A Beautiful Rose Has Thorns


I sat in class bored as usual as Mr. Ushimaru went on about checks and balances. As he droned on, Morgana popped out from Ren's bag and asked if Ren had made up his mind. Because he was talking Mr. Ushimaru figured that the stray cat from yesterday was nearby. This got the class to murmur before he hushed them and continued on with the lecture.

Student:"Hey... What's that...?!"

Ushimaru:"Enough! This is a classroom!"

Student 2:"Wait... She's going to jump!"

They students looked out and saw students gathering by the windows outside the class. Mishima looked over and gasped at who he saw.



She quickly grew worried and ran out of the classroom, as did everyone else.

"C'mon Ren! We gotta go!"

He nodded, and we quickly ditched the class to look out the window. We stepped out right at the moment Shiho stepped off the ledge of the school roof and crashed down to the ground. Everyone screamed in shock as Ann's who body shook with distraught. Tears were threatening to escape her eyes before she shoved Ren and I out the way and ran to where Shiho's body was.

Ryuji met up with Ren and I, and we bolted straight for the courtyard. We rushed past students before making it there. And there was already a massive crowd of students with their phones out. They were recording a video of Shiho as she was put into a stretcher.

Ryuji:"What the hell is wrong with these people?!"

A paramedic asked if anyone could accompany Shiho, and Ann volunteered. She kneeled down to her friend's side and looked at her with major concern.

Ann:"Shiho... Why?"

Shiho:"I'm sorry. I... I can't take this... anymore..."

Tears fell from her eyes as Shiho asked Ann to get closer. She did, and she whispered something into her ear before she lost consciousness.


As everyone continued to murmur amongst themselves, Mishima broke away from the crowd and ran. Ryuji also noticed, and we decided to chase after him. We cornered him by some lockers and began questioning him.

Ryuji:"Why'd you run like that? Huh?"

Mishima:"I didn't run..."

Ryuji:"She jumped and tried to kill herself!"

Mishima:"L-Leave me alone..."

Ren:"Do you know something?"

"Just tell us."

Ryuji:"Yeah! We ain't tryin' to get you busted. We won't say you talked either!"

Mishima:"Suzui... She was called out by Mr. Kamoshida!"

"What do you mean?"

Mishima:"I was called out by him a number of times to... to the teacher's room. It wasn't just me or Suzui either. He'd nominate someone when he was in a bad mood... and hit them."

Ryuji:"So the physical abuse thing was for real..."

Mishima:"But yesterday, he called Suzui out of the blue. She didn't make any mistakes or anything... Mr. Kamoshida seemed really irritated that day, so it must've been... worse than usual..."

Ryuji:"He didn't...! That son of a bitch!"

Without any warning, Ryuji quickly took off to the PE faculty office on the second floor.

Ren:"Come on, we better follow him!"


We chased after him, and Mishima followed as well. We watched as Ryuji slid the door open with force and growled at Kamoshida.

Ryuji:"You bastard! The hell did you do to Suzui?!"

Kamoshida:"What are you talking about?"

Ryuji angrily kicked over a chair in the office, and it flew across the room.

Ryuji:"Don't play dumb with me!"

Kamoshida:"That is enough!"

Mishima:"What you did... wasn't coaching...!"

Kamoshida:"What did you say?"

Mishima:"You... You ordered me to call Suzui here... I can only imagine what you did to her...!"

Kamoshida:"You're going on and on about things you have no proof of..."

He got out of his chair and looked at us angrily while crossing his arms.

Kamoshida:"Basically, you're simply making these claims because you can't be a regular on the team, right?"

Mishima:"That's not what this is about!"

Kamoshida:"Even if it is exactly as you imagine it to be, hypothetically speaking... What can you do? We just received a call from a hospital. Suzui's in a coma, and her chances of recovery are slim... How would someone like that make a statement?"

We all looked shocked as Kamoshida faked his worry for Shiho.

Mishima:"No... That can't be..."

Ryuji:"You goddamn...!"

Kamoshida:"This, again...? Does this mean we need to have yet another case of "self-defense"?"

Ryuji:"You shut your mouth, you son of a bitch!"

Ryuji tried to swing at Kamoshida, but Ren caught his wrist and I held onto his school blazer.

Ryuji:"Why are you stopping me?!"

Ren:"You're only giving him what he wants."

"Just calm down. Don't do it!"

Ryuji:"But still!"

Kamoshida:"Oh? You're stopping him? What a surprise. There's no need to hold back. Why not attack me? Ohhh, you caaan't. Hahaha, but of course you can't! Everyone present right now will be expelled. I'm reporting all of you at the next board meeting."


Mishima:"You can't make a decision like that!"

Kamoshida:"Who would seriously consider what scum like you say? Listen (L/n), you've been hanging around Sakamoto and the transfer student recently, so I can put together an argument that you're just as bad they are. You threatened me too, Mishima, so you're just as responsible."


Kamoshida:"To think you didn't know why I kept someone as talentless as you on the team. You act like you're a victim, but you leaked the new guy's criminal records, didn't you? It's all over the internet, correct? How terrible."

"Mishima? Is this true?"

Mishima:"He told me to do it. I had no choice..."

Kamoshida:"Now, are we finished here? You're all expelled! You're done for; your futures are mine to take. Now get out of my sight."

We began to shuffle out the door as Ryuji growled in frustration.

Ryuji:"I can't believe this asshole's gettin' away with this!"

Ren:"We can't give up just yet."

"Yeah! We'll make him eat his words!

Ryuji:"Oh, right. We have that!"

Kamoshida:"You kids aren't making any sense! But sure, go ahead and try. After all, you'll have plenty of time to kill until expulsion..."

After school

Ryuji:"We can't waste any time. We gotta hurry up and go to that world and beat the shit outta that asshole!"

Morgana:"We're not beating him up. We're simply stealing his distorted desires. Can I assume that you've made up your minds about this? Bour how he might suffer a mental shutdown?"

"I've already told them that I'm committed to this."

Morgana:"Good. One down. What about you two?"

Ryuji:"I have. Someone almost died because of him! I don't give a rat's ass what happens to him anymore!"

Morgana:"And you?"

Ren:"I'm in. There's no other way to settle things."

Morgana:"Then we're all set."

Ryuji:"By the way, is gettin' rid of a Palace hard? You've tried it before, right?"

Morgana:"When did I ever say that?"

Ryuji:"Eh? Wait, what?! Were you just pretending to know?!"

That's when we heard someone speaking up as they approached us. It was Ann.

Ann:"Is it true that you're getting expelled? Everyone's talking about it..."

Ryuji:"That asshole's at it again! So you came all this way to tell us that?"

Ann:"If you're going to deal with Kamoshida... let me in on it, too. I can't just sit back and do nothing after what happened to Shiho!"

Ryuji:"This has nothing to do with you... Don't butt your head into this..."

Ann:"But it does! Shiho's my-"

Ryuji:"I said don't get in our way!"


Ann just scoffed before running off.

Morgana:"That was harsh..."

"Yeah, I gotta agree."

Ryuji:"We can't take her somewhere like that..."

Morgana:"I hope she doesn't do anything too crazy. Women can be much bolder than men at times."

Ryuji:"We just gotta hurry up and deal with Kamoshida. Let's go already!"

We all nodded before heading to the alley so we could enter the Palace.

Morgana:"The moment we cross over, we'll treat each other like phantom thieves, so I hope you're ready."


Ren:"Phantom thieves?"

Morgana:"Those who covertly sneak in and stylishly steal Treasure. That is what we become!"

Ren:"Not bad."

Ryuji:"That sounds kinda cool!"

"You said it, heh."

Ryuji:"So we just gotta say the school, Kamoshida's name, and "castle"? Then we end up in bizarro world."

He grabbed his phone and looked at the app, and questioned how it works and if someone made it.

Ren:"I don't think it really matters."

Ryuji:"True. There's no point in thinkin' about it now. We'll show that effin' Kamoshida!"

Morgana:"Let's go!"

Unbeknownst to us, Ann was lurking around the corner watching our every move.

Ann:"They're doing something on their phone? A name... School?"

That's when the world started to warp and change all around us, which startled Ann.

We crossed over and were in our outfits.

Ryuji:"Alright! Time to bust on through!"

Ann:"What is this?!"

We suddenly heard Ann shriek in surprise and looked at her with shocked faces.


Ann:"Wait! That voice... (L/n)?! And judging by that hair, it's Sakamoto?! And Amamiya-kun?!"

Ryuji:"Wh-wh-why are you here?!"

Ann:"How should I know?! What's going on? Hey, where are we?! Isn't this the school?!"

I looked over at Morgana and saw that he had his jaw dropped and ogled Ann. He shook his head before he explained how she wound up here with us.

Morgana:"Perhaps she was dragged in because of that app thing. If multiple people can enter with the person who uses it, it stands to reason it'll pull anyone nearby."

Ryuji:"For real?"

Ann:"Wait, so THIS is related to Kamoshida?!"

Ryuji:"Anyways, you gotta leave!"


Morgana:"The Shadows are going to find us if you make a scene."

Ann:"No way! It talked?! Oh my God, it's a monster cat!"


Ann:"You better explain what's going on! I won't leave until you do!"

Ryuji:"Looks like we gotta force her. But... how're we supposed to do that?"

Morgana:"Just take her back to where we came in. That's how it worked last time, right?"

Ryuji:"O-oh, yeah. Can you lend me a hand?"

Ren:"Got it."

"I feel kinda bad, but we don't really have a choice."

Ann:"What're you-"

"We'll explain after everything's over."

Ren:"For now, just bear with us."

We walked over to her before grabbing her by her arms and dragged her out to the real world.

"Damn. Takamaki found us out right before we even began."

Morgana:"That girl's name is Ann Takamaki, right? Lady Ann..."

We stood by the school sign as Morgana told us to brace ourselves.

Morgana:"We're counting on you, Joker!"

Ryuji:"Joker? That a nickname?"

Morgana:"Don't refer to it in such a lame way. It's a code name. What kind of stupid phantom thief would use their real name?! I'm not down for that! And there's no telling what kind of effect yelling our real names will have on the Palace... It's just a precaution."

"I get that, but why's he Joker?"

Morgana:"Because he's our trump card when it comes to fighting strength."

Ren:"Not bad. I kinda like it."

Morgana:"It's settled then! Next up is you, Ryuji. You'll be... Let's see... Thug."

Ryuji:"Are you pickin' a fight with me?! I'll choose it myself! Hm... When it comes to me, it's gotta be this mask. Honestly, I actually kinda like it. What if we named me after this?"

Morgana:"Fine... Why not "Skull" then?"

Ryuji:"Ooh! That sounds awesome! I'm Skull! What do we do about this one's code name?"

Ryuji motioned over to Morgana, and I just shrugged.

"Whatever you think works."

Ren:"Yeah. Anything's good."

Ryuji:"How 'bout "Mona"?"

Morgana:"Well, if Joker thinks it's easier to call me that, then I'll go with it. That just leaves you."

Ryuji:"Hm... I'm drawing a blank. What about you?"

Ren:"I got nothing."

I thought for a minute before smirking.

"I'll go with Omni."


"Because I'm happy and proud to be all of who I am."

Ren smiled and patted my shoulder.

Ren:"I like it. Really suits you."

Ryuji:"It sounds sick!"

Morgana:"Heh, not bad. Alright, from here on out, we're Joker, Skull, Mona, and Omni. We need to be absolutely thorough about using those code names from now on!"

We all nodded and prepared to steal Kamoshida's Treasure. We snuck in from a window and looked ahead towards the main hall to see Kamoshida was there with a bunch of his soldiers. Ryuji wanted to just go ahead and beat the shit out of Kamoshida, but Morgana was against it. Stating that all those guards would overwhelm us and that we were just here for the Treasure anyway.

We had to go the long way around and went through a room where Morgna was teaching us about Hold Ups. So Ren, or rather Joker, knocked down the Shadow and talked to it before it was absorbed into his mask. Another soldier approached us, so we did battle, and that's when we found out that the Shadow he absorbed was able to fight at his side as a Persona.

Ryuji:"H-Hey, Mona! What was that about?! What did Joker do?"

Morgana:"He sealed the enemy's appearance and powers into his mask and made it his new Persona... Is such a feat even possible? Even I've never seen anyone pull that off!"

Ren:"Is this good?"

Morgana:"Of course it is! Only one heart exists per person, so normally, a person can only have one Persona! Incredible! That ability will give us a huge advantage in battle!"

"Good shit, Joker. We'll back you up, right, Skull?"

Ryuji:"Hell yeah! We'll hold every last one of them up!"

We continued exploring the castle before we found a safe room. We went inside it to discuss our next moves.


Ann was outside the castle staring at the app on her phone that (Y/n) and the others used to enter this world. As she stood around, Kamoshida's soldiers found her and called her a princess before taking her elsewhere.

Back with you

Ryuji:"Aren't there even more Shadows here than before? Just gettin' this far's been a real pain in my ass!"

Morgana:"It's all because you guys provoked Kamoshida, you know. Still... he seems to be awfully on guard..."

Ryuji:"Anyways, how're we supposed to steal that Treasure thing?"

Morgana:"Don't be so hasty. First, we'll need to secure an infiltration route."

Ryuji:"A what?"

Morgana:"A path to the Treasure's location. And with Omni here, we have just the right amount of manpower we need to get there."

Ryuji:"Hey, you say you don't have your memories and all, but somehow you still know about this kinda stuff? Do you think this thing's really got amnesia?"

Ren:"I believe in Mona."

"He's all we got anyway. So, I might as well just follow along."

Morgana:"At least you're both a step above that moron."

Ryuji:"Don't call me a moron! You sure talk big, but what if it turns out you're just some stray cat in the end?"

Morgana:"That can't be..."

Guard:"Still, why was the princess in such an odd place?"

We suddenly heard a guard's voice outside the safe room and stood on guard.


Morgana pressed his ear against the door and listened in.

Guard:"I could have swron we were pursuing the readings of an intruder..."

Guard 2:"It doesn't matter now. We must take her back to King Kamoshida!"

Ryuji:"Who's this princess they're talkin' about?"

Morgana:"I should probably look into this!"

Morgana slipped out the door as Ryuji questioned Morgana when he came back a minute later.

Morgana:"This is bad!"

Ryuji:"That was fast!"

Morgana:"Your friend... Lady Ann! She's been taken by Shadows!"

Ryuji:"Wait, what? We sent her home earlier."

Morgana:"If Lady Ann does indeed have the app, it could be possible."

Ryuji:"Oh no... Don't tell me it got put on hers just like mine?! Dammit! We let her out for her own safety, and she just came back in by herself!"

"We gotta save her! There's no time for taking a break right now!"

Morgana:"Follow me! I'll guide you! She's just past that dining room looking place! Let's go!"

We were running past the dining room when Ann's voice echoed throughout the building.

Ann:"Is this some kind of filming?! Who's in charge here?!"

We ran past that room and into a hallway as Ann's voice was still being heard. We were in a narrow hallway lined with empty suits of armor as there was just a large metal door standing before us. We opened the door and ran into the room.

Ann herself was chained to an X shaped cross and was yelling at two guards.

Ann:"What's all this about?! Seriously, I'm gonna call the cops!"

S. Kamoshida:"So, this is the intruder."


She was surprised to see Kamoshida in this strange world and then saw the cognitive version of herself.

Ann:"Who's that? More importantly, what is this place?! Why's the school turned into something like this?!"

S. Kamoshida:"I can't believe you mistook my Ann for someone like her. Are you afraid?"

Ann:"What is that outfit? Have you lost your mind?"

S. Kamoshida:"I do as I please here. After all, this is my castle... The world of my desires."

Ann:"What the-?! Wait... Is this some red-light district?!"

S. Kamoshida:"What a lively slave."

Ann:"This isn't funny! Enough of the bullshit, Kamoshida!"

S. Kamoshida:"The girl's decided to tell me off. What do you think of that, Princess Ann?"

Kamoshida turned towards the cognitive Ann, who was his so-called princess.

P. Ann:"Talking back is, like... totally unforgivable."

The way she spoke was unlike the real Ann. She spoke as if she was in a trance and dragged out certain words as she spoke. Something you'd typically expect from a basic and conceited high school girl.

S. Kamoshida:"In that case... she should be executed!"

His guard captain approached Ann, and Kamoshida was chuckling to himself.

S. Kamoshida:"Now then, how should I play with you? Shall I tear you into little pieces?"

Ann:"Are you kidding me?"

When we were on the other side of the door, we noticed that there were girls from the volleyball team all on the floor. They had no tops on at all and only wore their gym shorts.

"So this is how he sees the girls on the volleyball team, huh?"

We then noticed Ann across the room and ran over to her.

S. Kamoshida:"Just when I was about to start enjoying myself..."

Ann:"What's the deal with this guy?!"

Ryuji:"You little...!"

S. Kamoshida:"How many times are you gonna come back? I bet you're just like those thieves. You came because you're pissed at me, huh? But, ah... I forget that chick's name, but it's your fault she jumped, you know."


S. Kamoshida:"You were so reluctant to throw yourself onto me that I had her take your place."

Ann:"You bastard!"

The guard captain approached Ann closer, and I grit my teeth.

"No! Back off!"

The other guards reacted and held their swords up to Ann's neck.

S. Kamoshida:"Take one more step, and I'll kill her on the spot!"


S. Kamoshida:"Just sit back and enjoy the dismemberment show."

Ann:"No! Don't!"

Kamoshida started giggling and looked at her breasts before licking his lips.

S. Kamoshida:"Maybe I'll start with her clothes..."

P. Ann: *giggle* "You're such a perv!"

Ryuji:"H-Hey, what're we gonna do?!"

Morgana simply shook his head as the guard captain stepped even closer to her.


Ann:"Is this... my punishment for what happened to Shiho?"

S. Kamoshida:"That's more like it. You should've looked like this from the start."

Ann:"Shiho... I'm so sorry..."

Ann shut her eyes tightly, and tears fell from as she hung her head. I looked on at her before thinking back to our conversation yesterday.

"Is that it then? You're giving up? Don't you want revenge?! She's your friend, right?! You're only one?!"


She looked over at me as I held a determined look in my eyes, and she gained one herself.

Ann:"You're right... She's been my only friend since middle school! I didn't fit in class, and she was the only one who talked to me. But for what he did to her... he'll pay! Tch... Letting this piece of shit toy with me... What was I thinking?! I've had enough of this... You've pissed me off, you son of a bitch!"

Suddenly, Ann began to thrash about while she was restrained and sweat ran down her face.

?: My... It's taken far too long. Tell me.. Who is going to avenge her if you don't? Forgiving him was never the option... Such is the scream of the other you that dwells within... I am thou, thou art I... We can finally forge a contract...

Ann:"I hear you... Carmen. You're right. No more holding back!

Suddenly, a red cat-like mask was on her face as the restraints on her wrists and ankles began to burn away.

Carmen: Understand? Then I'll gladly lend you my strength.

With one hand free, she immediately ripped off her mask and summoned her Persona.

The power broke the remaining restraints, and with this major distraction, she kicked a sword out of a guard's hand and jumped high into the air to catch it. As she was falling back down, she positioned herself so the blade would slice straight through Princess Ann. In one swift motion, Princess Ann turned into pure smoke and was no longer seen.

We all smiled before rushing over to her side and put our guards up. I then took notice that Ann was in her rebel outfit since she summoned her Persona.

Ann:"You know what? I'm not some cheap girl you can toy with... you scumbag."

S. Kamoshida:"Bitch...!"

Ann:"You stole everything from Shiho... You destroyed her... Now it's your turn! I will rob you of everything!"

The guard captain and the other two guards turn to liquid before forming a large puddle. And from that puddle emerged a large Shadow.

Ann:"Let's do this, Carmen!"

Her Persona was summoned, and Carmen shot out a small flare of fire, and it seemed as if fire was the Shadow's weakness. Since the Shadow was knocked down, we all jumped in for an All-Out Attack! It wasn't enough to take it out, so Ren and Morgana attacked. Physical and wind attacks did nothing to it. I looked at Ryuji, and he nodded. He stepped away as I stood in his place.



I roared at the top of my lungs as I transformed into Heatblast.


"Come on, Takamaki! Let's finish this!"

She smiled and nodded at me. We both shot out blasts of fire and knocked the Shadow down once again.

Ann:"Let's finish this!"

With that, we did one last All-Out Attack, and Ann struck a pose as it was defeated. With the Shadow defeated, Kamoshida was all alone. Ann was hunched over on her knees, panting. Kamoshida made a run for it as Ann fell to the floor.


Ryuji:"Why'd you come here, man?! And more importantly, how?!"

Morgana:"Hey! Is that how you speak to a woman?! Are you alright, Lady Ann?!"

Ann:"Lady Ann...? Wait, what is this thing? Is it alive? How can it talk? And... where in the world are we?!"

Morgana:"J-Just calm down. Everything's going to be okay; don't worry."

Ann:"How am I supposed to calm down?!"

Ann used Morgana's bulbous head as support to lift herself up before she noticed the outfit she was in.

Ann:"Why am I dressed like this?! When did I- Ugh, what's with this?!"

Ren:"Takamaki, we need you to calm down."

Ann:"How can you expect me to be calm?!"

Morgana:"Well, I'm stumped... A search party will be coming for us soon. There's no time to explain. We don't have a choice. Let's retreat for now!"

Ryuji:"We were gettin' fired up, and you had to go and get in the way... Rgh, fine... Here... gimme your arm. You take the other side."

I nodded as we dragged her out and returned to the real world.

Ann:"Mm, thanks."

Ryuji:"Glad we're back. Hey, are you okay?"

Ann:"Well, pretty much... Wait, I lied. I'm still confused about all of this."

Morgana:"You may be sure now, but a lot sure did happen back there... At any rate, we stand out too much here. Let's relocate to a safer spot."

We all nodded before heading to the nearby train station.

Morgana:"Have you calmed down, Lady Ann?"

Ann:"Um... Morgana, right? I really am talking to a cat... This feels so strange... Oh, sorry! You're not a cat, right?"

Morgana:"It's only natural that you're confused. Demanding that you understand all of this right after what you went through is asking too much."

Ann:"Honestly, I still can't believe what happened... And that power... my Persona..."

Morgana:"It's the will of your rebellion, Lady Ann. With it, you'll be able to fight in that other world."

Ann:"So if what you told me is true, we can make Kamoshida have a change of heart, right? Is it really possible? Can we actually force him to confess his crimes?"

Ryuji:"The volleyball team's keepin' quiet about this, while teachers and parents turn a blind eye. If guys like us try and complain, they're just gonna shoot us down. Goin' all in on this plan is the only choice we got."

Ann:"Then let me help too. I want to make him pay for what happened to Shiho. He just keeps going like nothing happened, even after what he did to her... I'll never forgive him."

Ryuji:"Wait, did you just say, "let me help"? You mean, you want us to take you along?"

Ann:"Don't act like I'm going to drag you down. Weren't you watching? I can fight too."

Ryuji:"Hey... What should we do?"

Ren:"She'll be a great addition to the team."

"Yeah. It should be fine."

Morgana:"I agree. The added manpower is going to be beneficial. Don't worry, I'll protect her."

Ann:"Even if you said no, I'd just go in alone."

Ryuji:"Oh right, she can go by herself... I guess it'd be more dangerous turnin' her down... Rgh, fine..."

Ann:"Then it's decided. Well, I hope we get along! I'm going to make Kamoshida atone for what he did. Not just for Shiho's sake... but for everything he's done. I won't let any more people suffer because of him. I'll do whatever it takes! Just let me know when you're heading back in... Oh, wait! We don't have each other's info. Hey, give me your number and chat ID."

We shared info before putting our phones away.

Ann:"I'll be counting on you, then. Same goes for you, Morgana. And from now, just call me Ann."

Morgana:"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Ann."

She smiled at us before walking off.

Morgana:"What a kind girl... Such admirable consideration for others... And the innocence to cast herself into the jaws of death to achieve her goal... She cares about her friends, and she's beautiful to boot... What a girl! She's captured my heart..."

Ryuji:"Dude. You know, it'd be better if this group could get together quick from now on..."

Morgana:"True. Our best option would be to make a secret hideout where we could discuss these things."

Ryuji:"A hideout, huh? I like the sound of that."

"How about the school rooftop? I mean, no one really goes up there."

Morgana:"Good idea. I can't contact you from inside a Palace, so I'll stay in this world. That being said, I'll need someone to take care of me. I'm personally nominating Ren. You should feel honored."

Ren:"Wait! Hold on, just a moment..."

Ryuji:"This is all you. There's no way I can at my place."

"Sorry, buddy. But he's already in your bag, so..."

I just shrugged my shoulders as he sighed and held the bridge of his nose. An announcement went off to signify that the next train would be arriving, which was our cue to leave. Ryuji split off from us as Ren and I rode the same train before I eventually split off from him and Morgana.


I lounged around in my room when I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it off my nightstand and saw that I had a message from Ann.

Thanks for everything today.

You saved me, and I didn't even thank you properly.

It's fine.

No, it's not.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know at least.

See you tomorrow.

I smiled to myself before putting my phone back down and drifting off to sleep

To Be Continued...

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