Recruit Allies

It has been...about a day...since Ten had gotten to be with the Dark Sanses, as well as being with Error. And needless to say, to be with them is one of the best experiences in her entire life, not because of simply the fact that she now has friends again, but because of the fact that the group reminds her so much of the group she was with back in Alphatale, when it involved William and the others.

She never felt this happy in such a very long time. This happiness is something that was once lost to her, due to the fact that William and the others being gone from her life made her as such. But too see the fact that she now has new friends, it filled in the holes that was growing in her life, when the others were gone. She cannot tell anyone how much this means to her.

Although, as Ten is way too big to go inside of the Castle, she stays outside of the castle, but is now able to be close to the others, due to the fact that the members of Ink's group can't find it, and even though Dream knows where it is, as it is filled with so much Negativity, it would kill hit by staying inside of it, and the death would be a very painful one at that, as he only has one Golden Apple as his soul, while Nightmare has eaten 999 Black Apples, in order to make him as powerful as he is. So it is thanks to this that they are safe.

Of course, Ten knows about the existence of Dust, Killer, and Horror's ATs, as she has seen them in her sleep, when she has seen what they are like in the past in her vision. And needless to say, she is just very stunned at the fact that, as unstable as they are, they act as normal as any other person, at least, when they are around each other. The awareness is same for Underswap and XTale, as she is also aware of their existence and what they are like. After all, she had seen all, both awake and in her sleep, and never forgot about them.

Although, Nightmare and the other members of the Dark Sanses are still trying to get used to the fact that they are now have a friend that is gigantic in size, and the fact that she has such immensely strong power that is unlike anyone has ever seen before. So why is it that she is like this, or how she is like this, they do not know, and Ten does not seem to tell her, but she does admit that she had suffered from where she had came from, and the suffering was one of the worst ones in experience, because all she can say is that she suffered at the hand of her parent, who never gave a damn about her, nor even cared much about her existence, and only treated her as something that he can consume, in order to make herself stronger. Needless to say, the fact that she said that proved that she deserves to be with them, as they had also suffered tragedies in their lives. And especially, she can relate to Cross, who has also suffered by the hand of his own creator, who cares about nothing but making his own perfect world, and treats the lives there like they mean nothing to him, but as pawns for a plan thar he himself believes that he's able to make alone, and would even kill to get his way.

Swap is very kind to her, and after Error, is the kindest of the group, as he is shown to make Tacos and even tries to have fun with her. Ten think that he is a little bit of a weirdo, but it does not change the fact that Swap is doing anything that he can to entertain her and make her feel like she belongs here.

She gets especially along with Nightmare, who is far older then Error, as he is 500 years old. The fact that they both have tentacles, although Ten is insanely more powerful and had more tentacles, makes them even more better buddies then ever before. Because of this, Ten and Nightmare hang around a lot, and sometimes, together with Error, due to the fact that Error gets to meet her first.

Ten also gets the chance to meet a version of Sans named Reaper, who resides in an AU called Reapertale. Ten knows of this one. It is an AU where the most well known monsters in Undertale are gods. In the case of Sans, he is a God of Death, alongside his brother, Papyrus. Error met this AU when he had gotten away from Ink, and talked to Toriel and Reaper about it, both of whom pity him, due to the fact that it reminds Reaper of his situation, and to Toriel, Error had been hurt for something that he has no control over. Because of this, Reapertale is one of the rare AUs that believes in Error's innocence.

She met Reaper, along with his Toriel, when Error decides to introduce them to her, and did warn her about her giant-size. And when she appeared, Reaper was stunned and surprised, and also noticed that his powers cannot affect her, making him far more happy. And Reaper!Toriel, she looks like she is one second away from having a very big heart attack, due to the sheer size of Ten and now scary she is. Thankfully, she proves herself to be very kind-hearted in her own way, Even if she doesn't sound this way, and thus, she is able to strike a friendship with Toriel and Reaper, both of whom like her.

Right now, she is outside of Nightmare's castle, as she is now looking around and leaning against the wall of the castle for a little bit. Luckily, she is careful. So she does all that she can to not damage the entire structure by complete accident, as Error then appeared onto her shoulder. Ten did not turn her head, but she still saw him, as she then spoke out to the Destroyer.

"Hello, Error. Have you come to see how I am?"

Error nodded his head, as he then spoke out to her.

"Yeah, but also because I want to hang out with you a little bit more."

Ten no Kami smiled, as Error sat down onto her shoulder, and leaned in against her neck, as Ten felt very happy that Error decides to be with her. Truth be told, Ten never liked what she is in, having to live in a life where she has lost her friends. But Error, she is able to change that. She became her new friend, and as he suffered just like she did, Ten became a very loyal friend to him. Ten looks down at Error, and she sees red strings around his soul. The white soul is a shard, about 1/9th, but the shard is surrounded by red parts, which are molded from the strings themselves, so that they stick onto him no matter what, and so that it can give him powers.

This made Ten unhappy, as she then spoke out.

"You know...Error..."

This made Error look up at Ten, as Ten held her hand out, looking like she is grabbing onto something, as she then spoke out to him.

"I am noticing the strings that the one that you called Fate, I can see what it is doing to your soul. If you want, I can take the strings and integrate it into myself, so that you don't have to worry about being controlled anymore."

Error looks at Ten and made a sad smile.

"I...appreciate the gesture, Ten. But...I don't want Fate to suddenly notice that you exist. I don't want Fate to notice you so that she can use you. So...please, let me be. I'd rather be the one that gets hurt and targeted then you, Ten."

Ten sighed, as she is not surprised that Error would say this. Error is a guy that is very selfless in what he does and cares about the lives of other people more then he cares about his own. Needless to say, Ten does not know why she wants to be as close to Error as she is, due to the fact that Ten never had experience with this sort of thing, and doesn't know why she's that friendly. Perhaps some of William has rubbed off of her, or it is just her own way to reach out for companionship. Either way, Ten is hush very happy thar she gets to meet Nightmare and his gang, along with Error and his friends.

However, even so, she cannot stop missing William, who had been the one to have molded her life in the first place. Almost everyday, she misses him, and she can never get him out of her mind, as he is the first person that had been so kind to her, and the one that taught her how to he kind as well. And the thing is, Error, despite how much he has suffered, is so kind, even more so the William himself, and Ten, cannot help but compare Error to William, at least in terms of personality. After all, William is know to he very cheerful, but is also known to be kind, understanding, and sympathetic. But Error is also much more then William, as well as the fact that he relates to Ten on suffering. And thus, it is a bond between 2 Deities that suffered, like they are meant to find each other, after so long of being apart. This made Ten wonder, how will she be able to affect the future that Error's in?

As Ten looked down, Nightmare had then spoke out to Error.

"Error, do you mind if we can have a little talk with the other within of group for a little bit?"

Error sighed, as he then stood up, before he then spoke out.


Error then leapt up, and teleported into the air, as Ten then looks into her vision, and sees what the conversation is about. And here, she sees the inside of the room, and Error teleported, as Nightmare then spoke out to him.

"There you are. Now we can begin the meeting."

Error nodded, and Ten watched in interest, as Nightmare began to speak out, calmly.

"So...I've been thinking...about how we can get some new members of the group. And...I manage to think of some Alternate Timelines and some Alternate Universes in where we are able to gain some new people to our side."

This made Ten and Error interested, as the Destroyer then spoke out to him.

"And how do we plan on getting more people to our side?"

Nightmare spoke out.

"Simple. In a similar manner to the way I found the other members of the Dark Sanses, from Bad Outcomes, or genocide timelines. And by getting them, we will have a much better chance at fighting against Ink and his group. Plus, they will not need to keep suffering in their worlds anymore longer then ever before."

Error nodded his head, as Ten smiled, before she then spoke out, using her telepathy.

'Mind if I can aid you in that?'

This caught everyone by surprise, as Error spoke out a little bit.

"Oh yeah...I forgot that Ten can do that. She is able to see anything like the other kid, and is capable of telepathy."

This made Nightmare annoyed that Error did not mention that, as he then spoke out.

"Well...Ten...if you know about this, then will you get someone that we are able to bring to an AU or an AT."

"Yes, as well as another thing. There is an AT that I am aware of that has someone unique in there, and it is someone that Dust can kill in order to reach his full limit, as well as someone that we can bring to our cause."

This made Nightmare interested, as he then spoke out.

"Really? And who is that?"

Ten smiled a little bit wider, as she then spoke out.

"Allow me to show you, once I had done all of that."

Nightmare looks a little bit skeptical, before he then spoke out.

"Well, okay then. If you want to help us and give Dust someone he can kill, you can do it. I just hope that it is worth it that you are able to do it for us."

Ten nodded her head, as she then looks up, and teleported into thin air, as she then began to travel to the Alternate Timeline she desires. Error then looks at Nightmare and spoke out.

"Well...luckily, since I have been studying some Alternate Timelines for us to take, there are some that I think we join in. I just need a little bit of convincing them."

Nightmare looks at Error and spoke out to him.

"Are you able to do so?"

Error nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"I think so."

Nightmare and Error looked at each other and spoke out.

"Then good luck."

Error nodded, as he then turns to one of the walls of the castle, and he then hold out his hand, and a glitchy portal is made, leading to an Alternate Timeline of a Dusttale, with a major difference. He just hopes that the monster that is doing the Genocide is willing to join in, and will at least listen to him. He goes into the portal, as he then closed it, and he looks to see he's in judgement hall...and at the other side, a tall skeleton is present, orange bone swords in his hand.

Error narrowed his eyes, and he then senses the human coming, as he then rose up into the air, using his Blue Strings, and the human came, and he watches, as he sees the tall monster speak out.


Error then landed onto the ground, as he hid behind the entrance, as the fight began. Error looks at the battle, and out from the shadows, is a version of a Papyrus called Dustbelief. This Papyrus came to be when he accidentally killed his Dust Sans, and thus, he is now the one that continues his brother's work, and gained LV. Unlike Dust Sans, Dustbelief gained LV 20, the maximum amount of LV, and thus, has gained immense ATK and DEF, as well as a lot of HP.

Error wants to catch the kid now...but he cannot do it just yet. He needs to wait for the right time. He does it like that he has to wait...but he needs for the kid to be caught off guard, thinking that they will be the only ones left with Papyrus, where there is actually another monster, behind the entrance, waiting for the right time to ensnare them and make them for his sadistic and cruel that they are.

He continues to watch, as Dustbelief Papyrus and Frisk continue to fight against each other, and Error narrows his eyes, as he waits for the right moment to take them. Focused, patient, he waits, as he sees that Frisk and Papyrus are near the end of what would be the first phase. Error watches, and readies his strings, and then, it happened. He can see that Papyrus is tired, and Frisk is now rushing at Papyrus, Real Knife in hand, as she then charges at prepares to slash Papyrus across the chest. But that is not gonna happen, as Error then finally strikes, and he then sends his Blue Strings to wrap around the child.


Ten began to fly around inside of the Multiverse, as she tries to find the AT that she is looking for. After all, she has seen it in her vision, one where it took place after a glitched genocide timeline, and has some unique elements that made it much more different from the original Undertale.

Ten kept on flying around, but then...she sensed if, she realized where it is. She does not know how she knows where it is, but she knows exactly where to find it. She than turned her body around, as she then began to go to the area where the target she is looking for, and AT that she wants to have, where she can find one member that she can bring to the Dark Sanses. He might get freaked out, but he'll get used to them.

Ten then looks, and she then is able to find it, the AT that she is looking for.

"There you are. I found you."

She goes up to it, and she then looks down, and sees a sphere that has a red soul and a pink soul, as well as a soul that is flashing to all 7 of the human soul traits. This AT is known as Glitchtale, and it is one of the most well-known Alternate Timelines in the Multiverse. And this is due to having some very unique elements inside of this place. Ten then snapped her fingers, as a screen of the Timeline is showing, and she wants to go to a certain point inside of the Timeline, one where this Sans died fighting against a person named, Betr Noire. Ten then goes forward in the Timeline, until she got to the point where she sees that the Sans is dying due to melting from the Determination, after his Gaster Blaster clash with Bete Noire, who stole it with a special technique of hers.

As Sans' soul Shattered, Ten reacted, as she used her power to make it seem like it has vanished, but in reality, she simply made Glitchtale Sans' soul appear in her hand.

"Got you."

Ten spoke out, and since Glitch died, he is now disconnected from his AU. She can use her power to resurrect him from death, and restore his previous strength, with the addition of the fact that, when he died, he lost his physical matter to withstand the Determination. So now, she can give him physical matter during the resurrection. But she also realizes that she needs to get another one.

She then goes to the bad ending of Glitchtale, where Chara had died, and Betty won, and grew very powerful, slightly more then Dust, along with her Trident, which became stronger and sharper then even the Trident that Dust got from Asgore. Using the Fear that she gained from everyone, as well as the souls Thad she has absorbed to increase her strength to an insane level, Ten used her power to subdue and grab her from this AT, before she then realizes that, as this is a Bad Ending, and not a good ending, where everyone died and failed, she decided to consume it. It was not a very great thing to do, but it is perhaps better to end their suffering rather then prolong it further.

"Okay, I have got what I needed. Now to go back to the others."

Ten then turns around and teleported back to Dreamtale, where the others are waiting for her, and hopefully, Error got what he wanted.


A glitchy portal opened up, as Error went out from the other side, and spoke out to Nightmare.

"Okay, I got some people that are able to help us in this."

Nightmare looks at Error, and spoke out to him.

"Excellent. Who did you bring?"

Error looks behind him and beckoned for them to come out from the other side, as the 2 Skeletons came out from the portal. The 2 Skeletons are none other then Dustbelief Papyrus and Dusttrust Sans, who is an Underswap Sans from a Dustswap Timeline.

Nightmare smiled, seeing that they are the people that are needed.

"Excellent. This is just what we needed. Hello there. I am Nightmare, it is nice to finally meet you both, Dustbelief, and Dusttrust."

Dustbelief nodded, as Dusttrust then spoke out.

"Well...I couldn't resist the promise of freedom, now can I?"

Dustbelief Papyrus nodded, as he then spoke out.


Nightmare nodded, as Error then spoke out.

"These 2 gained max LV, and have impressive swordsmanship. So hopefully they can be of use."

Nightmare a pink flash of light appeared, and everyone realized that Ten is outside.

"I guess she has finished with her task. I wonder who she brought with her."

Error spoke out, as he teleported, along with everyone else. They looked and saw Ten, looking down, and speaking out.

"Hello, Nightmare. I have done my job. But first off, I want to give Dust something to kill, so he can reach his maximum amount of LV."

Dust than stepped toward her, before he then spoke out.

"Who did you bring for me to kill?"

Ten then lowered her tentacle, and revealed Bete Noire, as Nightmare spoke out.

"Woah. I didn't think you were going to take a Bete Noire, and it seems she comes from the bad outcome of Glitchtale."

Ten nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"Indeed. She is stronger then the one from the good outcome, where she had been killed by Gaster. I figure Dust can have her power.

Dust than stepped forward, and smiled, before he then spoke out.

"Works enough for me."

Ten smiled, as she raced her palm at Dust, in order to increase his power to absorb powers, and as he looked, He then summoned his Trident in his hand, and took a stance, before he then goes up to Bete Noire and stabbed her, and then fire generated from the Trident, which then exploded, and killed Bete Noire. There, Dust can feel his power increased to the Max, to LV 20, as well as gaining a bunch of powers from Bete Noire, as Ten spoke out.

"There we go. That should be of use to you. And also...for the other one I decided to bring."

Ten took a deep breath, as she then extended her hand, and made the soul lift into the air, and off of her hand, before Ten opened her eyes, and narrowed it, as the soul then began to glow...before it then revealed itself to be Glitchtale Sans, the DT permanently inside of him, which gave his powers a permanent increase.

"There we go. I resurrected Glitchtale Sans when he died fighting the Bete Noire of his Timeline. Since he has no idea of the Multiverse and what is happening, I think this is an ally you can have."

Nightmare looks, and nodded, realizing what Ten meant by that, as he then took Glitch by the tentacle, and brought him inside of the castle, and Error spoke out.

"Nice one, Ten. Now the group's stronger then ever."

Ten smiled, looking at Error, as she then spoke out.

"You're welcome, Error."

Error nodded, as he then sat down onto Ten's shoulder, as Ten lets him do it. After all, she does need this, after a dozen thousand years.

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