Liana's POV
We were still at the Lost Boy camp, and Emma begins to have a conversation with the lost boys.
As she begins the conversation, I begin to think about Rumple, and if he's okay.
"Guys, listen to me. We are not going to hurt you. I know you're loyal to Pan and I get that, but you are making a terrible mistake. For a long time, I thought I was never going to find my family. I wan an orphan like all of you. A lost girl. And I was reminded today that I am not alone." Emma looks over at her parents. "That I have a lot of people who love me." Mary Margaret and David smile at each other. "And I never thought that was gonna happen. If that can happen to me, it can happen to you."
"Pan is the only family we need," said Felix.
I looked over at Felix. I raised my eyebrows. "You really call him family?" I questioned. "After all he did?"
Before Felix could say something in return, Emma said, "Liana's right, you know. Family doesn't do what he did. Pan lied to you and made you do terrible things. He lied to Henry and conceived him to give up his own heart!"
"To save the island," said one of the lost boys. I shook my head.
"No," Emma replied. "To save himself."
Felix then looks at the lost boys. "Don't listen to her. Pan cares about all of us."
I smirked. "No, he doesn't," I said. "If he can't care about his own biological son, what makes you think he can care about you? Pan doesn't have a soul."
Emma nodded in agreement. "Listen, we care about you. And we can save you. We can take you home with us. To our land. There's no reason to fear Pan anymore. Until he absorbs the power from Henry's heart, he can be stopped."
"You just have to tell us where he is," added Mary Margaret.
Felix stood up. "Leave now while Pan still allows you to breathe." Hook then pushed him back down. "That's the only hope you'll get."
Emma looked at Felix. "Where is Pan?"
"Not. Telling," he replied, pursing his lips together.
"Can you really bring us home?" asked the lost boy from before.
"Shut your mouth!" Felix yelled.
Emma kneeled in front of the lost boys. "Yes, with your help."
"His thinking tree," said the lost boy.
"Yes, his thinking tree," said the other.
"Stop it! All of you!" yelled Felix.
I glared at him.
"What is that?" asked Emma.
"That's where he goes when he wants to be alone," said the lost boy.
"You can find him there. It's not far," said the other.
"No, don't trust her!"
I stepped closer to Felix and shook my head. "Why even bother now? They aren't listening to you. We have them in our grasps."
Felix gritted his teeth.
"Can you tell us where that is?" asked Emma.
"But you have to swear... swear that you'll take us with you," said the boy.
"I promise," said Emma, tears forming in her eyes. "We are going home."
"The pixie woods. That's where he is?" Regina asked the lost boys.
"It's just north of here," said lost boy number one. "It's where the pixie dust used to grow."
Emma stood up and looked over at Hook. "You know where that is?"
"Aye," Hook replied. "The whole region is deserted now. No one but Pan has set foot in those woods in centuries."
"Now, knowing that," I started. Everyone looked at me. "It makes me want to step foot there just for that reason."
"I agree," said Neal. "Let's make history."
Emma then looked over at Neal. "We're gonna need you here. Once we get Henry's heart, it's gonna be a race back. We need help on both ends."
"Okay," said Neal.
"What do you need from us?" David asked.
"Let's gather up the lost boys. Get em' aboard the Jolly Roger. Prepare the ship to fly," Neal explained.
"Let's hope you have a Pegasus sail. Otherwise, we're at the mercy of the trade winds," said Hook.
Neal holds up a coconut. "Pan's shadow is in here. It'll get us home, long as your ship holds together."
"As long as your plan holds together, she will," said Hook. I rolled my eyes.
Neal then looked at Emma. "Henry's gonna be with me the entire time. Nothing is going to happen when you two are away."
"You mean three," said Mary Margaret. "I may be trapped on this island for the rest of eternity, so if you think I'm not going to be spending my last moment's with my daughter, you're crazy."
I smile.
"And wait," I said. "I think you mean four." Everyone turned to look at me. "I'm coming too. I need to get Rumple back from that son of a bitch."
"Okay," Emma then said. "Let's do it."
Emma, Mary Margaret, Regina and I are now in the Pixie woods. Everything was so eerie and quiet, I shivered. "Look," said Regina. I turned my head to where she was looking at. It was Pandora's Box sitting on a rock. My Rumple. My heart skipped a beat.
Emma took out her sword as we all approached the tree. I watched as Mary Margaret set aside her bag of arrow shafts and slowly moved to take the box. "Mary Margaret," I stated. "Be careful. No matter how much I want him back, Pan wouldn't have just left him behind for no reason."
"I know," said Mary Margaret. "But it's David's only way home. Without your boyfriend, Liana, we're stuck here."
I sighed.
My eyes then widened as she tried to grab the box, the vines came from behind to grab her, and then she flung backwards. "Mary Margaret!" Emma yelled. I sighed again.
Mary Margaret was now being held against the tree, entrapped by vines. Then, all of the sudden, the vines trapped me, Emma and Regina too.
"Fucking great," I said.
Pan then comes out from behind the tree. "Are you still at it? Don't you know?" He picked up the sword. "Peter Pan never fails. I didn't expect you to find me. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. You're mother's. And..." his eyes travelled to me. "Some sort of aunt? Anyway, you quite tenacious about your offspring. Believe it or not, I understand that. But if you are looking to see Henry again, I have to tell you there's only one place you'll be reunited—in death."
"Having trouble moving?" Pan asked us, as we all struggled against the vines. I tried to conjure up my ice magic to see if I could cut us out, or at least freeze the vines, but my magic wasn't working. "Not surprised, given where you are. You see, what's hastening your demise is your regret."
I glared at Pan. "What are you talking about? You're not making sense."
Pan looked up. "This tree is the site of a very important event for me. I abandoned my boy here."
I gritted my teeth. "And you say that with pride?"
Pan smirked at me.
"You have a son?" Regina asked.
"I'm older than I look," he replied.
"If you have a child, you must regret losing him, too," said Emma.
"But I don't," he said. I gritted my teeth again. "Quite the opposite, actually." I watched as he took Pandora's box from the rock. "See, I have him all boxed up so I don't lose him again."
"That's a really messed up way of viewing things," I spat.
"Rumplestiltskin is your son?" Regina asked, still in shock.
"That he is," Pan replied.
"How's that possible? You're—" started Mary Margaret.
Pan interjected. "Younger than him?" he smiled. "Not really. Just like you and your daughter."
"You're a fraud. Your magic is weakened. You can't even hurt us; let alone Rumplestiltskin," said Regina.
"You're right," said Pan. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "But that's why I'm here. This tree will protect me till my power's restored. And then, well... then I get to have some real fun. Then I won't have to ever worry about my child ever again. Something we will all soon have in common."
Emma tried to lunge at him but failed. "There has to be another way," she said.
"You're not going to get to me. See this tree attacks the regret inside anyone who comes here, and you, you've got plenty," said Pan, looking at Emma.
"I regret not taking a better shot at you when I had the chance," said Emma.
"That's not all, is it, Savior?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. I hated listening to his voice. "No, I have your son's heart inside me. I can just feel how much you let him down time and time again."
"Leave her alone," said Mary Margaret.
"Perhaps I should. After all, what chance did she have of being a good mother? Look at the example you set. Abandoning her for twenty -eight years."
"Are you finished?" Regina asked.
"Last words from the Queen," said Pan. "Perhaps a death bed confession from the one who has the most regrets of all."
"Yeah, there's one problem with that," said Regina. "I did cast a curse that devastated an entire population. I have tortured and murdered. I have done some terrible things."
"And you're just realizing that now?" I asked.
"Oh hush, Liana, let me finish," said Regina. I smirked. "You see, I should be overflowing with regret, but, I'm not."
I am surprised that Regina was able to free herself from the vines and then free us along with her. It felt so good to be free, I hated the feeling of being choked to death by a plant.
"Because it got me my son," she continued. I watched as Regina ripped out Henry's heart from Pan's chest. I do have to admit, it was satisfying to watch as Pan collapsed to the ground. He then tried to pick up Pandora's Box, but he failed as Regina got to it first. Regina then tossed the box to me, I caught it perfectly. Now with Henry's heart in her hands, she said, "Now, let's go save Henry."
We had finally made it back to the ship. To the Jolly Roger. "Henry!" Emma shouted.
"Where is he!?" Mary Margaret shouted.
"He's over here!" Neal yelled. We all rushed over to Henry.
I watched as Emma and Regina both kneeled over Henry's body. "Hold on, Henry." Regina then put his heart back into his chest.
"Henry?" Emma asked.
I looked at them anxiously. This couldn't all be for nothing.
"Are we too late?" asked Emma.
"Henry?" Regina asked. "Honey!"
My heart jumps as Henry gasped to life. "Oh thank god," I said.
Henry then sat up to hug both Emma and Regina. "Woah, woah, woah," said Neal. "Take it easy buddy."
"I'm sorry," said Henry. "I wanted to save magic."
"It's okay, it's okay," said Emma.
"I-I wanted to be a hero," said Henry.
"Hey, there's plenty of time for that," said David.
"Right now, it's time to rest," said Mary Margaret. I nodded in agreement.
"Welcome back, young sir," said Hook. I smiled. "Only the best for our guest of honor. Don't you think? Captain's quarters."
Henry stood up. "Come on," said Regina. "I'll tuck you in."
I placed the box on the ground, and I looked at Neal. "Do you want to do the honors?" I asked him.
Neal nodded his head. He then walked over to the box, and I watched him open it. Neal is smiling as Rumple appears. "Bae," said Rumple, lovingly. He then gives his son a hug.
"Papa," he replied.
"Where's Henry?" asked Rumple.
"He's safe, he's safe," said Neal.
"See, I told you I wasn't gonna hurt the boy," said Rumple.
"I know. I'm sorry. I... why didn't you tell me Pan was your father?" he asked.
"Because I didn't want you to know I was as bad a father as he was, because we're both the same, me and him.... because we both abandoned our sons."
"No, you're not the same," said Neal. I smiled. "You came back for me, Papa. The two then hugged again.
After the two hugged, Rumple turned to face me. I smiled at him. "Rumple," I said.
"Liana," he replied. "My love."
We both collapsed into each other's embrace. "I missed you," I told him. "I hated that you were in that box."
"But I'm here now, Liana, there's no need to worry," he said.
I hugged him tightly. "I never want to let go of you."
Rumple chuckled and then kissed my forehead.
Emma then turned to face Mary Margaret and David. "He's back. That mean's..."
"He can cure me," David replied.
"We can go home," said Mary Margaret. She hugged Emma. David hugged them.
Then all of the sudden Rumple felt very stiff. "Sweetheart, what is it?" I asked, removing myself from him. He had a frown on his face.
"Yeah. What's wrong?" asked Neal.
I follow Rumple down into Henry's quarters. I gasped when I saw Pan standing above Henry. How did Rumple know?
"Blood magic works both ways," said Rumple. "Father."
I watched as Rumple then open Pandora's box. Pan really does not want to let go of Henry's shadow. But then Pan gets absorbed into the box. "No!" he yelled.
"Henry? Henry?" Regina asked worriedly as she met us down in the basement. She reached Henry's bedside.
"It's okay, I'm okay," said Henry. I smiled. This poor boy has gone through enough. I can't wait till he gets home.
"Are you sure?" Regina asked, looking at Henry.
"He's a strong boy, Regina," Rumple replied. "You raised him well."
I smiled. "I agree."
As the others were preparing for the Jolly Roger to take us home, Rumple and I were in a separate room in the basement. We were both laying on the bed. Rumple was beneath me while I was on top of him, him cradling me in his arms. "It feels so nice to be back in your arms, Rumple," I said. "You make me feel safe."
Rumple then kissed my forehead and then my cheek. "I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I replied, melting back into his warm touch. "By the way, how did you know Pan was down there with Henry?" I asked.
Rumple sighed. "I guess I just have a sixth sense when it comes to my father. It's hard to explain."
"Hmm," I replied. "What do you want to do when we get back?"
"How about a nice day in bed?" he asked. "Just you and me, candles everywhere, the lights off, classical music playing in the background."
"That sounds romantic," I said. "I'm down for that."
Rumple chuckled. To my surprise, Rumple removed himself from his position, and straddled me. "Is this okay, my love?" he asked, as he started to kiss my neck.
I moaned out of pleasure. "Oh it's more than okay."
Within the next few seconds, we felt the Jolly Roger start to shake, and then we were going through the portal.
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