In class, Ann got called on to answer the teacher's question on which item we carry every day that has minor metals. Ren helped her out by telling the answer, which was smartphones.
After School
We met up at the hideout near the station.
Ryuji:"We ain't got nothin'..."
Ann:"Are we out of luck?"
Morgana:"It's no fair his Palace is up in the sky..."
Yusuke:"If only we could contact the real Kaneshiro..."
I then looked out the corner of my eye to see Niijima-senpai walking over to us.
Ann:"What do you want?"
Makoto:"Nothing in particular. I just saw you all together here."
"That so?"
Makoto:"You seem to be having quite a bit of trouble."
Ann:"So you're here to check up on us? You may be the student council president, but when it comes to what we do, you're useless."
She seemed to be taken aback by the last word Ann said.
Sae: Right now, you're useless to me... All you do is eat away at my life.
Yusuke:"To be frank, yes."
Ann:"Just stay on your high horse and watch. Or do you wanna eavesdrop, since you're so good at it?"
Makoto looked away briefly as it seemed their remarks stung a bit.
Makoto:"So you wish to get in contact with Kaneshiro."
"Yeah... Why?"
Makoto:"That's what I heard you discussing about. It seemed you just needed to find out where we he is."
"We'll handle it."
Ann:"Like I said, stay out of this!"
It seemed like something flashed in her mind as she muttered something.
Makoto:"I'm not..."
Makoto:"Fine. I'll help you meet Kaneshiro."
She then walked away.
Yusuke:"What exactly is she planning on doing?"
Ryuji:"She had a dead-serious look in her eyes..."
Yusuke:"Does this mean she has an idea as to where Kaneshiro may be?"
Ann:"I highly doubt that."
Morgana:"I didn't like her stern face..."
Ann then ran off after her, so we followed suit. We ran outside to look for her as we were getting annoyed since the street was busy as hell. That's when she called me.
Makoto:"Hello? It's me... Makoto Niijima. Just stay on the phone and listen. Make sure you record the call as well."
Ann:"Huh? Who is it?"
I pulled the phone away and looked at them.
"It's Niijima-senpai."
They were surprised and got a bit closer to listen in on the conversation.
Makoto:"Do you guys know Kaneshiro?"
Ryuji:"That idiot! What's she doin'?!"
Makoto:"I heard I could find someone named Kaneshiro if I came to Central Street."
Ann:"Central Street!"
Yusuke:"She's being too rash!"
I pocketed my phone, and we all made a run for Central Street.
With Makoto
Man 1:"What're you getting at?!"
Makoto:"He's blackmailing the students of Shujin Academy, is he not? Tell him if he doesn't want me talking to the police about it, he'd better agree to meet with me."
Man 2:"You got a death wish or somethin'?"
Back with you
We barely managed to reach the spot between the gym and saw her get into a black car with some shady dudes, and they drove off.
"Dammit! Hang on, lemme see if the call is still going."
I grabbed my phone and saw that it was and put it on speaker.
Man 1:"Contact Kaneshiro-san. Tell him we got a good one."
Makoto:"Where are we going?"
Man 2:"I guess we can't do anything to her if she's Kaneshiro-san's customer."
Makoto:"Hey, I asked a question here. Where are we going?"
Ann:"We gotta go after them!"
We ran out to the other side of the street and got a taxi as Yusuke managed to sketch the license plate that belonged to the guys.
With Makoto
Kaneshiro:"So... you're seriously the student council president of Shujin. You know what happens to anyone who snaps at me, don't you?"
Kaneshiro was sitting on a velvety sofa as Makoto was pinned to the ground, being restrained by one of the shady men that drove her to Kaneshiro's location. Kaneshiro had her phone in his hand.
Kaneshiro:"So, whose number is this? Your boyfriend?"
Ann:"What in the world?"
Back with you
We managed to reach the guys who took the pres and saw her pinned down.
Man 2:"Who the fuck are you?!"
I saw her wincing in pain and grew a scowl.
"What the fuck did you guys do to her?!"
Kaneshiro:"Ohhh, I get it. You got followed you dumbshits!"
He scoffed and opened up a briefcase full of money.
Morgana:"Holy moly!"
Kaneshiro then looked over to a gaudy woman at his side.
Kaneshiro:"That bag you saw the other day--the crocodile one. How much was it?"
Woman:"About three million?"
Kaneshiro gave her a large stack of cash as she squealed in delight.
Woman:"For reals?!"
Kaneshiro:"Better thank those guys."
Kaneshiro:"I'm royally pissed right now. Can you tell? You know how spending money relieves stress? It's you goddamn brats sniffing around like dogs and barging in here like you own the joint! See this empty space? I'm so pissed that now there's a three million gap here. It pisses me off even more if I don't fill it up. I'm a perfectionist. So, good luck."
Yusuke:"What's that supposed to mean?"
Kaneshiro:"Come on, you all look so tense."
He then snapped a photo of us.
Kaneshiro:"I think I'll call it... "Debauchery of Minors at a Club." So, can I send this to your school?"
Kaneshiro:"Oh, damn, I got booze and cigs in the shot! Maybe some drugs too? Ahh... This is so hilarious. I feed on dumbshits like you... Understand, pretty little student council president? Now listen up. Run your mouth to the police, and I'll break all of you, starting with your families. I want to give you the usual month, but well, you have such a large group here... Three weeks. Bring three million yen by then. No less. Summer bonuses are around the corner, you know? It'll be easy if you beg your mommies and daddies."
The shady men cackled at us as I saw Ryuji and Ren with major scowls on their faces.
Kaneshiro:"Now get out of my sight. I'm about to have some fun."
Ryuji:"What?! To hell with that!"
"Don't bother with him. We gotta get Niijima-senpai out of here."
The guy pinning her down soon got off as she rubbed her wrists and quickly shuffled over to us as we all left.
Makoto:"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to drag you in like this..."
Ryuji:"For real."
Makoto:"I was stupid..."
Yusuke:"I must agree. You should've easily imagined this happening."
Ann:"Hey, Yusuke..."
Makoto:"I was so caught up in trying to be useful..."
"What's done is done."
Makoto:"I'm going to cause trouble for Sis too..."
Makoto:"My older sister has a commendable job, and she's a much more remarkable person than me... A lot happened after we lost our father three years ago, so it's just us living together... But I'm still a child, so all I am is a burden to her..."
"...And that's why you were reckless?"
Makoto:"I just wanted to be useful in some way to someone..."
"I can't exactly understand your situation, but isn't it messed up of her to say that to you?"
Makoto:"It's the truth though... In particular, I have to apologize for what happened to you."
She glanced over to Ann.
Makoto:"Now that I think on it, the truth about Kamoshida must've been covered up by the whole school. I had my suspicions, but... I couldn't do anything about it. No. I didn't do anything. Had I cared enough, I could've done something..."
Makoto:"People like me... must be really be what others call scum of the earth."
Ann:"Real scum wouldn't call themselves that."
Ann:"I'm the same. It's just like you said before: I was closest to Shiho, but I didn't do anything... Besides, Kamoshida's the one to blame. Shiho understands that... and I do too."
Yusuke:"You didn't have a place to belong either... Isn't that right?"
Makoto:"Me either?"
Ann:"We won't let anyone fall victim again. Now, what should we do from here?"
Makoto:"I'll do something about the money! So can we please drop the case with Kaneshiro?"
"No way in hell!"
"We're all caught up in this. We can't have you rushing in alone anymore."
Ryuji:"If only we could do something about that bank..."
Morgana:"Oh, right, the bank! She isn't useless at all! She may be our key in! Hear me out, you guys!"
Ren:"What do you mean?"
Makoto:"Are you talking to your cat?"
Morgana:"We've become Kaneshiro's targets. That means we've become customers of Kaneshiro's bank!"
Yusuke:"I see. The reason why we couldn't enter before was because we weren't considered his customers..."
Morgana:"And wouldn't you say that she in particular is a special customer? Let's take her with us. She is responsible for our current situation."
Ryuji:"I don't follow..."
"We're taking her to the Palace."
"It'd be easier to show you. Just follow us."
We entered the cognition world, and she was taken aback by our change in attire. Then she called Morgana a monster cat, but Ann told her why he looked like that.
Makoto:"Where are we?"
Ann:"We're inside Kaneshiro's... well, the "world" inside his heart."
Yusuke:"It's another reality in which Kaneshiro's distorted desires have materialized."
Makoto:"Another reality?"
"Yo, look at that!"
They turned around and saw a bunch of money being sucked into the air of the bank.
Makoto:"It's floating...! I'm sorry, it's just... But since this really exists, I can't doubt it... A reality that one's heart shows... Is it like the application of optical illusions in social cognitive psychology?"
Ann:"That's something we have no idea about."
We decided to fill her in on what our process is and how things go down.
Makoto:"I see, so "stealing one's heart"... That may be like overwriting their cognition... I think I kind of get the logic behind it..."
Ryuji:"Ain't she more amazing than you?"
Morgana:"W-We're about the same!"
Makoto:"Then, does this mean there's an ATM version of myself somewhere in this world too?"
Morgana:"Perhaps. Regardless, we can change Kaneshiro's heart and make him confess if we steal his Treasure. If it all goes well, that is."
Ryuji:"We'll make it go well."
Ren:"I've got faith in us."
"Same here."
Ryuji:"Hell yeah! And everyone will notice us for sure if we take someone like Kaneshiro down!"
Yusuke:"Our justice will also become resolute."
Ann:"Think we'd be able to give courage to those in need if it happens?!"
Makoto:"For the sake of those in need, huh... You sound like my father."
Ann:"Your father?"
Makoto:"...No, don't mind me. You want to go to that bank, right? Let's go then. If I've become a customer of that bank, then they'll have to let me in."
She started walking in the direction of the bank, and it began to descend slowly onto the street. It still hovered several feet off the ground, but it unraveled a staircase for us to walk on. We made our way towards the entrance.
Makoto:"You know how you can use your card to get into banks during after hours? I thought I'd be able to get in since I have the same identity as such customers. I'm Kaneshiro's source of revenue, after all."
Yusuke:"Ah, that makes sense."
Ann:"But wow... This place is huge."
Ryuji:"I rarely gotta go to the bank, so... this is makin' me kinda nervous."
Ann:"Being in a bank with costumes like these is so obvious--we're totally robbers."
Ryuji:"You got that right..."
Morgana:"It seems there will be a lot of Shadows from here on."
Makoto:"Huh? What's that about?"
"We get attacked by enemies. Guess you could call them security guards of the Palaces."
Makoto:"I see. I've trained in aikido. Don't worry; I can defend myself."
Morgana:"Self-defense won't do much good against Shadows, but then again, it's better than nothing."
Makoto:"We have to go in from the front, don't we? I'm an honorary customer, so I better act like one. I will be useful for you guys."
Ren had Ryuji, Ann, and I as his team as we all walked in through the front door of the bank. Two guards immediately noticed us.
Guard 1:"What business do you have here?"
Ann:"I had a feeling this would happen."
Makoto:"Come at us!"
Ryuji:"No no! Wait!"
"This is one of Kamoshida's customers."
Makoto:"I'd like to speak with the bank president."
Guard 2:"Excuse me, but do you have an appointment?"
Makoto:"I need to talk to him. Now let me through!"
We then heard Kaneshiro's voice over a PA system.
Kaneshiro:"Let them pass."
"That's definitely Kaneshiro's voice."
Ryuji:"Yo, banks have presidents?"
Yusuke:"Yes, but not the political sorts--in theory."
"You learn something new every day."
We were told that the reception office was to the right and to the back, so we went there as there were a few guards to keep us from straying off. We reached the room and saw a mountain of cash on a long table before a screen in the middle of the room turned on, and we saw Shadow Kaneshiro on the other end.
S. Kaneshiro:"You're here regarding the three million yen, aren't you, Miss Beautiful President? It must be quite tough gathering so much money. I'd be willing to give you a loan, you know."
"Yeah, sure, let's just pay you back with your own money so we can owe you even more money. Get outta here!"
Makoto:"So that's your plan, huh?"
S. Kaneshiro:"Quite the impressive insight... Niijima-san. Or should I say, the younger sister of the beautiful prosecutor Sae Niijima?"
Makoto:"How do you know that?!"
S. Kaneshiro:"Please don't underestimate our intelligence network. My, what wonderful goods have come falling into my lap."
Ann:"Don't be ridiculous!"
S. Kaneshiro:"Young women are such great assets. They lack strength--be it social, physical, or mental. It's as if they only exist to be devoured by the strong. That just might he the rule since the dawn of history."
"This dude is sounding more and more like an incel... He really is despicable."
S. Kaneshiro:"The fuck did you say?!"
"Be ready, Kaneshiro, we're gonna steal your Treasure!"
S. Kaneshiro:"Don't make me laugh, you petty thieves. My citadel has the highest security installed in it."
We were soon ambushed by three Shadows.
S. Kaneshiro:"Anyone will do anything for money. I'll rob you of your lives as easily as I breathe air. Get them."
The Shadows transformed and got ready to attack us.
Makoto:"What's that?!"
"The Shadows! Stand back!"
She nodded and stood off to the side by Yusuke and Morgana.
"Let's do this... PERSONA!!!"
Makoto:"Is (L/n)-kun... on FIRE?!"
Morgana:"Don't worry, he's fine. That's just his Persona or one of them at least."
Right now, only two Shadows were attacking us. Ren tried to shoot them, but they were resistant.
"Let me try... Take this!"
I shot streams of flames from my palms at both of them and did some major damage. Ann followed up with her own fire skills to attack both, and Ryuji ended it off with some physical attacks, but they resisted that too.
Makoto:"They're so strong... Especially (L/n)..."
The next pair of Shadows came out to play and we easily dispatched them. Soon, a trio came out, and we made a run for it. But our escape route was soon cut off by some more guards.
S. Kaneshiro:"I must thank you for providing me with such wonderful goods. It's time you disappear, though."
S. Kaneshiro:"Managing a bank is tough as it is. So it's my policy to kill clients who are more trouble than they're worth. Having one impertinent brat disappear is enough to set an example in that other world."
Makoto:"Please stop!"
S. Kaneshiro:"Oh, I wouldn't damage an asset like you. They're dead men walking, but you'll be just fine. Your sister is quite a beauty though. I'll make sure to make her my personal slave. Once I get bored, I'll just sell her off. Oh, poor Sis... She could've been so successful, if only her younger sister wasn't so dumb."
Makoto:"My sister has nothing to do with this!"
S. Kaneshiro:"Then you better start taking customers tomorrow. All you gotta do is endure it and do as you're told."
Makoto:"Endure it... Do as I'm told..."
S. Kaneshiro:"You'll earn three million yen in no time. Although, your life and everything along with it will be a complete wreck by then! GWAHAHAHAHA!"
Makoto:"I've been listening to you go on and on... Shut your damn mouth, you money-grubbing asshole!"
"Oh shit..."
S. Kaneshiro:"Huh?"
?: Have you decided to tread the path of strife...?
Makoto:"Yes... Come to me."
?: Very well. Let us proceed with our contract at once.
Niijima-senpai started to break out in a cold sweat as her head began throbbing wildly. She grasped her head in pain and cried out as the voice continued to ring inside her head.
?: I am thou, thou art I... You have finally found your own justice... Please... Never lose sight of it again.
She then stomped the floor and caused a tile beneath her foot to completely crack.
?: This memorable day marks your graduation from your false self...
Soon, there was a mask over her face, which she ripped off with great force causing blood to trickle down from her forehead. A pillar of light blue light erupted around her as she yelled out at the top of her lungs.
S. Kaneshiro:"What the hell?!"
She had finally awoken her Persona.
Yusuke:"A Persona?"
Ryuji:"No, dude... That's a bike...
The student council pres also had a change of attire.
Makoto:"I can feel it... My "self"... Me...! Gun it!"
She took off on her bike and rammed into two guards as she did a slick u-turn.
Ann:"Wow... Nice!"
Morgana:"Wh-What is that?! I've never seen anything like it..."
Shadow Kaneshiro looked worried before trying to save face and ordering some more guards to attack us.
Makoto:"I will not lose heart again, ever. I will go full speed, nonstop! Right, Johanna?!"
We got ready to battle as it was me, Ren, Niijima-senpai, and Ryuji.
Makoto:"Don't get all cocky just because I normally behave myself! I am DONE playing nice! Let's go, Johanna! Full throttle!"
She attacked the main guard with a nuclear skill that he was weak to.
Makoto:"What should I do now?!"
Ren:"Niijima-senpai, Baton Pass to (Y/n)!"
Makoto:"How do I do that?!"
Ryuji:"Just give him a high five!"
She sauntered over to me as we shared a passing glance. Never would I think she would by motorcycle riding girl. I flashed her a smile, and she smiled back. We shared a high five, and I felt my power increase.
"Okay, come on out, Heatblast!"
I transformed yet again and clenched my fists.
"You guys are in for a world of hurt!"
Ryuji:"Aww yeah! Bring the pain!"
I created a ball of flame that I soon punched as three spirals of flame shot out of it and damaged the Shadows. The other were greatly damaged, which let Ren and Ryuji finish them off.
Ren:"End it!"
Makoto:"I'm on it! Johanna!"
With one more nuclear attack, the guard was brought to his knees, which let us commence an All-Out Attack! We destroyed him, which let us all escape. We were back at the hideout as Niijima-senpai was panting.
Ryuji:"That was no aikido--that was some hard-core ass whoopin'!"
Ann:"I am SO not pissing her off.. I feel like she'll rip off my arm."
Yusuke:"She does exude that aura..."
Makoto:"...Oh, stop it! This is the most exhausted I've ever gotten these past few years... But... it felt pretty great. I never thought I'd become a part of the Phantom Thieves I was after. Sis might faint if she found out."
Yusuke:"You mentioned her earlier."
Makoto:"She's a prosecutor for the district--and she's investigating the Phantom Thieves."
Ryuji:"Wait, ain't that bad?!"
Makoto:"No need to worry. A normal investigation would never lead them to a world like that. Then again, it must've been fate for this to happen..."
Ann:"What do you mean?"
Makoto:"I can't be like my sister. I had a feeling that there'd be a time when we couldn't see eye to eye anymore. I'm thankful to have a sister who works so hard, but... there are times I feel sorry for her too. And after hearing my Persona's voice, I clearly understand how I feel now."
Yusuke:"It appears you're not as reserved as you make yourself seem."
Makoto:"I was just doing whatever the adults told me to."
Yusuke:"Won't she be perfect as our advisor? She's fearless and has a sharp mind."
Ryuji:"Sounds good to me! We've needed someone like that for a while now!"
Makoto:"I'd be honored if I can help out."
Ann:"We had way too much testosterone anyway, so I feel much better hav--"
Niijima-san's phone went off and she checked it.
Makoto:"It's from Kaneshiro. He's reminding us of our debt. So the Kaneshiro over here doesn't know what happened inside the Palace."
"Yeah, but his Palace can change based off of the real Kaneshiro's cognition."
Makoto:"It seems it'd be best to avoid unnecessary contact with him until then."
Ryuji:"Three weeks left, huh..."
Yusuke:"There's that security system too."
Ann:"But if we pull this off, it'll definitely be great!"
Makoto:"We'll crush him like a fly. I'll make him regret making me angry..."
Ryuji:"Anyways, let's begin our operation tomorrow!"
"Yeah, we'll secure a route to the treasure."
Everyone nodded and began to split off. I was about to follow Ren until Niijima-senpai caught my sleeve.
Makoto:"(L/n)-kun, I just wanted to say... sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
Makoto:"I... remember not being able to help you settle into Shujin last year. You were in need of help, but I just turned away from you. But now, I'll do whatever I can to help you. All of you! That Baton Pass we did reminded me of what I failed to do for you."
I gasped and stood there silently before smiling softly.
"Heh, better late than never. Thank you. I'll be looking out for you. Since we're teammates, I want us to be on good terms."
I held out my hand, and she took it.
"So please, call me (Y/n)."
Makoto:"Then call me Makoto."
"You got it, Niiji--I mean, Makoto."
She smiled widely at me before giving me a quick huga and then running off.
Makoto:"Oh! Could you add me to your group chat if you have one?! Thank you! Bye, (Y/n)!"
"Oh! Uh, yeah! You got it! See ya 'round, Makoto!"
I smiled to myself before adding Makoto to the group and went home to rest.
To Be Continued...
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