New Friends

Error looks up at the entity that refers to herself as, Ten no Kami, and she is the largest entity that he has ever seen. He has seen very big entities, but those types of entities are in the form of those that are Omega Flowey, due to how large and powerful that they are. But Ten, she is far larger than the Omega Floweys from the different AUs. Not to mention her power. Error cannot sense her power, but he did see it, and she is able to take down Ink and the AUs without effort, where it took immense effort, although this is due to the fact that Error does not want to kill them, as he values lives, in spite of the fact that he is a destroyer, and thus, he holds back his power so that he does not kill the, and the only times that he has used all of his power, is when he is fighting against Ink alone, and it is there that Ink goes down without much problem for him.

But Ten, the fact that he can tank the countless AUs attacks without damage, having only gotten a tiny scratch, and didn't even move when she attacked, this made Error realize that Ten is far beyond his power, and is perhaps far beyond the power that Fate has, who has been the one to enslave him for so long. The fact that Ten had also used her powers to heal his wounds, is another proof of her power.

"Ummm...Hello, Ten. I...It's nice to meet you, I guess."

Ten nodded her head at Error, as she then spoke out to him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Error, I believe you are called."

Error nodded, as he then spoke out to her.

"Yeah, it is my name. How did you even find out where I was anyway?"

Ten then looked down for a little bit, pondering on what she will say to him, before she rose her head and spoke out to him.

"I sensed your fight, which you had with Ink, I believe you said his name is. And in all honesty, I actually seen you before, while I was inside of my realm."

This made Error surprised, as he then spoke out to Ten.

"You...saw me...inside of your realm? How? How did you have the ability to see anything and nothing?"

This made Ten a little bit surprised, as she did not expect for such an answer like that to come, despite the fact that she saw it coming a second before he even said it. Ten then spoke out to him.

"Yes, I can do that. How did you even know that I am capable of seeing anything?"

Error looks up at Ten and spoke out.

"I know of someone else who is able to do that, but they are in the form of a child, a Frisk. And that I mentioned it, you kind of resemble her a lot, at least with your face."

Ten looks at Error and nodded her head for a little bit, understanding now in how Error is able to know that sort of power.

"But if you had seen me...then you must know what I am."

Ten nodded, because truth be told, when she used her Omni-Sight, her ultimate power, which she had obtained, she actually had seen him destroy AUs and kill countless lives, along with the one called Ink, and those dreams happened during her last 4 years of resting. She then spoke out.

"I well as the fact that you did not enjoy it."

This made Error surprised, although only a little bit, as he then spoke out.

" noticed it?"

Ten nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"Of course, I did, as well as the fact that I was able to sense how you are feeling from all of this."

This made Error...feel relieved, because this is the first time, with a few other exceptions, that someone is actually realizing that he had not taken any sort of joy in what he has been doing. No words can describe how happy he is, as Error spoke out.

"Well, at least you are one of the few people that believe in me."

Ten then spoke out.

"Well, do you mind asking me, why is it that you are in a way such as this, why you are destroying, despite the fact that you clearly hate what you have been doing all of this time?"

Error looks at Ten, as he then spoke out.

"Do you really want to know?"

Ten nodded her head, as she looks intently at Error, ready to hear what it is that he has to say."

"Okay, I'll start from the beginning, about where this situation even began. There is a goddess called Fate."

And so, Error began to tell Ten everything, about how there is a Goddess, named Fate, that created her son, Ink, who then went on a creation spree, despite the fact that he had been warned not to do this, or else the Multiverse would be destroyed, due to the fact that he has too many copies of the AUs and ATs. And because of this, Fate had ripped him from his world, put him inside of the realm called the Anti-Void, and screamed at him to turn into a destroyer, by roaring out his purpose inside of his mind. And thus, Fate' Screams, along with the energies of the Anti-Void, corrupted Error into who he is now, and he has lost his identity of who he once was in the past.

"And when I was made, I went on a destruction spree, so that I could save the Multiverse from Ink trying to destroy it. But all I got in return was people from all over the various AUs and ATs hating me for what I am doing, even though I did not want to do this sort of thing in the first place."

Ten looks down at Error, and she felt pity inside of her mind. Clearly, Error had suffered very badly for a very long time, due to what Fate has done, being an incompetent parent, and having done nothing more than allow Ink to do what he wants, and never could be a strict parent to him. This made Ten angry, because yes, it is important to show your child love, it is also important to know that the parent needs to have the child to have a lesson inside of their head, so that it can stick to them, as Ten spoke out.

"Error, I...I am very sorry to hear that. You didn't deserve to have this happen to you. I would go as far as to say that you don't belong here, inside of this cursed life that you are in right now."

This made Error look up at Ten, and spoke out.

"Why are you being sorry? You were not responsible for all of this. You did nothing to me."

Ten then spoke out.

"Maybe, but even so...suffering is suffering, and I know how it feels, not just on the body, but in the mind as well."

Error looks at Ten, surprised that he would sympathize with him, but also admits that she herself had suffered herself, and it seems that Ten had experienced it.

"But, if you are against your entire Multiverse, why is it that you still persevere?"

Error looks at Ten for a little bit, before he then spoke out.

"Well...I was not the only one that is hated by the entire Multiverse. Truth is, there are others like me, and they suffered a lot. Not as much as the suffering that I had been through, except for perhaps one. but they still suffered in the end, and are changed, permanently, just like what happened to me., and are in a group, which I am invited in for a very long time."

Ten looks down...and she then remembers a vision, one thing that she had seen, is she had seen a group of people, inside of a castle, and they looked evil themselves. And one of which, she can feel, is the incarnation of negative emotions. It didn't affect her, due to the fact that the power is weak compared to her, as the Sans that had them is covered in black sludge, has a single left eye, and has tentacles on his back, along with 3 other skeletons that resembles the original Sans, but with some differences, such as one of them having a right red eye and a left cyan eye surrounded by a red ring, another has black liquid coming down from his eye sockets, which are empty, save for the occasion white eyelight, and the other has a hole on the top left part of the skull, and a large, single red eye. And Error, was also noticed in that vision.

Error looks at Ten's expressions on her face, and he knows that Ten must have seen them.

"I take it that you had caught them in your eyes as well, despite not being there?"

Ten nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"Yes, I do. In fact, I wandered who those people were."

Error sighed, as he then spoke out.

"They are known as the Dark Sanses, and they are versions of the original Sans that had been affected by a very bad event in life that changed them into the people that they are right now. And the change is bad to the point that not only did it affect their powers and their bodies, but it also affected their personality as well. Despite this, they are good people, once you get past their scary reputation, and realize that they are just...decent people that had a bad hand in life. They even aided me in trying to keep the balance of the Multiverse intact. If it wasn't for them, my llife would have been a very sad and lonely one."

Ten looks down, as she reflects on the fac that she herself had a lonely life for a very long time. She had been alone due to what it is that has happened to her in life. First, she had been birthed from MalesGrow, who had been her own parent for a very long time. And he had done nothing more than treat her, as well as the other siblings with neglect and without care. And none of the siblings cared about one another. In fact, they never even learned how to care, as most of them, they all are as neglectful and as uncaring as their father, as Ten's father himself, but are not as cruel, and only Ten had been able to inherit that infamous cruelty that he has, and it made living with her siblings difficult, as there was never even a single sibling of hers that had came to her aid when she had needed it, when she had needed someone in her life to aid her, to protect her from their father. But during that time, Ten had not learn how to care herself, and never learned anything positive in her life, such as kindness, empathy, nor remorse, as she is unaware of such emotional concepts in her life. After all, what she only learned in her entire life is to be cruel, be sadistic, to take pleasure in the agony of other people, and to make sure that they suffer in the absolute worst way that Ten can do to those that she wants to cause as much suffering as possible to.

And then, came after William had disappeared from her life, and it is the worst experience to be felt, not even the treatment of MalesGrow was that bad, because bad then, she never learned how to feel positive emotions. When William showed her and even demonstrated emotions, such as joy, happiness, and Empathy, during her talk about her father, as well as William teaching her that, she began to feel positive emotions herself, and, while she cannot get rid of her prideful nature, her cruel and villainous behavior she got from MalesGrow, she became a far happier person. But when her friends are gone, she felt so many pieces of her soul having as though they had been ripped out of her body. And it is the worst experience of her life. No words can describe just how sad this is. And because of this, since she does not want to continue to feel this and have it overwhelm her body, she decided to sleep every 100 years, so she can lessen it, even though it won't truly go away.

But...perhaps she can make some more friends. Perhaps that, she may gain some new people to be with, and people that is willing to create the world that she wants, but even if they can't, then perhaps they and Error can fill the loneliness in her very soul. That is just what they need. And so, after a little bit of thinking...she decides to speak out.

" you mind if you can bring me to where the Dark Sanses are?"

This made Error surprised, as he then spoke out.

"Wait, you want to meet them? Why?"

Ten then looks down, as she then spoke out.

"Too be honest...I actually had lost people of my own...and they are skeletons like you, but from an AU that I had known for quite a while. And because of this...when those people were gone, that sort of life felt very empty to me, and it is a very sad life. So, I want to go and meet them, and see if they are willing to let me be involved in their lives, and that is if it is not a problem for them."

Error looks down for a little bit, and he thought for a little bit, before he then spoke out.

"You know...why not? Besides, I think one more friend won't hurt for all of us."

Ten smiled, as Error then teleported out of her tentacles, and landed onto her shoulders.

"So...shall we go?"

Ten nodded, as Error then closed his eyes, and focused his power to bring both himself and Ten, before the both of them teleported elsewhere.


Inside of an AU, is now a dead and corrupted wasteland that never could be regain to its former glory once again. It is a wasteland that is filled with corruption, death, and destruction, an AU that is forever infected with negativity, and a permanent form of it. Inside of the AU, however, is a castle. The castle is very creepy looking, with it resembling a haunted castle, except that the horrors present inside of this castle, contains very scary people, yet these very frightening individuals, despite their terrible actions, are good people in a way. And this includes the one that is leading the group that are inside the castle.

The one in question resembles Classic Sans, however, his body is made out of a black, sticky, tar-like substance, has appendages that grow from his back, made out of the same substance his body is made out of, and has a left eye that is cyan in color.

The individual is none other than Nightmare!Sans, the Guardian of Negativity, and the twin brother of Dream, the Guardian of Positivity. Nightmare is the one leading the Dark Sanses, and is one of the strongest Beings in the Multiverse, due to the fact that he has the ability to empower himself with the negativity of other people.

How did he get as strong as he is? Well, it is a very sad story. For you see, both Nightmare and Dream, they both used to get along; and Nightmare resembles Dream, except the wore purple and has a crown that has a crescent-moon symbol. As a child, who was birthed from Nim, a Tree Spirit, who would become the Tree of Feelings, Nightmare cared about his brother and the tree that gave them life, with the tree having a light side, with positivity apples, and a dark side filled with negativity apples. But one day, a village had formed near the tree. Dream befriended villagers whilst Nightmare is beaten and bullied by them for being the guardian of the negative side of the tree. He is seen trying to take care of his brother's apples. Later on, as the bullying gets more intense, he thinks his apples are not good enough and are looked down upon. His brother reassured him that his fruit is just as good as him, but Dream did nothing about it, as he is ignorant of what was happening.

People traveled from far and wide to get just one golden fruit from his brother. Nightmare envied his brother because no one would take fruit from his side of the tree. One day, he took an apple from his brother's side, to show he could take care of it. But a being who is filled with negative feelings will turn a positive apple into a negative one. When trying to take care of one of Dream's apples it turns black like Nightmare's fruit. Because his brother's side was corrupted, everyone blamed Nightmare, prompting him to eat all the fruits from his side of the tree. It resulted in him growing tentacles and coughing up black goop. And when that happened, he killed the villagers and trapped his brother into stone, as he then set off into the AUs. Of course, in spite of being corrupted, he is still Nightmare, but has matured and became negativity incarnate, and thus, he is still compassionate and empathetic, due to the fact that he suffered, and thus, when he met the other Sanses, most of then from alternate timeline version of Undertale, he pitied them for their suffering, and thus, he decides to take them in under his tentacles, so that they will not be alone anymore.

One of the first Sanses that Nightmare had taken is one that's named Dust. Dust is a version of Classic that has gone through countless Genocide routes, and it drove him mad, forcing him to kill the Monsters of his Timeline, in order to gain the Determination and the LV to finally bring the human down, as well as absorb the magic of those that he had killed, such as Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Muffet, and Asgore, although he did miss some monsters, which made him stuck at LV 19. Then, there is the one known as Killer, who is similar to Dust, in that he has gone through countless Genocide Runs, but instead of fighting the human, he instead joined the human, and became more dangerous then them. The third member of the group is called Horror. But like the other 2 members, Horror came from a neutral timeline, but with a bad outcome, in which Undyne betrayed him and used his eye to power to Underground after the Core had been broken, and, whether it is Sans or the Eye itself, bones erupted and smashed the core and destroyed it, and Sans gave Alphys a lobotomy, as she had been the one to betray her in the first place.

And there are a couple of other people as well. One of them has a Sans from an Alternate Universe named, Cross. Coming from a Deceased Universe named XTale, Cross joined Nightmare when Error came to him and revealed how it happened, especially with Ink's involvement. Needless to say, Cross was not happy, and joined Nightmare to get revenge on him.

And then, the other one is a surprise, and he is actually a Sans from an AU called Underswap, or at least, a copy of it, thanks to Ink. The Underswap copy got destroyed when it got close to another AU copy, and Error went in to save Swap Sns, who he calls Blueberry, although to Ink, he kidnapped him, and took the Swap Papyrus out as well, who now resides in the Omega Timeline that a is owned by someone that Error is familiar with. And right now...they are waiting for Error, who has not come back in days.

"Boss. Error still has not come back, he's been gone for days."

Killer said, as Horror then spoke out.

"Do you think that something happened to him?"

Dust than looks and spoke out.

"I think I should go check, just in case-"

Then, Nightmare spoke out.

"No, we don't. I know Error very well. He can get out of this mess on his own. We try and go, and then we will be vulnerable to the Multiverse, because as it stands, we are very low in numbers."

Cross and Swap look like they are about to argue, but then...a glitchy portal appeared, as Error then came out from the other side, before he then spoke out.

"Heya, guys. I'm back."

This made the group relived, as Cross then spoke out.

"Error, where have you been?!"

Swap then spoke out to him.


Error chuckled a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Sorry about that. Ink had his whole group of Multiversal Soldiers ready to send me down...but...well...let's just say I manage to get a new friend that helped me in this."

This made everyone confused, as Nightmare spoke out.

"What friend?"

Error smiled, as he then spoke out.

"Do you want to see her? She's outside the castle."

Nightmare and the others looked at each other, before they shrugged and spoke out.

"Okay, we shall see her."

Error smiled, before he snapped his fingers, and teleports himself, and everyone else inside of the castle, as they went outside, and Nightmare then spoke out to Error.

"So what is this new friend you...woah."

Nightmare and the others looked shocked, as they looked up and see that Ten no Kami is staring down at them, and the others are extremely looking in disbelief at the sheer size.

" must be Nightmare, along with your group of Dark Sanses?"

Ten spoke out, as Nightmare nodded his head.

"Yes, I am? And you are?"

Ten smiled, looking down at the Guardian of Negativity and his friends, before she then spoke out to him.

"I am Ten no Kami. Pleasure to meet you."

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