As I was trying to put my earrings in, I kept thinking about what had happened yesterday with the mines. How on earth did those old tunnels collapse suddenly? Is the rest of StoryBrooke in danger? Bruce then interrupted my thoughts. "Are you almost ready darling?" Bruce asked, making his way into our bedroom. I was by the dresser, looking at myself in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. I was trying to put these diamond earrings in. I haven't worn my earrings in a while.
"Almost," I replied.
"Okay, cause we don't want to be late to David and Kathryn's party," he replied. "Do you want help?" he asked.
"That's sweet of you, but I just got it," I replied. It was true. I finally got my earring in and placed the back on it so it wouldn't fall out of my ear.
I looked at myself again. I was wearing a pretty floral dress with cowgirl boots.
"You look absolutely stunning," said Bruce, coming up from behind me and hugging me.
"And you look so handsome," I replied, seeing as he wore his suit. "You clean up nice. Alright, enough flirting, let's get to that party."
"Roger that," said Bruce. He let go of me, grabbed a hold of my hand, and we both got into my pick up truck which I got for my birthday last year.
I got in the driver's seat and Bruce in the passenger seat.
We drove to The Nolan's house.
When I got there, I did not expect to see so many people. And apparently, David hasn't arrived yet. "Hey, look who it is! It's Bruce and Selina everyone!" called out my good friend Amber Lancaster. Everyone turned to face us and then they went back to what they were doing.
"Hey Amber," I said, walking up to my friend and giving her a hug. "I haven't seen you in so long," I said.
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry," she said, removing away from me and giving a smile to Bruce. "I've just been busy with work and I'm actually... seeing someone."
"Really?" I smiled. "Who? Do I know who it is?"
"His name is Chad Burrows? You probably don't know him."
"Yeah," I chuckled. "Yeah, no, you're right."
After we started to talk about Chad, Bruce disappeared and then David and Kathryn came in. "Hey!" said Amber. Everyone started clapping as they came in. David looked confused as hell.
Abigail then went around and started introducing people to David and then he and Abigail came over to Amber and I. "And this is Selina Frost and Amber Lancaster," said Kathryn.
"Hi," he smiled.
"Hi," I replied back. "It's nice to see you up and about again."
"Yeah," he replied. He then narrowed his eyes at Amber, like he was remembering her. "Amber..." he said.
"Yes?" she questioned. "Did we know each other... like... before?" he asked.
"Yes," Amber replied. "You're my friend," she said. "I'm the one who set you and Kathryn up...." she explained.
"Right..." he said.
"Oh hey! There's Emma and Henry!" Amber pointed out.
"I think they're the ones that saved me..." he said with confusion written on his face.
Amber, David, and I then walked over to Emma and Henry who were sitting on the bench. "Hey," said David, as we walked over. Emma and Henry looked up at us and then looked at David specifically. "You're the ones who saved me right?"
Emma stood up and placed her hands in her pockets. "Oh yeah, I guess," she said.
"And you are also the only ones I know here... besides these two of course," he said.
"You can hide with us," said Emma.
A guy with horderves came over. "Thank you," said David, taking a carrot.
Henry, looking at David, asked, "So... you ever use a sword?"
David laughed and so did the rest of us. "Sorry, no." He then looked at Emma and asked, "Emma, you live with Mary Margaret right?" Emma nodded her head. "Do you know if she's coming tonight?"
"No, she couldn't make it," Emma replied.
"All right, well I'm going to get a glass of water," said David. "I'll be back."
He then went off to the kitchen. "So, Emma, right?" I questioned.
She nodded her head. "Selina?" she questioned.
"Yes, I know that the last time we met was in an awkward circumstance," I replied. "And to be honest, I didn't even know that Robert wanted Ashley's child..."
"Wait... he didn't tell you?" Emma asked.
I shook my head. "No," I replied.
"This sounds like it's not my business," said Amber. "So... I'm gonna talk to people. Oh hey, I see your husband." Amber then skipped over to Bruce who was leaning against the wall drinking some wine.
"Odd," said Emma. "You really didn't know?"
I placed a hand on my heart. "I cross my heart."
"Hey Selina," said Henry. I looked down on him.
"Yeah? What's up, kid?" I asked.
"I think you're a good candidate for what Emma and I are planning," said Henry.
"Really? And what are you planning?" I asked.
Emma looked at Henry. "Are you sure about her, Henry?"
"Yeah! She works with Mr. Gold! So of course she's a good candidate."
"I'm intrigued now," I smiled.
"Basically, we are planning to find the truth of what Regina is really hiding about this town and the people in it," he explained. "I believe there is more than what there is on the surface. My mom's just very good at hiding things."
"So... what do you think she's hiding?" I asked. I was pretty sure it was the fairytale theory, but I could be wrong.
"That every single person in this town is a fairy tale character, they just don't remember," said Henry.
"Henry... who do you think I am?" I asked.
"Honestly, I haven't figured you out yet," he said. "But we can figure that out later."
Henry stopped talking as soon as Kathryn, David's wife came over. "Have you seen David?"
"He..." said Emma looking towards the kitchen.
Kathryn looked at me. "No," I said. I don't know why I lied. Of course I saw him, just earlier. Why did I lie?
Kathryn walked off again and Bruce came over. "Hey, um sweetheart, I think we're gonna head out ok?" he said.
I nodded. "Yeah it is getting late," I replied. "It was nice meeting you officially, Emma," I smiled.
Why does that name sound so familiar? I feel like there's something missing when I say her name... Emma. Bruce took my hand and we left the party.
It was the next day, and Robert had invited me to garden with him out in the forest. Bruce thought it was a little strange that Robert asked me to garden with him so early in the morning, but gardening seems like fun, so of course I said yes.
"Here you go," Robert said, giving me a shovel.
I took it. "What exactly are we planting?" I asked.
"Just some trees," he replied. "I like to plant some every year," he said. I nodded. "Let's start digging, shall we?" he questioned. I nodded again and we both started digging.
As I dug, I occasionally looked up at him. I know I've already thought this before, but now I confirm how I feel. Robert Gold is very attractive. There's just something about him that makes me drawn to him...
I think he caught me staring because he asked, "Is there something wrong, dearie?"
And goddamn that accent, it's so strong and beautiful.
"N-nothing's wrong," I said.
"Are you sure?" he asked. "Do you not want to garden with me?"
Awe... why would he think that?
"No, of course I do! Sorry, I'm just tired," I lied.
He nodded. "I understand. It is quite early," he said.
We then continued to dig. And after a few minutes, I heard a wolf howl. "Did you hear that?" I asked.
"Hear what?" he questioned.
"The wolf," I said.
He shook his head. "No, but the sheriff is here," he said.
I furrowed my eyebrows and we both came out of the bushes. "Good morning Sherriff," said Robert. "Sorry if we startled you."
"Right, sorry," the Sheriff replied. "I thought you were a wolf."
So... There is a wolf. I looked at Robert. Why did he lie?
"Did I forget to shave?" asked Robert. I chuckled at his joke.
"What are you two doing out here so early?"
I locked eyes with Robert. "A sport of gardening," he replied. "Yourself?"
"I was looking for a-"
"A wolf. Yeah, I think I'm beginning to catch on," he said. "To the best of my knowledge, Sheriff, there are no wolves in StoryBrooke. Not the literal kind, anyway. Why are you looking?"
"You'll think I'm crazy," he said.
You'll think I'm crazy. That's exactly what Robert told me in the bathroom at Granny's when we were having lunch.
"Try me," he smiled.
"I saw one in my dreams," said the sheriff. "And then I saw one for real." Robert looked down at his shoes and then started to walk towards the sheriff. "Just a few hours ago. Did you guys see anything unusual out there?" he asked.
I shook my head. "No, but I did hear a wolf howl if that's any help to you," I said. He smiled at me.
"And I'm afraid I didn't," said Robert. "I do wish I could be more helpful. You know, Sheriff, they say that dreams, dreams are memories, memories of another life," he said, looking at the sheriff.
"And what do you believe?" asked the sheriff.
"I never rule out anything," said Robert.
"And you, Selina?" he asked, looking at me.
I shrugged. "I don't really know. No one really knows. To me life is one huge mystery," I smiled.
"Well, good luck, Sheriff," said Robert. "I do hope you find what you're looking for."
The sheriff then went deeper into the forest and we went back to gardening. "Was that referencing your past life?" I questioned.
"Maybe so," he replied.
"Do you think the Sheriff is remembering him?" I asked.
"Possibly," Robert replied. "Do you remember anything?" he asked, looking me in the eyes. I feel like I should tell him about the memory I saw when he was out cold... but I don't want to give him hope just to only disappoint him later. "What are you thinking, dearie?"
I sighed. "You're right," I said. "There was something. When um... when you got knocked out because of Ashley.... I touched the chipped tea cup because I remembered you talked about it. And then... I got these weird flashes of things that never even happened to me. I had a dream of a girl who looked like me and a man who kinda looked like you but he had different green scaly skin..." His eyes widened. "You were sitting at a long table, and I was pouring you tea... I dropped the tea cup because of some silly joke that you made... But that couldn't have been real."
"But it was," he said. "That girl, in the memory, that you saw... that was you. Liana. Your name is Liana. You were my maid first before you became my apprentice and then... and then we fell in love. That is only a fragment of a memory of our lifetime together, but it's a start. You said... you said you revived the memory by touching the tea-cup?" he asked.
I nodded my head. "Yes."
"Would you mind trying it again? Touching the tea-cup?" he questioned. "I feel like Liana is in you somewhere... and I just-"
"Sure," I said.
His eyes lit up like Christmas lights.
"So after we finish up here then?" he asked. I nodded.
"I guess it's a plan then," he said.
We went back to the shop and Robert made sure the sign still said closed so no one would disturb us. We sat on the bed together in the back of the shop. He gave me the teacup. "This is one of my most precious items, besides the ring," he said. I nodded. "So, just be careful with it."
I took the china tea cup in my hands. I closed my eyes to see if anything were to happen. There was absolutely nothing. I opened my eyes. "Anything?" he asked.
I shook my head no. "I'm sorry, I wish I could remember," I said.
"I know," he sighed. "It's not your fault. It's Regina's and she's going to pay."
"Robert," I sighed. "No revenge seeking please. It won't do you any good."
Robert stared into my eyes again. Damn it. All I wanted to do was kiss this man. He's probably touch-starved, and needs some affection. Was my attraction to him a sign that we were together before? That I was really a woman named Liana in this other life? And that dream was really a memory?
But I can't... I can't kiss him, no matter how much I may want to. No matter how much the universe is pushing me towards this man... I am in a relationship. With Bruce. And we're married. I vowed that I would never cheat in my life. I told myself I would be a faithful wife to Bruce. "Dearie?" he questioned. "Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry," I sighed.
"No, don't be sorry dearie," he said. "Just tell me what's wrong."
I sighed again. "I'm starting to feel things..." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "I'm starting to feel these things that feel all so familiar... and they're feelings.... Feelings for you."
"Because a memory came back, your feelings for me are starting to arise again," he said. "That's exactly how I felt when I remembered."
"Wait so... you've never always remembered?" I questioned.
"No," he said. "For quite a long time I believed that I was indeed Mr. Robert Gold, antique shop dealer, and landlord. For years, actually, until only recently when I heard Miss Swan's first name," he explained.
"Oh," I said.
"As soon as I remembered, I assumed you would remember too because I created a curse that would help revive the memories of our old selves."
"Do you have an idea as to why it didn't work?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Magic is mysterious that way."
"Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?" I questioned.
"Of course not, dearie, I would love for you to kiss me," he said. "As I would love to kiss you. But we can't. You're married."
"I know," I sighed. I placed the china tea cup down and grabbed a hold of one of his hands that made me feel warmth. "I promised myself I would be a faithful wife."
"Let me ask you a question, dearie," he said, rubbing circles on my hands. "Do you love the man that you're currently married to? Do you love him, like truly love him?"
"I do," I said. "Well... at least I think I do. I don't know what I feel anymore."
"Then I would suggest you think about that," he said. "Bruce is a good guy. He doesn't deserve a broken heart. No matter how much I love you... and no matter how much I wish I could have you in my arms, we need to wait for the curse to break. When everyone remembers. When you remember who you are. Then we can be together if you still have feelings for me by then."
I nodded my head. "I understand."
"Good," he smiled, removing his hand from mine. "Well, this has been an awkward encounter... How about I let you have the day off today?"
"Really?" I asked. "Are you sure?"
He nodded his head. "Yeah. I think I'm going to take the day off too. Go spend some time with Bruce," he said.
I smiled. "I will."
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