
Just404 charged at Ten and Ares, as Ten launched a tentacle at Just404, in an attempt to seat him, but as Malware, who is in control of Error404, is using the power of the MainFrame, giving him nearly endless power, he moved out of the fast, almost as if he teleported, because he is now behind her. Ten No Kami tried to use one of her tentacles to block the attack, but Error404 struck her tentacles, the ones that are rising to the and defend against his attack, and it caused her a lot of pain, as Ten No Kami hissed.


Ten No Kami spoke out, as she clenched her teeth, her long hair waving a little bit, as Malware smiled sinisterly, the blue toothy grin that is all over his face, as he then goes to her and Ten No Kami tries to punch him, only for Ten No Kami to miss, as she felt her fist becoming heavy, the bones on her arms feeling like jelly, and her punch moves slow, as Just404 moved out of the way, and Ten No Kami sees him firing a blast from his wings that is ready to strike at Ten No Kami. Luckily, Ares appeared before Just404, and fired his own blast, causing the both of them to counter. The entirety of the MainFrame, Reality 6, began to shake at the immense power of the 3 entities, one from the Polothorn Daughter of MalesGrow, one from a TransVoid Entity using the most powerful version of Sans as a vessel, and one from a Sans that had went into a TransVoid, and bonded with a Being.

Ten No Kami fired her own blast at Just404, who dodged the attack, and Malware fired a blast from the wings, only for Ten No Kami to fly up fast, and is able to get out of the way. And Ten No Kami, she can feel the decay that is coming from Just404, and it is used to a dangerous and powerful extent. It is such a very lucky thing for Ten No Kami that she is powerful enough to handle the decay, since it won't affect her that much, otherwise, she would have been a goner already. Ten No Kami saw Just404 coming to her, but this time, Ten No Kami was ready, as she raised a tentacle, and swung it down on top of Just404, using every bit of her speed, and this time, she is able to land a very big hit on him. This made Just404 snarl a little bit, as he then stood up, but he smiled to cover the anger, as he then spoke out

"Very impressive, Daughter of MalesGrow, but even that will mean little, once I am through with you."

Just404 then stood up, as he then flies up towards Ten No Kami fast, before he punched her in the face very fast. This made Ten no Kami slide backwards, and Ten No Kami used the suckers on her tentacles to stop herself, before Ten No Kami sees 2 Just404s, and they are coming for her. Ten No Kami then raised both of her tentacles, and tries to slam it down on top of them both, but one of them got out of the way, while the other disappeared, making Ten No Kami realize that he is moving this fast to create an afterimage. This made Ten no Kami narrows her eyes, as she looks to see that Just404 is above, and is charging down at her, only for Omnipotent to tackle him out of the way, and they both landed onto the floor of the MainFrame, creating a big rippling effect inside of the MainFrame itself.

Omnipotent and Just404 look at each other, as Just404 launched himself at Onnipotent, who tried to grab him, only for Just404 to suddenly vanish. This made Omnipotent look around, only for Just404 to appear behind him, and punched him hard, as Omnipotent was sent flying.


Ten No Kami shouted, before snarling with rage, as she than launched a blast of energy at Malware with her powers. Just404, using his 4 wings, fired multiple blasts of energy at Ten No Kami, who got out of the way, which destroyed multiple Multiverses and Hyperverse. Ten No Kami snarled, before she than used her consumption power to consume the Multiverses that is close to her, as they are absorbed into her body, and making her more and more stronger then before. She narrowed her eyes, as Just404 rushed at her, but this time, Ten No Kami is ready, as she slapped Just404 like a fly, before rushing at him and punching him hard, sending him flying backwards even more fast. But Ten No Kami is not done yet, as she than launched a tentacle at Just404's entire body, wrapped it around him, before she then slammed him down into the ground, causing the data around the entire area to ripple. Ten No Kami looked up, as she used her telepathy to speak to Omnipotent.

'Omnipotent, are you okay?"

Then, Omnipotent reappeared, he was and he looked a little bit injured, but still in one piece, as Omnipotent spoke out to Ten No Kami.

"I'm fine, Ten. Don't worry about me now."

As Omnipotent spoke out, suddenly, a voice spoke out from inside of Omnipotent's mind.

"I hear someone speaking inside of Ares' mind, who is it? Who are you?'

Ten No Kami spoke out to the mysterious voice that is inside of Ares.

'I am Ten No Kami, the Daughter of MalesGrow.'

This made the voice spoke out in surprise.

'MalesGrow? What is someone like you of his bloodline doing here, inside of this Multiverse?'

Ten No Kami spoke out to the entity.

'I was trying to escape my father, who wanted to consume me to make himself more powerful then before.'

The voice snorts, as he then spoken out.

'That is so much like MalesGrow, caring more about becoming an Unnameable and being outright cruel and selfish, even using his own spawns just to make sure that he rises in power. Worst of us TransVoid bunch. I am Islothorn, a TransVoid Being, and an ally of Ares.'

Ten No Kami nodded her head at the voice of Islothorn, as she spoke out.

'It is nice to know that there is a TransVoid Being as friendly as you.'

Then, Ares spoke out.

"Islothorn, I'm going to need to need 25% of your power in order to take on Malware."

Islothorn nodded his head, as he spoke out.

'Understandable, considering how powerful and dangerous he is, not to mention being the most violent of us all.'

Omnipotent rolled his eyes, as he then spoke out.

"That, and the fact that he is giving me MalesGrow vibes, and that's not a good thing. So I'm putting a end to this now."

Ten No Kami looks down at Omnipotent, her eyes half-closed, with a look that says 'Do you really need to say that,'. Islothorn nods his head, as he spoke out.

'Good luck, my friend.'

Omnipotent closed his eyes, before he then opened them, and yellow electricity began to spark, as his eye sockets glow yellow. As Just404 began to recover, Omnipotent, now in his Omnithorn form, began to zip and move around and about extremely fast, catching Just404 by surprise.


Just404 said, as he began to the and look around to see where he is, but it is too late for J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, as he then began to get punched rapidly by a invisible force he couldn't see, Omnithorn then came from the sky and smashed his leg against J404!Butterfly sending him skyrocketing down to the ground.

J404!Butterfly got up as he coughed up a spool of blood, his body was beginning to fail him and not only that as he looked at his hand he began to see it begin to turn back into 404's regular hand. This made Malware's eyes widened, as he then realized what is happening. Error404 is trying his best to resist him, to reclaim control over his body, as Just404 then thought to himself, most likely speaking to Error404 inside of the mind.

'Son of a bitch, trying to resist me are you!? well its not happening, I will be free from you even if i have to turn this whole reality to cinders!'

He clenched his fist, and the hand turns back to the Just404 colors that he has. He stood up, and sees Omnithorn running towards him. This time, Just404 was ready, as he then moved fast, and punched Omnithorn, before Omnithorn then punched back, the movement of both of the entities became fast and quick, no mortal eyes, and not even the eyes of Error and Ink can keep track of their speed. But Just404 continued to power up, as he gained a total of 9 wings on his back, and this made Ten No Kami realize that things are about to get even more dangerous then before. Just404 then punched Omnithorn back, before Just404 then jumps into the air, before he flies into the sky, and he then began to attach his wings to every part of reality, the power coursing into him, as he then shouted.


Just404 began to laugh and cackle, as he began to suck the MainFrame set of its resources and more. Omnithorn, not wanting to risk letting this continue, then began to move as fast as he can to try and catch up to Just404, just so that he can land a hit on him. But then, something happened. As he began to get close to Just404, he suddenly began to slow down, and even Omnithorn could feel the effects that Just404 is doing. And the closer he got to Just404, the slower he became until coming to a complete standstill forcing him to then teleport away. This made Omnithorn shock and angry, as he then shouted out.

"Damnit, what's going on?!"

Ten No Kami floated forward, as she looms at Just404. And luckily for her, during the battle between Omnithorn and Just404, she continues to consume the Multiverses that were inside of the MainFrame, which increased her power even more, as Islothorn spoke out.

'What's the matter, son?'

Omnithorn spoke with immense frustration.

"I can't get close to him to get the finishing shot in, hes somehow slowing down time n space making it impossible for me to get close to him!"

Ten No Kami looks up at Just404, as she then spoke out.

"I'll try and hold him back, Ares. I can take him on."

This made Omnipotent turn to Ten No Kami, as he spoke out.

"How are you able to take him on, Ten? Did you not see what he has done?!"

Ten No Kami turned and nodded, as she then spoke out.

"Of course I did. But I also have something that Malware does not have. I can consume, and gain a permanent increase in power, and during your battle with Just404, when I was in place, I used my power to grab onto the Multiverses and consume them. I think I have enough power to hold him back a little bit more."

Ten No Kami then spreads her hands, as Cosmic Essence began to gather into the palms of her hands, she can feel herself far more stronger than before, as she narrowed her eyeless sockets at Just404, as Islothorn spoke out.

'Of course, she is so much the daughter of MalesGrow, and nothing for her is impossible, just as it is not impossible for you, Omnithorn! Use your will and run through it all, he's going to destroy everything! And Ten No Kami, she can only hold him back! You must find a way to rush through and end this fight once and for all! GO ALL IN!'

Islothorn shouted at the end, and Omnipotent looked down a little bit, trying to think of a plan, as Ten No Kami and Just404 prepare to fire. Omnithorn then realized what he needs to do, as he spoke out.

"Islothorn give me all of your power, 100%."

But Islothorn respond back in horror and panic, as he shouted out.


Omnipotent looked down and grunted a little bit, before he then spoke back to Islothorn, deciding to lessen the risk.

"Alright then, how about you give me, at best, 60% of the power that you have."

Islothorn then responds back to Omnithorn at this request that he is making to him.

'You'll be literal liquid if you stop moving for a fraction of a millisecond, you better hope you can run him through. You understand that, right? Otherwise, you'll be a literal a puddle on the ground!'

Omnithorn, however, responds back to Islothorn.

"Don't care, give it to me when I give the word."

He then began to run as fast as he can, as Just404 now grew 8 more wings, gaining a total of 17 wings, as he shouted out at the top of his lungs.


Ten narrowed her eyes, as she continue to gather more and more energy, and she then spoke out to Malware.

"We'll see about that."

She raised her hand, as she then puts the spheres together, and it began to grow in size, becoming more and more larger by the second. And both for Omninova and Ten No Kami's attack began to grow more and more in size, until the both of them are the size of large moons. Ten No Kami and Just404 looked at each other, as Ten No Kami spoke out.

"When I free William, I will make you suffer, Malware. You will pay for taking over his body."

Just404 began to laugh, as he then shouted out.


He than launched the attack at Ten No Kami, just as Ten No Kami then launched her attack at Just404's Omninova, although her attack is faster, and thus is more closer to Just404 when the 2 attack are getting close to countering one another. As the 2 attacks are about to clash at each other, Omnithorn got as close enough as he can to the battle that is happening between Ten No Kami and Just404, as he then shouted out at Islothorn.


As Omnithorn said that, he can feel far more power within his body course inside of him even more then ever before, as he became so fast, that not even Ten No Kami and Just404 will see it coming. Omnithorn's body is turning into a liquid, and began to disappear, as he became so fast, the lighting behind him began to turn into plasma, as it burns the code of the MainFrame, and he then thought onto to himself.

'I need to go faster, faster then ever before, fast then light, faster, faster, faster and even faster! I'll end everything, here and now!!!'

Omnipotent's fists caught on fire, as it burned white, the hottest flame to ever exist, as his body continues to disintegrate and almost invisible tint while his body continued to degrade with the second with him only having a fraction of his skull left as he approached the large blast known as the Omninova, with Ten No Kami's blast ready to counter against the Omninova itself. Just404 flies upwards, as he shouted out, just to he can gain more room, hopefully for his next attack.


Just404 shouted, as the 2 attacks are about to clash against each other. But Omnithorn, now at his ropes, saw the moment of opportunity, as he then shouted out.


He punched his fist as hard as he can, and struck at the Omninova, with Ten No Kami getting away from the area of effect that is happening. The entire reality began to glow with the power of the Omnilock Destroyer, he punched the Omninova blast, shattering the very concept of it's existence and with that the kinetic force of the punch carried as it blasted away its existence. Then, Ten No Kami came rushing towards Just404, her fist reeled back, as she than spoke out.

"It's over."

She covered her fist with Cosmic Essence, her entire hand glowing pink, as she fired her fist down at Just404, and punched him so hard, he is sent down to the ground, and his very transformation...he is knocked out of the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y transformation, knocked out of the Just404, as Error404 returned back to normal. He is sent down to the ground, crashing into the MainFrame itself, as the ripple effect took place once more. Omnipotent also began to fall, but Ten no Kami reeled her tentacles and grabbed him before he can fall. Ten No Kami floats down gently, as she carefully puts herself in place, as Ten No Kami gently puts down Omnithorn. Omnithorn then changes back to Omnipotent, as Ten No Kami spoke out.

"Ares, are you okay?"

Ares nodded her head, as he the stood up, his hand rubbing the top of his skull, as his 3 eyes began to blink.

"I'm okay, Ten. But thank you, for checking up on me."

Then, a chuckle was heard, as a black mass appeared above Error404, it's white eyes and grin appeared, as Malware, in his true form, spoke out.

"Did you honestly think you could destroy my precious vessel that easily? I know you're dying to find out, how it happened, but it'll have to wait for another time. Now isn't the right moment."

Ten Ko Kami narrowed her eyes, as she then spoke out.

"That attack was not meant to destroy you. It is meant to free William from your control, as well as forcefully change him back, Malware."

Malware narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Heh...you truly are your father's daughter, Ten. I wonder how long it will take, until your father finds you. And perhaps...you shall be used for my needs."

Before Ten No Kami found question him on this, something appeared behind Omnipotent. A large star gate-like portal opened above him and then a large scaly hand came down and picked him up as Malware watched. Ten No Kami instantly realized that, it is Islothorn's hand, picking up Omnipotent, as Malware spoke out.

"It would seem things are getting more interesting, what will you do now Bookkeeper? With me now bonded to the soul of the god of this world, I now hold all the power I need to achieve true insight, and more importantly, end this wrenched existence for good, but that will have to wait. I've wasted enough power as it is, this will have to wait till another time. And for you, Ten No Kami...the next time we meet...you will be my vessel to take, especially when MalesGrow comes. He will not be the strongest, I will. And you...you will be mine to aid me in my ascension."

Omnipotent went into the gate after Just404 was done talking, and Malware retreats back inside of Error404, as William changed back to normal. Ten No Kami looks down at William, but can hear the voice of Malware inside of Error404, as he then spoke out.

"Rest for now, my lovely vessel, just like Omni, you hold within you the power to do unimaginable things, I just need to break these chains you don't even know you hold me under. Once thats done, then we can start the corruption and destruction of this existence. Sweet nightmares William, for we will see each other soon, along with your precious friend."

And then, Malware was gone, inside of the kind of Error404, as William regained his mind once again. Ten No Kami looks down, and she then knows what will happen next. She looks up, and sees that Error and King Multiverse have arrived, rushing to see what has happened to Error404.

"Woah, that is a huge being."

King Multiverse said, as Error spoke out.

"Ten, thank stars! 404, is he-"

Ten held her hand up, as she spoke out.

"Do not worry, Error. He is fine. Omnipotent and I are able to free him from whatever it was that has happened to him."

King Multiverse looks down at Error404, unconscious and wounded onto the ground, as he then spoke out.

"Did you do that to him?"

Ten spoke out.

"Not alone. I had someone else help me."

Then, a groan was heard, as William began to stand up and look around, and he held his head, as Ten kept her mouth shut, before he then spoke out.

"Ghhh....what happened? Why does it feel like I have had my head pounded and smashed to shit?"

He then looks and turns to Error, who is with King Multiverse, as he then spoke out.

"Error, what happened?"

Error then spoke back.

"I was just who it to ask you the same question, you went nuts and were about to destroy. And then, another Sans came...yon called him Ares."

This made William shocked, as he spoke out.

"Ares? He was here, and alive?"

Error nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah. And then, after you were beaten...you changed again, becoming controlled by something else. And if it wasn't for Ares and a friend of mine...you would have down, stars know what, and my friend seems to know of you quite well."

This made Error404 interested, as he spoke out.

"Who is this...friend of your?"

Then...Ten decides to speak out.


This made Error404 flinch, as he looks behind him, and saw a familiar dale grey tentacle. This made his eyes widened, as he remembers who this belongs to.

"Can it really..."

Error404 looks up, and he is shocked to see who it is that is before his eyes. Ten No Kami smiled down at William, as she spoke out to him.

"Hello William...my first friend."

Error404, William...was shocked at what he is seeing. He than flies upwards, as he looks at Ten in the face. His eyes are shaking, as he extended a hand out to Ten's face, as he touched her nose. Ten smiled, a happy, almost teary smile is present onto her face, as Error404 spoke out.


Ten No Kami closed her eyes and nodded her head, as Error404 smiled happily, tears came out of his eyes silently, as he spoke out to her.

"I...I can't believe it. You...you're still here."

Ten smiled, as she spoke out.

"William...I...I thought you had died. But you're truly alive. It...you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you again, my old friend."

Error404 smiled and nodded his head, as he hugs his entire body onto Ten No Kami's face, and Ten puts her hand onto her face, and gently pressed Error404 with her fingers, in a sort of awkward hug. Error was surprised, realizing that Error404...he had been the first friend of Ten No Kami, all because of what they had said to each other. But it made Error smile, seeing that Error404 and Ten No Kami have reunited once again, and are both far more happier then ever before.

Error404 smiled, as he refuses to let go of his giant friend, and Ten No Kami smiled, as she continues to hold onto Error404. The weight within her very soul, it is beginning to be risen out of her chest, as she felt the greatest happiness after so long, after William as gone. But now..., her old friend is back against...and her heart...warm.

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