Error...he has no idea how to put this new life that he is in right now, how to even say it. He could use the word, bizarre, but even that will not even scratch the surface. The actual word to describe this one would be that this new life he is in, is an outright insane love to be in, especially when it involves the one known as Error404, as Sans that is far more stronger then him in every single way, even when he used his strongest attacks, he still did not win, and although he did get some good hits on him, that was because he caught Error404 completely by surprise and took advantage of it, as well as lasted as long as he did, thanks to him being a tactical fighter.
Error404, he is somewhat of a control freak, one that surpasses even Error, in spite of how kind and truly caring Error is, as he constantly changes his schedules and trains him in various stuff, although there are stuff that he can't train in, he can't do Blur Magic the same way that other Sanses can do, as due to Fate corrupting his very being, the Blue Strings have become the Blue Magic themselves. And oddly, although he told Error404 and taught him all he knows about what is happening, when he asked him why he did not want to learn about the blue strings, Error404 spoke out to him.
"Just seems insufficient, plus...too girly."
Error, however, spoke back to him.
"Hey, it may seem girly and may not have style, but it has its own practical uses and advantages."
And Error404 does not even argue on that, although whether he thinks that Error has a point or he simply does not care, he does not know.
Also, Error404 taught Error all that he knows as well, with the first one being the realm that he was in. The realm that Error had teleported into is known as the MainFrame, where it is supposedly a place where pure code exists in. Of course, he has no idea how he got in here, and he somehow manage to connect with the reality that he is in. He also talked about Alphatale, the first AU, though he cannot describe all of it, due to nearly emotionally snapping. And Alphatale, that is actually what he wants Error's help for, as he needs his aid for it. But Error doubts that he can, as he is a destroyer, and yet, he does all he can to help Error404 in restoring it. And thankfully, since he can use his power to being the code of the copies, all he need air do is destroy and take the copy's codes with him. And over the months, Error404 and Error kept on grabbing and taking the code of the Copies, in order to try and restore Alphatale.
Error404 also began to teach Error in how to fight and what he can with his strings, which he decides to help him in, and thankfully, as he is a very intelligent monster who has far more experience then even Error himself, he will be able to aid him in helping him fight. He is able to help Error learn some new Strings, such as the Red Strings, due to the fact that Error has determination inside of him, which are very hot to the touch and can burn people, or at least, simply cause their pain receptors to flare up and cause mental pain, but Error is working on physical pain, as well as Green Strings, where he can siphon HP from the one that he is fighting against, in order to heal himself, and not to mention, he taught Error how to fight in physical combat, and while he did use his power and physicality at a low percentage, even that was no pushover, as Error continues to get floored. But Error improved, and he continues to fight, and he learned to get more and more better at fighting then before, with Error even becoming more physically powerful then before, such as with durability, speed, and strength, as well as gaining more and more stamina, allowing him to last longer in the fight, making his Error Blasters become stronger and have more range, and go against Ink far more greater then ever before.
And one of Error's biggest accomplishments, is being able to practice on one of Error404's powers, which is known as the God Ray for Error404. The God Ray is a beam of energy that he can attack by extending his Index Finger and use it to fire at a target, and he can use the Ray either to simply paralyze the target or to simply destroy them. And Error, he has been practicing without end, in order to try and replicate the same Ray, but in his own way. And during a fight against Ink, he is able to use it for the first time, and at first, he called it, the Novice God Ray, although he did change it to Glitch Ray, so that it sounds unique in its own way.
When he used it on entities with code, he is able to corrupt their code in order to command them, and thus, made them turn against Ink without even trying, and forced Ink to fight against them. Although Ink did win in the end, that is against his own allies that had been corrupted, and against Error, he held far less ground then before, as Error had been training with Error404, allowing him to overpower and take him down with only a little bit of struggle. It is thanks to training with Error404 that he is able to get this far, and hopefully, he is able to get even more farther then ever before.
And also, Error also made another suggestion to Error404, in that he can get some of his allies to aid him in this. Error404 seems to like the idea, and thus, he is able to get Nightmare, Dust, and Killer to come along and join them in their duty to bring back Alphatale. Error404 had gotten Seraphim under his control, and too now have a few others join him, it is a big need for him, especially since he will need to make sure that the Multiverse's distracted. Thanks to this, it made recreating Alphatale easier for Error404, who wants nothing more then to bring it back.
And oddly, Ten does not seem to notice that Error404 is present. Perhaps it is because she has he mind on something else, and is ignoring Error404 in her sight, or perhaps it is because of the fact that she is unable to see him, due to the fact that he had something that is preventing him from being seen. Whatever the case is, Ten does not seem to know that he exists in some extent.
Right now, a month and a half after he learned the Glitch Ray, Error is looking at a target in front of him, inside of the MainFrame, as he then extended the index finger on his right hand, before he took a deep breath, and he then spoke out.
"Glitch Ray."
Then, a black ball with red outline appeared around the sphere, as Error narrowed his eyes, and concentrated on the attack. After a little while, he then focuses and he then fires the Glitch Ray. The Glitch Ray, before, it was a bit more thinner then before, as well as being a little bit more weaker then before. But now, due to training with Error404, he is able to practice and strengthen its power. The Ray is also much more slower then the God Ray, although this is mainly because Error is still simply new to this power. But thankfully, Error is now able to make it a little bit more faster as well, as Error is doing all that he can to improve more and more on the power of the Glitch Ray. However, he is focusing more on the second shot's dangerous effects, that in which it is used to kill people. But that does not mean that he is neglecting the use of the first shot, which he is using to corrupt code and control people. In fact, he is improve on the first shot in how it works. Now, not only can he corrupt and confirm people to make them obey his commands, but he can now amplify their power to an extent, although it will make only a little bit of differences in the fight. But right now, he is focusing on the second shot, and is able to corrupt and destroy the target, a little more faster then before.
"Okay, so far so good. I'm improving more and more. I just need to improve it so that the fire power will be as fast as my Blasters, then I will be one hell of a challenge for Ink. I will make sure that he pays for doing this to me."
As Error thought this out to himself, he then decides to take a deep breath, and spoke out.
"Focus, Error. You are still new to the power of the Glitch Ray. You need to keep on improving on the power that you have. So don't think about Ink and keep on practicing your abilities."
Error than took a deep breath, as he made another dummy appear, one that is made of pure code, as Error points his fingers again, and fired the Glitch Ray, and he mentally forces his magic to be put more into the Glitch Ray, as he then fired it, as he tries all he can to forcefully improve upon the damage affect and power that it has. Of course, even with the amount of improvements that he can make, the only drawback to this is that Error cannot corrupt those that lack code of any sort. He cannot corrupt Ink, or even Dream, due to the fact that they have something else that replaces code. And even Abyss, his friend, is safe from this, due to his heritage preventing him from being born with Code inside of him. So he is very lucky on it. Error sighed, as he then looks at the MainFrame, which is all over the place, as he then sees a glitched screen appear, and Error404 appeared, as he then spoke out.
"Error, time to come to where I am. It is time to initiate the Puppet King to do his job."
Error nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Alright, I'm coming."
Error then turns around and teleports, as he also wants to make sure that he is not noticeable by Fate, as has begun to become suspicious of Error, as she feels him disappear and reappear into the Multiverse, despite the fact that she still has her strings on him.
Error sighed, as he then puts his hands into his pocket, and looked at the tall skeleton before his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"So...he is finally ready. Will his power work on Ink?"
Error404 nodded, as he then spoke out.
"He should. Soulless he may be, and yet, far weaker compared to him, as he will be affected by his power, for he can bind his soul to Ink."
Error looks at the tall skeleton in his seat, in which he is insanely tall, more so then even Error404, at the height of 6'7, He wears a black jacket, most commonly emanating a purple hue due to the light from his eyes. He wears a brown scarf over his neck, mostly for style. The jacket is zipped at the bottom, and the zip itself is a deep sky blue. Alongside the deep sky blue zip, he also wears a sky blue chestplate beyond his shirt, able to withstand any attack directly against it through kinetic absorption. The right half of his body is a black with thin, neon purple blood marrow within it. The left half is a simple white. He wears shorts alike to the original Sans, almost as a commemoration to his original base. He also wears grey slippers.
Error then spoke out.
"Now...we are finally ready for you, King Multiverse."
King Multiverse is the creation of Error404 that he is able to make. They made him by using a Sans called Photonegative Sans, who is simply an inverted color Sans. Error was able to capture him and took him to one of the MainFrame pools, by Error404's orders, and infuse him with the power of the MainFrame, as well as modify his powers, to make him as strong as he can be. Of course, Error does not like this, but it is Error404's orders. Plus, he wants to make Ink pay for what he has done to him. And him being a puppet, just as Error is, can he the perfect way.
King Multiverse looks at Error and Error404, as he then spoke out.
"So, what happens now?"
Error then narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"Simple, you get to do your duty as King of the Multiverse, but mainly to command and control those that have the total of god."
Error404 then spoke out to Error, as he puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Let me take it from here, kid. Now listen up, King Multiverse. This place will be your current and permanent home now and you will call me from here using the calling function me and Error use, I gave it a few upgrades one of them being you will now be able to go onto pretty much speaker mode with it, contacting every being in the multiverse and possibly beyond, why you would wanna contact anyone outside of this place, I don't know. If you have any questions ask me and me alone, no one else is here to help you, do you understand? This Multiverse is cruel and unpredictable, everyone here is out for themselves and aren't afraid to rip others down to get what they want."
Error404 then looks at Error, as King Multiverse then spoke out.
"Does that mean I am able to control your student, Error404?"
404, however, shook his head.
"No, you can't. For he is currently under the control of another entity. Because of this, your power will be useless to him. But don't worry. I can get you some puppets for you to take. One of them will be someone that Error has a relation to. He will be of great use to you."
King Multiverse nodded, as he narrowed his eyes, before he then spoke out.
"Very well then. Do you want Error to go and get him?"
Error404 spoke out.
"No, we want you to do it. After all, Ink will fight you if you start to command, as well as any of the gods that will try and fight you to prevent you from controlling them, which you will."
King Multiverse nodded, as Nightmare spoke out to Error
"Will I have to be controlled by him as well?"
Erore shook his head, as he then spoke out.
"No, because you best not to be noticed and be by yourself."
Nightmare nodded, as he then sunk away into his castle again, as Error404 then grabbed some leftover code, and made a throne out of it.
"Now then, you shall sit in the throne and announce your presence as King of the Multiverse. Seraphim will be bonded to you for now, as currently, he is the only strongest Sans you have access to for now. So if you need Seraphim's aid, call on him. And soon, there will be enough people that will side with you. Do you understand?"
King Multiverse nodded, but he then chuckled a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"This will be very fun for me to do, to rule as King over everything here."
But Error then spoke out.
"There is nothing fun about that, King Multiverse. You should realize that this is involving the lives of actual people, especially when it involves preforming the important roles you have. If it was fun, then it would mean that I would be having fun in destroying AUs, but it isn't fun, because it will also include having to destroy people as well, even people that doesn't deserve it, and that is a really painful thing to have to do."
404 nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Indeed, and if it was fun, I wouldn't be here. After all, it is a job, not a playground."
Error404 began to walk away, as Error also began to do the same thing, in which he teleported out of the way. But 404 also spoke out.
"Now then, if you have any thoughts or even think of betraying me...well don't."
Error404 smiled sinisterly, as Error himself teleported away.
Error is now sitting down onto the ground, and is speaking to Abyss on the glitched screen, as Abyss began to speak out.
"So...let me get this straight. Your...boss...he has made a Puppet King that has the power to control those that claim the title of god, and is being used to rule the Multiverse?"
Error nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Yeah, and the fact that he is insanely powerful. Weaker then my boss, but stronger then everybody else. So...if you see him, don't even think of fighting. Just avoid him at all costs."
Abyss nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"Okay. And I'll make sure that Dream stays away from it as well."
Error nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Do what you will. I may not like him, but that does not mean he deserves it. But Ink...he will deserve what is coming."
Abyss nodded, as he then spoke out.
"I guess. Thanks for telling me this, Error."
Error nodded his head, as he then makes the screen go away, as he then sighed.
"Haaa...another day. And a very interesting one, I guess."
As Error sat down, he then felt the ground shake a little bit, and he is being lifted by tentacles, as a voice spoke out.
"Hello, Error."
Error then looks and see that Ten no Kami has appeared, her huge, empty eyes looking at Error and spoke out.
"Oh, hello, Ten. I see you came back. What have you been up to. Keeping track of your prototype AU?"
Ten nodded her head, as she then spoke out.
"Yes, I am. And I have been doing a very interesting research of my own onto the AU that I have made. It continues to grow and improve as time goes on."
Error nodded his head.
"I see. Also, how is making Tint, your creation?"
Ten looks down, as she then spoke out.
"Well, I just made him, and he has no responded as of yet. I think I need to add a little bit more of sentience into him, so that he knows what to do. Perhaps even connect himself to me so that I can give him the ability to feel."
Error nodded his head, as he then looks down a little bit, before Ten spoke out.
"I also sense that you have become different, Error. You have grown stronger then last them. You are more powerful then before, not just physically, but magically as well. And seem to be busy for some reason. What is it that had made you that busy, Error)"
Error then looks down for a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"Well...about that. Truth is, I manage to meet a Sans of some kind, about 6 months ago, and he is the strongest Sans that I have ever seen. That man literally overpowered me. But...he said that he wanted my help in something, and that is to bring back an AU. And in return, he will aid me in being free from Fate, as well as being able to give me some new powers and techniques along the way. Basically he is helping me fight against Ink a bit more easily then before."
This made Ten intrigues, as she then spoke out to the Balancer of the Multiverse.
"Really...and who is this other Sans that you are referring to."
Error was about to speak...but then...the began to act different.
"Wait...the Multiverse...what...what is happening to..."
Then, it made Error realize that something has happened, and as he did...
Ten gasped, as she gripped her hand into her heart, and she felt a familiar presence, one that she had not felt in so long. can't be.
" isn't..."
Error then remember...the MainFrame, something must have happened to it.
"Ten...I think I'm gonna need your help with something. But I need you to come along with me. I think my boss may have some trouble."
Ten looks at Error, and she sees that Error seems to have a guess on what is going on. Ten nodded, as she then puts Error on top of her head, and Error closed his eyes, before he teleported both himself and Ten into the MainFrame, and Ten looks around.
"What...what is this place."
Error spoke out to Ten.
"The MainFrame, where my boss resides in."
This made Ten shocked, as he heard William talk about it before, but she never had the chance to see it when William was gone. And she gets to have the chance to see it, as she then spoke out to herself.
"The MainFrame. So this is what it looks like."
Ten spoke out, as Error landed onto the ground, and Error spoke out .
"Hey sir, I was wondering if you're-WHAT THE FUCKING hell is happening to you?!"
Error shouted, as he sees that the code of the MainFrame began to wrap around Error404, who is in a state of distress. Error also notices that there is a Sans that is made of darkness, with hands and skull and a single red left eye, who looks at Error for a moment, and notices his frightened he is, as Loading looks at Error404, unsure of what is happening.
404's skull then began to grow weird black veins, and his jacket began to become more and more darker, and finally, large strange wing like appendages began to grow right out of his back with weird blue symbols and eyes on them. Error and Loading made eye contact for a moment before then getting hit with a large shockwave from 404's massive boost in magic and power his wings blocking out any light that would be coming.
"What the...did 404 turn into a Butterly?"
Error said, as he looked afraid of 404. Then, Error404, now in the transformation called, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y , began to wreak havoc across the Multiverse, and Error and Loading, along with Ten, began to get out of the way, as Error spoke out.
"What the hell...what is happening to 404?!"
The entity, known as Loading, looks at Error, as he then spoke out.
"It appears that the MainFrame, for some reason, it identities him as apart of the MainFrame itself. And when he died, as the MainFrame, believing to be the dying bit of itself, is now giving him limitless power and full control over all of reality inside of the MainFrame."
Error then looked horrified, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y launched a beam from its wing, and Error dodged it as fast as he could, as Error then spoke out.
"Well, glad that his training to me is paying off. But I need to get him back under control. He cannot survive like this, especially with that much power!!"
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y then sees that Loading is trying to fly away. But as such an insane display of speed, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y flies up and catches Loading, shocking them, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y began to tear Loading down to bits, before Error shouted out.
"Glitch Ray!!"
Error fired the Glitch Ray and shot it at 404's face, stunning him, as Error have Loading the time to send more of his clones at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, only for him to raise his hand and get rid of them in an instant.
"You have got to be kidding."
Loading shouted, as Error then rushed forward and spoke out.
"Old Man!!!"
He than grabbed the strings from his eye sockets, and wrapped them around B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y as fast as he can, as Error then spoke out to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y on hopes that he can calm him down.
"Old man, of you are listening to me, you need to regain control of yourself. Whatever the Black Skeleton, or whatever he is had done to you, you can break free from this. Come on, 404, snap out of it!!! Fight it, break free!!!"
But 404 did not seem to listen, as he then fired a beam from his wings, and Error barley dodged it, as the beam exploded somewhere else.
"Fool, he cannot hear you now. He is just a mindless corpse, a puppet."
Ten looks at 404, and spoke out.
"Wait...where have I felt this one before?"
And Error, he continues to struggle in stopping B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, as he continues to shout out.
"Old man, break free, listen to me!!!"
But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y did not seem to listen. Instead, his head looks up and sees another Sans inside of the MainFrame. A wind blew, and Error jumped back, and he looks to see another Sans, this own having a red cape, 3 eyes, a white coat, one of the pants, the left one, over the left foot, and a book. Ten recognized it.
"The Book of Eyes. But how..."
Then, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's eyes widened, as he spoke out.
Ten's eyes widened, as she then realized who this is before her eyes.
" that you?"
This made Ares, now currently called Omnipotent, looks up at Ten, and a calm expression of surprise is present on his face, as he spoke out.
Ten, after a minute, then smiled, a smile of absolute relief and joy appeared on her face, as she then spoke out.
"'re still alive. I...I can't believe it."
Omnipotent looked conflicted, as he then looks at Ten for a little bit, before he then spoke out.
"We can talk about relationships later. Right now...we need to knock William out."
This made Ten stunned, as he looks at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, and she then spoke out.
Omnipotent nodded, as Ten realized where the pain in her heart was coming from. Error spoke out.
"William...that's his name?"
Loading then spoke out.
"Not now, Error."
Ten then looks at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, shocked to see that it is William himself. But she then sighed, as she then decides to stop him. She then wrapped her tentacles around B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, as tightly as she could, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y began to fire and blast all over the place. But Ten no Kami's grip is stronger, as Omnipotent then ran at insane speeds, comparable to Error404 and relied his fist before punching him as hard as he could, knocking Error404 out cold, as his wings began to disappear.
"There...that should stop him."
Ten then looks at Omnipotent, as she than picks him up and looks at him.
" are no idea how grateful, how relived I see you again, my old friend."
Omnipotent nodded, as he then looks down at his book, Ten spoke out.
"I see you now have the Book of Eyes. How did you get it?"
Ares looked down at the ground, before he then spoke out, or at least...was about to..when Ten and Omnipotent felt another rush of power coming from William. Ten and Omnipotent, as well as Error and Loading looked, as 404's body is now black and blue, and William began to get up and start laughing a demonic laugh. His teeth turned blue, and the presence, it is one that Ten knows, as she encounter him before. After all, she has explored the TransVoid and got to know a lot of entities, and this...this is one of them, and it is the more violent TransVoid Being
This made Ares stunned, as he knows of Malware as well, and Malware spoke out.
"Hello, Ares, Ten, it is so nice to see you again!! And with this body...will become your doom!! And here...I am now know as...Just404!!!"
Wings sprout from Just404, as his power skyrocketed to insane levels, levels that will make Ten a lot more weary to everyone, as Ten spoke out.
"Loading...I believe you are called. Get Error out of there, now."
Loading nodded, as he grabbed Error and pulled him away, as Omnipotent and Ten looks at it.
"I hope you survive this, Ares. I...I don't want to lose you again, my old friend."
Omnipotent'a eyes narrowed, as he then spoke out.
"Don't worry. I will survive."
Omnipotent and Ten looked, as Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y spoke.
"So you both will fight me and go against me. It does not matter...for soon...YOU WILL ALL DIE, for this body, This power, No more Code, No more need for a silly soul to hold me down, NOW ITS NOTHING BUT PURE POWER!!!"
Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y screamed in glee, as he then created a powerfully shockwave that pushed Ten and Omnipotent back, now far stronger then ever before, enough to become a threat to even the daughter of MalesGrow, and he is one of the most dangerous entities of all time, with only Malware being able to rival his level of dangerousness. It Ten remained firm, as she then spoke out to Malware.
"You are forgetting something, Malware. I too am without code, just as you are, and I am all powerful myself. Malware, you will pay for using William, against me. You will not get away with it that easily!!"
Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y smiled sinisterly at Ten no Kami, as she then spoke out.
"You can try, Daughter of MalesGrow, but in the end of it all, you will fall, you will die. You are not as powerful as he is, and Error404, William, the strongest of the so-called Sanses, he is my true, perfect vessel. And now, of Jacob, beloved son of the Astral Mother, the second holder of the Book of Eyes, it is feel my power. Now YOU'LL DECAY BY THE POWER OF THE GODS!!!!"
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