Steal It If You Can
I sat in class bored as usual as my biology teacher, Mr. Hiruta was going on about his lesson. He seemed to notice my boredom and picked on me to answer his question. He showed me two lines and asked me which one was longer. It was a trick question, though, as both lines were the same size. He congratulated me since my eyes could "see the truth" as he himself put it.
After school
We were all gathered on the roof and began discussing sending the calling card.
Morgana:"Alright! All that's left now is to send out the calling card and take Kamoshida's heart!"
Ryuji:"Couldn't we have just sent one at the beginnin' of all this?"
Morgana:"It's not that simple. A Treasure won't stay materialized forever. Once the impression is gone, the Treasure will disappear. I think it'll last around a day, at most."
Ryuji:"The hell...? That's like no time at all... Anyways, we can send a calling card right now, yeah? Let's do it and steal that bastard's heart!"
Ren:"Alright. Let's send it out then!"
Ryuji:"I've been waitin' to hear you say that!"
We all nodded at each other as Ryuji began rotating his shoulders and held a determined look on his face.
Ryuji:"Tomorrow's finally the day."
Ann:"So we send the calling card in the morning... and carry out the plan by the end of the day, right?"
Morgana:"Correct. The effect won't last that long. Are you worried?"
Ann:"Heh. Waited too long."
Ann:"We're going to pull this off, no matter what!"
Morgana:"So, who's going to write the card?"
Ryuji:"Leave it to me!"
Ryuji:"Why? Why wouldn't it be me?!"
Ann:"This is important. Are you sure you can handle the pressure?"
Morgana:"I must agree."
Ryuji:"I really wanna get him good! Lemme write it... C'mon, please?"
Ren looked over at me, and I just shrugged.
"If he's eager to do it, then let him have at it."
Ren:"I guess so. Alright, Ryuji, we'll leave it to you."
Ryuji:"Yeah! I got this!"
Ann:"Hey, are you sure about this? If they find out our identities, all this work will be for nothing..."
Ryuji:"I know, I know!"
Morgana:"Alright, tomorrow it is! You'd better not slack off on this."
Ren and I walked into Shujin, and we saw that whole place was filled with murmurs and people talking amongst themselves. Ann herself was near a bulletin board and saw a calling card before reading it aloud to herself.
Ann:"Sir Suguru Kamoshida, the utter bastard of lust... We know how shitty you are and that you put your twisted desires on students that can't fight back. That's why we decided to steal away those desires and make you confess your sins. This will be done tomorrow, so we hope you will be ready. From, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts."
After reading it, Ann really was at a loss for words. All she muttered was a simple "Wow." She then noticed us across the hall and walked over to us.
Ryuji:"Not bad, eh? I looked up a bunch of similar stuff online for reference."
Ann:"Um... Yeah... I know what you wanted to say, but it sounded like an idiot trying to be an adult."
Morgana:"Your logo's a little lacking, too."
Ryuji:"Okay, y'know what? Th-That ain't true!"
Before he could say anything else, we overheard several students talking about what they just read on the calling card.
Student:"Did Mr. Kamoshida, do something wrong?"
Student 2:"Does this mean the rumors are true?!"
Student 3:"Wait a sec... is someone gonna take something from Mr. Kamoshida?"
Student 4:"What's with this weird logo? And who're these Phantom Thieves of Hearts people?"
Ryuju:"It got everyone excited, so it's all good, yeah?"
We then looked over and saw Kamoshida storming into view as he angrily ripped off one of the calling cards and crumpled it in his hands.
Kamoshida:"Who's responsible for this?!"
Morgana:"Look at that. A predictable reaction for someone who knows what we mean by distorted desires."
Ryuji:"I think it's hittin' him pretty hard."
Ann:"You can say that again."
Kamoshida:"Did you do this?! Or was it you?!"
He began yelling at the crowd of students before they all grew fearful and ran away. Since we were the only students left in the hallway, he walked over to us with an angry look on his face. It was rather hilarious to see.
Kamoshida:"Was it you three?!"
Ren:"I'm not sure what you mean."
Kamoshida:"So you're playing dumb? Pfft, it's not a problem. You'll be expelled soon enough, anyway."
That's when we noticed the whole word shift for a brief second. And in Kamoshida's place stood Shadow Kamoshida.
S. Kamoshida:"Come... Steal it if you can!"
The world flashed back to normal, and he walked away from us.
Morgana:"Judging from Kamoshida's response... I'm sure we had an effect on his Palace!"
Ann:"Does that mean the Treasure's appeared?! We'll be able to get it today, right?"
Morgana:"It's not just "today." It's ONLY today. The impact of seeing a calling card doesn't last long, and it cannot be repeated. This will be our one chance to steal the Treasure."
Ryuji:"One day's more than enough for us!"
With that, we got ready to enter the Metaverse directly after school. We went directly to the safe room by the throne room to get the Treasure easier. The large door that led directly into the throne room was left wide open. No guards were in sight, so we made a beeline towards the Treasure room. And it was there, fully materialized. It looked like one giant crown.
Morgana:"Aww yeeeaaaah! The Treasure has appeared!"
Ryuji:"Man, it's huge!"
Morgana:"What do you think?! It's just as I said! Now we can steal it! Ahh... this shine brings tears to my eyes..."
Ann:"It kinda pisses me off. Why's it so pretty? Isn't this Kamoshida's desires?"
Ryuji:"Uh, the cat's actin' awfully excited."
Ann:"What's wrong? Is something..."
Morgana jumped onto the crown and began nuzzling it and purring like an actual cat.
"Hey Morgana, I think you're getting way too excited."
He kept purring until Ryuji told him to knock it off.
Morgana:"Oh, um, yeah... Forgive me for displaying such an insolent sight in front of a lady..."
Ann:"You were completely out of character too. What was that about?"
Morgana:"I couldn't stop it either... To think I'd be drawn to human desires this much... Doesn't that prove that I'm human?!"
Ryuji:"How should we know?!"
Morgana:"A-Anyway, you guys need to carry it!"
Ryuji:"All you do is bark orders... Still, that was easier than I thought! I thought for sure there'd be some insane trap or something."
Ann:"His Palace will disappear if we take this back, right? And Kamoshida will change too..."
Morgana:"That should be the case."
Ryuji:"Good. Now's our chance, then."
Ren, Ryuji, Ann, and I lifted the giant crown, and it was heavier than we thought. We began walking out the Treasure room and were in the middle of the throne room and heard a voice cheering on for Kamoshida. All of a sudden, Shadow Kamoshida spiked a volleyball and knocked the crown right out of our hands.
He jumped right over us to land in front of his throne. He extended his hand, and the crown shrunk down the size of a normal crown and flew into his hand. Princess Ann ran from the side and latched onto Shadow Kamoshida's free arm.
S. Kamoshida:"I won't let anyone take this! This proves that I am the king of this castle. It is the core of this world!"
Ann:"That rat bastard... That's how he sees me, isn't it?!"
"Unfortunately, yeah."
Ryuji:"Yo, pervert. Were you waitin' to ambush us?"
S. Kamoshida:"I just made it easier to find you. I'll dispose of you myself. Right here, right now."
Ryuji:"That's our line, you sexually-harassin' d-bag!"
S. Kamoshida:"What a selfish misunderstanding..."
Ann:"How is it a misunderstanding?! You were doing things that you kept in secret from others!"
S. Kamoshida:"People around me were the ones who kept it secret. Adults who want to share in my accomplishments, students who have the drive to become winners... They willingly protect me so that we all may profit from it."
S. Kamoshida:"There are too many imbeciles who don't understand that! Including naive brats like you and that girl who tried to kill herself!"
Ann:"True, she's a total idiot... letting you manipulate her, trying to commit suicide... And I'm even more a dumbass for not realizing that! But no matter what kind of fool someone might be... They don't need your permission to live their lives!"
S. Kamoshida:"Drop the attitude, you mediocre peasant! There is no wrong in using my gifts for my gain! I'm a cut above all other humans!"
Ann:"Above? You mean beneath. You're a goddamn demon obsessed with your sick desires!"
Kamoshida began laughing as a red aura swirled around his body. His began to convulse as his eyes bulged out, and his body contorted in unnatural ways before he transformed into a hideous monster.
It was now time for us to battle Kamoshida. Ren, Ryuji, Morgana, and Ann were the ones facing off against Kamoshida as I hung back in case any of them needed to tag out. They dealt some damage to him, but he ate some weird looking legs from a giant trophy to heal himself. They targeted that and destroyed it. This left Kamoshida dejected, and so we went in for an All-Out Attack.
"Alright, guys, let's keep this up!"
Kamoshida roared out in frustration before he called over a slave of his. This slave was the cognitive version of Mishima. This version of Mishima looked the exact same as the real Mishima. Down to the bruised face and everything.
Ryuji:"What's he doing here?!"
"He's a cognitive version! He's not real, so whatever we don't won't have an effect on him, remember?"
Morgana:"Omni's right. Let's just continue with our fight!"
S. Kamoshida:"Alright, you worthless slave! Set me up for my Gold Medal Spike! Even a worthless shit stain like you can handle that, right?!"
C. Mishima:"Y-Yes King Kamoshida!"
Mishima had a volleyball in his hand before tossing it into the air. Kamoshida laughed before jumping up and spiking the ball towards us. We we were blown away, and he laughed.
S. Kamoshida:"Good! How'd you like that?! That's what made me a champion!"
Ryuji:"Ugh! Why was that so strong?!"
Morgana:"Oh no! He's going for it again! We still need to get the Treasure off his head!"
S. Kamoshida:"Oh, Annnnn. I hope you're ready for punishment!"
Ann:"N-No! You sick bastard!"
He only laughed before hitting another spike. We were all on the ground, and I watched as the ball rapidly approached Ann.
I growled before I forced myself back up and ran towards the giant ball.
"I won't let you get away with hurting people any longer! RRRAAAHHHH!!!"
I could feel my body twisting and contorting as my muscles began to bulge out, and I felt my veins throbbing and increasing in size.
In one quick flash of green light, I had transformed. Not into Heatblast, but something else.
Ryuji:"What the hell?!"
Morgana:"Is that... a second Persona? I thought only Joker could use multiple Personas."
I managed to catch the giant volleyball in the nick of time, and I saw that I had four arms and each of them was red.
S. Kamoshida:"What?! How did you catch my Gold Medal Spike?!"
"Panther, are you okay?"
Ann:"Yes... Thank you."
She and the others got up as I threw the ball back to Kamoshida and it smacked him right in his chest.
S. Kamoshida:"Damn you!"
Ryuji:"Dude! You're so swole!"
I looked at myself and flexed my four arms.
"Heh, I guess I'll call this guy Four Arms!"
Ren:"Mona, can you steal the Treasure while we distract Kamoshida?"
Morgana:"With pleasure! I'll climb up on that terrace and knock the crown right off!"
Mona dashed off to the side as Kamoshida roared and smacked his riding crop on the ground in frustration.
"What's the matter? I thought you were a pro athlete!"
S. Kamoshida:"Silence! It's all Mishima's fault! It always is. Get out of my sight, stupid slave! And bring in the other slave!"
Mishima:"Yes, King Kamoshida!"
Mishima ran away, and someone else took his place. It was the cognitive version of Shiho. This version was dressed in a white bunny girl outfit.
"This dude seriously needs an ass kicking!"
Ryuji:"I'm with you, man!"
Ren:"I got an idea. We should take out Suzui first. That way, Kamoshida can't use that spike."
Ann:"Alright. Let me be the one to do it then."
We nodded and watched Panther use her whip to attack Cognitive Shiho. Shiho was weak to physical attacks and was destroyed.
S. Kamoshida:"Noooo! Bring out my next slave!"
He smacked his riding crop, but no one showed up.
S. Kamoshida:"This can't be! I'm all out of slaves?!"
Morgana:"Keep him busy, guys, just a little longer."
Without any more slaves to call upon, it was just us versus Shadow Kamoshida by his lonesome.
"Guys, let me take care of this for a while."
Ann:"What? We want to help too!"
"I get that, but you all need to restore your health. That spike he did, it really did a number on you guys."
Ryuji:"Yeah but... can you handle this?"
"Damn straight! Do you trust me, Joker?"
Ren:"...I do. We'll stay back for a bit and you we'll leave it to you."
I smirked and cracked my four sets of knuckles and pounded my fists together.
Ann:"Just promise to put the hurt on this bastard!"
"Yes ma'am!"
With that, they jumped back and were using the medicine I bought to heal themselves up.
S. Kamoshida:"What? Are you really going to be the only one to fight me?"
"Yep! Hope you're not too scared or anything!"
S. Kamoshida:"As if I should be afraid of a lowly peasant like you!"
Kamoshida tried to stab me using his golden fork, but I managed to roll out of the way and grab onto it. He and I began to struggle for it before I put in more effort and stole the fork right out of his hand.
S. Kamoshida:"Give that back! That thing is worth more than your entire bloodl- AGGGHHHH!"
I shut him up by stabbing the fork into his disgustingly long tongue and pinned it to the ground.
Ryuji:"Way to go, Omni!"
Ann:"Show that creep who's boss!"
I gave them a thumbs-up before removing the fork and tossing it aside.
S. Kamoshida:"How dare you... You'll regret that!"
He grew angry and tried to use his knife this time to cut me. I stood in place and caught the knife above me. He struggled to lower it further, and I flexed all four of my muscles before pushing with inwards with my left arms and outwards with my right arms. I managed to snap the knife, and with the piece that I had, I tossed it like a spear and watched it get lodged in Kamoshida's left eye.
His cry of pain shook the throne room, and I merely dusted off my hands. I looked over and saw that Mona jumped off the terrace and knocked off Kamoshida's crown.
Morgana:"Nice work, Omni!"
"Everyone, back with me!"
They nodded and ran back to my side as we all began to beat on Kamoshida since without his crown, he was too dejected to move.
"Heh! Not so tough now, are you?!"
With one last devastating punch in the face by me, Kamoshida was brought down. He and I reverted back to our normal forms. The crown shrunk back down and rolled toward us, but before we could grab it, Kamoshida swooped in and stole it. He ran from us, but the only place left to go was at a balcony near us.
Ann:"What's wrong? Not running away? Why don't you run? Aren't you a great athlete?"
S. Kamoshida:"It's always been like this... all those goddamn hyenas forcing their expectations on me! I'm doing this all for them! What's wrong about demanding a reward for that?!"
Ryuji:"Now you're making excuses? We'll do something about that distorted heart of yours."
Kamoshida shuddered as he continued looking down the balcony, realizing there was nowhere to land that wouldn't kill him.
Ann:"Scared? Right now, you're seeing the same view that Shiho did. I'm sure she was scared to... except she had no choice but to jump... What will you do? Will you jump? Or would you rather die here?"
Ann summoned Carmen as Kamoshida looked at her fearfully and clutched tightly onto the crown.
Morgana:"Do you want to finish him off? It's your call."
S. Kamoshida:"No, please wait! I beg you... Just forgive meeee!"
Ann:"Shut up. I bet everyone told you the same. But you.. you took everything from them!"
Carmen shot out a blast of fire that flew past Kamoshida's head as he shrieked out in terror. The blast hit the wall by him as he kneeled and tossed the crown at us. I caught it and handed it to Joker.
S. Kamoshida:"Go ahead and finish me off... You do that... and my real self will go down too..."
I was unsure of what to do, and I could tell that Ren and Ryuji were as well.
S. Kamoshida:"You have that right since you've won..."
Ann was seething rage and had Carmen throw another fire attack. It purposely missed as we were surprised.
Ann:"If his mind shuts down, he can't admit his crimes."
Morgana:"You're kind, Lady Ann..."
S. Kamoshida:"I've lost. You're through when you lose... What am I- What am I supposed to do now?"
Ren:"Atone for your sins."
"That's all you can do now. All we want you to do now."
S. Kamoshida:"Alright... I will leave and return to my real self... I'll make certain that I-"
As soon as he left, the Palace began crumbling. We all ran out of there as the place shook, and the ceiling came down as walls cracked. We luckily managed to escape unscathed.
Ann: *pant* *pant* "That sucked..."
Ryuji stood upright before looking at his phone.
Ryuji:"Look at the nav!"
We all looked at the app as it played a message saying that the destination had been deleted.
Ann:"It's true. We can't go there anymore."
Morgana:"What about the Treasure?!"
Ren fished it out his pocket and held up a gold medal.
Ann:"A medal? Wait, where'd that crown go?"
Ryuji:"What's goin' on?"
Morgana:"It means that was the source of Kamoshida's desires. To him, this medal is worth as much as that crown we saw in the Palace."
Ryuji:"An Olympic medal... So that perv kept clingin' to his past glory and couldn't let it go..."
Ann:"But... this means that Kamoshida's heart might have changed, right?"
Ryuji:"Our expulsion is on the line here!"
Morgana:"This is the first successful example for me, too. However, there's no doubt that this has affected Kamoshida's personality quite a lot. The entire Palace disappeared, after all."
Ryuji:"Ugh, I feel all antsy! Ain't there a way to check now?"
"Relax, Ryuji. We just gotta wait it out."
Ren:"(Y/n)'s right. We'll know soon enough."
Morgana:"Come on, why the gloomy faces? Be happy! We completed this with great success, you know."
Ryuji:"We just don't know if everything's okay yet..."
Morgana:"I'm pretty sure it'll be fine. Remember how Kamoshida's Shadow said that he's returning to his self in reality? We all know Suguru Kamoshida is scum. Still... He did seem to regain his conscience somewhat before he disappeared."
"I'm sure it worked."
Morgana:"There are definitely those who have been saved thanks to what you've done."
Ryuji:"Anyways, I guess we gotta wait. It all boils down to what's gonna happen to Kamoshida... or if we're gettin' expelled for real..."
Ren:"Let's be patient."
Ryuji:"Right. C'mon, let's go home."
I was ready to turn in for the night when Ann texted me and thanked me for helping her get revenge for Shiho. I told her that it wasn't just me and that she put in work too. She seemed glad about it before telling me good night.
Around lunchtime, I was hanging with Ren and Ryuji in the hallway as Ryuji asked us if we've seen Kamoshida recently. We both shook our heads when Ms. Kawakami approached us. She came by to let us know that study hall would he held instead of PE today. She let us know that Kamoshida had seemingly taken the day off.
"He's not here?"
Kawakami:"Don't tell anyone you heard this from me... But we received word that Mr. Kamoshida is placing himself under suspension. It's such an important time before the tournament too... Principal Kobayakawa went to talk to him about it, but he supposedly wasn't making any sense..."
Ryuji:"Wait, a suspension?!"
"Dude. Keep it down!"
Kawakami:"Thank you (L/n)-kun. The talks about your expulsions may be put on hold too... I don't know too much about it though... Anyway, I've relayed what's going on to you."
She walked off before we talked a bit more.
After school
Ann texted us and let us know that she would be visiting Shiho after school for the next few days. And Ryuji was out doing his own thing today, so I just looked at Ren.
"Any plans today?"
Ren:"Don't know. I never really had free time. With all the things happening."
"True that."
Morgana:"Hey, since you're both free, let's go visit that doctor to learn more about that special medicine she's making."
Ren:"Are you serious, Morgana?"
Morgana:"We need all the help we can get. Plus, this could be some good bonding experience."
Ren:"You up for it, (Y/n)?"
We got up and left straight towards Yongen. We walked through the street and passed by Café Leblanc.
"That's where you're staying, right?"
Ren:"Yeah. I live upstairs."
"Gotcha. I'll drop by for some coffee if I ever have the chance. And maybe we can hang."
Ren:"Sounds good."
We entered the clinic, and I looked at Takemi.
Takemi:"What are you here for today?"
"Got any "special" medicine?"
Takemi:"Huh? Wait, (L/n)? Regular medicine won't do the trick?"
"I have my reasons..."
She stayed silent for a bit and looked at me before sighing and told me to head into the examination room. I did as she told me as Ren and Morgana stayed out in the lobby.
Takemi:"That "medicine," huh?"
Takemi was leaning against the door before she suddenly locked it.
Takemi:"So... which conversation of mine did you eavesdrop on to hear that?"
"How did you...?"
Takemi:"It was obvious, actually. You call that hiding. Not that I care, of course. I was going to dispose of that medicine anyway. I got a little too carried away with it. But tell me; why would a high schooler like yourself be so interested in that medicine?"
"Well, I uh..."
Takemi:"It's very strange, indeed. You don't seem to be very athletic, so... What exactly are you up to?"
"It's for my exams, actually."
Takemi:"Exams...? Oh, your entrance exams for college? So you're looking to improve your concentration and reduce fatigue? Hm, that's not the best idea. But if that's what you want to do..."
Takemi unlocked the door and stepped away from it.
Takemi:"Then good luck with that. I have no obligation to help you with that. Why don't you have an energy drink or something?"
"Come on, Ms. Takemi, I need that medicine."
She groaned and scratched her head.
Takemi:"You're really annoying, you know that? The medicine is really expensive. And it's not something a high schooler can get his hands on. It costs almost as much as a car. Got it? So how about you just go home?"
"How about I work for it, then?"
Takemi:"What, like part-time help? Do you consider yourself someone with a good amount of stamina?"
"I'm a little confused... Why do you ask that?"
Takemi:"I've been looking for a young person around your age to help me out. But I haven't been able to find one, even after putting an ad in the paper. Are you up for it?"
"What would I be doing?"
Takemi:"Do you want to do it or not?"
She looked at me with an irritated face, so I quickly made my decision and nodded my head.
Takemi:"Okay then. You'll be participating in clinical trials for my medicine."
"Clinical trials?"
Takemi:"Hang on. I'll be right back."
She walked over to her shelf and grabbed a red liquid before pouring into a glass for me.
Takemi:"Here you go."
Takemi:"Worried about the side effects, huh? Well, you can relax. Rest assured, my autopsy is guaranteed to find out exactly what part of it killed you."
I looked back at the liquid and started to sweat a bit.
Takemi:"What, aren't you going to take it? The exit's right there if you want to leave."
I looked over at the door and then back at my hand.
If I don't drink this, Takemi probably won't sell me her medicine...
Takemi:"Well? Go on."
*sigh* "Bottoms up."
I put the rim of the glass to my lips before tilting my head back and the glass upwards. In one swift motion, I chugged the strange red liquid before slamming the glass on my thigh when it was all gone.
Takemi:"Huh?! I can't believe you actually drank it..."
Bitter, yet sour. It's beyond description... However, it's nothing I can't handle....
I shook my body before looking at her with a determined face.
Takemi:"Wow... Still doing okay, huh? Hm. Not bad, for a high schooler. Uh..."
That's when I felt my body flare up with pain all over. I fell to one knee and everything suddenly went dark.
Takemi:"Welp. Game over, I guess."
Some time later, I awoke on the bed that was in the exam room before sitting on the edge of it.
Takemi:"Good evening. Do you remember anything from the moment you took the medicine until now?"
"Not really... I just kinda blacked out..."
Takemi:"I see. You briefly woke from your coma, but you were completely dazed during the entire examination. You eventually lost consciousness and fell back asleep."
Takemi:"Are you out of your mind? Only an idiot would have drank that."
"I'm not out of my mind. I know what I'm about."
Takemi:"Fine, if you say so. By the way, the reason you lost consciousness was because of the taste. It produces a foul smell when it mixes with gastric juices, similar to surstromming. Oh, well. All that matters is that thanks to you, I was able to get some good data. Okay, it's my turn to make good on my part of the deal. That's why I waited until you woke up."
Takemi:"Mhm. I don't want the general public to know about my original medicines. So, you're strictly prohibited from disclosing what happens here to anyone... Understood?"
"You have my word."
Takemi:"Then it's a deal. As long as you come here for it, I'll give you the medicine at a good price whenever you want. I may even add additional selection in time. I look forward to your continued patronage."
And with that, I made a deal with Takemi.
Takemi:"So... when can you come back for the next clinical trial?"
"The huh?"
Takemi:"Oh, you don't remember that part either? Well, I was saying that teenage test subjects are quite valuable in the medical research industry. So I'll provide you the medicine for your entrance exams, and in exchange, you'll be my guinea pig. I have to perfect this medicine. If you're able to move now, you can go home."
I got off the bed and let out a yawn.
"I'll come by as soon as I can."
Takemi:"Alright, take care."
"You too."
I left the examination room and she followed behind.
Takemi:"Oh yeah, I'll contact you when I'm done prepping for the next clinical trial. And I'll put together some compensation by then for all of your efforts today. But you're not getting that in writing. Based on today's results, I think I can whip up some new medicine for next time. Drop by when you're ready for it."
"Fine with me."
Takemi:"Good to hear. You might still feel some dizziness, so take it easy on your way home. I'm not really in the mood to write up an autopsy. So take care of yourself."
Ann let us know that she went to see Shiho. Although Shiho was still unconscious, she still wanted to let her know that we settled things with Kamoshida. She thanked us for helping her become more passionate as she felt like a failure as a friend and wanted to do anything she could to make up for it.
To Be Continued...
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