Chapter Thirty-Nine

The music of the party changed from instrumental to song. I heard a wow in the audience. The song was "Completemente Enamorados" which translates in English "Completely in love," performed by Chayanne. The song was a slow ballad, an oldie, but I totally loved it. Queen Kristta approached me with other Sha people.

"What an amazing melody!"

"Blah! I prefer the high notes of the Tumpla any day of the week. This music is ridiculous," another Sha member said.

"Anabella, come here, quick. I would like you to meet some more Senate members," the queen said waving at me. I walked towards her as she continued to speak to the other three Sha people she was accompanied with.

"Isn't she lovely?"

"For a human I suppose," the other one said. I swallowed hard. I hoped that this conversation wouldn't be too uncomfortable. I approached the group and greeted them as kindly as I could, bowing to each member.

"This is Shuttu, Brutt and Luckutus," The queen said. Hard names for me, I thought. It would take me a while to remember them all. Shuttu and Brutt had long orange hair and golden eyes, Luckutus was dark haired, but he had purple eyes. Luckutus was the shortest of the three, in fact I think he was the shortest of all of the Sha people I had seen. Shuttu on the hand was chubby looking and Brutt wore glasses. Then another Sha came towards us.

"Oh, this is Tamil," The queen said. Tamil had long, blond hair and blue eyes. He smiled and grabbed my hand to kiss it.

"Nice to meet you Anabella. The prince has told me nothing but wonders," Tamil said. I smiled back.

"I'm sure he has..." Luckutus sneered back.

"Luckutus we are not all species supremacists," Tamil said.

"Sure, even though the evidence of mixing with this species suggests that it is overwhelmingly dangerous to our kind," Luckutus said.

"Evidence?" I asked, but I seemed to be ignored in the conversation. My throat went dry.

"Luckutus, not evidence, but theory," Shuttu said.

"Oh, that's right, nowadays nothing that we see is evidence, but mere theories. My dear you look very lovely and I don't mean you to particularly be a threat to us, but certainly your kind is not as charming as the prince describes," Luckutus said.

"Luckutus, that is enough. Be polite," the queen said.

"Of course, queen Kristta. My apologies to you Miss Anabella," he said bowing towards me. Frankly, I could care less of his hypocrite politeness. I wanted to know what was going on in my home planet.

"Luckutus, may I ask how do you know about my species?"

"Anabella, this conversation is political. This is a party. We should be here relaxing, not talking about politics," the queen said. Rox had a tray filled with glasses of wine and as he walked past by us, the queen grabbed two glasses of them and she passed one of them to me. I grabbed it, but didn't drink from it. The queen however was sipping it with joy.

"Queen, it's not my wish to be disruptive in any way, but I haven't seen my planet for... years."

"You haven't missed out on much honey, I can promise you that," Luckutus said.

"Luckutus, that's enough!" Shuttu said.

"How dare you speak of these matters with Anabella! The prince himself ordered that this should not be discussed outside of the political realm," Tamil said with a loud voice. Some of the party members now looked over at our way and Luckutus cleared his throat.

"You are right. That order must have slipped off my mind. I apologize. I was just being sincere. After all the girl does deserve to have some information," Luckutus said pointing towards me with his chin.

"I doubt that the order of the prince slipped off your mind as you suggest," Shuttu said.

"Well, you must be an incredible mind reader, are you not?" Luckutus discussed.

"Mind readers are forbidden Luckutus! Did that slip your mind also?"

"Maybe you should tell us, since you seem to read minds so well," Luckutus said. Shuttu frowned and grabbed Luckutus by the collar.

"Are you accusing me of being a mind reader? I should kill you right here and now!" Shuttu shouted. The guests were definitely looking now our way. I was scared. I tried to intervene by putting myself in between them, but the queen grabbed my arm and shook her head to discourage me.

"Shuttu, you do not have the standing or the strength to defeat me! Come then, try your best shot," Luckutus said.

"Stop it!" I yelled, but the crowds were now coming in and they chanted "Fight, fight, fight". They formed a circle around the fighters and now they were all observing it with their fists out and up. They seemed excited by the event. I on the other hand was horrified.

Shuttu swung a fist at Luckutus, but Luckutus blocked it and then pushed Shuttu with force. Shuttu slipped and fell on his back. I tried to intervene, but the queen held me back further and further away from the fight. I was so tense that I wanted to crash down and cry. I knew that this party was now absolutely ruined forever. Shuttu got up. He tried to tuck his tummy which flapped like a pile of gelatin. He snatched a chair. He ran as fast as he could, with his trembling belly towards Luckutus and smacked him on the head with it. Luckutus tripped backwards, but he didn't fall to the floor. Angrily he moved forward and grabbed the chair. Both of them were furiously growling at each other while holding some part of the same chair. They were like two lions fighting over a pile of meat.

"What is this?" I heard a roar from somewhere else. It was the prince! The guests immediately left the circle. However, Luckutus was able to take the chair out of Shuttu's hands and he smacked Shuttu's legs with it. Shuttu tripped and fell on the floor. Brok grabbed Luckutus' back part of his collar.

"Luckutus, what have you done!" The prince asked. Luckutus immediately let go of the chair. His eyes popped open immediately and he turned around to face the prince. When he saw him, he immediately went to the floor and knelt. His head was now down, his eyes on the floor.

"Prince Brok, please I beg you forgive me," Luckutus said.

"No mercy!" Shuttu cried out loud. I was shocked and terrified beyond belief. I didn't understand anything of what was going on. I only understood that there had been a fight over a mind reading insult or something like that, but seriously, this was crazy.

"Explain yourself!" The prince said.

"Luckutus accused me of being a mind reader," Shuttu said.

"Is this true?" Brok asked him. Luckutus nodded.

"Yes... but I beg for your mercy. It was a mistake," Luckutus said.

"A grave mistake indeed. You should be punished. Do you know what is the punishment for your insult?" The prince asked.

"My tongue should be cut out," Luckutus answered.

"Then you knew the consequences of your insult?" Brok asked him.

"I did."

"Then you know that the consequences must be met with the action committed, is that not correct?" Brok asked him.

"Yes," Luckutus answered. What in the hell? I couldn't believe that this was going on.

"Rox, get me my blade," the prince commanded.

"Yes master," Rox said and he left the room. The queen no longer held my arm and so I vanished into the crowds.

"Brok, Brok!" I yelled. Brok looked back searching for my voice.

"Anabella?" Brok asked as I approached. Rox and I arrived at the same time. He handed the long, sharpened blade to the prince. Luckutus lifted his head up and opened his mouth. He took his tongue out and was ready to have it removed.

"No! Don't do this, please," I begged. Luckutus looked at me stung with surprise. Brok's eyes were wide and the rest of the guests gasped in wonder. I looked around me and all I could see were stares of amazement. I didn't care.

"Anabella you do not understand."

"I understand a mistake when I see one," I said. Then I approached Luckutus and looked into his purple eyes.

"Luckutus, this mistake will never happen again, will it?" I asked. Luckutus placed his tongue back in and responded.

"No," he said shaking his head.

"Luckutus you did not mean what you said to Shuttu. You were furious because he contradicted you, isn't that right?" I asked him and Luckutus nodded.


"He was talking of a forbidden subject," Tamil said.

"Is this true?" Brok asked. Luckutus nodded.

"He was only confused, weren't you Luckutus?" I insisted. Luckutus looked at me with astonishment in his eyes, yet he nodded.

"Prince, this is not a life or death issue, this is an issue that should be further discussed in your political realm. I have the firm belief that Luckutus is as stressed as the rest of the Senate about political issues which is why this party has been held in the first place. However, Luckutus needs rest and should leave the party at once. Tomorrow he will be renewed," I said. Luckutus stared at me in awe, but the prince was quick tongued.

"Is this the truth Luckutus? Are you also stressed by politics?" Brok asked him. Luckutus nodded almost immediately.

"Yes, my prince."

"Stand up then. Your tongue has been spared tonight. You should thank my Anabella for this mercy," the prince said. Luckutus stood up with watery eyes. He looked at me. He still seemed shocked.

"Thank you, Miss Anabella," he said. I nodded.

"You're welcome. I hope to see you again more rested. I'm sure that you and I will be good friends," I said. Luckutus nodded and left the party. Shuttu glared at me. Tamil didn't seem too happy about it and he walked towards Brok, but Brok waved him away.

"We will talk tomorrow about this. Let us enjoy the rest of the party and I want no more forbidden discussions in this party," the prince ordered. Everyone nodded, but their stares towards me intensified. I wondered if I had done the right thing or not, since their stares were no longer friendly. Even the queen looked at me with discomfort. I suddenly felt all alone in this party. The prince approached me and grabbed my hand.

"You are wonderful," he said to me. I looked around and glanced at the other party guests, but I didn't feel as wonderful.

"Your friends don't seem to like me."

"Do not worry or care about their feelings. I am the prince and they must obey me... and if you answer yes to me... my wife," he said. I placed my head down feeling a blush on my cheeks.

"This party is so ruined," I mumbled. The prince grabbed my chin, placing my head up.

"You will not look at the floor, but up, where your eyes belong," he said. I half smiled. I still didn't feel as good as I wanted to, but his words soothed me.

"This is the best party I have been too. In fact, it has been the only one," Brok said.

"That explains everything," I replied.

"In my world fights are very thrilling and this will be talked about for the following days to come. Now you will become part of a Sha discussion," Brok said.

"Me? I didn't want to become part of a Sha discussion."

"Well, rather you want it or not, you will become. You will be known as the human of mercy," he said. I swallowed some bile. The human of mercy just seemed like a very big title for me and I sincerely doubted that I could uphold such a title, in fact I didn't want to.

"Could you please forbid that title on me?"

"Of course. Now tell me, how has the party been so far? Disregard the fight of course. I can tell that you did not like it at all."

"Of course not. The idea was to relax, not to have people kill each other over political discussions or name calling," I said. The prince nodded.

"These are stressful times Anabella. This is why I avoided this subject with you."

"I know it has to do with my planet," I said. The prince cleared his throat and avoided looking at me, but I went on.

"I want to know what's going on," I insisted.

"This is not a good time or a place Anabella."

"When would be a good time exactly?" I asked.

"I do not know, but it is not now."

"Brok, please..." I pleaded with droopy eyes. Brok looked at me for a moment.

"Damn you! Alright. I'll tell you tomorrow, but under one condition," Brok replied.

"Anything," I said.

"Hum... anything? Now that's interesting. You would do anything I ask of you. Anything at all?" Brok asked me. I frowned back at him. He laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha. I promised not to force you into marriage, although I am very tempted to do so. No, of course not."

"Then what?" I asked curious.

"I will tell you if you dance with me," Brok responded. I laughed.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes. I verified some Earth information. You had mentioned dancing, but I wanted to be sure what Earth dancing was, so I checked some files."


"A little different, but not so much."

"Okay, but let's dance after this song. This one is already ending."

"Wonderful idea," he told me and then he clapped his hands twice. Rox came to him and he ordered the robot to lower the volume of the music.

"Listen up, ladies and gentlemen, members of the Senate and the Council. Now the dance will begin. Anabella and I will be the first to lead, then you may follow if you can!" Brok said with a huge grin, his sharp fangs showing.

"Hooray!" Cried the crowd, their fists raised up in the air. Roars and laughter came out of their mouths, the King was nowhere to be seen, but the queen cheered and clapped. The fight scene and the pardon seemed to have been forgotten for the moment. People cheered at us with joy. I had to smile.

"Wonderful Anabella!" Said Tamil with a smile.

"I must say that this party has been memorable. Anabella, you are wonderful," said Shuttu.

"Love human parties, the music, the dances and the decorations," the queen said.

"Yes, very nice," Pundok said. Others cheered on and laughed.

"Long live Prince Brok, long live Prince Brok!"

"May the princess live forever!" Shouted others. I blushed.

"Wow, did you hear that? Some have already embraced you as the princess," Brok said.

"Me? A princess?" I asked shocked.

"Not just a princess, but the princess of Sha,-" Brok said and then he cheered back at the crowds with his fist up and shouted.- "We shall dance."

The volume of the music went up. The song was totally unexpected. I could hear it's slow and sexy melody of piano, bass and guitar. The rhythm was slow, the song was perfectly performed by the late Selena and the title of the song "I could fall in love with you". I literally felt my heart beat leap out of me and go directly into my throat. Brok held my hand and my delicate fingers. I felt his body come so near to me that I could almost be a part of his own body and veins. My cheeks were on fire, my chest wanted to explode and I felt my knees go weak. Brok held the small of my back tightly, but gently and together we danced. However, I felt that my feet were no longer touching the floor. I was flying, gliding in the sky with him. The faces in the room smiled, but soon they disappeared from my eyes and I was alone with Brok. I rested my cheek on Brok's arm. We danced slowly, but rhythmically. I closed my eyes, listened to the music and just let my body go. The lyrics just dragged me into oblivion. "I should keep you to myself and never let you go... I could fall in love... with you..." Selena sang. I don't know where I was, but I was no longer on Sha.

"Anabella?" I heard Brok whisper to me. I looked up and glanced into his golden eyes. I couldn't speak.

"I love you," Brok said. I couldn't answer, but I saw his face approach mine. I did not move or flinch. His lips approached me and I fully allowed them to kiss my lips. I embraced them. His lips were soft, his fangs sharp, but he was gentle. Frankly, I was tired of fighting him off and not just him, but my own emotions. I was tired of being afraid of him when he was not the beast I thought he was and I finally accepted that I too had fallen in love with the prince of Sha. 

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