble.

Pups Save a Hoedown

Rating: 8/10.

Words: So...many...clever farm jokes here.

Pups Save Alex

Rating: 10/10.

Words: The Paw Patrol allows human members apparently. Can I join?

Pups and the Ghost Pirate

Rating: 9/10.

Words: This special has no right to be hilarious.

Pups Save a School Day

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Good thing Rocky can't get arrested.

Pups Turn on the Lights

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Happy birthday Chase!

Pups Save a Pool Day

Rating: 7/10.

Words: Chase is a perverted creep, and it's great.

Circus Pup-formers

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Skye looks adorable in anything.

Pups Make a Splash

Rating: 7/10.

Words: The world does adore splashing Rocky.

Pups Fall Festival

Rating: 3/10.

Words: What kinda bullcrap conflict is that!?

Pups Save Christmas

Rating: 8/10.

Words: That song is fucking adorable.

Pups On Ice

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Alex's child-like naivety led to an awesome snowboard sequence.

Pups and the Snow Monster

Rating: 6/10.

Words: Oh pssh! Yeah, sure Rubble.

Pups Save a Super Pup

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Rubble made an episode good? That's pretty cool.

Pups Save Ryder's Robot

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Marshall fucks up even bigger than usual, and it's great.

Pups Go All Monkey

Rating: 7/10.

Words: Mandy seems pretty fun.

Pups Save a Hoot

Rating: 6/10.

Words: This rehashes Pup Pup Goose and I STILL like it.

Pups Save a Bat

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Katie described perfectly what I want more episodes of.

Pups Save a Toof

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Alex tortures the Paw Patrol, and it's great.

Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt

Rating: 5/10.

Words: What was the point of the song?

Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie

Rating: 7/10.

Words: I give Alex the trophie of calm headedness.

Pups Save Ryder

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Ryder needing rescue is an instant win in my book.

Pups Great Race

Rating: 8/10.

Words: I hope we got more episodes like this.

Pups Take the Cake

Rating: 9/10.

Words: Marshall...is...awesome.

Pups and the Beanstalk

Rating: 8/10.

Words: I used to think this was the season two premiere.

Pups Save the Turbots

Rating: 8/10.

Words: How would Chase had reacted to Skye fawning over Francois?

Pups Save the Camping Trip

Rating: 8/10.

Words: Skye was totally teasing Chase there.

Pups and the Trouble with Turtles

Rating: 7/10.

Words: JOEY!

Pups and the Pirate Treasure

Rating: 9/10.

Words: A fantastic way to end the season off.

Sonicbronyuniversez: Alright dudes. As always, we have the bottom five first, since I wish to end on a high note. Of course, keep in mind that there aren't that many episodes that I dislike. Which I consider an accomplishment considering all the episodes to cover. And with that out of the way, let's get right into it.

Bottom five

Number five: Pups and the Very Big Baby

Words: I like Captain Turbot. I really do. He's one of my favorite human characters of the show. But he didn't exactly have the best debut. This episode's okay, but it didn't make me smile as much as most of the episodes did. The plot itself was pretty boring with the only real plus of the mission being that the reunition of the baby whale and the mother was really cute. Trust me though; I know a rushed episode when I see one, and this episode was not that. But if Captian Turbot wasn't the highlight of the episode, it would've been my least favorite of the season.

Number four: Pups Save a Walrus

Words: As I already said, I think Wally's a good character. I just don't find this episode to be all that engaging for me. While I do care for Wally and want to see him freed as fast as possible, the suspense felt rushed to me. And I get that it's a young kids show and not everything's going to be flawlessly handled, and I'm perfectly okay with that. But I at least expect them to try and find a suitable way to make Wally's fear feel genuine. Also, as a side note, why does everyone say Zuma's underused and should be called more? He was called plenty of times this season.

Number three: Pups save the Easter Egg Hunt

Words: Maybe my hype was a little too high thanks to the previous two specials, but I just can't find a reason to call this special good. It's deffinetely not bad, but it has loads of problems I noticed. For starters, the song. Why was it needed? If we took out the song we could've had something like showing how Alex found the egg or maybe a funny moment of Chase gawking over Skye. In other words, will Chase and Skye just kiss already!? Loads of fans want it, including me! Anyway, back on topic, this is so far my least favorite special, but I can at least say it tried.

Number two: Pups Save the Circus

Words: If you ask me this episode should've started off with the circus and had that be the plot instead of this mediocre elephant chase. The episode could've been about the pups and Ryder going to the circus, but instead it's a bland episode about them chasing around some elephant that really I don't see how they could have so much trouble catching. Maybe it's because I was partially pissed about something near the end of this, but I in all honesty don't think that's entirely the case. But I don't exactly...hate the episode. That spot would go to this episode.

Number one: Pups Fall Festival

Words: This is what I get at when I say we need more episodes about the pups just hanging out. This could've been one of them. As the only episode of the season that I hate, it really could've been a lot better. The conflict was incredibly forced, and led to pretty much nothing outside of being there for the sake of it. We could've had the actual festival happening, but instead we got a glimpse of it at the end, and nothing else. Now this could sound harsh since it was intended to be in the sister episode of the pilot, but if I cared then I wouldn't even be putting it here.

Sonicbronyuniversez: So now that we're done with a bottom five that honestly wasn't as infuriating as I thought it'd be, let's go onto the best episodes. And believe me; this was no easy task.

Number five: Pups Take the Cake

Words: As one of the many episodes that showcases the colorfulness of the residents of Adventure Bay, this gives plenty of entertaining gags from Marshall and gets a lot out of it's premise. Alex also has some use in this episode, with his mistake actually working for the better. And yeah, that's a cliche in some cases, but here it works, as it shows that Alex is much more competent than he could've been, with his large mind suiting the ideas that he has in mind. And yeah it's not being used to it's fullest potential yet, but I have faith that Alex'll have a lot to offer.

Number four: Pups Fight Fire

Words: This honestly would've been number one if Marshall didn't get dicked over in the end, but aside from that, this showed great development for Marshall and gave him a sense of vulnerability. For once his clumsiness gets to him, and despite it NOT getting to him being part of why I love him so much, it doesn't feel forced. He wants to achieve something and is willing to do what it takes to get it. Still, I must ask. WHO THE FUCK WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO SPEED THAT UP BY SIX MINUTES!? Seriously; what the fuck!? Ah well. At least Marshall's happy in the end.

Number three: Pups and the Pirate Treasure

Words: After finishing the season, choosing my favorite special was a simple task. This episode gives all the Paw Patrol members something to do while also tying it into the story with precise motivation demonstrations and even some development for Rubble. And even though I don't like Rubble per say, he deffinetely did have a nice bit of his own spotlight here. Out of all four of the half hour specials this season gave us, this was by far the most entertaining for me. While I do consider Pups and the Ghost Pirate the funniest, this in my opinion was the best structured.

Number two: Pup Pup Goose.

Words: Fun fact; this was actually my introduction to the show. And it's also the biggest reason Marshall's my favorite character of said show. Although from what I can tell, Fuzzy only had one appearence after this and then faded away from existence, the chemistry between him and Marshall is fucking adorable and it's a crime not to smile at least once at it. This also gives some great character development to Marshall, showing perfectly why he's so funny and so caring, and so willing to help those in need. And for other reasons I may discuss sometime in the future.

Number one: Pups Save Alex

Words: The episode that put Alex in my top five favorite characters of the show. This is the most relatable episode of the show, as while it does focus on a mission, it also focuses on the development of one of the Adventure Bay residents, and it manages to do so in a relatable way that not only makes Alex's character fleshed out, but also shows perfectly why he's the most accurate depiction of a fanboy character I've ever seen. Sure we also have characters like Mtoto from Lion Guard, who also works, but none that I've seen have gotten it perfectly like Alex Porter.

Sonicbronyuniversez: And that was season one of Paw Patrol, and oh boy; was that a long one. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the season. Not as much as Lion Guard season one per say, but I still had a blast with it. And next time, we'll be talking about another show I've been meaning to get back into, so sit back and grab your friends, to go to very distant lands. Cause for the next ten words or less, we'll be traveling with Finn and Jake to the land of Ooo, home to Adventure time.

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