Operation Maidwatch


Ren and I got seats on the train again and finished up the books we were reading a few days prior.

Kawakami:"Okay, let's begin homeroom. First, I have an announcement about an upcoming school event. As part of a city beautification project, the entire school will be participating in a public cleanup campaign. That means we're going to Inokashira Park to pick up trash."

Upon hearing this, a majority of the class started to groan and complain. I heard try and make excuses, saying they had plans that day.

Kawakami:"The cleanup will take place next week, on the 30th. All students are to wear their gym uniforms during the event, so don't forget to dress the part."

During lunchtime, Ren and I were just chilling in the courtyard talking about random stuff when Ryuji came over to us.

Ryuji:"Sweet! Found you guys! I need your help with something..."

Ren and I glanced at each other curiously before Ryuji grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket and held it up.

Ryuji:"I found this flyer stuffed in my mailbox. Housekeeping Service! It says that a cute maid will do anything for you! A maid, dudes! A MAID! Who'll do ANYTHING for us! Right? Right?!"

Ren:"What are you saying?"

Ryuji:"You're a guy, right? You know what I mean! Let's give it a try. Yeah? Yeah! Luckily, some guy on my floor just moved out so there's a vacant apartment in my complex. The key is behind the mailbox, so we can get in anytime. The landlord seriously doesn't care. The place is all set, so..."

?:"Hey, I heard that!"


We looked over and saw that it was Mishima who spoke up.

Mishima:"Um, can I, uh... Get in on this?"

Ryuji:"Oh-ho! You mean you're into this kinda stuff? Wow! Okaaay..."

Mishima:"I-I'm not into it! It's just for research! What does it mean that they'll do "anything"? And do the maids look exactly as they're advertised? We need to determine whether or not this company just pretends to offer housekeeping services!"

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"I guess we have to, then. For science, as Mishima wants to put it."

Ren:"I guess so."

Mishima:"Right?! And if it's a scam, then we need to punish them!

Ryuji:"Yeah, we gotta see it with our own eyes. Every little detail... We'll hafta do this at night, so let us know when you're ready."

Mishima:"So what's the code name for this operation...? Hmmm... Since we'll be watching them, it should be something like... "Operation Maidwatch"!"

Ryuji:"Nice! I like that!"

After school, I got a message from Ann asking if I was free. I told her I was and decided to meet up with her as we went to Inokashira Park.

Ann:"Oh, look at those ducks over there! They must be a family! This place seriously feels amazing. It's not even that far from Shibuya, but it feels so different here. You know, Tokyo is so strange. There are tons of people and tons of stores, yet there are still duck-filled parks here too. It has everything... but it feels like I can't understand any of it. It's honestly kinda scary."

"I get what you mean. It's a far cry from what I'm used to back in the States."

Ann:"Oh, right. I can totally see how you'd be unaccustomed to everything. When I first got here, I had a super tough time adjusting. It's so crowded, and everyone walks really fast... almost like they're angry or something. Even at school, I was only ever the "foreigner." Nobody really knew me; they just spread rumors. I thought maybe my looks were the problem. I even considered dyeing my hair black to match everyone else... But that was when Shiho talked to me. The first thing she said was, "Takamaki-san, your paintings suck."

I snickered a bit before clearing my throat.

"Okay... That's hilarious."

Ann:"I thought she was just making fun of me like everyone else, but that wasn't her intention. According to her, they were so bad that she just HAD to tell me. Pretty mean, huh? Still, that was the first time someone here talked to me without mentioning my looks. We sorta just grew closer after that... and Shiho's been my best friend ever since. That's not why we're here though! There's something else I need to talk to you about! Do you remember what I told you the last time we came here? About that female thief in the anime I used to watch? Well, I thought of something!"

"Alright, tell me more."

Ann: *giggle* "It's gonna knock your socks off! You know how the villains in those shows are always going on about world domination? Well, even though they get beaten by the heroes every time, they never give up. That means they must have really solid hearts... And that's why I'm going to try and learn from them?"

"How exactly?"

Ann:"About that... I'm gonna star in action movies!"

I smiled softly at her.

"Good luck with that, Ann."

Ann beamed at me.

Ann:"Thanks! Your support really helps! Alright, I'm making this my ultimate goal for the future. You know, I've never really thought much about what I wanted to do in life... but now I have an objective! And that only happened because of talking to you (Y/n)! Thanks!"

I could feel a heightened motivation from Ann.

Ann:"Well, if I want to be in action movies, I'll need to work on my actions! I wonder how many sit-ups I'll have to do... Wait, Ryuji said he knows a good gym! I should ask him for advice! Oh, and I need to tell Shiho that I have a new goal! She'll definitely be happy to hear that! Come on, let's jog to the station!"

We did just that before I took the train to head home. When I reached my door, Ann called me.


Ann:"Hiii, it's me. You good to talk right now?"

"Yep. Just got home."

Ann:"Good. So I'd like to think I'm pretty athletic. Like, I don't hate exercise or anything... But I'm exhausted just from running to the station earlier... Maybe I've gotta train my body with my heart. Do you do anything to train your body?"

"I train often, actually. Mainly things like push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups."

Ann:"Yikes! That's probably more than I can handle. Okay, first I need to research what kind of training's best for me! For now, I'll just do some curls with a water bottle. I already drank it halfway, but... better than nothing, right? Well, see you later!"

She hung up, and I went inside. I immediately got a text from Ren, who let me know to meet up with him and Mishima in Shibuya soon.

"Operation Maidwatch... I should get out of my uniform, at least."

I put on a black v-neck shirt, dark jeans, and some white shoes. I made sure I had my phone and some money just in case. I met up with Mishima as Ren got there shortly after. We followed Mishima to his place so he could get out of his uniform as well.

Mishima:"S-So we're really gonna do this, huh...? You think it'll be okay?"

Ryuji:"Operation Maidwatch, bro!"

Mishima:"Y-Yeah! Operation Maidwatch!"

Ryuji:"If it turns out to be sketchy, we can just bail. The apartment's vacant, so it's not like we'll be messing with anyone's home."

Ren:"You're a genius, Ryuji!"

Ryuji:"Yeah, yeah, I know."

Mishima:"To think... Sakamoto has a brain. But if that's the case, then..."



Ryuji:"Okay, give 'em a call!"

Ren:"Go ahead, Mishima."

Ryuji:"Well, I guess he could do it too. Okay, go for it, Mishima."

Mishima:"M-Me?! I-I'm not good with that kinda stuff! Seriously!"

Ryuji:"I'm not doing it!"

"Ugh, fine! Let me do it!"

I snatched the flyer from Ryuji's hand and dialed the number. The other three gathered around me to listen in on the conversation.

Employee:"Thank you for calling Victoria's Housekeeping for all your maid needs! Do you have a request this evening?"

Ryuji:"What does he mean by request? I don't know what to ask for!"

I could feel my ears burning, and my heart was actually starting to beat faster and faster. I took a deep breath and changed the pitch of my voice to sound a little mature.

"No preference. Send anyone."

Employee:"Excellent! We have a maid available in... twenty minutes. May I ask for your address?"

I looked over at Ryuji, who quickly typed it out on his phone as I repeated it into the phone. I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket.

Ryuji:"Shit... This is really happening..."

Mishima:"A maid's "services"... Hey... What should we have her do? I was thinking we start with some cooking... Of course, I wouldn't mind some of the other services either... Should we hold a strategy meeting to discuss?"

Ryuji:"They said twenty minutes, right...? Ugh, I gotta use the bathroom..."

Some time later, Ryuji finally stepped out. It was about close to that time. Unbeknownst to us, tires squealed outside, and a maid stepped out from the back seat of a taxi.

Ryuji:"Oh man, this is really happening!"

Mishima:"Uh, guys, are high schoolers even allowed to do this?"


Mishima:"What do you mean, huh?! You didn't check?!"

Ryuji:"Was I supposed to do all the research?!"

We suddenly heard the doorbell ring which frightened us to our core!

?:"Victoria's Housekeeping Service!"

"The hell?! She's five minutes early!"

Ryuji:"Oh man... My stomach's not feeling so good..."

Mishima:"Yeah. Mine either..."

?:"Oh hold on~ Looks like the door is unlocked. You don't mind if I come in, do you?"

Ryuji:"I can't do this, dude! Okay! I'm passing it off to you! And don't let her find out you're in high school!"

"For real?!"

Ryuji and Mishima then ran to the balcony.

Ryuji:"We totally got your back from out here!"


"What?! Ren, you'll back a brother up, right?"

Ren put his hand on my shoulder and stared at me with a confident look.

Ren:"I'll be praying for you with the others."

He too just ditched me. I soon heard footsteps and I turned around so I wouldn't be facing the maid.

?:"Looks like I found you, Master~"

That voice...!

I looked at the glass door that led to the balcony and saw the reflection of the maid.

Becky:"I'm Becky, and I have the pleasure of serving you today."

It sounds just like her! But there's no way...

I gulped before putting on the fake voice.

"Good evening."

Becky:"Oh my... how thoughtless of me! I should explain our services to you, Master! What would you like me to do today? The basics include cooking, cleaning, laundry... But there are other "services" we provide if you desire."

Becky soon got closer and brushed a finger down my cheek.

Becky:"My~ Your skin is so smooth, Master. And you look you so young. Are you... perhaps... In high school?"

I made sure I was continuing to face away from her as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I'm in college. That's why the apartment is a bit empty right now."

Becky stared at me for a bit before smiling.

Becky:"Hmmm, I'll wait to provide those other "services" until you've matured a bit, Master. Sooo... I'll be going now."

Ryuji's voice suddenly spoke up from outside.

Ryuji:"Wh-What?! No!"


Becky:"I-Is someone there?!"

Mishima:"Oh no...!"

Ryuji:"Ren, Mishima, we gotta dip!"

Becky:"Amamiya-kun? Mishima? Sakamoto-kun? ...And you?!"

She turned around to see me face to face.

Becky:"Did you request me specifically?"

I took a closer look at her and asked my own question.

"Wait, are you...?"

Becky:"Oh, no, it's alright. How would you know me? This is our first meeting. Yes, fhe first time ever, Master."

She then looked off to the side and groaned.

Becky:"Ugh, this is unbelievable... Yes, its me... your homeroom teacher..."

I knew her voice sounded familiar.

Kawakami:"I'm so done... I can't believe I got caught by some of my own students..."

I could tell she had a mix of shame and anger on her face

Kawakami:"I should've taken a job outside of the city. But I needed it to be close to school so I could go there after I finished work... Who did you hear about this from? Oh! It was Ms. Chouno, wasn't it?! That harpy...!"


Kawakami:"Ms. Chouno, the English teacher... She's been snooping on all the teachers ever since the incident with Mr. Kamoshida. Are you going to tell Ms. Chouno about this?"

"That's up to you."

Kawakami:"If you're going to side with a teacher, side with me. I'm in charge of your class, after all. And if you promise not to tell Ms. Chouno about this, I'll do anything for you!"


Kawakami just glared at me for a bit.

Kawakami:"Hey... It won't be any better for you if people find out that you called a maid service. This isn't even your home address to begin with, is it? I guess you at least thought about that. Well, I'll promise to keep this a secret too... so why don't we both forget this ever happened? I'll treat this as if you had canceled, so you won't have to pay anything. Okay?"


Kawakami:"On that note, I'll be leaving! Don't say anything about this at school, okay?! Just act as if nothing ever happened! Got it? Okay, bye!"

Kawakami left, and I suddenly felt exhausted. I collapsed to one knee and groaned. I picked myself up and went straight home.


After school, I saw Kawakami being grilled by Ms. Chouno, so I stepped in to back Kawakami up. I pretended like I had a complicated question to ask, and it made Ms. Chouno believe that Kawakami was an upstanding teacher. Because I helped her, Kawakami gave me the address and phone number of her night job. Though I had to make sure it didn't appear in my call history, I'd need to use a public phone.

With that done, Ren and Ryuji invited me to eat ramen with them at Ogikubo. We talked with Ryuji as he told us how ever since he became an outcast, he's been having a lot of fun hanging out with us.

Later that evening, I fished the paper Kawakami gave me out of my pocket and let out a deep breath. I stepped outside and went to the only public phone in my neighborhood that still worked. She picked up, and I told her it was me. She dropped her fake voice and told me I'd have to pay 5,000 yen to request her. I was fine with that.

She soon dropped by as I let her inside my house.

Kawakami:"So, this is your house, huh? Pretty roomy."

"Yeah. My parents are out on business, so I've got it all to myself."

I sat on the couch as she just stood a few feet away from me.

Kawakami:"Never mind. So, what kind of kid are you? The way you opposed Mr. Kamoshida, I'd say that you're earnest and have a strong sense of justice. That being said... you called a maid service and requested me?"

"I was lonely."

Kawakami:"I see... Oh, that's right. You're from America. I do remember hearing one of your past teachers talking about how you kept to yourself and didn't do much in your first year here... Okay, then how about this... I'll let you skip class a few times. It's tough not having any place where you belong, isn't it? However, I reserve the right to change my mind if your grades drop. And in exchange, you won't tell anyone that I'm moonlighting as a maid. Sound good?"

"I promise."

Kawakami:"Then it's a deal! *sigh* What am I doing here with one of my students...? Well, I guess I should get going. Oh, please request me if you need any help with your housework, okay?"

"I don't need any help."

Kawakami:"That's clearly not true. C'mon, we know each other's secret and it would put my mind at ease... Besides, I'm, uh... I'm considered over the hill for this type of job, so I don't get requested that often... I'll show my appreciation by making it easy for you to ditch class! Just think about it, okay?"

Kawakami went over to the door and put on her shoes.

Kawakami:"Alright, Master, that'll be it for today! Ugh... God, you have no idea how exhausting this job is... Listen, promise me you won't tell the school about this, okay? For both our sakes. Absolutely no talking about maid stuff to anyone!"

She then put on her fake voice.

Kawakami:"It'll be our wittle secret, just for Becky and Master, okay? Can you keep a secret?"

"I will if you will."

Kawakami:"Omigod, I love how you can see the big picture! I'll make sure to keep my promise too."

She then dropped the voice.

Kawakami:"Well, I'm gonna head home. Oh, and don't forget to study for your exams, okay? If you waste all your time playing around, your grades will suffer. See you later."

She left and I decided to go to sleep.

To Be Continued...

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