A Peaceful Week
I didn't do anything after school, but in the evening, I went to Kanda to hang out with Hifumi.
Hifumi:"Vanguard of my Togo Kingdom... go forth to the front lines! Trample upon them all! You think to protect yourself with that paltry defense? Hahaha... Useless! Awaken, dragon! Let your shadowy hellfire consume them all! Dark Inferno Rook!"
I had to stop myself from laughing at her exaggerated moves.
Hifumi:"Can you hear them? The wailing of dying soldiers, echoing throughout the battlefield... With an incompetent king, a soldier cannot show his true bravery. Time for you to suffer!"
I simply shook my head at her words but held a small smile on my face.
Hifumi:"At last, everything is in place... My right hand trembles as I release my full power! I summon forth the forbidden move that shall bring your end... Ultimate Excalibur Attack! ...Check."
I sweat dropped as after all that, she put me in check.
Hifumi:"Ah, I did it again..."
Hifumi:"It's an embarrassing habit I have. During a match, I, um... I tend to get very aggressive. It's as if I assume the role of a queen of a kingdom...
"That's interesting."
Hifumi:"I-It is...? ...You're a strange one, indeed. My father had me do image training exercises when I was younger, to help me learn the rules... I gradually began to view the shogi board as if it were my own kingdom... I had fun coming up with stories and strategies for my, um, subjects... However... I've heard that people make fun of me on the internet."
"For real?"
Hifumi:"People think I'm weird, or that I'm an otaku, or that I'm just crazy... I mean, I can't blame them... Certainly, I think I'm weird too."
"Bah! Don't worry about them."
Hifumi smiled at this.
Hifumi:"Your positivity is... a welcome relief. I may be able to learn more from our matches than I thought."
I smiled in response.
Hifumi:"That will do for today."
I nodded and stretched my arms out.
Hifumi:"Oh, there's something I wanted to mention... Do you read weekly magazines...?"
"Why do you ask?"
Hifumi:"Um, well, I'm doing a photoshoot for one..."
"But you don't want to, right?"
Hifumi gasped lightly.
Hifumi:"You're quite perceptive... I thought you'd be surprised if you saw it on the newsstand, so I wanted to let you know beforehand. In all honesty, I'm very reluctant to do it.. But... if I can draw more attention to shogi, maybe the sport will become more popular... At least, that's how I'm justifying it to myself... I have an interview scheduled for tonight as well, so let's end here for today."
"Alright. See you later, Hifumi."
I got called on to answer this morning's question. What's the meaning of the original Chinese phrase that some dumplings were named after. The answer was barbarian's head.
I went to the underground mall after school to hang out with Ann. We went to the gym since she also invited Ryuji.
Ryuji:"Me and (Y/n) have actually already been to this gym. It's pretty sweet, huh? Not too many people gettin' in your way. Anyways, uh... what're you tryin' to do here?"
Ann:"I want to slim down!"
Ryuji:"Huh. You tried joggin'?"
Ann:"Aerobics aren't enough! I want to tone up too, so I need to start lifting weights. Plus my shoulders are drooping, I wanna make my biceps leaner, and I need to straighten my back out!"
Ryuji and I shared a deadpan glance at one another.
Ann:"Obviously I want to cut down on my waist size too... and firm up my butt and calves!"
"You have some real guts, Ann."
Ann:"Mm-hm! I'm a guts demon!"
Ryuji:"Uh, what the hell's that even supposed to mean? Anyways, motivation's good n' all, but you're not gonna be able to move tomorrow if you do all that shit."
Ann:"Then you come up with a training regimen for me."
Ryuji:"Ugh, you're such a pain."
Ann:"If you do that for me, I'll go on a date with you as a reward!"
Ryuji immediately shook his head.
Ryuji:"Eff that. Quit thinkin' you're some sexy character in an anime. It's sad watchin' you like this."
This offended Ann somewhat.
Ryuji:"First off, one of them sexy characters would never come to the gym in their PE uniform."
Ann:"How am I supposed to know that?! I've never even been to the gym before today!"
Her phone started to go off so she answered it.
Ann:"Hi! Oh, yes. Definitely. Even a smaller article would be great! Huh...? It fell through? Yeah... Uh, I guess that's okay... Mm-hm..."
She ended the call and put her phone away.
Ann:"I was supposed to be in two magazines the month after the next, but apparently one canceled on me. It was a black-and-white shoot, so they said I wouldn't stand out. It sounded like fun though. It was about the everyday life of models..."
Ryuji:"Guess you just gotta find somewhere you do stand out then."
Ann:"Huh... There has to be somewhere my vibrant charm will shine, right?!"
"There's no doubt in my mind."
Ryuji:"Uh, where? Hey, speakin' of magazines, there was a real pretty girl in that one you said you were starrin' in. She's got the innocent vibe, but she's sexy too. Now that's what real charm looks like to me."
Ann:"Were there photos of me too?"
Ryuji:"Uh, yeah."
Ann:"And did she have long brown hair?"
Ryuji:"Yup, that's the one! You know her?! You gotta introduce me, dude!"
Ann:"You dick! Of all the girls you could have been talking about, it just HAD to he Mika! Urghhhh, I'm so pissed! Come on, which machine are we using first?! I'm gonna break it!"
The three of us trained until we had reached our limits...
Ann: *pant* "My body... hurts... But for some reason... I feel... satisfied..."
Ryuji:"That's what workin' hard feels like. Not bad, huh?"
Ann:"Yeah, that was actually... pretty fun. I think it was because the two of you were here with me. I had to prove I was working extra hard."
Ryuji:"It's simple stuff like that that'll help you keep pushin'."
"Solid advice, Ryuji."
Ann:"Dammit, I wish I had thought of that..."
Ryuji:"Uh, this ain't a competition."
Ryuji soon got a text, so he had to leave.
Ann:"Ryuji just can't say no when his mom needs help, huh. I'm actually a little jealous of the relationship they have."
Ann:"I mean even growing up, my parents were super busy. They always told me I was strong, that I'd be fine on my own. I was free... but I was lonely. I'd make friends, but we moved a lot... and every time, I had to start all over again. I actually got used to the loneliness... But that changed once I met Shiho... The world seemed so hopeful... I heard her rehab is going well... She's going to be officially transferring schools soon too... I need to show her that I'm working hard... and that she doesn't need to worry so much about me."
"She'll be happy to hear that."
Ann:"Right. She needs to see how much I've learned from her!"
I smiled at her words before we decided to go home. I reached my front door when she called me.
Ann:"Oh, (Y/n)...? It's me... Gah! Oogh... My muscles are so sore right now... Going home took me more than twice as long as usual... But I'm really proud of the work I put in today. I would've just given up if I went alone. I'm so glad I had you guys with me. You two are the best! I wonder if this is how Shiho felt with her rehab? Being able to push herself because someone was there with her..."
"That's probably it."
Ann:"You think so...? I'd be really happy if I actually helped her push so hard. Not much time left until Shiho switches schools. I need to up my coolness so she can take off without worrying about me. Gah! Ow! I forgot how sore I was... Sorry, but I better get some rest for now. Bye-bye!"
"Bye. Take it easy."
When I got home, I decided to call Kawakami.
Woman:"Hello... Are you perhaps (L/n)-san?"
"Yeah... Who is this?"
Nurse:"This is the head nurse at Aoyama Hospital, speaking on behalf of Kawakami-san. Kawakami-san accidentally collapsed, and she's been admitted to our hospital."
"What?! What's her room number?!"
The nurse told me it and I rushed over there as fast as I could.
I sat beside Kawakami's bed as she sat up to talk to me.
Kawakami:"I'm just a little overworked. No need to make a big deal about it... Haha... But thanks for coming all this way ro visit me."
She gave a fake smile before sighing in exasperation.
Kawakami:"How could I collapse at a time like this? I really need to make money... How am I going to make today's payment?"
Man:"Tch, there you are!"
We soon noticed an older couple walk into her room.
Man:"What's going on, Ms. Kawakami?! I called the school but no one answered."
Kawakami:"Takase-san! You contacted the school...?!"
Man:"Well, you weren't answering your phone! And when I thought you finally answered, it was a nurse who told us you were here. It's really an inconvenience for us when you miss a payment, you know."
Woman:"Now, now, it's not like she wanted to collapse... But our credit card payment is coming up soon, so we'll need you to transfer the money."
Kawakami:"I-I'm sorry..."
"And these two are...?"
Kawakami:"These are Takase-kun's guardians, the ones I mentioned the other day. They took care of him..."
Man:"Who's this?"
"One of her students. I came to check up on my teacher."
I responded with a slight glare as Kawakami looked at me with a mix of shock and sadness.
Man:"Messing around with another student, huh? Hahaha, you never learn, do you? Tsk, tsk... And after all you did to him.."
Kawakami:"I'm sorry..."
Woman:"So? When are you going to transfer the money?"
Kawakami:"I should be able to send it out tomorrow..."
"Don't pay them."
I quickly rose out of my seat and stood by Kawakami's bedside.
Woman:"Stay out of this!"
Man:"Don't act so tough, kid. Our precious adoptive son, Taiki, died because of this woman. Honestly, she should've been fired."
Kawakami:"That's not..."
Man:"And yet, she still doesn't know her place... and she still continues to teach. We're gonna need you to show some remorse for what you did to him... In a material and undeniable way!"
Kawakami:"...I understand. I will pay you. So...!"
Woman:"It's not like we're trying to extort you. But who was it that convinced Taiki to start studying when he needed to be working? The schoolwork on top of his part-time jobs overwhelmed him, which led him to that accident... Poor Taiki... It's almost like he was murdered!"
Man:"So you no longer feel regret? In that case, perhaps we should sue the Board of Education... Or should we have a chat with your school? Either way, your days as a teacher would be over. Well, we're looking forward to receiving your payment."
They soon left and I scoffed before sitting back down.
Kawakami:"I have to figure out a way to make more money... I guess transferring to our sister company is the only way..."
"Ms. Kawakami, think this through more."
Kawakami:"Haha... I can't believe I'm getting scolded by my student. Why...? Why are you so interested in helping me? I'm not worth it... You know what? I'm gonna stop worrying about it! The money? I'll pay it. I'll do everything Master tells me to do. ...Meow. ...I'm so tired. All I really want is... a way to apologize to Takase-kun. So if his guardians demand money, then I just have to pay them..."
"Just rest for now."
Kawakami:"Sorry, I'm not quite back to a hundred percent yet, so my thoughts are all over the place... I'm going to get some rest. I appreciate you coming to visit me today. ...It made me really happy."
"My pleasure."
Kawakami:"I'll be released first thing tomorrow morning, so don't worry. The IVs here work really well. Visiting hours are over."
I let out a sigh before heading back home.
I didn't do much for today apart from reading at the library. However, while I was trying to sleep, Ryuji texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a fishing spot in Ichigaya. I told him yes before going back to sleep.
Ryuji:"So I was thinkin' about the future. With you two as our leaders. ...Hey, doesn't meetin' in a place like this look like we're talkin' some shady business? I like it."
Ren:"You think so?"
Ryuji:"Geez, you got no energy, as usual... Can't you play along? I'm startin' to feel sorry for myself. Like, "I'm usually a borin' high school student, but when I take my glasses off..." Right?! Come on! Back me up on this, (Y/n)."
"I get what you're trying to say, but I don't think fish wanna bite a shady person's fishing rod."
Ryuji only let out a sigh.
Ryuji:"They aren't even biting. The float hasn't moved at all... If only there were a master fisher around. Then we could steal their ideas..."
I looked over to our right and gasped.
"Hey, is that Kawakami?"
Ryuji then noticed as well.
Ryuji:"Oh crap, she's coming this way."
Kawakami:"Three boys at the fishing pond on a Sunday, huh... Why are you sitting around like old men? Why don't you go out and do something more exciting?"
Ryuji:"Wha-- Look who's talkin'!"
Kawakami: *sigh* "Adults need time to themselves to unwind and clear their thoughts. You'll understand soon enough, when you start working in the real world."
Ryuji:"Wow... Soundin' real old there, Kawakami."
I then elbowed Ryuji's side.
Ryuji:"GAH! Dude! What was that for?"
"You gotta watch what you say. Remember what happened last time?"
He groaned and nodded his head as he rubbed his side.
Kawakami:"Thank you (L/n). And Ryuji, it's MS. Kawakami to you!"
Ryuji:"Yeah, yeah..."
She then took a seat behind us and began fishing.
Ryuji:"Holy crap... Kawakami could be our master fisher, dudes! She's hookin' fish like crazy!"
Kawakami:"It's easy. Just clear your mind and free yourself from negative thoughts."
Ryuji:"So the trick is to not think! ...How am I supposed to do that?"
I then spoke in a mock sagely voice.
"You must let go of all worldly desires."
Ren nodded as he cast out his reel again.
Ryuji:"I see. So if I tell myself I don't want any fish... Nope, not gonna work. I'm askin' for tips because I WANNA get fish."
Kawakami:"It's a nice, sunny Sunday. I didn't think I'd be stuck fishing with you three on my day off. *sigh* Three troublemakers, and their no-good teacher... I guess we're perfect for each other."
Ryuji:"She keeps getting fish even as she nags... I'm impressed!"
Ren:"She's the true master fisher."
"Some would even call her "Master" Kawakami."
Kawakami glared at me from the side of her eyes with a slight blush as I tried my best not to cackle.
Kawakami:"Once again, it's MS. Kawakami."
We then went back home.
I was asked what two people were responsible for July and August, both having 31 days. The answer was Julius and Augustus.
After school, we decided to go to Mementos to finish off a request and train. We found the target on the 4th floor of Chemdah.
That evening, I decided to read a book.
I worked out and played darts with Makoto and the others in the evening.
Ms. Kawakami used the PA system to call the teacher to the faculty room, which let me have time to read in class. Ren and I hung out with Ryuji at a restaurant as they managed to resolve some issues with the old track team members.
In the evening, I went to Kanda to visit Hifumi.
When I got there, Hifumi was talking to some persistent fan.
Fan:"Thank you for shaking my hand! I'm never gonna wash it!"
Hifumi:"...Huh? Um, please wash it."
Fan:"I can't believe that you're really here... in a church... I read on the internet that you pray to God for victory. Is that true?"
Fan:"Can I take a selfie with you and post it online?"
Hifumi:"Sorry, I've been turning down all such requests..."
Fan:"By the way, us it true that you're trying to become a professional shogi player?"
Hifumi:"Well, nothing's been..."
Fan:"I'll be cheering for you to qualify! You'd be the first woman to surpass the third-dan league! I really believe in you!"
Hifumi:"...Thank you very much."
He soon left and I sat by her.
Hifumi:"Oh... good evening. Men like that approach me all the time. At first, I thought you were one of them..."
"I guess I can't blame you for thinking that. Especially with how that guy was acting. But I didn't come here for anything like that."
Hifumi:"I really must apologize for being rude to you... It bothers me when people make such a big fuss over me... Considering that the priest is doing me a great favor by letting me play here... You see, he's my shogi friend. And he's very kind. He once told me that he wanted to become a professional player. And he doesn't laugh at my embarrassing habit when we play together."
I smiled in acknowledgement of the friendly priest.
Hifumi:"So... I did the photoshoot. I'm embarrassed just thinking about it... Did you see it...? It was called the "The Venus of Shogi"..."
"Describes you perfectly."
She blushed a bit.
Hifumi:"N-Nonsense... Please stop... Ever since I won the female shogi league, I've been getting a lot of attention. I just figured I could contribute to the shogi world... Besides, my mother seems to be very happy... Whenever I win, she rejoices as if it were her own victory... So I want to live up to the expectations she has for me... However, she's been a bit overzealous lately. She set up the interview and the photoshoot. It's as if she wants to be the manager of a celebrity."
"Having a difficult time?"
Hifumi:"A bit. But it's fine, because it's for my mother. Oh, sorry! I should be teaching you how to play instead of talking about my mother. Today, I'll be showing you something very practical... It's a tactic for using the reserved pawns you've taken from your opponent in a more effective way. Nevertheless... I apologize. You're such a good listener, I feel at ease speaking with you... Aside from the priest, you're actually the first person I've spoken to about my mother."
Her trust in me must definitely be growing if that's the case.
Hifumi:"Now then, I will instruct you while we play. Are you ready?"
I nodded and we got to playing. I went home sometime later and when I reached my door, she called me.
Hifumi:"Ah, this is Hifumi. I appreciate you spending time with me today. Um... I ended up feeling much better after sharing my concerns with you. But this hardly seems fair... How can I teach you properly when I'm this distressed...?"
"Bring it on, Hifumi. I promise to learn no matter what."
Hifumi:"Oh... are you sure? You really are a strange individual... but thank you for the encouragement. If that is the case, I can only hope to repay you through my lessons. You make for a refreshing opponent. Somehow, the more we exchange, the more I feel my world expanding... Teaching you is also a great learning experience for me, as it leads to a deeper understanding of myself. Well then, if you'll excuse me. I'll see you for our next match."
I was asked what is traditional Tanabata food? The answer was soumen noodles.
After school, I went to hang out with Kasumi.
We went over to Kichijoji to do some shopping.
Kasumi:"Sorry for dragging you out here... I need to get a pair of glasses. I've been wanting to come here for a while, but I never has the chance to drop by."
"You're looking to buy?"
Kasumi:"Yeah! I want to get my dad a present. I was hoping to get your advice on a good pair."
"I'm not well-versed in glasses, but I'll do my best for ya!"
Kasumi:"Thank you! Could you try on a couple pairs for me? I'd like to get some visual reference."
She then picked up a pair and handed them to me. I put them on.
Kasumi:"Wow, those really work for you! You look so cool! What do you think?"
I looked in the mirror they had out on the shelf and turn my head side to side.
"Hm. A pretty modern look."
Kasumi:"I know, it's so fashionable! And it's good that it'd help your vision, too. This could be a good one... Hmm..."
"Do they suit your dad, though?"
Kasumi:"Hmm, right--maybe a little too hip for my dad. But your input's been really helpful so far! Would you mind coming around with me for a bit longer?"
"Of course. Let's keep going."
Kasumi:"Well, someone's enthusiastic! You're enjoying this too, huh? Then let's keep going! Time for some high-speed glasses modeling!"
The next pair I tried on was a transparent pair.
Kasumi:"Wow, you look like a salesman! But it doesn't feel right, somehow..."
The next pair was a gaudy pair that was a mix of orange, yellow, and pink tinted lenses.
Kasumi:"Those definitely leave an impression! Heck, people might remember the glasses and nothing else about you!"
The next pair was an all black pair.
Kasumi:"You're like a star right out of Hollywood! But if my dad wore them, he might look a little... shady."
The next pair was one of those cheap disguises. The ones with fake glasses, a round pink plastic nose, and a fake mustache.
Kasumi:"Why are those even here?! I... kind of want a pair."
"Huh, maybe I'd look good with a mustache."
She soon put that pair back before sighing dejectedly.
Kasumi:"Sorry... I can't decide. A lot of them are good, but none of them have really clinched it for me yet..."
"Don't overthink it and trust your instincts."
Kasumi:"You know, you're right! I'm the one who has to make this call!"
She reached over and grabbed a pair with a red frame.
Kasumi:"I'm just going off a gut feeling, but... I'll pick this pair. I don't know how to describe it. It just seems perfect for my dad somehow."
"Good choice."
Kasumi:"Yes, I think I can be confident in this one. In fact, I know he'll like it!"
She got the pair and we soon left the store.
Kasumi:"Thank you so much for coming here with me today! I ended up with a great present. All thanks to you, (L/n)-senpai!"
"Not a problem at all."
Kasumi: *giggle* "Well, I've still got to make it up to you. Let's go practice at Inokashira Park after this!"
She then looked down at the ground.
Kasumi:"If I'm being honest, trying to pick out glasses was really setting off my anxiety. All I could think of was what'd happen if I couldn't choose, or if I chose wrong... I mean, I already failed in gymnastics. And my cooking turned out bad, too. After cracking under pressure so many times, I kind of figured I'd just ruin everything again. The more I thought about it, the more... empty I felt. Like I wasn't even me anymore."
"Everyone deals with that."
Kasumi:"So even you know how that feels, (L/n)-senpai? It's not just me..."
She then smiled softly.
Kasumi:"I think I'm starting to understand what my coach was telling me. It's easy to say you're in a slump, and write yourself off. But maybe "finding out who I really am" is also about finding new depths to myself. It does make me feel a little down, but at the same time, I feel like I'm closer to getting my confidence back. And having your support makes me even more determined to make that happen."
"We'll work at it together."
She giggled with a slight blush on her face.
Kasumi:"This is strange... I don't know if I should be feeling like this. I want to give my best performance, but it's like I'd be doing it for you as much as for myself... o-or something like that!"
She then gave me a slight bow.
Kasumi:"I'm still working on myself, but I hope we can keep helping each other, too!"
I smiled softly.
Kasumi:"Now, we should get to training! Maybe we can try some intermediate-level exercises today."
I nodded and trained with her for a while before heading home. When I got home, she called me.
Kasumi:"Hello, (L/n)-senpai. Are you able to talk right now?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
Kasumi:"So I already gave my dad the glasses we picked out today. And it suits him even better than I imagined! He was so happy with them!"
"Nice! I'm glad to hear that."
Kasumi:"Thank you! I think this helped me feel a little more confident! And thanks to you, I even feel like my gymnastics are going to go better now. I'm sick of wasting my time worrying. Whatever I'm up against, I'm just gonna give it my best shot."
"Hell yeah."
Kasumi:"But actions speak louder than words, right? I'll prove I'm not all talk! Okay, I'd better go. I hope we can talk again later!"
"See ya."
In the evening, Ren told me he went to the Crossroads bar to talk to that Ohya lady.
I decided to go to the library and read. I also read when I got home in the evening. Tomorrow was the deadline for Kaneshiro.
In class, I was asked what shape certain angles made and it was a triangle.
We met up at the hideout right after school.
Ryuji:"Hell yeah! Kaneshiro finally confessed! People have been making a huge deal of it since the police announcement!"
Yusuke:"It's difficult to accept that the authorities are taking all of the credit for his arrest."
"That's just how it is for vigilantes."
Ann:"People are going nuts about the Phantom Thieves online though. Look!"
She showed off her phone which was currently on the Phan-Site.
Ryuji:"It's all coming together for us!"
Yusuke:"This is quite the turnaround. All of a sudden, people are expressing their long-standing belief in us."
Ann:"So this why Makoto told us to post the calling card anywhere that might stand out."
Ryuji:"Pretty smart move on her part."
Ren:"Where is she anyway?"
When he asked that, my phone went off and I answered it.
Makoto:"It's Makoto. My apologies, but I won't be able to join you today."
"Why not?"
Makoto:"I've been called into a meeting with the principal. There's no need to worry though. More importantly, there's a special on TV about the Phantom Thieves!"
Ann was near me as she was listening in on the conversation.
Ann:"Huh?! What did it say?!"
Makoto:"They were talking all about our calling cards."
Ann:"For real?!"
Makoto:"Anyway, my apologies about today. I'll have to see you all another time."
"See ya."
She hung up and I put my phone away.
Yusuke:"Who was that?"
"It was Makoto. She's doing something for the principal but she did say that the Phantom Thieves were mentioned on TV today."
Ryuji:"Really?! That's freakin' crazy!"
Yusuke:"I hope all this excitement doesn't place us on the police's radar."
Ryuji:"It'll be fine! No way they'd find out about that weird other world!"
Yusuke:"True, but... Do you remember what the fake Kaneshiro said towards the end?"
"The other Metaverse user..."
Ren:"Yeah. He did mention we weren't the only ones who're doing it."
Ryuji:"Eh, not gonna let it bother me. Far as we know, he was just pullin' that shit out of his ass."
Yusuke:"I hope that's the case..."
Ryuji:"Anyways, in your face, Akechi! Now whaddya wanna do about our next target?!"
"Easy, Ryuji. Don't get ahead of yourself."
Ann:"Still, people might expect a lot from our next move considering how excited they're getting."
Ryuju:"We can't just pick any old schmo now."
Yusuke:"There is no need to hurry though. Counting Kamoshida, we've claimed three consecutive victories, right? We should just lay low and wait for all this excitement to blow over."
Ann:"In that case, how about we have another celebration?"
Ryuji:"Good idea! We can make it a welcomin' party for Miss President too. By the way, that briefcase? It's pretty damn expensive! Let's sell it and drop cash on our party!"
Morgana:"Wow... Seems like the "Lay low and wait" idea has gone completely out the window."
Ann:"So we can count you out then, Morgana?"
Morgana:"Uh... What are you talking about? I was just saying we should try and keep our party on the down low."
Ann:"Hahaha, that's the spirit. Well, I'm gonna let Makoto know!"
She then called her.
Ann:"Hi, Makoto? There's something we forgot to tell you! So-- Oh..."
"What's wrong?"
Makoto:"Hello? I hope you remember we have finals next week. Yusuke and Morgana excluded, of course. If you wish not to stand out, you had best not get bad grades, okay? That us something I simply would not be able to overlook as student council president! For now, behave and concentrate on your studies. We can have fun once finals are over... Understood?"
Ryuji then slumped over in anguish. I pat his back reassuringly before we all split up to head home.
When I got home, I decided to sleep.
To Be Continued...
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