Chapter Thirteen

After the curse had broken, I ended up going back to Rumple's shop to work. It was nice of Granny to give me the job as waitress for the time being, but I really missed working with Rumple. I was standing beside Rumple hilariously watching Regina shift through all the books we had in our shop. "The library's beneath the clock tower," said Rumple. I chuckled. "You closed it, remember? When you still had power."

    "I need the book," she said, gritting her teeth. "I need to get my son back."

    "Which book?" asked Rumple. "Oh," he laughed. "So it's come down to that, eh? You need your mummy's help?"

    "Give me the book," she said again. 

    "So hostile," I grinned. She glared at me before looking back at Rumple.

    Rumple then said, "Do you really need the smell of the written word to get the magic flowing again, love? Maybe if you relaxed it would just happen."

    "I don't have time," she said. "It worked once. I know I can do it. I just..."
    "Just what?" I asked.

    "I just need a shortcut back," she said.

    "Yeah, well, Liana and I don't have time either," he said. "Leave."

    "Please," I added.

    Regina looked at me. "Well, how about that? You're guys's pleases have lost their punch."

    "Well, the fact remains," said Rumple. "Jump-starting your magic is not in our best interests."

    "You know what else isn't in your best interests? Having everyone know the enchanted forest still exists. Knowing that the three of us are keeping that little secret. You two are up to something. And it doesn't involve going back home."

    Regina tries to open up his case. Rumple stops her and makes her spell book magically appear. "Careful dearie," he said. "These are straight up spells. Rough on the system."

    Regina takes the book from him. "I don't care if they turn me green. I'm getting my son back."

    "Oh my," Rumple chuckles. Regina then turned around to face us.


    "It's just, holding that," Rumple pointed at the book. "I told you once you didn't look like her. But, now... Now I can see it." Regina gasps and turns around, and then leaves the shop.

    "Sweetheart," I said.

    "Yes, my love?" Rumple questioned turning towards me.

"Why don't you want Regina to know that you are looking for your son?"

    Rumple sighed. "Because dearie, my son is my other weakness, besides you that is," he said.

    I looked at him and placed my ice cold hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes at the feeling of my hand. "We're going to find him," I said. "Don't you worry."

    Rumple opened his eyes again. "How are you so confident?" he asked.

    I shrugged and he took my hand in his. "I don't know, I just am."


    In the next three hours, Charming gave us a visit. I was helping Rumple pack some maps and some other travel necessities when the doorbell rang. "It appears when I bought that 'closed' sign, I was just throwing my money away."

    "Looks like it," David replied.

    "Sorry to hear about your wife and daughter," said Rumple, as we turned around to face David. "If you're looking for a retrieval, I'm afraid portal jumping is just outside my purview."

    "Of course it is," said David.

    "So what's the commotion outside?" I asked.

    "A little stir at the border," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "A problem crossing the line."

    Rumple and I locked eyes with each other before he looked back at David and said, "Do tell."

    "Actually, I'm here to buy something. A way to find someone."

    "What?" I questioned. "Like a map?"

    "Something with a bit more kick," said David. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion again and looked at Rumple. "Like the ring you gave me to find Snow."

    "Oh, yeah, magic," said Rumple.
"Whom are you following?"

    "Not telling," he replied.

    "So do you have something of theirs?" Rumple asked. "This missing person?"

    "Yes," David replied.

    "May we see it?" asked Rumple.

    "No," he said.

    David smiled and Rumple chuckled. I then watched as Rumple turned around to open a small black box filled with various different potions. "Pour this on the object. And then follow it. So simple even David Nolan could do it."

    As Rumple was about to give it to him and David reached out for it, Rumple pulled it back. "What do you want?" asked David.

    "Peace," said David. "Leave Liana and I alone."

    "What do you care what David Nolan does?"

    "No, no. It's Charming I worry about," said Rumple. "I'd like a little non-interference guarantee."

    "Fine. If you give me the same," said David. "The three of us. We stay out of each other's way."

    Rumple smiled and handed him the potion. "Thank you for your business." As David is about to leave, Rumple then asks, "So, uh, what happens? When you try and cross the border?"

    David turned around. "You lose your memory of everything of our old lives. Looks like we're stuck here."

    As soon as David left the shop, Rumple took his cane and started to smash things. "Rumple!" I yelled. "Rumple! Rumple stop!" He then stopped smashing things and placed both hands on the counter. I walk over to him and hug him from behind, gently wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Everything is going to be alright, sweetheart," I said.

    "No it's not," he whimpered. "After everything Liana, after everything we did to get here-"

    I then nuzzled my face into his neck and kissed him. "We'll figure it out. We always do."

    We then moved apart from each other and he looked me in the eyes. "Will we?"

    "Yes," I said. Rumple then approached me, and hugged me tight.

    I sighed and ran my fingers through his silky gray hair. "Everything is going to be alright."

    Later that night, I made Rumple and I some tea before going to bed. This is the first time that I've actually slept in the same bed with him since the Enchanted Forest. Since we shared a room. We were now both under our covers and I scooted over next to him. He engulfed me into his arms and kissed my forehead. "I love you," he said. "I hope you know that."

    I smiled. "I love you too."

    After he engulfed me in his arms and started to run his long fingers in my hair he whispered, "Goodnight, love." And it wasn't soon after that I fell asleep.

    I was in the shop with Rumple. He was behind the counter taking out a jewelry box. He opened it, and it was a beautiful diamond necklace. "It's um..." my voice broke. "It's very beautiful." Rumple smiled as he took out the necklace so he could put it around my neck. I turned around. "What's the occasion?"

    Rumple placed the necklace around my neck. "The occasion is us. We haven't really gotten out much since Storybrooke awakened. So I thought we should see it together."

    I then turned around and his smile seemed even bigger. "Wow," he said, admiring the necklace on me.

    I smiled and grabbed a hold of his face with my hands and then kissed him on the lips. "Thank you," I said, then hugging him, placing my arms around his neck.

    Rumple chuckled. "Don't get your hopes up. The nightlife is extremely limited."

"No," I said, removing myself from him. "That's not what I meant. Thank you for... for being there for me. Thank you for being who you are."

And then all of the sudden the door bells jingled and Grumpy, one of the dwarfs came in. "Okay, Stiltskin. I want my ax."

"I'm sorry but we're closed," said Rumple.

"It's mine. Give it to me."

"And yet, still closed."

Grumpy shook his head. "Just because you possess something don't mean it's yours. Nothing in this shop belongs to you. And you?" Grumpy looked at me. "How can you be with such a monster? Or maybe you're just another possession too?"

"How..." Rumple gritted his teeth and grabbed a hold of his neck, chocking him. "Dare you. You want your ax? Fine!" Rumple pushed him against the wall.

"Rumplestiltskin!" I yelled. I know he was angry for what he said about me being a possession, but this was going to far. This was too much.

"You can have it," he said, choking Grumpy again. "...buried in your chest!"

"Stop! Sweetheart! Stop!" I yelled.
    Then the scene changed.

    "Milah? Bae?" I was now in a small little house made out of wood. My eyes widnend when I realized that this must be Rumple's home. A little child sat at the table. Baelfire. "I'm home." Rumple then came in and shut the door. He had his walking stick, just like now. "Hey," he said, walking towards his son.

    "PaPa?" the boy questioned.

    "Where's Mom?" he asked him. Bae didn't reply. "Well, she probably just lost track of time. Grab your cloak." Bae got up from his chair. "We'll find her."

    I soon realized that this was all a dream, and that I was visiting Rumple's memories somehow, as they couldn't see me.
    "Milah? Milah, it's time to go," said Rumple as he entered the Tavern to which Milah was with a bunch of men.

    "Good. So go," she replied.

    "Who's this?" the man sitting across from Milah asked.

    "Ah, it's no one," she said. My blood started to boil. "It's just my husband."

    "Oh," said the man. "Well, he's a tad taller than you described."

    Everyone laughed. "Please. You have responsibilities."

    "You mean like being a man and fighting in the Ogre wars?" asked Milah. I gritted my teeth. "Otherwives became honored widows while I became lashed to the village coward. I need a break. Run home, Rumple." She poured herself another drink. "It's what you're good at."

    "MaMa?" questioned a small voice.
    Bae appeared.

    "Bae," said Rumple. "You were supposed to wait outside son."

    Milah then got up from the table, wrapped her shawl around herself and walked out with them.

    I was now watching as they walked home.

    Rumple was pouring some tea, and Milah was in bed. "You don't really wished I'd died during the Ogre wars, do you?"

    Rumple looked at his wife. "I wish you'd fought. Don't you?"

    "Well," said Rumple, standing up using his cane. "And I'm here. With you." My heart fluttered. "With Bae." He really cared about his family. Rumple walked over to Milah and sat by her bedside.

    "This isn't a life. Not for me," Milah shook her head. "Why can't we just leave?"

    "We've talked about that," said Rumple, giving her the tea.

    "You don't have to be the village coward," she said.

    "And you don't have to be a selfish jerk," I mumbled.

    She then continued with, "We could start again. Go somewhere no one knows us. See the whole world beyond this village."

    "I know this wasn't the life you wanted," said Rumple, standing up. "But it can be good," said Rumple walking back over to the table. "Here. At least try. If not for me, than for Bae."

    "Okay," Milah sighed. "I'll try."

    The scene then changed again.

    Rumple opened up the door with a smile on his face. "Rumplestiltskin," said a blond haired woman. "You need to get to the docks now."

    "The docks, why?" Rumple asked.
    "The men who came into port last week, they've taken Milah. They're setting sail, you must hurry!"

    Rumple then made his way to the docks, and aboard the ship. But as he did so, he stumbled over something and fell to the ground. I frowned. I wanted to help him up. But I couldn't.

    "On your feet for the captain," said one of the men.

    Two men grabbed him up and gave him his cane. Rumple shook out of fear. "I remember you," Rumple pointed at the man dressed in black leather who was leaning against the pole. "From the bar."

    "It's always nice to make an impression," he replied. Everyone laughed. "Where are my manners? We haven't been formerly introduced. Killian Jones. Now, what are you doing aboard my ship?"

    "Well," he stammered. "You have my wife."

    "Well, I've had many a man's wife." Everyone laughs again.

    "No," he stammers again. "You see, we have a son. And he needs his mother."

    Killian walked towards him. "You see, I have a ship full of men who need companionship."

    "Ah," said the men.

    "I'm begging you," Rumple stammered. "Please let her go."

    "I'm not much for bartering. That said, I do consider myself an honorable man. A man with a code. So, if you truly want your wife back..." Killian threw a sword at his feet. Rumple gasped and Killian took out a sword for himself. "All you have to do is take her." He points the sword at Rumple. "Never been in a duel before, I take it? Well, it's quite simple really, The pointy end goes in the other guy. Go on, pick it up."

    I could see Rumple's lips trembling. He was scared and I couldn't blame him.

    I knew he wanted his wife back but he must have been afraid of getting killed and leaving his son all alone in the end.

    "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets." Killian then rups the knife against his cheek. Rumple starts to gently cry. I frowned again.

    Rumple's voice breaks. "Please, sir. What am I gonna tell my boy?"

    "Try the truth," he said. "His father's a coward."

    "Dumbass," I mumbled. "He has anxiety. He loves his family and he's someone who doesn't want to kill." But of course he couldn't understand what I said, because I was not visible to them.

    The dream then ended and I woke up with a start.
    When I woke up, I looked over to my right side to expect to see Rumple there, but the bedside was empty. I then decided to get out of bed to see where he was.

    I walked outside and then knelt down to see into the window of the basement. Rumple was there spinning straw into gold. I then watched as he cut the gold string to put into a potion which made it purple.

    I then decided to sit on the couch to wait for him. He opened the kitchen doors and came in. "Hey," he said with a smile on his face. He was dressed for the day already whilst I still had on my nightgown.

    "Hey," I said. "What are you doing?"

    "I was uh going to make you breakfast," he said.

    "That's very sweet of you," I said. "But no, in the basement," I said. "I saw you practicing magic. Is it to help you cross the town line?"

    Rumple got out some orange juice. "Yes," he replied.

    "Well, anything promising?" I asked.

    "I think so, I'm going to have to try a few more things dearie," he said. I nodded. "How did you sleep, well I hope? I'm sorry if I scared you this morning by not being in bed when you woke up."

    "Oh," I said. "Um... I actually wanted to talk to you about that."

    "Yeah?" he questioned.

    "I had some very vivid dreams last night. At first it started out in your shop, you giving me a necklace and then Grumpy coming in accusing you of everything. But then it changed. It changed to different scenes of your past with your son and Milah."

    "Interesting," he said. "What memories were there?"

    "Well, one when you came home to find Bae alone, and you went to find Milah at the bar hanging out with pirates. And then you and Milah talking about the life that Milah wanted. You finding out the pirates had taken Milah and you went to go and get her. Killian offered you a duel, and then you were too afraid to take the duel..." Rumple bit his lip. "Do you know what this means Rumple? Are those real memories of yours?"

    "Yes, well at least the memories are, yes. But I'm afraid I haven't dealt with this kind of thing. But if it bothers you, I can definitely look into it."

    "Oh no, it doesn't bother me sweetheart. I love diving deep into your past."

    "You do?" he asked.

    "Yes," I said, walking up to him. "Because I get to learn more about you, and what your son is like," I said. "But it also pained me to see how you were treated as a coward. There were multiple times I wanted to punch Milah in the face."

    "You really do love me, don't you?" he questioned.

    "Yes," I said. "With all my heart, Rumplestiltskin. I love you."

A/N: omg this chapter was so emotional to write! Rumple's backstory just wants to make me cry every time! Tell me what you think in the comments! I'd love to hear from you! Oh and don't forget to vote, and if you like it, Recommend to your friends! :)

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