Downtime With Friends And Even A Maid
In class, Kawakami called on me to answer her question. She asked if I knew which author Leblanc borrowed from. The answer was Arthur Conan Doyle.
With school over with, Ann texted me if I could talk with her before she visited Shiho today, and I agreed. I met up with her as we hung around Shibuya.
Ann:"Hey, I have some big news...! The double cream from that famous crêpe shop is half off right now! Oh, but I probably can't take a crêpe info the hospital, huh... I... really want one though... Do you think maybe Shiho would want one too?"
"Give it up."
Ann:"R-Right... It might be half off... but I should try to control myself... Shiho might have rehab today too. They probably wouldn't even let her eat it. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention--Shiho started her physical rehab. She pushed it up ahead of schedule. I think it's because I told her about how I want to get stronger. She said she was gonna start working hard too... I haven't actually seen any of her rehab sessions yet though..."
He phone started to ring and she answered it.
Ann:"What? Now?! Uhhh, that's not good!"
She then hung up.
Ann:"Sorry, something just came up! That was from my agency. One of the models didn't show for a magazine shoot they're doing. They're looking to wrap soon, so I'm gonna head over now to fill in. It's pretty close though. Wanna come with? Actually, let's just go! I'll race you there!"
We arrived at the meeting spot and it looks like they're having a pre-shoot briefing. There, we met another model by the name of Mika. She asked Ann what her diet was like. However, Ann's responses were honest but not what Mika wanted to hear. Mika then used clever wordplay to make it seem like Ann didn't want to be here in the first place.
Ann called her out for being a faker as soon as she saw Mika's face. This prompted Mika to call Ann out for being rude and mean. The photographers decided to let Ann go and reimbursed her for the travel expenses before they left.
Ann:"I really screwed that up..."
"She's amazing, huh..."
Ann:"Yeah... But maybe it's because deep down, I'm not actually invested in modeling... She sees straight through that. Anyway, I totally ruined the shoot... But still, wasn't Mika's fake crying pretty incredible?"
"It had grace. I'll give her that."
Ann:"Oh, maybe that's what I'm missing...! I-I dunno though, I think I'm pretty good at fake crying myself. I know the perfect technique."
"Tell me more."
Ann:"The key is... you don't actually cry!"
"I figured that much."
Ann:"Either way, I think I'll be able to use that ability to our advantage in the Metaverse! I'll turn my failure today into positive energy going forward!"
I sense a heightened motivation from Ann.
Ann:"Speaking of the Metaverse... I'm gonna try super hard in my work with the Phantom Thieves too! But for now, I should go stip by and see Shiho at the hospital. Thanks for today! Bye!"
I got home and decided to just do another set of workouts for the evening.
Ryuji invited Ren and I to Protein Lovers gym in Shibuya. It's the gym that's ironically behind the Big Bang Burger. We trained for a while, and then we met a guy who was on the track team last year. He let Ryuji know that some new guy took over as advisor for the track team, but it was bad since the new guy was basically a mini-Kamoshida. We chatted a bit longer before all heading home.
When I got home, I received a text from "Becky" saying she wanted me to request her. Without much else to do, I obliged. I went out to the public phone and called her up.
She dropped by soon enough, and she stared sweeping the kitchen.
Kawakami:"My, my, Master, your kitchen is in need of a good cleaning! I don't mind since it gives me a sense of accomplishment! If it's for you, Master, I'll happily be covered in dust! But then, doesn't it pain your heart to see such a cute maid all dirty?"
I decided to play along with her.
"It does."
Kawakami:"Awww, Master! Even though your kitchen is messy, your heart is so clean! I'll go ahead and get this over with then!"
It took a while but she swept up the kitchen before plopping herself down on the couch in the living room. I just stood off to the side and looked at her.
"You good?"
Kawakami:"I'm exhausted... I'm not allowed to work overtime during weekdays, so I rush to my part-time job after class ends. On my off days, I have to prepare pop quizzes and homework assignments... And today, I had to clean bathtubs and walk dogs before coming here. There's no time to rest... I was surprised that you requested me. I didn't think you actually would. You weren't expecting me to do anything weird with me, were you?"
"Absolutely not."
Kawakami:"As long as you understand. I know I'm in a maid outfit, but I'm still your teacher, so don't get any funny ideas. I try not to get too involved with my students, so..."
All I could do was nod.
Kawakami: *yawn* "I need a nap... Sorry, just give me five minutes... Maybe ten..."
I shook my head as she took a power nap on my couch as I went to munch on some snacks in the meantime. She got up soon after and yawned.
Kawakami:"And before you know it, time's up! Thank you very much! Oh, hey, do you know of any part-time jobs that pay well? I assume you make a lot, since you can afford a maid service... Well, let me know if you do.
"You need money?" I only make money since the Shadows in Palaces and Mementos carry yen.
Kawakami:"Well... uh... It's for my little sister! She's sick so I need money to pay her medical expenses..."
Her phone soon rang and so she picked if up.
Kawakami:"Hello! Yes, I made the transfer... Not enough? But it was the same amount as last week! I- N-No... Yes, I understand. Okay, goodbye..."
I raised a brow at her as she put her phone away.
Kawakami:"Oh! W-Wrong number! Hey, sorry to ask you this out of the blue, but... Do you happen to have over one hundred thousand yen I could borrow...? Wait, n-never mind! Owing one of my students money would be the worst.... Hey, you may have some money, but be mindful of how you spend it. You shouldn't be wasting it on services like this..."
"Are you scolding me?"
Kawakami:"I need the money, so I do appreciate you requesting me. However, you're my student, so if we were to get involved further, things would get complicated... I did warn you! The rest is your responsibility! You're a high schooler after all."
I can sense Kawakami's trust in me.
Kawakami: *sigh* "Three more to go... Well, I'll see you later, Master!"
Kawakami then left. I retreated back to my room after a bit when I got a phone call. It was Kawakami on the other end doing her Becky voice.
Kawakami:"Oh, is this Master? Thank you for using our service today! I really wanna do a lot more cleaning for you... Is that okay, Master?"
"Is this the hard sell?"
Kawakami:"What?! Nooo! I just wanted to hear your voice, Master! ...No, you've got the right idea. Still gotta hit my quotas for the week."
She dropped the voice and groaned.
Kawakami:"Ugh... Sorry. Part of the job. Okay, this is driving me insane, so I'm just going to drop the sales talk- Crap... my manager's coming! Um, well, I hope you'll request me again sometime! Bye byeeee!"
After school, I hung out with Ann. I invited her to the park where we just talked and walked around for a while before heading home.
That evening, I called Kawakami, and over the phone, she let me know of a special service like "Maid's Cooking" and "Together with a Maid" I was a little hesitant about it, but I already called, so I decided to commit.
When she got here, she had brought two bowls of instant ramen that she readied for us to eat.
Kawakami:"Well... did you enjoy the "Maid's Cooking" and "Together with a Maid" services I provided today? The high-end cup noodles really make a difference, don't they?"
I had finished my bowl and fiddled with the chopsticks before chuckling and nodding.
"Yeah, they sure do."
Kawakami:"I thought you'd agree, Master! They are pretty complicated though... It days to drain the hot water once and leave the sauce packet on the lid so it gets warm..."
Kawakami:"Don't request me if you're going to complain. Besides, I thought I warned you already. Why would you request me again...?"
"I was curious is all..."
Kawakami:"Hmmm... Are you sure that's really the reason? Well, I guess I'm in no position to complain since I'm making money from it. *yawn* I'm so tired... We had a faculty meeting just the other day. Why do they have to last so long...? Thanks to the Phantom Thieves... The students have been really restless lately. The teachers can't agree on what to do about them or the Phantom Thieves."
Kawakami:"I wish they talked more about our bonus instead. I heard they might even cut the teachers' salaries... I'm so sick of it..."
She let out a sigh and looked away.
"I'll request you more often then."
Kawakami then perked up when she heard that.
Kawakami:"Really? I'll continue to serve you with all my might, Master! *sigh* I'm going to be in trouble if I don't pick up more shifts."
Her phone started buzzing, so she got out of her seat to answer it.
Kawakami:"Hello! What...? How much?! I can't... Yes, but...! That... That's true... Sure. ... Yes... Yes, I understand... Yes, it's my responsibility, after all..."
She hung up and walked back over to me.
Kawakami:"Oh, did you hear that? Haha... Yeah, I'm a little behind on my sister's medical bills."
"Don't overdo it."
Kawakami:"Uh, apparently it's some crazy incurable disease, so there's a lot of fees and extra charges! That's why it would really help if you requested me more... Oh, never mind. You're my student. I can't keep relying on you... Ughhh... What am I going to do...?"
She looked dejected before putting on a smile and doing a curtsy.
Kawakami:"Anyway, it's time for me to go. Hey, feel free to call me to do housework. It doesn't have to be through the maid service. I live close by, so I can stop over whenever you need me. Besides, I'm worried that you can't cook or do laundry because you don't have your parents around. Oh, and if your friends suddenly come over, I can always leave out the back way."
I smiled softly at her kindness.
Kawakami: *sigh* "This isn't how it was supposed to go. In any case, I need to talk to my boss about giving me more shifts... I need to get requested more..."
I watched her leave before she told me goodnight. I crawled into bed when I got a call from her.
Kawakami:"Oh, is this Master? Thank you for using our service today! Wasn't my meal so delicious? Could you taste all the love I put into it? But you can't just eat cup noodles, right? You need balanced nutrients! Maybe next time, you can try some of my "home-maid" cooking instead? Seriously, though. You're still young, so you really need to eat properly..."
"Heh, thank you for the concern."
Kawakami:"You can thank me once you start making actual improvements! Uh, I mean--you're sooo very welcomeee! Um, I know this is kind of silly, but you really do need to eat healthy. Okay? I mean, considering how much you spend on requesting me, you can probably afford some good food... Well, I hope you'll request me again sometime! Bye-byeeee!"
She hung up, and I put my phone to charge as I closed my eyes to rest. In my sleep, I placed my hand over my phone and felt it vibrate, which caused me to wake up.
"Who the hell is texting me...?"
It was Ryuji who texted me asking if I wanted to go with him, Ann, and Mishima to Harajuku tomorrow. I texted sure, and he gave me a thumbs up before saying he'd ask Ren next. I yawned and put my phone back.
Mishima:"It's so crowded, just like I expected. The perfect place to start our investigation... But I gotta say, I wasn't expecting all of you to come along."
Ann:"I had a photoshoot nearby, so I figured, why not?"
"I came 'cause I had no plans."
Ryuji:"But why Harajuku, Mishima?"
Mishima:"Well, Harajuku's the big cultural hub, right? People from all over the world come here. So that means there might be all kinds of international villains walking around in broad daylight!"
Ann:"I dunno if I get that logic..."
Mishima:"Uh, for example..."
He started scoping the scene before stopping at some random dude.
Mishima:"Oh, check that guy out! He's definitely suspicious! I mean, who wears black leather longcoats at this time of year?! He's gotta be shady! And all those belts must be supplies so he can tie people up... Oh man... Do you think he's an escaped convict?"
"I'm pretty sure that's just a goth style, dude."
Mishima:"But my phantom thief senses are tingling! Don't you think he's suspicious, Amamiya?"
Ren:"Not even a little."
Mishima:"What?! But he's so suspicious! He's gotta be evil!"
Ryuji:"If you think he's that suspicious, then go talk to him."
Mishima:"Huh? Me?"
Ryuji:"You're the one who's all hyped up about this investigation, right? So hey. Go up to the guy and ask. "Yo, Captain Trenchcoat! Sorry to bother you, but are you an escaped convict?"
Mishima:"You've got to be kidding! He'd have that belt around my neck before I even finished talking!"
Ann: *sigh* "It's normal to see people dressed in unusual clothes here. Honestly, I think it's kinda cool. Like they've got confidence to wear whatever they want, you know? Like... nothing's gonna keep them from expressing their own style."
Ryuji:"Cool or not, they're definitely not lettin' anyone hold them back."
Ann:"What do you two think about unique fashion like this?"
Ren:"I'm getting culture shock."
Ryuji:"Hah. Not used to the big city yet, huh?"
"Hey, more power to them. I'm not one to judge."
Ann:"Well, this is about as eccentric as it gets. So if you can get used to this place, then nothing else can freak you out. Hey, maybe I could put together a Harajuku-style outfit for you?"
Ryuji:"Whoa, that sounds fun."
Ann:"Anyway, no more judging people by their appearance. If they're wearing what they want to wear, that's something to admire. Heck, I'd say it means they're honest. Not like people who seem nice on the outside, but turn out to be terrible."
Mishima:"I guess you're right..."
Morgana:"Lady Ann is absolutely right. After all, I look like a cat, but I'm actually a dashing, noble gentleman!"
Ryuji:"Now that I think about it, it's kinda Harajuku-ey to walk around with a cat in a bag."
"Aye! You hear that, Ren? You're already rolling with the trends."
Ren:"Is that a compliment?"
"Excellent question."
We laughed for a bit, then decided to just enjoy our time in Harajuku since Mishima didn't have any actual leads.
I got home that evening and decided to head to the gym to work out. I had to pay each time I entered instead of dealing with annoying monthly fees. I got there, and the employee suggested I use the treadmill since I was a newcomer. My new exercise was a lot more draining than what I did at home, so I was completely exhausted when I ran for about 20 minutes. With my stamina completely gone, I decided to head back home since tomorrow, I had to help clean up the park.
To Be Continued...
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