Secure That Route


Ren and I sat by each other on the train before we got to school. We were passing by the school gates when we overheard some girls talking about how they felt lightheaded and needed some medicine. This made Morgana bring up a doctor who was at the café Ren lives at. I told them I heard about her and actually visited her a couple of times for some cough medicine some time ago.

The day went on as dull as usual until we had one of our afternoon classes. Ryuji added Ann to the group chat and asked us if we wanted to meet up at the hideout. We all agreed, and that's when Mr. Ushimaru yelled at me, which made me jump, and I quickly hid my phone.

Ushimaru:"Hey, (L/n)! Pay attention! Is that how you listen when someone's talking to you?!

I feel a murderous intent...!

Mr. Ushimaru threw the piece of chalk he had in his hand, and I weaved over to the right and watched the chalk fly by the left side of my face. Everyone in the class gasped and wondered if I was a ninja for being able to dodge Mr. Ushimaru's throw.

After school

We were all gathered on the rooftop now.

Ryuji:"Looks like we're all here! Mkay, let's get goin'!"

Morgana:"Hold on, it's still too early for us to head to the Palace."

Ryuji:"But why? Don't we just gotta steal that Treasure thing?"

Morgana:"Don't underestimate the dangers of that place. We need to prepare."

Ryuji:"Ain't that Persona shit we got enough to deal with it?"

Morgana:"That's exactly what I mean when I say don't underestimate it. You'll die if you mess up in there. So again, we need to prepare before we head in."

Ann:"But... how exactly are we supposed to do that?"

Morgana:"I'm glad you asked, Lady Ann. First, we need to find better equipment for all of you."

Ryuji:"You talkin' about weapons? Oh, I know a kick-ass place!"

Morgana:"In that case, you can handle that side of things. The only other thing would be stocking up on medicine. Fatigue is unavoidable in a Palace..."

Ann:"And where can we get medicine?"

"Don't worry, I know a place."

Morgana:"You beat me to it. The three of us have some business in Yongen, so let's head off for today!"

Ren:"Alright. Let's go."

So we all left as Ren and I made our way to Yongen. I led them to the clinic, and we hung outside the door.

Morgana:"This is the clinic that the chief mentioned. Now, how can we get them to give us some medicine?"

"Just leave it up to your boy."

Morgana:"Alright, we're counting on you."

I took in a deep breath before exhaling, then stepping foot inside the clinic. The clinic was empty, all except for the doctor, Tae Takemi. I walked over to the counter, and she looked at me.

Takemi:"It's you. What can I get for you this time?"

"My body's been feeling lethargic lately."

She looked at me plainly before nodding her head.

Takemi:"Fine. Please head to the exam room."

She got out of her chair and walked on in as I nodded at Ren and Morgana. I stepped in and sat down across from her. She had a clipboard and a pen and began writing things down as she glanced at me.

Takemi:"In a case like yours, it's usually due to stress. I'm going to prescribe you some pain relievers, okay?"


Takemi:"Actually, I still need to restock those... So let's go with sleeping pills instead. Sleep is the best medicine anyway. Which type of pill do you want, a sweet-tasting one or a bitter one?"

"I'd prefer pain relievers if possible..."

Takemi:"Is that right? And I bet you think you should have a year-long supply of them, too."

"Uhh... Excuse me?"

Takemi:"You're not sick at all, are you? I'm not as dumb as I look, you know. (L/n), I'm guessing you brought your friend here because you heard the rumors about me, huh?"

I let out a sigh and scratched my head.

"Yeah... that's right."

Takemi:"After all the times I've helped you, I never thought you'd be one of those patients with an ulterior motive. What's the world coming to?"

I merely looked down at the floor, unsure of what I should say.

Takemi:"I guess high school kids have it tough nowadays too, huh? Well, fine. I'll prescribe you some medication."


Takemi:"But! Only medication that will help you recover your health. I guess it's fine. You're pretty earnest. Plus, never once have I had any trouble with you. This is my private practice. All the medicine I dispense is original. I have a license to make my own formulas. You've likely seen them being sold at various hospitals. It's your responsibility to take care of yourself. So if that's okay with you, stop by anytime."

"Thanks a million, doc. I'll do just that."

Takemi:"Great. It's nice that you're so quick on the uptake... Saves me the hassle. You're a pretty weird kid, you know? I wonder what you're going to use the medicine for..."

"Heh heh... That's... Uhh..."

She giggled a bit and shook her head.

Takemi:"Well, as long as you don't cause me any trouble, it's not my problem..."

With that said, she showed me her inventory of her recovery items, and I made sure to buy plenty of them. I stored them in my bag before leaving the exam room. Ren stood up when he saw me, and I showed him what I bought before quickly shutting my bag. The door to the clinic opened, and a man in a brown suit entered and walked straight to the exam room.

Takemi:"What's the reason for your visit? Do you have a cold? Stomachache? Athlete's foot? Whatever it is, you'll need to take a number..."

Man:"Enough of this!"

Ren and I heard the man's shout, and curiosity got the better of me, so I got closer to the door and listened in.

Man:"You're the only one who could have developed that type of medicine."

Takemi:"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Man:"Don't play dumb with me. Rumor has it, it's a drug so potent it can give a person unlimited power."

Takemi:"Really? That's news to me."

Man:"Developing experimental drugs, medicine, and herbal remedies violates all health regulations. Are you attempting to create a super-stimulant? A drug like that will only become a social issue."

Takemi:"You're really persistent, you know that? I'm just a quack..."

Man:"The police may not be taking action, but I imagine the media will soon pick up on it. You intend to ruin my reputation again, huh? You're a disgrace to the medical community."


Man:"What's with the look? That was your mistake, was it not? I won't be responsible for your actions. Dispose of that "medicine" immediately and resign. The name "Tae Takemi" will never- Hey, is somebody there?!"

That was our cue to leave immediately. We stood outside as Morgana said that we should definitely find out what that medicine they were talking about was. Ryuji then messaged the group, saying to meet up with him in Shibuya to head to the store where we could grab some better weapons. Ann wasn't going as she already had plans to visit Shiho at the hospital. So I said bye to Ren and Morgana for today.


Ren and I met up with Ryuji in Station Square before heading north to Shibuya. We ran down Central Street and turned a corner to find an airsoft gun shop tucked away in an alley.

Ryuji:"This is the place! But before we go in, do you guys know anything about guns?"

Ren:"Not a clue."

Ryuji:"What about you, (Y/n)?"

"I know just some things. I'm not a total die-hard fan like some guys I know back in America. Those dudes will go on and on about World War 2, all the tanks and planes used, and just a bunch of stuff that goes over my head."

Ryuji:"For real? That doesn't sound like a very interesting hobby."

"Hey, I'm not one to judge."

He just nodded along before we stepped in. The manager of the place wasn't really helping us before he asked if we wanted something like an automatic or something like a revolver. Because Ryuji was unaware of what the guy was talking about, he asked him why he started talking about cars all of a sudden.

"Ryuji, that's not what automatic means in this scenario. Oh my God, man..."

Manager:"Listen, this here's an enthusiast shop. My regulars will he mad if I let a casual like you hang around."

Ryuji:"I'm not a freakin' casual! I bought shit from here like last week!"

Manager:"Huh, can't remember you."


Manager:"And you? Lookin' for somethin'?"

Ren:"A fancy model gun."

This surprised the man, and he decided to let us shop. He gave us some warnings, though. One of them was to never go around pointing them at people. Another was to keep them in a bag or something if we were ever outside and to never let the cops see us with them. Ren bought Ryuji and Ann some new weapons for them to use, and then we left.


When I was home, I got another text from Ann.

So, I went to see Shiho in the hospital...

How was she?

Her condition is stable

They don't know when she'll regain consciousness, though.

I'm sure she'll be okay.


She'll get better, I know it.

But... I'll never forgive Kamoshida. He's going to pay for what he did, no matter what.


Ren and I were just outside the school gates when we saw Kamoshida hanging around outside.

Kamoshida:"Good morning, boys."

The both of us said good morning in return and continued our walk to class.

Kamoshida:"That admirable behavior won't do you boys any good once you're expelled."

We said nothing and just kept walking.

Kawakami:"That wraps up the homeroom period. (L/n)-kun. A word with you, please?"

Ren looked at me curiously but I didn't know what was going on either so I merely shrugged and followed after her. We stepped outside the classroom and she began speaking with me.

Kawakami:"There's something I'd like to ask you. It won't take long."

The door of the room we were standing by suddenly opened and Kamoshida stepped out alongside the red haired girl with ribbon and a fellow teacher.

Kamoshida:"I see you're already getting on top of the problem I'd mentioned this morning, Ms. Kawakami! I appreciate the support."

?:"Thank you again."

Kamoshida:"Oh, you know this guy, Yoshizawa?"

Yoshizawa:"Yes, he lent me a helping hand earlier."

Kamoshida:"I recommend you steer clear of the likes of him if you have any consideration for your future. Remember the discussion we just had? There are a number of students in this school you shouldn't get involved with... This one's second on the list."

Yoshizawa:"Oh, the secret delinquent student...?"

Kawakami:"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to use the guidance office."

Kamoshida:"Oh, pardon me. We should be going too. Don't want to get in the way of guiding this delinquent and all."

Kamoshida and the other teacher left as Yoshizawa bowed her head to Kawakami and I.

Yoshizawa:"Please, excuse us."

Kawakami:"After you."

We walked into the guidance office and I sat across from her.

Kawakami:"I'm going to get straight to the point: did something happen between you and Mr. Kamoshida?"

"Why do you ask?"

Kawakami:"Well there was that little exchange just now, but that's not all... He gave me a brief lecture this morning, and your name came up. Something about the dangers of a lack of supervision... *sigh* I don't mean to pry, but... Just make sure you don't go causing trouble, okay?

"Yes ma'am."

Kawakami:"Oh, and one more thing. That girl outside the office. You didn't make a pass at her, did you?"

"Nah. It was just a small talk we had a while back."

Kawakami:"Alright. Mr. Kamoshida has a real close eye on you... Apparently, you've been getting involved with Sakamoto-kun and Amamiya-kun. You seem acquainted with Yoshizawa-san as well. That's all I wanted to discuss. You're free to go."

I nodded and left the office. The day went on and Ryuji texted the group again letting us know he was amped. We all were and agreed to meet up on the roof after school. We also learned that the school board meeting was going to he held on May 2nd.

With that knowledge in hand, we had only 14 days until our expulsion. Ren and I did some last-minute checks for our bags before nodding to each other and letting Ann and Ryuji know that we were ready. We met up on the rooftop as promised and discussed what would go down.

Morgana:"I hope you all know that our time limit is May 2nd."

Ann:"We basically just have to go to that castle and steal the Treasure from Kamoshida, right?"

Ryuji:"But wait, what even is a Treasure? I wanna know that before we do anything."

Morgana:"A Treasure is the physical form of the Palace ruler's distorted desires. In other words, it's the core of the Palace. Once we steal it, the Palace will crumble... I think. Having said all that, even I don't know what Kamoshida's Treasure is going to be."

Ann:"And where can we find it?"

Morgana:"There's no way of knowing that until we go in and find out. But if I were to guess, I'd say he has it locked up somewhere in the depths of the Palace."

Ryuji:"Eh, I think I get it now. We just gotta find the Treasure, yeah?"

Morgana:"Pretty much. There's just a lot we won't know until we go in... In any case, our objective is to find the Treasure's location somewhere in the Palace. Make sure we go about with this with time to spare so we can avoid any unforseen circumstances. I expect great things from you guys."

We smiled at each other before Ren activated the MetaNav. We found ourselves back at the Palace with our outfits on, and we had to pause and choose a code name for Ann to use. Ann decided on Panther, so that's what we would be calling her.

Before we entered the Palace, Joker stood off to side, simply staring at the wall for a few seconds before walking back to us. We didn't bother to question it and decided to just head towards the safe room in the west building. We left from there and passed a kitchen area and fought some Shadows. When we exited and entered a hallway, Morgana taught us something new. He called it a Baton Pass.

What we had to do was strike an enemy's weakness, knock them down, and during the One More, pass it along to one of our fellow teammates. When we passed it over, we also passed over some additional power. Meaning that each consecutive pass boosted in strength. It was a perfect way to lead up to an All-Out Attack.

We passed through a door and found ourselves in a room with a large spiraling staircase that looked crumbled. We ran up the stairs as it took us to the 2nd floor of the west building. The hallway ahead had a lone soldier there, and Mona taught us about hiding behind objects and walls to get closer in range to a Shadow without being spotted.

We kept going forward before we stumbled upon a room that had a section blocked off with iron bars. There were several stone goat head busts mounted along the walls with rings and a chain hanging from their mouths. Joker pulled on the exact two needed to lift the bars, and it allowed us entry into the blocked off section. Inside, we saw an old map resting on the lone table.

Mona let us know that the map would help us better understand the topography of the Palace. A true necessity for a phantom thief as he put it. Unfortunately, the part of the map we had didn't show the location of the Treasure, so we had to find the other half elsewhere.

With that tidbit of information stored, we kept up our pace and exited through a hallway near us that took us to the 2nd floor of the central hall. Just past it was another safe room which we gladly entered. After a short break, we left the safe room and went out another door. This one took us to the 2nd floor of the east building.

Once we were there, Mona let us know that it wasn't a good idea to fight every single Shadow that we see. He said that some of them might actually be stronger than we are and that it was up to Joker to ascertain how strong the enemies were to see if would engage them or not. We got out of the lower floor and went a tad bit higher and saw that a whole dining room had bars blocking off entrances and exits.

Joker had to find the right way to pull the levers in order to make it out, and he solved the puzzle quite easily. Beyond the dining room was another kitchen. We tried to leave, but the door seemed to be locked from the other side, so we had to take an alternate route. We climbed up a shelf and jumped across a few others before squeezing in through a vent and making it to another room.

There was a lone soldier there, and so we fought it, but as it turns out, Shadows can beg for their lives. So Joker can ask them to lend him their power, ask for money, or ask for an item. We left the area, and our next location was at the base of another set of spiral stairs. The only problem was that the stairs were completely broken.

Ryuji:"Uhhh, I don't think we're goin' any further this way..."

Ann:"Should we check somewhere else?"

Morgana:"Wait, look up there."

We all looked up to see a golden goat bust with a set of golden tusks curving inward. Like the letter C and a C backward.

Ryuji:"What about it? Are we throwin' a rope over that and climbin' it?"

Morgana:"Phantom thieves do things a bit more stylishly than that... and I know just what'll do the trick."

Mona fished something out his tiny pockets and pulled out a strange device. He fit it onto Joker's left wrist and smiled with pride.

Morgana:"Good! Seems like it fits properly."

Ren:"What is this thing?

Morgana:"That's just a little something I've been working on in secret. The grappling hook lets you zip to hard-to-reach locations in a flash. You'll see what I'm talking about when you test it out. Go ahead, give it a try."

Joker nodded before looking up and flicking out his left hand as the grappling hook shot out like a bullet. It latched onto the golden ring, and Joker launched himself onto the upper half of the stairs.

Ryuji:"No freakin' way! That was so cool!"

Morgana:"I knew you could do it!"

Ann:"I guess you really can imagine anything here."

I marveled at the sight before the gauntlets on my wrists started beeping loudly. Everyone looked at me before my arms were raised without my intention, and grappling hooks shot out from them. They latched onto the side of the stairs tightly.

"Guys, hold on to me."

They nodded and grabbed my shoulders as the grappling hooks pulled us up to the top, and we caught up with Joker.

Ann:"You got grappling hooks, too?!"

"I guess so. I just thought this outfit was all for show. Anyway, let's get a move on!"

They nodded, and we reached the next area. The 3rd floor of the east building. It was a large winding area with plenty of intersections and even more Shadows roaming around. We took them all down, but there were two Shadows that were stronger than us. Besides that, the only way to progress was to find a circular device to place in one of those goat head levers.

We searched some rooms and found these suspicious looking books. Each had a strange title to them. The Beefcake Book, the Slave Book, and the Queen Book. We kept looking around and found a musty smelling library. In the library, we found another book sitting atop a pile on a table off to the side. This was one was titled the King Book.

I looked over and pointed out that some shelves were missing books. One shelf had names of different volleyball players, so I told Joker to insert the Slave Book into it. The next shelf had only books about Kamoshida, and so we put the King Book. The last shelf had Shiho's name alongside many other girls, so we put the Queen Book there. With all of the books in place, a shelf began shifting off its place on the floor and was pushed aside to reveal a hidden room.

Within that room held a bunch of pictures of Shiho taped and tacked onto the walls.

Ryuji:"The hell is this room? There're tons of pictures of Suzui here! Wait... It's all pics of her?"


"We'll make him pay for this."

Ann:"Yeah... Definitely. I feel even more motivated to do this now..."

Morgana:"I'll sure it'll feel awful, but we should search this room. There has to be something in here if he was hiding it with such an elaborate trick."

We peered inside the room, and I decided to check a shelf over to the left and found something interesting. A medal and the other half the map.

Ann:"Is this... a medal?"

Morgana:"Well, it has to be important. He went through all the trouble to hide it here, after all."

Ryuji:"Guess we'll take it then."

"And here's the map."

I handed it over to Mona, who laughed happily.

Morgana:"Aha! Our map's complete now!"

Ryuji:"So is it gonna tell us where the Treasure is?"

Mona pointed out to the spot it was located and cackled.

Morgana:"Yeah, look. It has to be here..."

Ann:"That's a weird-shaped building... Could it be a tower or something?"

Morgana:"Considering our current position... I'd say we're about halfway there."

"Not bad. We're making good pace."

We exited the room and used the medal on the lever. Once we pulled on it, the bars blocking the door were lowered. We passed through, and we were now at the east building annex. We found another safe room and took a quick break there.

Straight across from the safe room was a room with not much to it. There was a door there that led to the actual interesting part of this area. We saw that we were in a large building with pews and a large statue of Kamoshida right at the front end. The area around us quickly flashed to show what it was supposed to be in the real world, and it showed us our school gym.

Ryuji:"I get it... The gym's some kinda holy place for him. He's a god there."

We all walked closer to the statue and sneered at it.

Ann:"I can't believe he can think like that... especially after what he did to Shiho..."

Ryuji:"God, that bastard makes me so freakin' sick! Just you wait, Kamoshida!"

?:"I see... So you're the ones who tampered with the library. It seems my time waiting here has paid off..."

We got our defenses up as we saw another guard captain appear before our eyes.

Captain:"Just as that ape there said, this place is a holy ground for our great King Kamoshida. It is preposterous for miscreants like yourselves to come waltzing in like this!"

His body transformed into a Shadow, and this one had chain mail armor, a sword, a red feathered helmet, and a pair of red feathered wings.

Ryuji:"This dude looks tough..."

"Let me handle this."

Morgana:"Omni, are you sure?"

"Yeah. I've been in the mood to throw down!"

I cracked my knuckles and transformed into Heatblast.

"Let's do this, bub!"

The Heavenly Punisher charged at me and swung his sword at me, but I ducked and watched it pass through my flaming "hair"...? Would I consider that to be hair? That's besides the point. I clenched my fist and gut checked the Shadow. He grunted in pain as I readied a fireball in my free hand and used it to slap him right in the face and slammed him into the ground. A small explosion went off as smoke obscured his face.

Ryuji:"Oh, badass!"

Ann:"You got this, Omni!"

I smiled as the Shadow rose to his feet only to be met with a barrage of fireballs from the palms of my hands. He was stun locked, and I took the chance to charge directly at him. I kicked off the ground and flew through the air before I crashed directly into him. I flew upwards before grabbing a hold of his wings and burning them to ash. I let go of the Shadow and watched it fall to the floor.

I stopped flying and began falling straight down. I focused some flames on my feet as I steadily approached the Shadow before landing right on top of him. It was all I needed to destroy it.

"Too easy!"

I patted myself on the back before turning back to normal. I stood by my team's side when we were suddenly surrounded. Joker and I quickly used our grappling hooks to get on top of the catwalks above. We ran in a straight line and landed on a balcony that could let us drop down to the ground floor, or we could go through a door.

We went through the door and saw that across from us was red door that had vines growing on it. The vegetation on it let us know that no one had used that door in ages. By using our grappling hooks, we reached the other side, and Joker used his knife to cut the vines away and pushed open the door.

Ann:"This room seems different from everywhere else we've seen so far..."

Ryuji:"Yeah, and there's something super suspicious over there."

Morgana:"That's... C'mon, follow me!"

We walked over to see these strange glowing red vines holding a skull shaped item. Mona let us know that it was called a Will Seed.

Morgana:"Palaces are locations that grew distorted from their original forms due to their rulers' cognitions. When such distortions coalesce into form, this is the result. I call it a "Will Seed."

Ryuji:"Distortions... coalesce... into Will Seeds..."

Morgana:"Should I try explaining that again?"

Ryuji:"Ugh, just forget it! That's a Will Seed. Movin' on..."

Ann:"So what do we do with it?"

Morgana:"We take it. It may not be as prized as a Treasure, but it's still quite the rare find. Making it ours will only do us good... I think."

Ann:"Umm, is it really okay to take it?"

Ryuji:"Nothin' shitty better happen when you take it. Like some trap goin' off, or we all end up cursed..."

"Well, we might as well since we're here."

We took the seed and continued onwards. We exited the annex through a door on the other side of Will Seed door's location and found ourselves outside. There was a giant tower that seemed to match up with the map. We used our grappling hooks to get around, and while exploring, we found another Will Seed.

We then entered the central tower, and the whole area was acting crazy as parts of the floor were either floating, missing, or in unusual spots. Morgana told us that it was acting this way since the distortions were stronger here. Which meant that the Treasure was close.

We walked around and found an elevator that took us to a lower section of the castle. We looked around and saw a gross looking portrait of Kamoshida. We kicked it just for fun and saw it spin around. Out of curiosity, we jumped through it and ended up back in the central hall.

We jumped back in the painting and looked around some more, and found another elevator. We tried pulling the lever, but it just wouldn't activate. I then pieced together that there must be a switch somewhere and that the large painting had another reason besides being a shortcut. With that, we jumped through and found a room we haven't been to and found the lever that activated the gears for the 2nd elevator.

We went back to the elevator and reached an even lower section of the castle. Mona sensed another Will Seed, but there was just one problem. A powerful Shadow was blocking the door. We fought it and took care of it rather easily before entering the Will Seed room. Once we grabbed it, it combined with the other two, and we got a strange item from it.

We returned the main part of the tower and made our way upwards. We fought plenty of Shadows along the way before reaching a bridge. We tried to pass, but a giant blade swung in front of our faces, thus keeping us from passing. There was a bust of Kamoshida, and we pulled down on the bottom part of the jaw, but nothing worked. It seemed that the high-ranking Shadows had the key for passing.

We found two guards that had the keys, which turned out to be eyeballs. We placed them in the bust and pulled down the jaw to completely stop the swinging blades' movements. We went right on through, and we were just now in the throne room.

The door that led to the throne room itself was locked, so we had to go around. We went through an open window and were right above Kamoshida and his soldiers. We passed by without any issues and finally reached the Treasure room.

Ryuji:"Whoa, what is this place? Holy shit! That Treasure thing's gotta be in here!"

We walked towards the center of the room and looked to see some strange, intangible item floating in the air.

Morgana:"Hehe... That's the Treasure. We finally found it!"

Ren:"The cloudy thing?"

"Yeah, it doesn't look promising if I'm being real."

Morgana:"Just hold on a second. I was planning on telling you more once we made it this far. Simply finding the Treasure isn't enough. We'll need to make it materialize before we can steal it."

"What do you mean by that?"

Morgana:"Desires have no physical form by nature. Hence, we'll first need to make the real person aware that their desires are, in fact, a Treasure. Once they're conscious that their desires might be stolen, the Treasure will finally show itself."

Ann:"But how do we do that?"

Morgana:"We warn them. Tell them, "We're going to steal your heart."

Ryuji:"So we're gonna send a calling card?! That's totally what a phantom thief would do!"

Morgana:"Once we do that, the Treasure will appear for certain! I think."

Ryuji:"That again? Either way, sounds like it's worth givin' it a shot!"

Morgana:"Our infiltration route is secure. All that's left now is to pump out a calling card in reality, then come back to take the Treasure!"

Ann:"This is it, huh?"

Ren:"Let's do this!"

"Hell yeah! We won't lose!"

Morgana:"That's the spirit! Once we send the calling card, there will be no turning back. Just let me know when you're ready. We'll head back to the hideout and send out the calling card!"

With the infiltration route secured, we returned to the real world, and all went home. Once I got home, I was immediately hit with a large wave of fatigue. It would make sense, though. We pretty much ran through the whole castle in just one go. Ryuji texted the group, and I congratulated everyone for a job well done. I then went asleep as I waited for the day we stole Kamoshida's Treasure.

To Be Continued...

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