Old Bonds

Ten No Kami is in front of Error404 and his group of henchmen, along with Error and Nightmare, as Ten spoke out.

"Everyone, I would like for you to meet Tint, my creation. Tint, these are my allies."

Tint looks at the group before his eyes, and he spoke out with an emotionless, flat tone.


Error looked a little bit reluctant, especially at the appearance of the skeleton that is before his eyes. He almost resembles Ink, but is a few inches taller then Error himself, at the height of 5'9, has splatters on the left side of his face, the fist is darker, and the eyes are white. This made Error a little bit conflicted, as he spoke out.

"Tint...how did you...ya know..."

Ten No Kami then spoke out.

"Oh, that's simple. I used pieces of Ink's paint and ink, and then used a bit of my own essence in order to make him. So, he is somewhat like me, a Polothorn, and...I guess you can say that I have become a parent to Tint, as well as Ink becoming the same thing, although he himself does not realize that. And...the reason why I decided to make him...is because I want him to replace Ink himself. I know how awful Ink is, due to how he abuses his power over creation and Life in order to make copies of AUs and is putting the Multiverse in danger with his ignorance. So...I've created Tint, so that he can replace Ink, and be a much more responsible creator then Ink ever was. Basically...this is for you, Error."

Error looked wide-eyes at this, as he cannot believe that this is happening. But he then smiled, almost as if he feels happy that he finally might have a chance to be free from all of this after all. Besides, nothing is a gift more then his desire to finally become free from what it is that's happening to him. He smiled, as he puts a hand onto his chest, and feels his soul beat, and spoke out.

"Wow...Ten...I...I didn't think you'd care this much just to do this in order to get me free. Thank you."

Ten smiled, as Nightmare and the gang also smiled, seeing that Error would hopefully be free from all of the suffering that he's been subjugated to because of Fate's machinations. Even Error404 smiled a little bit at Error, as it appears that Error might have his chance at finally being able to gain freedom, the freedom that he has craved for so long and wanted to have for a while.

"Bet Ink is gonna be so pissed that he will be replaced by someone much more stronger and better then him."

Dust said, as the others laughed, apparently finding this funny. Even Ten, Error, and Error404 found this sort of thought funny, at Ink having a possible tempter tantrum at the fact that he will be no longer needed and will be sent away by someone far better then him. Error then shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"So, when do you plan on bringing him into the Multiverse to begin his duties as a creator and protector of the entire Multiverse itself."

Ten No Kami looks down at her creation, Tint, as she then spoke out.

"Well...before I do that...Tint needs to go through training. After all, he had just woken up, and although he is strong and powerful in his own way, he does not know how to fight and how to attack. He does not know right from wrong and all of that."

Error404 then stepped forward, as he then spoke out.

"Do you want me to teach him combat? After all, I have been able to help with training NodeTale in combat to try and fight against BioTale, so perhaps I can be of use here."

Ten No Kami nodded her head, as Tint then spoke out.

"I will be honored to have you train me, Error404."

Error404 nodded his head, as Error then spoke out.

"So does this leave me to help him in how to be a much more moral and responsible person or something like that, Ten no Kami?"

Ten no Kami looks down at Error, and spoke out.

"That would be most helpful. After all, you have the responsibilities of a destroyer, and seem to be able to know what the responsibilities of a creator are, Error, especially since you know the consequences of what it means to be as such, to be responsible."

Error nodded his head, as Tint looks at Error, and Error looks Tint, a little bit uneasy, but he does not complain, and spoke out to him.

"So, what do your think, Tint? Would you accept me to teach you what it means to be a creator and the responsibilities of doing such a task?"

Tint looks at Error and spoke out.

"You can do that for me?"

Error nodded his head, as he then spoke out to him.

"Of course. After all, I have faced against a creator that resembles you, and he is not real a responsible creator at all. But you...let's make sure they you know how to be as such."

Tint looks down for a little bit, almost as if in thought, before he looks up and nodded.

"Then I will be able to be taught how to be a creator. Very well, I'll accept what you have to offer me, Error. I'll learn all that yob can teach me in trying to be a very real single creator as you are able to show me to do as."

Error nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I'm glad to hear it, kid. After all, it is of very great importance in being able to know what it means to be a creator, and such a role is a very big burden for someone such as you go bare without it knowing what to do."

Ten No Kami looks down at the sight before her eyes and smiled, happy that they are able to get along. Ten No Kami felt happiness form within her, as Error accepted Tint without hesitation. Perhaps the future is getting rather better for her. Ten No Kami intertwined her hands together, as this feeling reminds her of when she created her AU, NodeTale, through the power of Error404. She sees the NodeTale AU as her creation, and the denizens that she has made as her children, and they are children thar she will protect and keep safe with all of her might. And Tint, she has very similar feelings worn her own creation, for she sees that tint as her child that she can help gain memories with, seeing that she can become a better parent then her father. MalesGrow, her parent, had been nothing more then a cruel and villainous TransVoid Being that cared only about himself and his power, but she will do more then that. She will care for her creations, for her children, for Tint, and she will make sure that they grows in power, so that they can become truly great people.


Ten No Kami is shown to be back inside of the NullVoid again, looking at NodeTale, the AU made from pure Nexus itself at its full potential. She looks down at the denizens that reside in there, as she infused Node!Sans with some code from an Alternate Timeline that she decide not to do, which is from the Last Breath Timeline.

The reason why she decided to give him the Last Breath code is because of the fact that Gaster is able to take control of Papyrus, due to having the Revenge AT code inside of him, and thus, she decides to be fair and give Node!Sans the same thing, as well as the reality manipulation to both Sans and Gaster himself, not to mention orange bones. This did change his appearance tiny bit, in which his right iris enlarges in size to the point that it is as large as the leg iris, but the right iris is all red, instead of being a cyan iris sign a red ring around it, and it is the same thing as Papyrus' case, due to the fact that he has Irises that are the same size for each other. So now Sans has become a bit more stronger then before, due to having gained a couple new powers. And perhaps this will aid NodeTale in being able to take on BioTale more easily then before.

Needless to say, Sans and Papryus, it sort of feels a little bit weird that they are able to be possessed by their own father, due to their code being infused with alternate timeline code which allows them to be possessed by Gaster, but this will give them more of an advantage then before. So hopefully, it will become a very big help for them. And Ten, she also went to a previous Alternate Timeline, the one where she got the lightning powers for Alphys, and decided to get some more code for Frisk and Chara, where they can summon their own Gaster Blasters. She integrated them into Frisk and Chara, since they are likely the only version of the 2 humans capable of summoning them, with the Gaster Blasters being similar in design like Sans and Papyrus' own Blaters, except with the masks, obviously, and that there is a red soul symbol in the top middle part of the mask itself, the eyes are red themselves, as well as firing red blasts of energy from the mouths of the blast itself. And ever since then, Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster had been helping them both control how to use the power of the Gaster Blasters.

One thing to note for NodeTale is that the Masks cannot be removed at all. The clothes can be removed, sure, but the masks are stuck to their faces, almost as if the mask is a part of their heads. Despite this, it does not cause them to feel any sort of discomfort, and in-fact, the mask acts as if it is not there in the first place.

And also, it has been about 4 weeks since Tint has been made. Tint has been showing signs of progress and evolutuon, as Error404 is able to reach him how to fight, and Error teaches him what his powers are, considering what Ink himself can do, and teaches hi. The responsible of what it means to be a creator. And needless to say, Tint is doing a very good job at remembering and being responsible, ad he is getting more and more stronger as time continues. He also has his own unique set of abilities that Ink himself does not have that makes Tint very dangerous to combat against. Hopefully, Tint is gonna be very skilled and surpass Ink in terms of both combatting and responsibilities.

But back to the topic involving NodeTale, she sees that the cast of NodeTale are gonna be trying to fight against one another again, as Sans fights against Papyrus, Gaster goes against Asgore, Frisk against Chara, and Asriel against Bete Noire. And their combat skills have been improving and increasing a lot, due to the fact that they had been practicing with one another nonstop, which allows them to develop the skills in the uses of their magical abilities. This makes her happy to know that NodeTale is constantly getting better at fighting against one another then before, and while they may not be able to surpass BioTale in terms of experience, as BioTale had been fighting much longer then NodeTale, the NodeTale AU makes up for this by their arsenal of attacks and abilities, which allows them to keep up in the fight against NodeTale. And since the Nexus is code-based, which BioTale lacks, due to being made of Cosmic Essence, that means that Ten No Kami can Tampere and manipulate the Nexus with Error404 if she desires to, in order to help continue improving the power of NodeTale by giving the denizens new abilities. And even Alphys joins in, due to the fact that she can now breath lighting from her mouth as a projectile attack, which BioTale Alphys does not have. So that is somewhat of an advantage for NodeTale, which Alphys lacks. And hopefully, this AU will not be able to be destroyed, due to what the Nexua can do. After all, if Error404 can return back from death due to connecting himself to the MainFrame, then NodeTaoe should also be unkillable, due to the location that the AU resides in, which is in the very center of the NullVoid.

"Hopefully, the NullVoid will be the one that keeps the AU alive after all of this time. I do not want to lose this AU, for it is my greatest achievement in my whole existence of living. My children, they will not die in the hands of 92 and their creation, their horribly wretched BioTale."

As Ten No Kami looked down at the AU, a new voice spoke out, but it is one that Ten No Kami spoke out.

"Ten, is that you?"

Ten looks up, her eyes widened, realizing who this belongs to.

"One, my eldest sibling!"

One, the eldest of MalesGrow's children, spoke out.

"So this is where you've been this whole time! How did you get here?!"

Ten then spoke back to One.

"I made a deal with a TransVoid Demon, which aloos me to come here. It is been so long since we last talked, One."

One nodded, as he spoke.

"Yes, it has. It is good to see that you are still alive,
My younger sister. What is that before you?"

Ten then spoke out.

"Oh, this. It is a Universe that I have made, made from pure Nexus itself, thanks to a friend of mine connecting to the MainFrame, who I took control and manipulated. Surprisingly, this Nexus is similar to the Cosmic Essence, despite how different it is."

Then, One spoke out.

"I am impressed, Ten. You outdid yourself. I am very proud of you for being able to accomplish this. I wish many of our other siblings could see this."

Ten nodded with a smile.

"Well...only 92 has seen it, and she is not happy, because I ended up using my Universe to fight against the Universe that she has made."

One nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Yes, of course. BioTale, she called it. Admittedly, a very impressive achievement, making an AU furthest from the corruption, an AU that is made out of Cosmic Essence, which made it extremely powerful."

Ten nodded, before she speaks.

"Well. Then it is a good thing that I am able to make this AU, NodeTale, made at the center of the NullVoid itself, where the Nexus is at its strongest. It is powerful enough to match the power of BioTale, but since they didn't have as much training as BioTale, they had to rely on the magic that I had to give them, or at least, the arsenal of magic that I had to give them through giving them code of the alternate timelines of the prime Undertale Universe, which is the one that allowed me to make my own world."

One nodded, as he spoke out to Ten.

"I see. And admittedly, it is a very impressive achievement, just as much as BioTale. And hopefully Ten...I hope that you get too meet with me again, someday, after all, me, Two, and Three...we all missed you, for it has been a very long time since we had seen you in the past, and we would want nothing more then to see you again in person."

Ten then looks down, before she spoke out.

"Well...hopefully, MalesGrow is not waiting for me when I get back, because I do not want to risk getting consumed by him when reuniting with you."

One nodded, before they then spoke out.

"I see. Well, it is time for me to leave, Ten. I need to check and make sure that my family is okay."

Ten looks confused at that, but then...she remembers...the eldest of MalesGrow's children gained branches of families of their own, and One is an example.

"I see. Well, goodbye, One. I hope to see you again soon."

One nodded, as they end the telepathic connection that they had with Ten. Ten then looks back down at the NodeTale AU, and sees that the denizens are taking a breaks after what must have been such a very intense spar with one another in trying for get stronger. She could never be more proud of NodeTale then ever before. 92 may have created their own AU, BioTale, but they most likely see BioTale as merely here slaves, her their thar she can exploit for their own purposes. But Ten No Kami, she sees NodeTale as her children, not simply just her creations, and it makes her filled with immense pride of how much she had given them. As she looks down, her tentacles, which are moving constantly as she is flying in the air, rose up and surrounded the NodeTale AU, almost as if she is embracing the entire AU with just her tentacles alone, while she holds her hands out to protect NodeTale. Ten smiled, as she hopes that NodeTale will be able to do so many great things. As he then stops it, as she then rose up into the air, and teleports away, leaving NodeTale by itself, before she then goes and sees Error, as he is done training Tint for now, and sees him that he is about leave towards a glitchy portal.

"Error, what are you doing?"

Error looks at Ten, and spoke out.

"Oh, hello Ten. I'm just leaving to another AU so that I can visit an old friend of mine."

Ten looks curiously at Error, and she then spoke out.

"You have another friend of yours?"

Error nodded, as he then spoke out to her.

"Yeah, and it is not just one friend, but I have gained a bunch in this place. One of the rare AUs to side with me in its entirety."

Now Ten No Kami became rather interested, as she then spoke out.

"Do you mind if I can visit them?"

Error thought about it for a little bit, but he cannot help but smirk, as he cannot help but see the look on their faces, as he can't help but imagine them seeing Ten at her sheer height.

"Well...yeah. But I want to make this a surprise, okay? Because I can't help but see how shock that they will be when they see how much of a giant you are."

Ten smiled as well, as she too will find it funny at the fact that she will see that the AU that Error will be visiting, and they will be so shocked to see how gigantic that Ten is. It will be one of the most amusing sights, especially since William would pass out at that.

"Yes, of course. That would be most amusing."

Error chuckled a little bit, before he went through the glitchy portal, before he then made a glitchy screen, so she can see through his eyes, and he then spoke out.

"Here, you can see where I would go...and if you use your telepathy on me...then I will let you know when you can show up, okay?"

Ten nodded her head, as Error then quickly close the glitchy portal. He then turns around and looks in the area that he am inside of right now. He is now within a realm that is filled with trees and grass, as well as a bunch of beautiful plants. As he walked around, Ten looked through Error's eyes in the glitchy screen, and she admits that, this place is very beautiful, and only very few of the TransVoid can match the beauty of this AU. As Error continued to walk, he heard the sounds of beautify humming, and Ten also heard it as well. Error smiled, as he spoke out.

"Oh, must be Reaper!Toriel humming again. I should probably go and visit her."

Error then turns around, and the humming grew more and more clear, as he walks to a direction, and he looks to see that there is a person here. It resembles a normal Toriel, but she wears a dress with springs colors, which are yellow, pink, and green, and it made her beautiful in her own unique way. Error smiled, seeing this version of Toriel, before speaking out.

"Hello, Toriel."

Toriel stopped humming, and she looks to see Error coming. Toriel smiled sweetly, as she goes to him and spoke out.

"Oh, Error. You've came to visit by me again. It's nice to see you."

Error nodded, as he spoke out.

"Figured I'd gain the time to come by and visit this AU. Been a long time since I had done it, y'know. How've you been doing, creating new life and all of that?"

Toriel smiled a little bit more, as she spoke out.

"I've been doing great...especially since...which Chara..."

Toriel looked, mentioning the Chara of her AU, as Error spoke out.

"Yeah, I know. You don't need to tell me. Especially since me and Reaper were involved in this."

Toriel nodded sadly, before looking up at Error, and speaking out.

"And what of you, Error? How are the times going for you?"

Error smiled, as he spoke out.

"It's been going very interesting for me, actually. This year, I met some very interesting people, both of whom are stronger then me, and I am also training with one of them."

This made Toriel interested, and she spoke out.

"Really? I believe that they just be good people!"

Error nodded.

"Yeah, though one of them acts like a strict veteran of war, but I've been growing accustomed to him well. And speaking of which, how are things going between you and Reaper?"

Toriel smiled a little bit.

"Admittedly, it is going very well between us."

Then, a voice spoke out.

"Did someone call me?"

Error and Toriel turns to see a Sans that wears a long black hood or cloak with a rope tied around his waist. He also carries a scythe, and his left eye is shown to be light blue, just like the classic version of Sans. On his back are wings that have bones as the ones that hold the feathers. Error smiled, as he spoke out to Reaper.

"Hello, Reaper, my old friend. I see you are still the same as ever."

Reaper smiled, as he walks to Error, and the moment he touched the ground, plant-life began to decay at his presence, as he then spoke out.

"Of course I am. I always have been the same as I ever was."

Error nodded, as Reaper spoke out.

"Also...I've heard you made some new friends that stronger then you. Tell me...what are they like?"

Error smiled, as a mischievous grin appeared, and spoke out.

"I can show her if you want. After all, she is looking at this AU right now, watching. So...do you want me to bring her to you?"

Reaper smiled, as he spoke out.

"Of course, and what will she be like?"

Error smiled, as he spoke out.

"Can't spoil the surprise, now can I?"

Error looks up, and spoke out.


Ten nodded, as she teleported into the AU that Error is on, and the moment that she did...


A loud crash was heard, and a shake, as Reaper and Toriel steadied themselves, and Reapet spoke out.

"Woah, what a loud crash. Error, you sure that wasn't...uuhhhh..."

Reaper and Toriel looked up, and they are stunned st the sight that is before their eyes. Towering above them, is none other then Ten No Kami herself, and needless to say, Toriel and Reaper's expressions were priceless. Error smiled, as he spoke out.

"Guys...meet, Ten No Kami."

Ten No Kami smiled, as she spoke out.

"Hello, it is nice to be aquatinted with allies of Error."

Reaper was still at first, but then he toppled backwards and landed onto the ground, as he sunk into the Earth.


Error snorted, looking at the silly scene before him.


Reaper was back up, levitating in the air, his eyes widened in shock and are as empty as black holes, in which Reaper spoke out.

"Okay...you should have spoiled this surprise for me. I was not ready for this."

Error shrugged, as he spoke out.

"Sorry, Reaper. I couldn't resist."

Toriel looks up, and admittedly, she is nervous, as she spoke out.

"Ummm...Ten No Kami, right? It is a pleasure to meet you."

Ten No Kami smiled, and spoke out to the Goddess of Life.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Toriel."

Toriel smiled a bit nervously, but it is mainly at his huge she is. Reaper then spoke out.

"So, Ten, right? How did you meet my closest buddy, Error? Did you meet him when he battled with Ink or something?"

Ten No Kami nodded her head, as she then spoken out.

"Of course I did. I met him when he was battling against the so-called protector and creator. I rescinded him and escaped with him, before I healed his injuries."

Toriel smiled, now no longer afraid of Ten, as she sees that there is a gentle soul within Ten.

"That is very kind of you, Ten."

Ten smiled, as she spoke out.

"I learned to be so from my first friend. And...if you don't mind me asking...how did you meet Error?"

Reaper!Toriel looks a little unsure, and Error then spoke out.

"I'll explain, if you don't mind me asking about it?"

Ten looks down at Error, and spoke out.

"Of course."

Error nodded, before he then took a deep breath, and spoke out.

"It started like this..."


Error is now shown to be fighting against Ink during one of their many harsh fights. Error leapt up into the air, as he then launched blue strings at Ink's allies, wrapping their souls in them, and controlling them so that they attack him. Ink avoided trying to fight them, before he slashed at the blue strings and released them, but Error took the chance to make a portal and escape, while having also finished destroying the AU copy that he has made.

As he fell in, he landed hard, onto a grassy ground. This made him stop, as he felt the feeling of grass all over his body for the first time. He never felt it before, in the past. Because of this, he then stood up, and he began to walk around, as he hears humming. This made Error confused, until he then tripped and fell to the ground.


Error looked up, as he then began to sit up, but as he began to try and get up, footsteps are heard, and a figure approached, which is none other then the Toriel of ReaperTale.

"Sans, is that you? What happened to you?"

Error flinched, thinking that she is here to attack him, jumped back, and looked nervous, almost like he is ready to fight. Toriel looks, and realizes that this is not the Sans she knows of, as he is all glitchy and has Error signs all over him, and she does not even know what they mean, for they do not exist in her AU.

"You aren't him...are you?"

Error looks confused, as he spoke out.

"If you mean...not whoever person you know of...no. I'm someone different."

She walks over to him, and spoke out.

"You're wounded. Here."

She then touched him, which made him flinch, as a green glow covers him, and then...most of the wounds began to heal, except for the wounds that healed wrong, as Error spoke out.

"Who...who are you?"

Toriel smiled, as she spoke out.

"I'm Toriel, Goddess of Life. And you, stranger?"

"...Error. My name is Error."

Toriel then spoke out.

"Error...how did you get wounded like this?"

Error then looks at Toriel, and spoke out.

"Let's say I've been getting into countless fights with a someone I've been holding a grudge against."

This made Toriel confused.

"And who is that person?"

Error was about to speak, but then, he looks and sees the grass wilting and turning dead, as Error stepped back.


Toriel sighed, as she realizes who this is.

"Sans, did you really need to do that?"

Then, a voice spoke out.

"Oh, come on, Toriel. It's not like that I am 'killing' the audience. I've even been 'dead' waiting to see you."

Error looked and sees a Sans coming to her, this one...he is at the same height as Error, 5'4, with a black robe and a hood over his head. Error looks at this person before him, as he spoke out.

"So...you're Sans, huh?"

Of course, he knows that this is a variation of Sans. The other Sans nodded, as he spoke out.

"Of course. And you look like me. Who are you, stranger?"

Error spoke out.

"Error. Call me Error."

Toriel then chirped.

"You know, you both almost look similar to one another."

The other nodded, as he then spoke out.

"I bet, but he looks unlike any skeleton I've seen. How did you even get here?"

Error spoke out.

"I made a portal to get out of my most recent fight with someone."

He straighten himself, but he flinched and almost resisted the urge to hold onto his chest. Reaper noticed, however, as he grabbed him by the shirt, and pulled it up to see that his ribcage has healed in a dozen wrong ways, which made Toriel gasp in shock.

"Wow, you're certainly having the time of your life! How did you get those? That would be enough to kill someone. A miracle that you are alive still."

Error then spoke out.

"Countless fights I had in the past. Wasn't a pretty fight, not gonna lie. Besides, I can't die, even if I wanted to."

Reaper looked suspicious. He can't die? He decided to test that theory by touching him in the hand, and it made Error confused.

"What are you doing?"

Toriel looked almost alarmed at first...but she then sees that Error is fine still. Reaper then spoke out.

"Well...by the SkyFather himself. Seems like you're not affected by my touch. Usually, it kills people."

Error looks a little unamused...as he spoke out.

"You almost look a like a Grim Reaper. Mind if I can call you Reaper?"

Flashback ends...

"And that is how I met them."

Ten No Kami was interested, as Toriel then spoke out.

"Yes, and after a while, he told us what happened to him...and I cannot help but feel bad for him, having he controlled by a Goddess that cannot control their own child strictly. She should have just stopped him while she had the chance.

Reaper nodded his head.

"Quite, and it reminds me as the reason for why I myself am made. I swear, Ink better be ready for what I'll do to him when I meet him."

Error nodded his head, as Ten spoke out.

"It must be a very good thing in life, to have someone you can relate to."

Error and Reaper nodded, as Ten cannot help but feel like she will have some fun of her own, hanging out with these 2 deities of ReaperTale. It will become so interesting for her, hanging around with the both of them.

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