Chapter Twenty Six

Brok put on a new shirt. It was the first time I saw him with a white shirt. He looked really nice I thought.

"White looks nice on you," I said as we walked out of his room.

"Just nice, huh?" he said annoyed.

"What's wrong with looking nice?" I asked.

"I don't want to look nice. I want to look respectful," he said angrily as we passed the hallway.

"Respectful? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you telling me you don't know the definition of respect?" He asked.

"No, of course I know what it means. Yes, you look respectful. You look very respectful. Are you satisfied now?" I said.

"No. I do not want you to satisfy me."

"Then what do you want?" I asked giving up.

"I want you to be honest with me."

"I am honest. I swear," I said crossing my heart and placing then placing my crossed fingers up.

"What is that gesture you are doing? I do not understand that. Explain," he said.

"I cross my heart and hope to die," I replied.

"Why would you hope to die?" he asked me.

"It's just an expression. I'm promising that I'm being honest," I said.

"Then why not simply state that instead of hoping to die?" he asked so seriously that I had to shake my head and laugh.

"Why are you laughing? What is so amusing?" he demanded and it just made me want to laugh some more, but I tried hard to control my giggling. Finally, I had seen the stairs and I grabbed the handle as quickly as I could to try to avoid his stare. I knew that if I looked at him now I would certainly laugh too much and make him feel bad and I didn't want to make him feel bad. For the first time in a while I was finally having some fun.

"Nothing," I said shaking my head. He immediately came after me and then walked next to me. I gazed at him. He looked at me with suspicion and frowned. I had to look down at the stairs or something or I knew I'd burst into more laughter.

"I know that it is not nothing and that it is indeed something," he said grumpily. Finally, I was able to control myself.

"No, it's nothing. I promise Brok. Prince Brok," I corrected and he bowed at me as we reached the end of the stairs.

"Fine, but do not think that I believe you so easily. I will discover why you laughed eventually," he said and I nodded half smiling.

"Okay Brok. I believe that you will, but what about me? I must look awful," I said.

"That would be an impossibility for you," he said. I was awed at that answer and quite frankly embarrassed. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I decided not to. We reached the first floor and passed what seemed to be the lobby and the living room, although it seemed to be a waiting room or some sort of thinking room. I still didn't understand the structure of the Sha castle, but I was sure that I would understand it eventually.

We walked turning right where there was a huge hallway and the kitchen was entering the first door on the right, but we didn't go in there. I looked inside and saw Krimla wiping the table. She glanced at my way scornfully before placing her attention back to the table. What the hell was her problem anyway, I wondered. I didn't know what was up with her, but I knew that she was doing something strange, talking about something at night with somebody. I tried to remember the person's name, but I hadn't paid too much attention to what she had been saying or to who.

"Well, these are the gardens," Brok said. I glanced out to the view and it was tremendous. The gardens were fluffed with yellow bushes and shrubs, trees were everywhere and there was a huge fountain of a mermaid.

"I didn't know you believed in mermaids?" I asked wondered by it.

"Mermaids? Oh you mean, Pudosha," he said.

"Pudosha? That sounds like a bad foot decease that stinks or something," I remarked, but he ignored me.

"Pudosha is the goddess of the sea. She lives in the lipshtanka. Those who have encountered her say that she seduces the males and while she kisses them she eats their tongues out," he said. My eyes popped wide open. I couldn't believe it.

"Are you serious?" I asked and for a moment there was a pause.

"Yes," he said.

"Oh my God, that's terrible, but has anybody ever..." I stopped. Now he was laughing at me.

"What? Are you making fun of me?" I asked and he shook his head laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"It is only a legend of Sha you silly girl. An old myth," he said.

"Oh. I knew that, I was just testing you," I replied.

"You authentically believed it. Do not lie to me," he said.

"I'm not. I was just testing you. Seriously," I insisted. He smiled.

"Why are you lying? I know you believed it," he said laughing.

"I did not. Just leave me alone," I said and he laughed harder. I however tried not to laugh and formed a thin line with my lips. Just like Brok didn't understand the cross my heart expression I didn't know Pudosha was just a myth. Go figure. I guess the expression the one that laughs last has the better laugh. This was definitely the case.

"Okay, I will not talk about it longer, but I do not wish to leave you alone. I am having too much fun," he said.

"Oh, at my expense is it?" I asked as we walked around the beautifully trimmed garden. The rocks were huge though and the aspect foreign to me, but I could appreciate beauty even if it was unusual.

"Well, I must admit that today has been an exciting day. First I was able to bring you Earth like food. Then I battled kimbrucks with my bare hands-"

"You only battled one kimbruck with your bare hands," I said.

"Yes, you saw only one kimbruck, but we will say that I battled four," Brok said.

"Why would you lie about that? Isn't one enough?" I asked teasingly.

"No. One is not enough. If I want to show strength I must say that they were four, besides four is our sacred number. It will bring me respect," he said.

"You know Brok, sometimes one is better than more," I answered.

"I disagree. More is always better," Brok said.

"Oh really? So, if you have more headaches, scars or accidents, it's better?" I replied.

"More tragedies teach you more lessons. More headaches mean that you are busy, more scars teach you how to fight..."

"And as for more accidents?" I asked.

"Mean that there is a destiny," he answered.

"Hum... I didn't look at it that way before. Are you a philosopher Prince Brok?"

"No. I am a ruler, a prince."

"A politician."


"What about you Anabella? What did you do when you lived on Earth? Surely you must be a politician's daughter?"

"Ha, ha, no thank goodness," I said laughing.

"I will ignore that remark because I am having so much fun with you," he said.

"Oh, right, you were actually enumerating the things that made this day so fun for you," I said.

"Yes, but I don't have to enumerate them all because you were there. I am interested in knowing your profession. Surely you were someone very important," he said. I quickly shook my head and felt blue. My eyes dropped to the floor.

"Are you sad? You miss your profession?" He said. I laughed nervously.

"Not really," I replied.

"I am anxious to know what you did on Earth? Were you a doctor?" He asked me.

"No. I was... a waitress and a cashier," I said embarrassingly. I felt so stupid the minute I said it.

"How thrilling. You had two professions. That is amazing. Tell me, what were your tasks? I am very curious," he said.

"You are? Why?" I asked.

"Because I am. Please tell me," he said as we walked. I was silent for a moment. I couldn't believe he was excited about that. I knew that once I explained what my tasks consisted his fascination would end abruptly. Maybe it was better this way.

"Well... I had to serve food to people in a restaurant. A diner actually. Sort of like a servant," I said.

"You were a servant? A woman like you? No, nonsense. I do not believe you. You want to make fun of me again," he said.

"No Brok. I was a servant," I replied. His expression changed a bit, but then he brushed it away.

"Okay, what about the casher job, that must be the exciting one, I'm sure," he said.

"No, not really. That one consisted in checking out merchandise," I answered.

"Those were your professions on Earth? I cannot believe it," he said almost scandalized.

"Well it's true. Now you know that I was just a dumb servant girl," I replied.

"You are not dumb," Brok answered.

"How do you know?"

"I'm talking with you now."

"You don't know me," I spat back.

"I know that you are not dumb. Servants are not dumb. A person who serves others has courtesy and dignity. I am sure you did your job well," he said.

"Well... I guess so," I said. I felt a little defensive, but I was kind of relieved he felt that way about servants.

"Thanks for that," I said.

"For what?" Brok asked.

"For your kind words," I answered.

"My words were not kind. They were true. However, I must tell you that here you will not be a servant, you will be served," he said. I didn't say anything for a while. I just glanced at the garden. I touched a couple of shrubs and then for my surprise I saw the cutest creature I've ever seen in my life. It was brown and fluffy. It sort of looked like a seal with huge eyes, but with the body of a rabbit. Unfortunately, it didn't have long ears, but it had the cutest mustache and eyes ever.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's a boon," Brok answered.

"Is it dangerous?" I asked.

"No. It's harmless," Brok answered. The boon was on the ground chewing on a spike shaped leaf that must have fallen on the ground. The spikes here in this planet were harmless of course, they were elastic, fragile and chewable like the leaves of trees, in fact these spike shaped objects were actually the leaves of the trees, they were just shaped differently.

"Can I go touch it?" I asked him.

"Yes, go," he said. I walked towards the boon. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. It didn't see me because it was very distracted with the leaves that were spike shaped. I approached it by the back and suddenly I caught it in my hands. The boon certainly moved like a rabbit. It stretched its back legs and tried to scamper away from me, but I held it tight on its belly.

"Shush, don't run away, I won't hurt you. I just wanted to pet you and say hi," I said in my high-pitched pet voice. Brok walked towards me with curiosity printed all over his face.

"Why are you talking to the boon? It does not understand," Brok said. I laughed.

"I know that. I just want to be friendly to it," I said.

"Why? It's just a boon. It won't talk back," Brok said.

"Humans tend to talk to their pets or defenseless animals," I explained.

"Why?" Brok asked.

"Because... I don't know. We just do it because we make them part of our family or want to be nice. I really don't know," I replied.

"Humans certainly have strange customs," he said.

"Yeah," I answered and then I talked to the boon again. After some pet talk I said goodbye to it and let it go.

"Did you like that boon?" Brok asked me after I let it go.

"Yes," I answered nodding. Brok stared at me for a while and there was a silence between us. I didn't know for sure, but it felt like if there was a moment between us. A moment that scared me and that I didn't understand. I interrupted it as soon as it felt awkward to me.

"Okay, so where will the rose garden be?" I asked suddenly.

"Follow me and I will take you there," he said. I followed him deeper into the garden. There was a rock passage up front where I could hear the whooshing sounds of a spring.

"A spring? Here?" I asked with wonder.

"Yes, right up front. Would you like to go see it?"

"Yes, I would love to," I said and ran up front. Brok followed me running until we reached the spring. Purple water streamed down it. It was beautiful, but it unavoidably made me homesick.

"If only it was crystal clear," I mumbled.

"What?" Brok asked.

"The spring," I replied.

"Let us go to the area where I want to put your rose garden. If you would please follow me up the stairway," Brok said.

"What? The stairway? What stairway?" I asked. Brok pointed left with his finger. I could hardly believe it. There was actually a set of stairs made of stone and bamboo sticks.

"That's incredible," I said.

"Come," Brok said and I followed him up the stairs. I could see the mountains, and at a far distance the kimbrucks which were amazing although I was no longer interested in seeing them up front and there were hundreds of little boons everywhere.

"Wow and these creatures, they just roam free everywhere?" I asked.

"Yes," Brok answered.

"But isn't that dangerous to your civilians?" I asked.

"This is the capital. Only the royal family, servants and the senate live here and all of them live indoors. We have our Krostas that take us anywhere without fear of harm. The cities are surrounded by tall walls. The animals are not interested in trespassing," he said as we walked up the spiral stoned steps. We reached the top where there was an abandoned old terrace.

"This is the spot," Brok said.

"Here? Wow. Brok this is... this is amazing," I said.

"I'm glad that you like it," he said and I was happy until I worried.

"What is wrong? Why that face?" Brok asked.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean what if the roses affect the environment or something like that?" I asked.

"It won't. I think the roses will complement the garden. They are wild, earthly and you like them. That's all that matters," he said.

"Oh, well... yeah, complementing the garden is an important issue," I mumbled.

"Yes and so is making your stay as pleasurable as possible. I will begin to construct it here," Brok said.

"I'd like to help," I said.

"Yes. I will allow it. You will help. Give me a moment," Brok said and he took out a small device.

"Rox, bring me the rose seeds, the growth accelerator and a pair of gloves. Anabella has decided to help in the making of the rose garden. Anabella, what is your favorite color?" Brok asked. I hadn't thought about it before, but I pretty much liked the one that was in my room.

"Red," I replied.

"Red it is. Rox make sure that those seeds are from red roses. I want this area filled with them, do you understand?"

"Yes master," Rox replied. I was glad to hear from him. I had grown worried and I kind of missed him.

"I'm glad to hear that he's okay," I mumbled.

"Why would he not be okay?" Brok asked.

"Because of the kimbrucks," I replied.

"The kimbrucks? Ha, ha. Rox is made of Chliklt," Brok said.

"Right. You see I won't even repeat that because I know that I won't be able to," I said smiling.

"Ha, ha, ha. I am enjoying our conversation. Anabella I hope you like your garden," Brok said.

"I do," I replied.

"But it hasn't even been built yet," Brok said.

"I know, but I like it regardless," I said. Brok stared at me for a moment as I tried hard to ignore his golden eyes upon me.

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