Final Results
School was finished for the day, so I checked my phone and watched some messages come in from Takemi. She let me know that she had a new medicine ready and was wanting to test it on me ASAP.
Could you stop by, my little guinea pig?
I didn't know how to feel as I read that message over and over again. Ren noticed me staring at my phone for a solid few minutes and asked if I was alright.
Ren:"Are you okay?"
"It's Takemi. I might just go see her at the clinic."
Morgana:"Ooh! You totally should."
"Yeah. I'll catch you guys later."
Ren:"Take it easy."
Morgana:"Try not to die."
"No promises."
I went straight over to the clinic, and she smiled upon seeing me. We went into the exam room, and I sat on the bed as she handed me another strange liquid. This time, it was purple.
Takemi:"Alright, drink it down in one gulp."
"Sure thing..."
I took a deep breath and chugged it down. It had a powerful taste, both sour and bitter, that overwhelmed me. It had an awful smell. Before I knew it, I had a hard time breathing and blacked out.
I awoke some time later, but I was pretty groggy.
Takemi:"Ah, your reaction to it is absolutely perfect."
"I feel pretty dazed..."
Takemi:"I see. I mixed in some special... components. Okay, let's take your temperature and blood pressure. I'm also going to draw some blood. I also want to perform a few motor skill tests. But those might be too much for you right now. Anyway, since we're in the final stages, I should first stabilize the fundamental formula..."
Man:"Oh, so you ARE here."
A policeman barged into the room and angrily looked at Takemi. I sat up on the side of the bed and curiously looked at the two of them.
Takemi:"I'm in the middle of an examination. I've told you before, Officer. If you want to investigate me, you need to show me a warrant."
Officer:"Hmph! I'm here because we received a report. I'll need to see a detailed statement of medical expenses and full medical records. I bet you didn't have enough time to hide any incriminating documents, huh?"
Takemi:"Must be under the orders of the Medical Chief of Staff. Here you go."
She handed me some papers, which caught him a bit off guard.
Takemi:"This kid here is my only patient today. If you're asking for his medical expenses, I'm guessing I'm under suspicion of improper billing. But without a receipt, I'd say you've been sent on a wild goose chase."
Officer:"Wh-What's going on here?"
Takemi:"You're being manipulated. That "report" is fictitious. It's nothing but an attempt to harass me."
The arrogant officer turned his attention towards me.
Officer:"Hey, you! What're you doing here?! You don't seem sick... Are you up to something illegal?!"
"I got a-"
I faked a wince and clutched my chest like I was in pain.
"A bad heart..."
Officer:"A-A bad heart?!"
Takemi:"He's stressed about taking his entrance exams. I have some drugs that help with relaxation. So, is there anything else? As you can see, I'm pretty busy here."
Officer:"Fine. You're infuriating, you know that? Hmph... but I'd expect nothing less from the "Plague."
He left soon after that.
Takemi: *sigh* "I'm so over this..."
"I'm with you on that one."
Takemi:"I think we're going to get along just fine. It's nothing to worry about. I'm sure it was my former superior who made that false report. You eavesdropped on our conversation the other day, remember? He's just trying to put pressure on me... by having the police investigate me and my practice."
Takemi:"Anyway, I need to draw some blood. There'll be some mild anemia, but only temporarily. You'll be fine. It's part of our "deal," remember?"
"I don't know how I feel about the anemia part, but I'll do it. So go ahead."
Takemi closed her eyes and smiled at me.
Takemi:"I like kids who listen to their superiors. Enjoy your medicine."
I just nodded before I heard her giggle.
Takemi:"I'm going to draw more blood than usual... since you're healthy and all..."
"Oh man..."
Takemi:"Only kidding. Okay, please lie down. You can go home once I'm done."
I did as she said before heading home. Once I got to my door, my phone buzzed. I saw that Takemi was calling me, so I answered it.
Takemi:"Hi, my little guinea pig. You get home safely?"
"Yeah. I'm just now outside my house."
Takemi::"Good to hear. You still seemed kind of dizzy when you left, so I figured I'd check in. You know how it is. Some patients get sick on their way back home."
"I'm totally fine. In fact, I think I have superpowers."
Takemi:"Huh. You sound fine enough to joke, at least. Maybe I should up the dosage next time."
"Let's not..."
Takemi:"I think you'll be okay, but call me if you start feeling sick. Okay, I'm looking forward to our next clinical trial."
She hung up as I went up to my room and crashed on my bed. I saw a half empty water bottle on my nightstand and drank the rest of it. I tossed the bottle across the room and watched it miss the small trash can I had. I got up and put in the trash, but as I was squatting down, I noticed a box beneath my bed. I went over and pulled it out to see that it was a pull-up bar that I had never used. With nothing better to do, I installed it and tried to do as many as I could.
My max was four, and I was going at it for nearly an hour, too. I decided to call it quits for the night and went to bed.
In class Mr. Inui was talking about the Roman emperor, Nero. He asked me between music, theater, and chariot racing, which sport did Nero win when he participated in the Olympics. I was genuinely confused at this question as I never imagined any of these things being an Olympic sport at one point. Well, chariot racing, maybe. That sounds sick, honestly. We should bring it back.
"Uhh... All of them?"
He smiled and clapped for me as he told me that I was correct. Once school was let out, I didn't do much. I just took care of some laundry and did some reading afterward.
I pretty much spent the entire day working out since not much was going on.
Ren and I managed to grab seats on the train today so we both had the same idea of finishing up some books we were reading.
During class, Kawakami called on Ann to answer a question, but she was stumped. She asked Ren for assistance, and he did just that. Her first question was about a phrase and it what it was supposed to originally convey. The phrase was "My country, right or wrong."
It was supposed to convey that you unqestioningly support it. But the original meaning was slightly different. So it was something like, "You have a duty to correct it."
After school
Takemi notified me that she made some enhancements to the medicine and asked me to come over. I accepted her request and went straight to the clinic.
Takemi:"Here you go... The effect should be instant this time."
This time, the liquid was yellow. I chugged it down in one gulp like the previous two and just stared at her puzzled.
Takemi:"Let's see. Eyes are focused. Look this way. One, two, three, four... Nothing yet, huh?"
"Nah, I feel-"
I suddenly shut my mouth as it felt like the inside of my mouth was burning. And my nose was itchy.
Takemi:"There it is. The inhibitory effect is just as I had hoped. Your weight was the primary reason it took longer than expected... Yes, this is what I expected from a teenager. We're making great progress. Practice makes perfect, right? Okay, hold tight. Once I compile all the data, we can move on..."
I just nodded and kept my mouth shut when her work phone suddenly rang.
Takemi:"Hello, Takemi Medical Clinic of Internal Medicine. How can I help you? ...An emergency, huh? But we're not a designated hospital. Besides, the head physician here is Tae Takemi."
She looked down as she said that last part before her eyes widened a bit.
Takemi:"...Awfully rude, just hanging up on a lady like that."
"What was that about?"
Takemi:"Oh, he basically just called the wrong number. An ambulance driver was looking for a transfer location. All the designated hospitals are full. But to think they'd accidentally call a general practitioner... Must've been a new paramedic. ...He seemed to at least know my name, though."
"Why is that surprising?"
Takemi:"I've been blacklisted by the larger medical community. They call me the Plague... due to a grave medical error I made."
"What do you mean?"
Takemi:"This goes back to my old job... I used to work at a university hospital in the city. I was never actually convicted of anything, but I'm still considered a pariah in the medical industry. ...Does that scare you? Participating in clinical trials run by a doctor like that?"
"I don't mind a single bit."
Takemi:"...You seriously are one strange kid. Well, that's fine. Being ostracized has enabled me to focus on my own research and development. Regardless, I look forward to working with you. I'll be sure to add some additional "medicine" for you, my little guinea pig."
I just chuckled awkwardly at the nickname she used on me. And then her phone rang again.
Takemi:"Hello, Dr. Takemi's Clinic of Internal Medicine... Huh? One order of teriyaki chicken?"
She hung up, and I had to keep myself from laughing. I didn't want to be suddenly stabbed with 50 syringes.
Takemi:"...You're all good for today. You can go home now. Come again soon, if you're still alive."
"Thanks, doc. See ya."
Once I made it back home, Takemi called me.
Takemi:"Hey, my little guinea pig. I have to talk to you about something... You... haven't told anyone about my drugs, right?"
"Of course not. I promised to keep my word. Even my friend doesn't know."
Takemi:"Good. I guess I'll believe you, for now. Feels like I've been getting a lot more patients asking for drugs lately. Wonder where they keep hearing about me... It's been really bugging me. But that's all I wanted to ask, I guess. Okay, see you soon."
After she hung up, I spent the rest of my evening working out before heading to bed.
After school, Ren and I hit up the batting cages, and we swung for about 3 rounds. Neither one of us got any home runs. But honestly, it was just pretty fun to mess around with someone else. The evening was another evening of working out.
Our teacher, Ms. Usami asked me to answer a question as she showed me an image and asked me what theorem it was that allowed adjacent colors to be separated. The answer was the Four Color Theorem.
After school, Ryuji invited Ren and I to go run with him. We did and he showed us his old secret training spot from when he was on the track team. It was also there that we learned that Kamoshida had planned on getting rid of the track team from day one. He stacked harsh workouts on top of harsh workouts and would put on even more if they failed to complete them.
He was especially tough on Ryuji since he knew he was the type of kid to fight back. When his time dropped by even a little, he would cuss him out. One day, Kamoshida brought up Ryuji's parents and let the whole team know about how his dad used to beat on him and his mom. That was the last straw for Ryuji, and it's what made him punch Kamoshida.
Because of that, the track team was shut down. Everyone blamed Ryuji for it. They treated him like a traitor since they lost their shot at the championship. But he's not all too upset about having left the track team.
We soon left home for the day and when I got home I decided to do some reading.
Ren and I hung out with Ryuji again as we trained some more behind the gym. However, we were spotted by some of the guys from the old track team. They simply came over to aggravate Ryuji, but Ren and I were there to mediate. They eventually left, but they had already left a horrible impression on us.
That evening, I finished up my book from yesterday.
Today was a free day, so I thought of what I could do when Takemi texted me and asked me to drop by her clinic. I went, and we just sort of talked for a bit. Nothing major really happened. In the evening I started a new book.
Ren and I got some seats on the train, so we used that time to read. In the morning, Ms. Chouno asked me what the phrase, "Are you a wunderkind," meant. I broke it down bit by bit first. The "wunder" part meant wonder. The "kind" part was probably meant to mean like a child. So a wonder child. A prodigy was my final answer, and it turned out to be correct.
I didn't really do much after school besides reading.
During the day, I hung out with Ren and Ryuji. In the evening, Ann and Ryuji were worried about the change of heart not working. Ren and I told them that there was nothing to worry about and tried to reassure them that it was going to work. Because tomorrow was the board meeting so we would find out if things were going to go as planned. I decided to do some workouts to take my mind off things.
Student:"What's with the sudden morning assembly?"
Student 2:"I bet it's about that girl that jumped the other day."
Student:"They don't have to tell us not to commit suicide."
Student 2:"There was that weird calling card too, so I guess the teachers are freaking out?"
Everyone continued to talk amongst themselves before the principal began speaking into the microphone.
Principal:"Let's begin this school-wide morning assembly. As you all know, a tragic event took place the other day. Thankfully, we have been informed that she has pulled through, but it will take time until she recovers. Everyone here has a bright future ahead. I implore that you rethink the importance of life and-"
The doors opened to the building, and it was Kamoshida who entered. His demeanor had changed. He was no longer standing upright and cocky, but he was slouching and looked like he lost all his luster.
Principal:"Mr. Kamoshida, what's the-"
Kamoshida:"I... have been reborn. That is why I will confess everything to you all..."
Kamoshida slowly walked on stage and faced the crowd of students before him.
Kamoshida:"I have repeatedly done things that were... unbecoming of a teacher. Verbally abusing students... physically abusing my team, and... sexually harassing female students. I am the reason why Shiho Suzui tied to kill herself!"
Everyone in the room gasped as Kamoshida fell to his knees and began weeping.
Kamoshida:"I thought of this school as my own castle... There were even students that I sentenced to expulsion, simply because I didn't like them... I will, of course, rescind those... I am truly sorry for purring innocent youths through such horrible acts... I am an arrogant, shallow... and shameful person. No, I'm worse than that... I will take responsibility and kill myself for it!"
Another collective gasp was heard in the room, and all the other students were freaking out a bit. The principal freaked out and told Mr. Kamoshida to get off the stage. A teacher tried to get everyone to leave and head back to class, but no one dared to move or do anything. Apart from Ann.
Ann:"Don't run, you bastard! Shiho's still alive even after all the things that made her want to die! You have no right to run from this!"
Kamoshida:"You're right... You're absolutely right... I should be punished under the law and Atone for my crimes... I did horrible things to Takamaki-san, as well. In return for giving Suzui-san a position on the team... I... I tried to force her into having relations."
He wept some more before taking a breath and speaking again.
Kamoshida:"As of today, I will resign from my position as an instructor and turn myself in. Someone, please call the police!"
Teacher:"This morning's assembly is over! Return to your classes immediately!"
Student 3:"Isn't this just like what that calling card said?"
Student 4:"Does this mean the Phantom Thieves thing was for real?!"
Student 3:"Was something done to Kamoshida?!"
Student 4:"C'mon, there's no way you could steal someone's heart!"
Student:"But why else would he start saying things like he'll kill himself or turn himself in?"
Student 2:"Maybe because it almost got leaked! Don't they go easier on you if you turn yourself in?"
Student 3:"I wonder what happened..."
Student 4:"Who knows? But man, Kamoshida turned out to he one sick bastard."
We looked around and saw students continued to talk about and question what just happened.
Teacher:"Return to your classrooms at once!"
Everyone began to file out of the gym apart from us.
Ann:"His heart really did change..."
Ryuji:"Seems like it."
"No more threats of expulsion now."
Ryuji:"True. But was this really for the best?'
Ren:"I would think so..."
"Should we really be second-guessing ourselves? What's done is done. It was necessary."
Ryuji:"But things are happenin' way too fast..."
Mishima and a pair of female students walked over to us, and they apologized to Ann. Mishima knew about her situation but failed to speak up about it. The girls heard the rumors and believed them to be the truth. They then left.
Mishima then apologized to Ren for leaking out his information and promised to make it up to him. He then walked off.
Ryuji:"Looks like Kamoshida ain't the only one that had a change of heart. Man, I'm glad for you. Looks like those weird rumors are gonna go away."
Ann:"My thing doesn't really matter. We made Kamoshida apologize about Shiho... That's more than enough for me."
"You should let her know about it then. She deserves to know and by you no less."
Ann:"You're right, (Y/n)."
After school
I was sitting up on the roof with Ren and Ryuji now as we had the medal we took from the Palace on a desk.
Ryuji:"I totally freaked out... He really did have a change of heart... And we were lucky his mind didn't get messed up either! This was an A+ job!"
Morgana:"Does this mean that they won't have a mental shutdown even if their Palace disappears? I see... So we need to persuade the Shadow without killing it, and then send it back to its real self. Our targets won't undergo a cognitive collapse if we do that."
"That's a welcome outcome."
Ren:"Yeah. It means we can get them to confess without any worry."
Ryuji:"Nice! That works for me!"
Ann then showed up and she scowled at Ryuji.
Ann:"Do you have to be so loud?"
Ryuji:"Don't worry about it. So... how'd it go? With Shiho, I mean..."
Ann:"She's regained consciousness!"
Ryuji:"For real?!"
"That's amazing!"
Ann started to cry a bit and squatted down to hide her face.
Ann:"It was only for a little bit, but I got to talk to her! I was able to tell her that Kamoshida admitted to what he did!"
She got back up and wiped away her tears.
Ann:"Shiho, she... she told me she was sorry... Looks like she found out that I was flirting with Kamoshida for her sake... And here I was, wanting to apologize to her."
Morgana:"Kamoshida's at fault for all this."
Ann:"I know... Shiho's mom is thinking of transferring her to another school after she recovers. The whole sexual harassment and attempted suicide... people will lavel her after that. Sounded like Shiho had the same idea too."
"Will you be alright...?"
Ann:"Yeah... I think it's for the best... I'm sure it'll be hard if she stays here."
Ryuji:"She's alive. You can see her anytime."
Ann:"...I need to change too."
Ryuji:"That aside, I was surprised you could hold yourself back against Kamoshida's Shadow."
Ann:"It wasn't like that... I just wanted Kamoshida to apologize himself."
Morgana:"You're so kind, Lady Ann."
Ryuji:"No matter how much of a shitbag he was, finishing him off woulda left a bad aftertaste, huh?"
Ann:"Huh? That's not it. I think revenge is better served if I make him repent. Realizing what he's done, he'll grovel for forgiveness the rest of his life, you know? I just believe there are fates worse than death."
Ryuji:"A-Anyways, that's all settled... But you know, there was one more thing I was wonderin' about that castle. Why was Kamoshida the only one who had that Metaverse thing?"
Morgana:"It isn't necessarily limited to him. It's something anyone could have if their heart became warped from their desires."
Morgana:"Wanna check it out?"
"We probably shouldn't. It's best if we lay low since Kamoshida is going to be the top subject for a while."
Ren:"Then again, it's impossible for someone to find out what happened in the Palace."
Ryuji:"I was thinking the same thing. Ren, (Y/n), you guys are alway a step ahead."
We smiled at each other and shared a fist bump.
Ann:"Yeah, about that... Weird rumors about you guys are already going around. Stuff like, you got together and threatened Kamoshida with something close to physical violence..."
Ryuji:"The hell?!"
Ann:"People aren't going to easily believe that phantom thieves really exist. The calling card's being treated like it was a prank by someone who knew what Kamoshida was doing."
Ryuji:"Makes sense... We're the ones who did it, and I still don't completely believe it myself."
Ann:"Let's wait for things to settle down for the time being."
Ryuji:"Anyways, let's check how much this medal can be sold for. It'd be better if we pawned it off ASAP."
Ryuji had his phone out and did some searching before he got a result.
Ryuji:"Wait, thirty thousand yen?! That's all a gold medal's worth?!"
Ann and Ryuji proceeded to argue about money and how Ryuji owed her some since she lent him some back in middle school. Morgana then chimed in and said we should celebrate a successful mission. Ryuji agreed, and Ann said she had a place in mind that we should all go eat at.
Ryuji:"You guys cool with that?"
"I'm down for whatever."
Ren:"Same here."
So we decided on when the celebration would he held and decided on the 5th. It was the last day of the holidays and would help re-energize us before school started. Morgana wanted Ren to go back to the airsoft shop to sell the medal.
Once I got home, I did some reading before heading to bed.
To Be Continued...
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