A Trio Forms


I woke up feeling well rested, surprisingly. It's probably because I slept like a rock after that whole thing with Kamoshida yesterday. That aside, I heard the splatter of rain hitting my bedroom window, so I decided to bring my umbrella with me as I went to school. Along the way to the station, I met up with Ren.

"Sup man?"

Ren:"Hey. You live nearby?"

"Yeah. In a section between Shibuya and Yongen-Jaya. You?

Ren:"In Yongen-Jaya.

"Sweet. Guess I should start saying howdy neighbor to you, huh?"

He chuckled a bit before we got to the station and waited for the train.

Girl:"Look, isn't that her?"

Guy:"You mean that one with the red ribbon? Uh, I guess so?"

Girl:"She's so thin... It's not fair, I've got my hair in a ponytail, too..."

Guy:"Okay, and what's that got to do with being thin?

We boarded the train as Ren and I got a spot close to some doors as the ribbon wearing girl sat in a seat by us. During the ride, we picked up more people, and an old lady stood in front of the girl

?:"Please, take my seat. My station's coming up."

Old lady:"Are you sure. Then..."

When the girl moved out the way, some random man quickly stole the seat.

?:"Oh wow, what speed! I mean- excuse me, that seat was for this lady..."

He simply looked up at her briefly before dropping his head and falling asleep.


"Want me to wake him up?"

?:"It's alright. I can understand his position as well. I'm sorry I couldn't be any help."

Old lady:"It's alright, dearie. Don't you worry."

?:"Please allow me to carry your luggage, at least."

Old lady:"Thank you! Isn't it heavy, though?"

?:"Not at all! I train plenty."

Once the train reached our stop, Ren and I hopped off and started walking off. That's when the ribbon wearing girl ran up to us.

?:"Pardon me..."

She looked over at me, and I was confused, then looked over at Ren. He shrugged, and I looked back to her.

?:"Thank you so much for earlier."

"With what? Do you mean with that dude that fell asleep?"

?:"Yes. I appreciate the help you offered. You're a second year at Shujin Academy, correct? I'm a first year there myself. Thanking you totally slipped my mind back on the train, and I didn't want to be rude to my senpai. Please, excuse me!"

She walked off, and I looked at Ren with a confused look.

"Well, she's... something."

Ren:"She seems nice."

"True. Anyway, let's get a move on."

He nodded, and we walked to the school. I looked at the school and saw it was normal.

Maybe I'll visit the castle after school today.

We got to class as I took my spot behind Ren. Right now, our social studies teacher, Mr. Ushimaru was droning on about something called the Devil's Dictionary.

Ushimaru:"(L/n)-kun, tell me what the Devil's Dictionary defined as the chief factor in the progress of the human race."

I looked up and tried to think of what to say before something randomly popped into my head.


Ushimaru:"Correct. "Malefactors," to be specific. You actually knew that, huh?"

"Heh. Yeah. Surprisingly."

Because I got the question right, my classmates started whispering as they were shocked because I answered this random question out of nowhere.

After school

Ren and I walked out of the class and stopped when we saw Kamoshida talking to Takamaki.

Kamoshida:"Hey there, Takamaki. Things have been pretty dangerous lately with all those accidents."

Ann:"Sorry, I have a photoshoot today. It's for the special summer issue, so I can't afford to miss it..."

Kamoshida:"Hey, now... Being a model's fine and dandy, but don't work your pretty little self to the bone. You mentioned you weren't feeling well, right? Something about appendicitis?"

Ann:"Yes. I keep planning to go to the hospital, but I've been too busy... Sorry to worry you."

Kamoshida:"You must be lonely too. I feel bad for keeping your best friend and practicing so often. Oh, and... be careful around that transfer student. He's got a criminal record, after all. If something were to happen to you..."

Ann:"...Thank you. Please excuse me."


He walked off as Ren and I looked at each other curiously.

"Alright, man, I'll catch you later. Got something to do."

Ren:"Take care."

No One's POV

(Y/n) split off from Ren as he walked on ahead and away from the school. Ren took his time to make it out before being approached by Ryuji at the gates. Ryuji decided he wanted to check out a castle and began retracing steps with Ren. As for (Y/n), he turned on his phone and saw a weird app on his screen. He stopped for a brief second and tapped on it.

The app opened up, and it was a navigation app. The first thing that showed up was a search bar. And the search history right under it. The only thing there was: Kamoshida. He was confused and tapped on it, and the world swirled before he found himself outside the giant castle from yesterday.

(Y/n):"Whoa! So this is how I get in? And why does it look like everything has a green tint to it? Wait, what am I even wearing?"

He walked forward a bit and saw his reflection in a window and saw he wore a green visor and a pair of gauntlets on his wrists. A strange utility belt and weird boots with what looked like to be shin guards.

(Y/n):"Holy crap. This is weird. But, at least I managed to get back."

(Y/n) looked around before finding a way in the castle and entered.

As that happened, Ren and Ryuji barely discovered the app and entered the other world (Y/n) was in. Ren and Ryuji met up with a creature named Morgana they met last time and decided to head towards the training hall.

(Y/n) himself was just running around the upper floors of the castle with no real purpose apart from trying to find the cape wearing Kamoshida.

As the two boys and the cat-like creature progressed, they halted as they hid around a corner as Ryuji felt a bit useless since he couldn't fight the same way Ren and Morgana did. He did, however, bring a realistic looking toy gun. This gave Morgana an idea as he prompted Ren to attack one of Kamoshida's soldiers. When they entered battle, Ren pulled the trigger to his gun, and real bullets were shot out and damaged the otherworldly creatures. Morgana chuckled with delight before using a slingshot to finish off the last enemy.

Ryuji:"Whoa! Did that toy gun just shoot real freakin' bullets?!"

Morgana nodded before he explained it to them.

Morgana:"This is a cognitive world. As long as our opponent sees it as real, it becomes such. It's a good thing it's realistic-looking."

Ryuji:"...I don't get it."

Morgana:"Because they recognize it as a gun, your ammo capacity is limited in battle. But your enemies are expecting you to come at them with guns loaded, so your ammo's replenished in every new fight."

Right as he said that, another soldier came by to attack them. It was only 1 monster, and Ren emptied his bullets into it and killed it. They progressed further before Morgana taught Ren and Ryuji another way to fight enemies. It was called an All-Out Attack. The steps were to target the enemy's weakness, knock the enemy down, and then rush in for the final blow. It was a great way to deal with enemies all at once.

They finally reached the training hall, and what they saw completely angered Ryuji. Behind the bars, he saw boys in gym clothes on a volleyball court being beaten by the soldiers. Ryuji wanted to save them, but Morgana told him that they weren't real humans and only part of the cognitive world.

Ryuji:"So the school's a castle, and the students are slaves... It's so on point that it makes me laugh. This really is the inside of that asshole's head!"

Morgana:"Still, this horrible. It must mean he treats them as slaves in the real world, too."

Ryuji:"In the real world too? Wait, I know these guys..."

He took a closer look and gasped.

Ryuji:"They're members of the volleyball team - the one Kamoshida coaches for!"

Morgana:"They must be physically abused every day... There's no way they'd be so beat up normally."

Ryuji:"Don't tell me... They're going through similar shit in reality?!"

Morgna:"Most likely. I mean, this proves that Kamoshida thinks of them as slaves."

Ryuji:"So it might be for real... I heard that Kamoshida's usin' physical punishment. They're just rumors, but... If they're true, wouldn't this be something to report to the police? I'll use those guys as evidence. If it all goes well, we can take down that asshole Kamoshida!"

Ryuji grabbed his phone and tried to take a picture. However, his phone was acting up, and the camera wasn't working.

Ryuji:"Huh? It's not working?! We can use the navigation app, but the camera's a no-go?!"

Morgana:"A navigation app?"

Ryuji:"That's what we used to come here. What about yours?"

He questioned Ren, who grabbed his phone and tried to use the camera, but it too wasn't working, so he shook his head.

Morgana:"Whatever you do is fine, but we're gonna get caught if we stand around like this. We need to head back!"

Ryuji:"Hang on a sec! There's no other way... I'll just memorize their faces before goin' home!"

Before they left the training hall, Ryuji peered through some of the cages and saw the types of punishment the athletes were facing and memorized the faces of the victims. They quickly ran out the lower floor as security increased. They were in the main hall now where Shadow Kamoshida was waiting for them.

S. Kamoshida:"You fools again? I was hoping to see that other intruder."

Morgana: Other? Is someone else here in the palace?

S. Kamoshida:"To think you'd make the same mistake again. You're hopeless!"

Ryuji:"The school ain't your castle! I've memorized their faces real good. You're goin' down!"

S. Kamoshida:"It seems it's true when they say, "barking dogs seldom bite." How far the star runner of the track team has fallen."

Ryuji:"What the hell are you gettin' at?!"

S. Kamoshida:"I speak of the "Track Traitor" who acted in violence, ending his teammates' dreams. Oh, I can only imagine the pain of the others who were dragged under with your... selfish act."

Ren:"Ryuji, what does he mean by "Track Traitor"?"

S. Kamoshida:"What a surprise. So you're accompanying him without knowing anything at all? He betrayed his teammates and crushed their hopes, yet he still carries on as carefree as ever."

Ryuji:"That's not true!"

S. Kamoshida:"What a tragedy... You blindly trusted this fool, and he's led you right to your death. Hurry up and dispose of them. I can't stand their stench."


Kamoshida sent his guards to surround Ren and Morgana, and the two of them were getting thrashed. They fell to the ground and were being kept there as Ryuji collapsed to his knees and watched helplessly. That's when Kamoshida started to taunt poor Ryuji.

S. Kamoshida:"I bet you simply cane here on a whim and ended up like this. Isn't that right?"


S. Kamoshida:"What a worthless piece of trash, getting emotional so quickly... How dare you raise your hand at me. Though it was only temporary, have you forgotten my kindness in supervising track practice?"

Ryuji:"Wasn't no practice - it was physical abuse! You just didn't like our team!"

S. Kamoshida:"It was nothing but an eyesore! The only one who needs to achieve results is me! That coach who got fired was helpless, too... Had he not opposed me with a sound argument, I would've settled it with only breaking his star's leg."


S. Kamoshida:"Do you need me to deal with your other leg, too? The school will call it self-defense anyway!"

Ryuji:"Dammit... Am I gonna lose again? Not only can I not run anymore... the track team is gone too 'cause of this asshole..."

Morgana:"So that's why..."

S. Kamoshida:"Once these two are dealt with, you're next. Hahahaha!"


Ren:"Don't let him win!"

Ryuji:"You're right. Everything that was important to me was taken by him... I'll never get 'em back!"

S. Kamoshida:"Stay there and watch. Look on as these hopeless scum die for nothing because they sided with trash like you."

Ryuji finally stood up and started to slowly walk towards Shadow Kamoshida.

Ryuji:"No... That's what you are... All you think about is using people... You're the real scumbag, Kamoshida!"

S. Kamoshida:"What are you doing? Silence him!"

Ryuji:"Stop lookin' down on me with that stupid smile on your face!"

Since Ryuji was now ready to face Kamoshida and his soldiers with nothing to lose, something awoke within him.

?: You made me wait quite a while.

Suddenly, Ryuji fell back to his knees as pain coursed through his head with his eyes bulging and sweat running down the sides of his face.


?: You seek power, correct? Then let us form a pact. Since your name has been disgraced already, why not hoist the flag and wreak havoc? The "other you" who exists desires it thus... I am thou, thou art I... There is no turning back... The skull of rebellion is your flag henceforth!

A black mask resembling the upper half of a skull appeared on Ryuji's face and squeezed his face tightly.

Soldier:"Hmph! What can you do? Cower in fear and watch!"

Ryuji grabbed the side of the mask and yelled in pain as he tore it right off as his power was finally unleashed. He had awakened his persona.

S. Kamoshida:"Ugh... This one as well?"

Ryuji:"Right on... Wassup, Persona... This effin' rocks! Now that I got this power, it's time for payback..."

Morgana and Ren got up, and they smirked with pride and joy as they stood by Ryuji's side as the Kamoshida's guard captain was ready to fight.

Ryuji:"Yo, I'm ready... Bring it! Blast him! Captain Kidd!"

The three of them fought the guard captain and came out victorious.

Ryuji: *gasp* *pant* "How 'bout that?!"

Morgana:"Whoa... So Ryuji had the potential, too..."

Ryuji:"Even if you apologize now... I ain't forgivin' you!"

S. Kamoshida:"I told you that this is my castle. It seems you still don't understand..."

When he said that, a cognitive version of Ann Takamaki sauntered over and hugged Kamoshida's right arm. Her cognitive version wore a pair of black cat ears on her head with dark pink underwear that was also leopard print.

Ryuji:"Wh- Takamaki?!"

Morgana:"Oh... Wha... What a meow-velous and beautiful girl..."

Ryuji:"What's going on?!"

Ren:"Something seems off."

Ryuji:"Totally! But why is she even here?! Hey! Let go of her, you perv!"

S. Kamoshida:"How many times must I tell you until you understand? This is MY castle. A place in which I can do whatever I want. Everyone wishes to be loved by me. ...That is, everyone besides slow-witted thieves like you."

Ryuji:"Takamaki! Say somethin'!"

Morgana:"Calm down, Ryuji! It seems that girl isn't the real one. She's the sane as those slaves. A being made from Kamoshida's cognition of her!"

S. Kamoshida:"Are you jealous? Well, I'm not surprised. Women aren't drawn to problematic punks like you."


S. Kamoshida:"Clean them up this instant!"

Morgana:"We're outnumbered... Let's scram before we get surrounded!"

Ryuji:"We're not gonna do anything and just run?!"

Ren:"We can't die here."

Morgana:"Thank God you've got a level head."

Ryuji:"Ngh... Fine. We'll expose what you really are, no matter what! You better be ready for us!"

S. Kamoshida:"HAHAHA! I was beginning to get bored of torturing the ones here! Come at me whenever you want, if you don't care about your life! HAHAHAHA!"

Morgana:"Ignore him. Let's go!"

They three of them began running away, but several soldiers cut them off.

Ryuji:"Damn! We're trapped!"

Morgana:"Ugh... And we're still weak from that fight..."

Before the soldiers could do anything, they were all burned down to ash.

S. Kamoshida:"No! Not him!"

Everyone turned their attention to someone who jumped down from the ceiling. It was (Y/n), or more specifically, Heatblast.

Heatblast:"Let's get a move on!"

Everyone snapped out of their daze and ran away as Kamoshida scoffed. They finally got out of the castle, and Ryuji was gasping. He barely found out he had changed outfits and wondered about it, and that's when Morgana broke it down for him. And (Y/n) as well essentially.

Morgana:"When a Persona-user opposes a Palace's ruler and becomes a threat to them, this happens. It's to prevent you from being affected by distortions."

Ryuji then freaked out because he thought Kamoshida would get onto them in the real world. Thankfully, that wouldn't be the case. Since a Shadow is the true self that is suppressed. A side of one's personality they don't want to see.

Morgana then brought up that Ryuji and Ren had to help him since he was so nice to them and taught them what they needed to know. Though, they didn't fully agree on helping him and shifted the conversation over to Heatblast.

Ryuji:"So, you a Shadow too?"

Heatblast:"A Shadow? You mean those monsters?"


Heatblast:"I'm not."

He then looked at Ryuji and Ren.

Heatblast:"This is actually my Persona."

Morgana:"What?! If that's true, then-"

Heatblast:"My human form is technically inside this body. I'm able to turn into my Persona. Pretty cool. This is who I really am."

In a flash of green light, Heatblast was gone, and (Y/n) stood in his place wearing his outfit.


(Y/n):"Good to see you, Ren. And you too, Sakamoto. We should hurry up and get the hell out of here."


The three high schoolers left the cognitive world and left Morgana there, confused and frustrated. They were back in the real world, and the three of them were in the alley by the school panting.

Ryuji:"Thank God. We're back. I dragged you around a lot, huh? Sorry, man. Ugh, I'm dead tired. How you holdin' up?"

Ren:"I'm exhausted."

Ryuji:"You don't look like you're nor really showing it. Heh. What about you (L/n)?"

(Y/n):"Just call me (Y/n), and I'm pretty beat."

Ryuji:"Then you can just call me Ryuji. But damn, if what we saw was for real, this is gonna get good! I totally remember the faces of the guys Kamoshida was treatin' like slaves."

(Y/n):"What do you mean?"

Ryuji:"Down at the training hall in Kamoshida's Palace, there were a bunch of the guys from the volleyball team that were getting physically abused by Kamoshida's goons."

(Y/n):"That's messed up."

Ryuji:"Damn straight! So... You guys wanna help me look for those guys or any witnesses?"

Ren:"Sure, I'll help."

(Y/n):"Let's do it."

Ryuji:"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!"

He then looked over at Ren.

Ryuji:"Hey, so... If you're thinkin' of layin' low 'cause you got a record, I don't think that'll help... Everyone already knows. They totally got you pegged as a criminal."

(Y/n):"It's true."

Ren:"How'd that happen?"

Ryuji:"Kamoshida opened his damn mouth!"


Ryuji:"No one else besides a teacher could've leaked it that fast! It doesn't matter if it's a student or a club; that asshole just wrecks things he doesn't agree with. Just like he did with me! No one'll take anything I say seriously. Still, if those rumors about him gettin' physical might be real. And after seeing Kamoshida's distorted heart thing in person, there's no way I can just sit back!"

Ren:"Of course."

Ryuji:"I'm countin' on you! Don't worry, I'm hyped about this, too! And we got (Y/n) with us too!"

(Y/n):"You bet. I'm still unsure of what that other world is, but it seems like you two have a grasp on what's going on so I'm definitely backing you guys up!"

They all shared a fist bump before Ryuji asked if they wanted to grab something to eat. They both agreed and left to go to a ramen shop. It was there where Ren told the two of them about how he was falsely accused of aggravated assault. His parents sent him off here since it was the only school that would allow someone like him. His story made Ryuji and (Y/n) angry on his behalf. They are together some more before they all exchanged contact info.

After eating, they all left, and on the street, Ryuji wanted to discuss plans for bringing down Kamoshida. (Y/n) warned him to keep his voice down. Back at the school, Ann was sitting with her best friend Shiho, who admitted to Ann that she wasn't sleeping well. She confided in her that she felt unsure that someone like her should be on the starting lineup.

Ann tried to cheer her up by letting her know that her talents have been recognized. Shiho dully agreed as Ann asked about a swollen injury she had on her leg. Shiho told her not to worry about it. That's when Mishima walked over and told Shiho that Kamoshida wanted to see her. She was a little frightened and asked for what reason he wanted to see her. Mishima was uncertain, and Shiho looked away with a pained and frightened look in her eyes before leaving.


Evening rolled around as (Y/n) was back home and plopped down on his couch, exhausted. He was still surprised about Ryuji and Ren being in the same world as him. On their walk home, Ren told him that yesterday, the reason he was late was because he accidentally stumbled into the castle due to the strange app on their phones. He also shared information that Morgana gave him regarding the palace, shadows, battling, and Shadow Kamoshida.

It was a lot to process, but (Y/n) quickly grasped it. Ren was curious about when (Y/n) got to Kamoshida's Palace, and he let him know it was actually right after school. And now, (Y/n) looked at his phone and smiled, seeing as he had finally made another friend in Ryuji.

To Be Continued...

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