Meeting The Detective Prince
Ren and I were walking to class when we overheard some students talking about a paper on one of the bulletin boards. The principal was asking for information, and if we had any questions to ask Niijima-senpai for details.
In class, Ren was asked to answer a question about how a red king crab was different from a normal crab. He answered with the number of legs, which was correct.
After school, we went to Mementos as Ren had information on three targets, so we dealt with them. The third floor of Mementos opened up since the public's perception changed after Madarame had a change of heart. We took care of the targets that remained on the second floor, and the last one was in the third area of Mementos. We stayed a bit longer to train before heading home.
Maruki called on me today to answer his question.
Maruki:"Where does totalitarianism take things a step further than authoritarianism?"
"Controlling public thought."
Class ended some time later, and I checked my phone to see Kasumi texted me. She wanted us to meet up at Inokashira Park. She told me to put on my gym clothes before heading out there, so I did. We did some posing together for a while.
Kasumi:"Not bad, (L/n)-senpai. You're pretty flexible, and you catch on so fast! At this rate, you'll have the fundamentals down in a heartbeat."
My body is aching just from mimicking Kasumi's poses...
Kasumi:"It's all about the harmony between the internal and external oblique muscles... I can't get enough of it!"
I took a deep breath before exhaling.
"We're just getting started."
Kasumi:"Well! Feisty, are we? I'm glad to hear it! Expert-level gymnastics are beautiful, but they demand a lot of stretching. Alright! Let's continue!"
I stretched with Kasumi for several minutes before she decided to call it, and we sat on a bench together.
Kasumi:"I think that's enough stretching for now. Good effort, Senpai! And, um... I'd like to continue with our training, but... I'm actually not doing so great at the moment, so I'm not sure I could manage anything too strenuous."
"All good. Next time, then."
Kasumi:"Thank you for understanding. Do you remember how I said I wanted to talk to you about something? I've been feeling like... I'm stuck in this slump. No matter how much I practice, I just can't get any better. I went to my coach about it, but... She told me to take some time off from gymnastics. According to her, I need to think about who I really am. The idea's not to stop doing gymnastics, just... she wants me to take a break."
"I see."
Kasumi:"I've never had an issue that practice couldn't solve. But now... I have no idea what to do. So... um... I want you to help me, (L/n)-senpai. Even if we're not doing gymnastics, will you still keep going out with me?!"
"Sure, no problem."
Kasumi:"R-Really?! Thank you so much! I've heard my coach praising me. She says, "Kasumi's greatest weapon has always been her boldness." And honestly, that used to be true."
She then looked to the ground with sadness in her eyes.
Kasumi:"I was totally fearless, confident... Gymnastics was a fun challenge. But ever since I started high school, I've been in a slump. I got taller, for one, and there were some other... complications. I can't move how I want anymore. Like it's not even my own body. I kind of fell into a depression. It got pretty bad."
She then looked over to me.
Kasumi:"But when you helped me in Shibuya, something occurred to me... When I saw how fearless you are, how confident you are... I knew you were the right one for the job! If I stick with you, Senpai, I think I can learn how to be confident again!"
"Then follow my lead."
Kasumi:"I'll try to! Thank you very much! *giggle* You're a strange one, Senpai. I didn't think you'd accept. Well, I'll try and return the favor through our deal!"
I could tell Kasumi was appreciative of me. Her phone started to ring a minute later.
Kasumi:"Oh, excuse me."
She looked at it and read a notification.
Kasumi:"I should get going. I have a meeting with my coach! I need to get going for today... but I'll make sure you don't regret this!"
She got up, bowed, and then left. Thanks to Kasumi's training, I feel like my stamina increased. I watched her rush off into the distance, so I gathered my junk and went home. When I got home, Kasumi called me.
Kasumi:"Thank you very much for joining me today, (L/n)-senpai. Are you feeling sore after all that? You placed stress on muscles that you don't use very often! Please remember to massage them out before you sleep. But I'm so glad you accepted my request! I was so relieved, I suddenly got really hungry... and then my stomach wouldn't stop growling in my meeting."
"That's pretty impressive. I can't even lie."
Kasumi: *giggle* "Thank you very much. Though I don't know that's really worth any praise... An excessive diet tends to make most people feel sick, but it seems to have an opposite effect on me. But since you're helping me out, I'll do whatever it takes to maintain my shape! I hope you can help me next time, Senpai! I'll be reaching out again soon. Well then, I'll talk to you soon!"
She hung up, so I went inside my house and decided to just sleep since I had that damn social studies trip tomorrow.
We were in the studio listening to a PR woman explain the process behind commercial breaks and what programs to show in the day and evening. It was pretty boring and soon, we had to be dismissed since some older man complained about there being too much noise. We then had to do some hands-on work. Ann was working in front of the camera while Ryuji, Ren, and I had to untangle the goddamn cables.
It was such a drag, but it was finally over.
Ryuji:"I'm so pissed off! Aren't we supposed to be guests? Why the hell do we hafts be doin' manual labor?! This is bullshit! Goin' to the bathroom didn't even make me feel better!"
Ann:"Quiet down, will you? I get how you feel though... That sucked for the both of us."
Ryuji:"We gotta do more of this tomorrow too?"
Morgana:"No flaking out, Ryuji."
Ryuji:"I know, I know. I gotta be a "good boy," right? Bein' phantom thieves ain't easy..."
Ann:"That reminds me, we get to go home straight from here today. We don't spend much time in this area, so why don't we relax and check out the shops beforehand?"
Morgana:"Ooh, I know a place! I wanna go to that huge pancake-looking place we passed on the way here! It looked delicious! What was that?!"
Ryuji:"Ohhh... You mean Dome Town? The round part is a baseball stadium, then along the outside they've got an amusement park."
Ann:"It's right in the middle of a business area, but they have some pretty hard-core rides there too."
Morgana:"Alright... Let's go! I'll show you just how courageous I am!"
Ann:"Going on a scary ride doesn't really prove any kind of courage."
Ryuji:"Not like cats can get on anyways."
Ryuji:"Really. You might be able to sneak in if you stay in the bag, but you'd totally puke if you did that."
This made Morgana look hesitant a bit.
Ryuji:"But uh... Let's just go to Dome Town! I'm really feelin' it now!"
Ann:"Me too! My stomach's ready for roller coasters!"
Morgana:"Uhhh... I think I'll pass on the puke rides..."
"Too late now, little buddy."
Morgana retreated into Ren's bag as someone rounded the corner.
?:"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your uniforms. Are you students of Shujin Academy?"
"Yeah... Did you need something?"
Akechi:"I happened to be passing by, so it seemed polite to greet you. We'll be filming together, after all. Ah, where are my manners? My name is Goro Akechi."
Ryuji:"Filming? What, you a celebrity?"
Akechi:"Only to the extent of appearing on TV a couple of times."
Ann seemed lost in thought for a minute before she realized something.
Akechi:"My apologies, I truly was just passing by. I must be going. There's a briefing for tomorrow's recording that I have to attend. So, you're going to go have cake now? I missed lunch today, so I'm quite hungry myself..."
"Cake? What're you talking about?"
Akechi:"Oh, am I mistaken? I thought I heard something about delicious pancakes... No matter. Welp, see you tomorrow."
He then walked away from us.
Ryuji:"That guy's gotta be some kinda start-up entertainer or something. He's never gonna get popular with that kinda hair though."
Ann:"You don't get it..."
Ryuji:"Eh, it's fine. We'll see him again tomorrow anyways. C'mon let's go to Dome Town!"
We nodded and started to walk off. I then paused for a moment and glanced over my shoulder in the direction Akechi walked off to. Something didn't sit right with me. I shrugged before following the others.
When I got home, I looked around for something to read. I soon found a magazine about Seaside Park. My curiosity got the better of me and so I read it. It seemed to be a great place to go, day or night. It's mainly a date spot, though.
We were back at the TV studio as Akechi was welcomed on set. When he walked up, the female students started to fangirl.
Ryuji:"Ain't that the guy from yesterday?"
Akechi sat down across from the hosts as they resumed filming once the commercials on air ended.
Woman:"And now, onto the "Hottest Meet-and-Greet" segment of out show... After his last appearance was so well-received, we decided to bring back this fine gentleman today. It's the high school detective, Goro Akechi!"
Upon hearing his name, the girls went wild again.
Akechi:"Hello there."
Man:"Thank you for taking the time to join us today, Akechi-kun. Your popularity is stunning."
Akechi:"Even I've found it to be quite a surprise. It is a bit embarrassing though..."
Woman:"Moving along, we've been told there's a case on your mind right now. Care to share, detective?"
Akechi:"Ah, yes. That would be the scandal involving the master artist Madarame."
Man:"There it is! All of this phantom thief excitement has caught your attention too, Akechi-kun! Allow me to be blunt for just a second. What do you think of these justice-oriented Phantom Thieves?"
Akechi:"If they truly are heroes of justice, I sincerely hope they exist."
Man:"Ohhh, so you don't deny the possibility that they're real?"
Akechi:"I may not seem like it, but I sometimes wish that Santa Claus actually existed. Although if he did, I'd have to arrest him for breaking and entering."
The audience, mainly the female students, laughed at his joke. I frowned and exhaled.
"I saw that joke coming from a mile away."
Ryuji:"Tell me about it..."
Akechi:"But hypothetically speaking, if these Phantom Thieves are real... I believed they should be tried in a court of law."
Ann and Ryuji sat beside me on my right side with Ren on my left. We all had the same expression on our faces before quickly glancing at each other.
Man:"That's quite the statement. Are they committing crimes? Some people even say that the Thieves are actually helping their victims abandon their evil ways."
Akechi:"What the artist Madarame did truly was an unforgivable crime. However, they are taking the law into their own hands by judging him. It is far from justice. More importantly, you should never forcefully change a person's heart."
Man:"You have a point. These people are calling themselves the Phantom Thieves, after all. Amazing as always, Akechi-kun! I could listen to you for days! You have the most radiant charisma!"
The girls started to giggle and murmured about how the host was spitting facts.
Could he glaze this guy any more...?
Akechi:"I have to say though, I would be embarrassed if it turns out these Phantom Thieves don't exist. If that were the case, I'd summarize it into a report as a school project."
Woman:"Now then, let's try asking some students the same age as Akechi-kum about the Phantom Thieves! First, please press your button now if you think the Phantom Thieves exist!"
Ryuji:"Of course they do...!"
The four of us instantly hit our buttons as a monitor next to the hosts displayed a number saying 17.
Man:"About 30% or so? What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?"
Akechi:"I'm a bit surprised. That's higher than I was expecting. I'd love to hear some more detailed opinions on the Phantom Thieves' actions."
Woman:"Alright, let's try asking this student here."
The woman had stepped out of her seat and went up to Ren.
Woman:"Hypothetically speaking, what are your thoughts on these Phantom Thieves, if they were real?"
Ren:"I think... They're justice itself."
Akechi:"You say that with such firmness."
Man:"This completely goes against the opinion you had about them being tried by law, Akechi-kun."
Akechi:"Indeed. It's rather intriguing to hear such a strong acknowledgment. In that case, there's one more question I'd like to ask... If someone close to you, for example, your friend next to you... If his heart suddenly changed... wouldn't you think it was the work of the Phantom Thieves?"
Ren:"Not at all."
Akechi:"Haha, no doubts at all. However, there is a large problem in your reasoning. Whether the Thieves' actions are good or not, I feel there is a more important issue at hand."
Man:"Hm? What do you mean?"
Akechi:"The matter of how they change people's hearts. If they honestly possess that ability... it could be used for more than extracting confessions. It could be that what seem to be ordinary crimes are actually being perpetrated by these methods..."
Man:"You know, you're absolutely right."
Akechi:"Oh, please don't misunderstand. This is all purely hypothetical... It is only if people who can use such a power truly exist. Either way though, this cannot be ignored. The existence of the Phantom Thieves would be nothing but a threat to our everyday lives. To be honest, I'm already working alongside the police to help sort out this matter."
The show wrapped up, and we were dismissed.
Ann:"It kinda seemed like what he was saying might be right..."
Ryuji:"He made it sound like we're the baddies. I don't like it."
Ann:"But stuff about the police... Do you think it's for real?"
Morgana:"He can say whatever he wants. The justice of it all is something we can decide for ourselves."
Ryuji:"Oh sorry, I gotta go take a leak. Can you guys wait here? I'll be right back."
Ann rolled her eyes before letting us know she was gonna go on ahead as Ryuji dashed off to the bathroom. Ren and I waited on Ryuji when Akechi walked over to us.
Akechi:"I'm glad I found you. I wanted to thank you in person. To paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis..."
"Do you keep that phrase in your back pocket or something?"
Akechi:"Haha, my apologies. What I mean is that the discussion I had with your friend was quite meaningful. Few people around me are so willing to speak their minds as freely as you did earlier. Adults are only interested in using the young, while they simply do as the adults say. There are too many irresponsible people in these modern times. I can understand why you'd support the Phantom Thieves."
He smiled at us then paused for a moment to rub his chin before speaking again.
Akechi:"It's possible that this group is just as you believe and they are truly acting with good intentions. Since they special talents, I assume their hearts must be burning with a sense of justice and duty... But that justice is merely a facade concealing their lack of true strength. That's why I believe, if a truly powerful opponent were to corner them, they would flee without a second thought."
"Tch, keep dreaming, buddy."
Ren:"They'd fight to the very end."
Akechi:"Oh...? You really are intriguing. I bet you'd make for a worthwhile debate partner on the subject. If it's alright with you, would you continue sharing your thoughts with me?"
Ren looked at me and all I could really do was shrug.
Ren:"That's fine by me."
Akechi extended his hand out to Ren and Ren grabbed it.
Akechi:"Thank you, that's great news. I sense something in you that's quite different from other people. I guess you can call it my detective's intuition? Haha, kidding, of course."
They shook hands before Akechi exchanged contact info with him.
Akechi:"And you, you're more than welcome to be a part of our debate. You seem to be more verbal than he is."
"I'll think on it."
Akechi:"Very well. I'll contact your friend soon enough and he can invite you if he chooses. Take care now."
He walked off towards the green rooms right as Ryuji got out of the restroom. We then all headed back home.
Ann texted the group she was still thinking about what Akechi said but we told her that we should stick with our justice and not really the law. We were thieves in a sense so not everyone is gonna agree with us. Sometime later, Ren told the group to head to the darts place so we did.
Ryuji and I cheered on Ann and Yusuke as they wanted to play.
Around lunchtime, I was in the courtyard with Ren and Ryuji.
Ryuji:"Man, that detective from yesterday really pissed me off! We're some kinda threat? Let's see him do it, then! If someone else could help 'em, we wouldn't be doin' stuff as the Phantom Thieves to start with!"
"Dude, chill! You're being too damn loud!"
Ann came by and smacked Ryuji in the head as she walked over to me.
Ann:"(Y/n)'s right."
Ryuji:"Who cares? Everybody's talkin' about this stuff anyways. It'd be more suspicious if we were whisperin'."
"Yeah, but you're actively yelling out that we are Phantom Thieves. There's a difference."
Ryuji:"Dude, I've passed by so many guys in the hallway saying they're Phantom Thieves."
"Because they're trying to pick up chicks! Back me up here, Ren!"
Ren:"He's got a point. I did see one sweaty guy trying to use that line on a first year. She turned him down... Badly."
Morgana:"You guys are acting too laid back. The police are getting involved now, you know?"
Ann:"So you think it's true? We'll be okay if we keep doing this... right?"
Ryuji:"We can't let the cops scare us outta bein' phantom thieves."
Ann:"But what about that weird guy from Madarame's Palace? Isn't there a lot we don't know?"
We got hit with a bright light and looked over to see it was that damned student council president.
Makoto:"You four seem to be having so much fun. I'm a little jealous."
"Are you here to pry into our business again? We don't have any info on whatever you're asking for!"
Makoto:"Why do you think I'm here to question you? Could it be that you're hiding something? My ears are always open to the troubles of my peers, you know."
"Oh so NOW you wanna listen, huh?"
"Or are you here now since you wanna earn yourself a good letter of recommendation?"
Makoto:"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're the student council president, right? Someone that high up on the food chain surely must've known about Kamoshida."
Makoto:"Of course not! He honestly was a good teacher until that day..."
"Oh, how convenient of you to think that. I'm pretty sure you're just taking the teacher's side. That's what a good council president does, right? My friends Ryuji and Ann here experienced firsthand how much an asshole he was!"
Morgana:"I've never seen him get so intense... Not even when fighting Shadows."
Ren:"Neither have I..."
Makoto then looked over to Ann.
Makoto:"Well, let me ask her then. What did you do for your friend? You were closer to her than I was, so how did you help?"
Ann:"There wasn't any way to help! By myself... I couldn't do anything for her!"
Makoto:"There's no need to shout."
Ryuji:"If those Phantom Thieves are out there helpin' people... I'd root for 'em, no questions asked. They've gotta be more dependable than some people I know."
"Hard agree."
Niijima-senpai turned away from us and exhaled.
Makoto:"Just make sure you show up to your classes, alright?"
She soon walked off.
Ann:"You know what I asked earlier about whether we'll be okay if we keep this up? I take it back. I'd be ashamed to let it end now..."
Ryuji:"Hell yeah. It's about time we find our next target too."
Lunchtime was soon over, so Ryuji and Ann retreated back to class. Ren grabbed a hold of my shoulder and I looked over at him.
"Something wrong?"
Morgana:"We should be asking you the same thing."
Ren:"You got a little heated back there..."
"Oh... Sorry. It's just that when I got here, Niijima-senpai didn't even lend me a helping hand into getting settled. I even tried reaching out to her, but she claimed to be busy with other shit. Then next thing I know, I see her helping some other student! I decided to just give up on asking her for anything. And it doesn't help now that she's breathing down our necks."
Ren:"I see."
"Sorry for losing my cool, man. As vice leader, I need to set an example to our crew, right?"
Ren:"Yeah, but just come talk to us if you need anything. We're friends."
"Heh, thanks, Ren. If it weren't for you, I'd still be a loner. Well, we better hurry back to class."
He nodded, and we went back to class. After school, we met up with Yusuke outside Station Square. He was on his phone glancing at the Phan-site.
Yusuke:"Comments are coming in at an alarming rate. However, negative ones seem to be more prominent. "A criminal group with unknown goals that does whatever it wants in the name of justice." Huh..."
"Ugh... It's 'cause of Akechi. The man can sway an audience. The host and fangirls were basically eating out of the palm of his hand."
Yusuke:"He's free to deny our actions, but being cursed by his influence is another thing entirely."
Ann:"Just when we were starting to get people to believe in us too..."
Ryuji:"All we gotta do is take down another hot shot, yeah?"
Yusuke:"Well, do you have any ideas who this next "hot shot" could be?"
Ryuji:"I ain't got a thing yet... Dammit, this is real irritating... By the way, what's up with that luggage?"
Yusuke:"Oh, I decided to leave the school dorms. They were not only filthy, but too noisy as well... No true art could come from such a place."
Ryuji:"What're you gonna do then? You can't go back to that shack, right?"
Yusuke:"I was planning on staying at Takamaki-san's- I mean, Ann's house. I've even prepared a thank-you gift. I hope it's to your parents' liking."
Ann:"WHAT?! There's no way that gonna happen!"
"What'd you think was gonna happen?"
Yusuke:"But I spent everything I had on these delectable Japanese sweets..."
Ann:"That's not the issue here! Seriously though... what're we gonna do about him?"
Ren:"What about a manga café?"
Yusuke:"I don't have the money."
Ryuji:"Then why'd you leave?"
Morgana:"Well, seeing as Yusuke is an important member of our team... I'll lend a hand! Come stay at our place! It's dirty, but at least you'll have somewhere to sleep!"
"Since when did you start calling the shots? Oh, that's right, you live in a café, right? I've still yet to visit you."
Ann:"Why don't we go right now? We can have a party to celebrate Madarame's change of heart!"
Ryuji:"Ooh, good idea! We can make it a welcome party for Yusuke too!"
Ann:"Alright, it's decided!"
Ann and Ryuji then started walking ahead as Yusuke followed suit.
Morgana:"It'll be up to you to convince the chief!"
Ren was clearly annoyed as he suddenly shook his bag, causing Mona to bounce around. I laughed before we made our way to Leblanc.
Ann:"Ah, what a nice smell..."
Ryuji:"This place looks so outdated... I can't say I hate it though..."
Yusuke:"People refer to that as "retro."
?:"Hm? Who're they?"
The owner turned around and looked at us curiously.
?:"A girl too...?"
Ann:"Ren had really helped us a lot lately."
?:"Heh, I bet you're the ones doing all the helping."
Ann:"No, really, he's been great."
?:"Huh... Sit down. This round'll be on the house. You're helping though."
Ren nodded and went to help make some coffee.
Sojiro:"Right, I'm Sojiro Sakura."
We took turns introducing ourselves as we drank our beverages. Ann and Yusuke got coffee while Ryuji drank a soda. I had myself just some ice water. Sojiro then told Ren to take us up to his room so we could chill. I had to use the restroom, but I heard him talk to Ann for a bit.
Sojiro:"Hey, I think I've seen you pass by a few times."
"Huh? Oh, yeah."
Sojiro:"I always see you head to that doctor."
"Yeah. I guess the thought of me constantly going there would cause some weird looks."
Sojiro:"Heh, as long as you're staying healthy."
"Thank you for your concern. I'm actually staying active ever since I met Ren."
Sojiro:"I see."
Sojiro couldn't help but crack a smile.
Sojiro:"He's been treating you guys alright?"
"For sure. He's on the quiet side, but he's got our backs. And I've definitely got his. Told him so during his first week at Shujin."
Sojiro:"That felt so long ago."
Ryuji:"(Y/n), come up here! This place is pretty sweet!"
"Nice talking to you, Sakura-san."
He nodded at me as I went upstairs. I checked out Ren's crib and it was pretty cozy at the very least. He had his bed in the corner, an empty black plastic shelf several feet away, a plant that was still green as ever, a small couch, and a small TV with a DVD player booked up to it. We all sat around and talked for a bit before deciding to throw that party. Ren had a portable stove and we decided to make hot pot. Yusuke, Ann, and Ryuji went to buy ingredients while I stayed with Ren to set up the portable stove.
Ren went downstairs to get a suitable pot as I fiddled around with the stove as Morgana was backseat assisting. Ren came back with a pretty big pot and then the other three came back with the ingredients as I finally got it going.
Ryuji:"I can't eat another bite..."
Morgana:"That was delicious, Lady Ann. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful bride some-"
Ann: *yawn* "Sorry, I'm gonna have to borrow the sofa."
Ann rested on her side and shut her eyes as she drifted off to dreamland. Morgana then looked over to Yusuke.
Morgana:"What's wrong, Yusuke?"
Yusuke:"We haven't finished our meal. What about the porridge, or even udon...?"
Ryuji:"Just leave it for next time, man..."
We glanced back over to Ann as she was steadily sleeping.
Yusuke:"By the way, Ryuji... how do you know Ann?"
Ryuji:"Huh? Oh, we went to middle school together."
Morgana:"What was Lady Ann like back then?"
Ryuji:"Not so different from now. Once we got to high school, we ended up in different classes and stopped talkin'... I don't think she bad many friends. I mean she grew up overseas, plus there's her looks. The popular kids hate her; the quiet ones stay away."
Yusuke:"I see... So, what about you three?"
Yusuke:"This is a great opportunity to get to know each other better. You know every detail of my past at this point. It's only fair you tell me every detail of yours."
Ryuji:"So you got nothin' to lose, huh? Alright, I'll tell you. It's just a normal story about a rotten kid though. My dad left when I was young... Ever since then it's just been me and my mom. I was actually tryin' to get a track scholarship so I could make things easier for her. In the end, I just screwed it all up. Turns out I'm a pretty bad son, huh?"
He sighed and shook his head.
Ryuji:"Back when I was a first year, my mom got called out to school for me raisin' my hand at Kamoshida. All the teachers kept houndin' her for what I did, but she just stayed quiet through it all... I'll never forget the look she had on her face though... On the way home, she... she apologized to me. For bein' a single mom and all..."
Yusuke:"They say at school everyone is equal, but in reality that's a gross oversimplification. I understand how you feel."
Ryuji:"What about you, (Y/n)?"
"Ann and I are in a similar boat. I'm a foreigner. I lived in the U.S. for basically all of my life until my dad got a crazy new job opportunity out here. I enrolled as a first year at Shujin and I was beyond nervous. I wanted to make new friends so I tried reaching out to my classmates, but there was still the issue of a language barrier. But when I finally learned the language, I realized I was already getting called names behind my back."
I just shook my head and crossed my arms.
"Everyone kept calling me a weirdo or said I tried way too hard to befriend everyone. And since I was lost, I actually tried to reach out to Niijima-senpai, but no matter what, there would just be something me from receiving assistance from the one who's supposed to lend an ear to her peers. It pissed me off so I just gave up and blended in with the background. And since I kept to myself, I kept getting called a lonely loser. There was just no winning."
Ryuji:"Shit, dude, that blows..."
"At least I got you guys for friends."
Ren:"And we're lucky to have you as ours."
"But if you wanna talk about who has it worst with labels, it's without a doubt, Ren."
Yusuke:"Is this about your past?"
Morgana:"Now that I think about it, we haven't heard the details."
Ren:"Right. I was walking home one night when I heard a woman crying for help. I went over to help her since she was being harassed by some guy. The moment I grabbed his shoulder, he tripped over his own feet and fell onto the sidewalk. He got a cut right down his forehead, and that's when he threatened to sue. The woman tried arguing with him, but he was going to blackmail her, and so she testified against me when the cops came..."
Ren finished recounting his tail as we were furious for him. We continued talking for a bit as Ann got up and told us she felt like she's known us for a really long time, probably because our backgrounds are similar. Ann also let Yusuke know that Sojiro would allow him to crash at Ren's place. She left and the four of us went to the nearby bathhouse since Yusuke said he can't sleep unless he takes a bath.
Ryuji:"You know, I've been wonderin'... What do you think of Ann? As a girl, I mean."
Ren:"She's a great teammate."
Ryuji:"No, that's not what I meant... C'mon can't you act a little more like a guy our age? (Y/n), thoughts?"
(Y/n):"Well... I'd be lying to myself if I said she wasn't breathtaking."
Ryuji:"Whoa-ho, you straight up said it! Well, in her case, her looks totally make up for her overbearing personality."
Yusuke:"I'll be sure to share what you've said with Ann."
Ryuji:"Please don't. Seriously..."
We talked a bit longer before exiting the bath since an old man was cranking up the hot water like a madman. We said our goodbyes and went home. I got home and sat on the edge of my bed to think for a bit.
"Us Phantom Thieves are a bunch of misfits. That's why we're so close. Heh."
I then laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
"I can't believe I said that about Ann to them. Ha! The old me would've hesitated to answer or at least avoid it. Well, anyway, time for some sleep."
To Be Continued...
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