Limitless Pool of Hatred

92 watched and looked in stunned silence at the sight before their very sight. They never thought that Ten would be able to prepare for this, especially with an AU of her own, one that she has made. And this...this made her extremely furious at the sight that is before their very being, as 92 then roared out.


But Ten then shook her head, as she then spoke out to 92.

"Except to the fact that I didn't. If I did copy you, then it would have meant using Cosmic Essence like you had done. But I didn't. I used something else to make an AU of my own, one that is comparable to Cosmic Essence, the Nexus from the MainFrame, the NullVoid. And it will be thanks to the Nexus, that NodeTale will lead to the downfall of Biotale, and your AU, will be history."

This made 92 extremely furious, as NodeTale and BioTale looked at each other through their masks. And when they stared into each other's eyes...both sides felt an emotion that they had never even felt before in their entire existences of living. When they looked at each other, an unknown feeling began to manifest within their mind. They looked at each other, and they felt repulsed. They want to hurt each other, they want to scream and roar at each other, they want to kill each other because of what they look like. They are feeling...pure hatred to one another, a hatred that is continuing to grow inside of them, even though they are meeting each other for the first time. Their hands are twitching in anticipation to fight, they eyes also twitched at the sight of their AU counterparts, their teeth gritted in disgust at one another, no words can describe how much they hate each other. The feeling towards one another, it is almost as bottomless as the powers that they are molded from in their lives of living. It is amazing that they are able to keep their composures, as the amount of hatred would have been enough for any normal person to lunge in and try to kill them. 

"So, you are the creations of Ten No Kami?"

Bio!Gaster said, as Node!Gaster steppe forward, before he spoke out.

"Yes, we are. You must be Biotale. Ten No Kami told us about you when we were created. And it seems that she was right about you, in how all of you are a danger to our goddess."

Bio!Gaster smiled behind his mask, as he spoke out.

"Well, then it is a huge shame that Ten No Kami's creations will be the ones that will die in our hands. You will not defeat us. We will come out victorious, and all of you will die before our hands."

Node!Gaster stepped forward and narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.

"Now if we can kill you first."

He raised his hand, and all 7 hands appeared, each of them corresponding to the 7 human souls. Nice!Gaster's eyes glowed purple, as he looks at his alternate self. Bio!Gaster narrowed his own eyes, as summoned other hands, but they do not have the same color as the human souls. Seems like he can only attack with the hands, but not with Chroma Magic. Node!Sans came forward, and clenched his fist, as his left eye flared blue with a purple outline, as 92 roared out.


BioTale responded to 92's command, and charged at NodeTale, with Ten No Kami speaking out to the group.

"NodeTale, fight back against Biotale. Defeat then at any cost."

NodeTale nodded, as they charged in and prepare for combat, while Ten No Kami prepares to go against 92, their younger sibling in the long long children of MalesGrow himself.

NodeTale and BioTale met in the middle, and the battle between the 2 created AUs, both by the children of MalesGrow, one of them has more experience in fighting, whine the other has more powers and abilities compared to the other, it is a battle of Nexus and Cosmic Essence, between Quantity and Quality, between the creations of 2 Siblings, one of whom is younger, and the other is older. The moment that they met in the middle, the sounds of clashing and fighting is heard, as NodeTale and Biotale are now trying to kill one another.

The 2 Gaster's fought against one another, as they both used hands. Bio!Gaster launched hands at Node!Gaster, many of them clenched into fists, with Node!Gaster using his green hand to make a shield to protect against the attack. The hands were unable to break it, as Node!Gaster fired a red blast from one of his hands, while Bio!Gaster leapt up into the air, before he is then exploded by orange dots, which hurts Bio!Gaster a little bit, before he then had to avoid yellow bullets from 2 of the hands, and it is very difficult for Bio!Gaster. But then, Cyan Ropes wrapped around his legs, and pulls him, but Bio!Gaster used a Bio Blaster to fire at it, and he is able k be free. Then, Node!Gaster launched blue buzzsaw blades, and Bio!Gaster barely avoided them. Feeling hurt, he tries to heal himself. Unfortunately, Node!Gaster notices this, as he spoke out.

"Oh no you don't."

He then launched a hand with purple, and pierced into Bio!Gaster's leg, as Bio!Gaster is induced with slow healing. Needless to say, Bio!Gaster is not pleased in the slightest, as he roared out to his NodeTale counterpart.


He then fired his Bio!Blaster at Node!Gaster. But then, Node!Gaster used Polychromatism, summoning 2 larger hands and a giant Gaster Blaster, as he then fired them, with the hands red, and the Blaster firing red as well, and the combination of all 10 of these attacks are enough to overpower the Bio!Blaster, as Bio!Gaster's eyes widened at the sight, and he got hit, as the Bio!Blaster exploded, and the Node!Blaster and Node!Hands then hit Bio!Gaster.

With Sans and Papyrus, the 2 Skeleton Brothers are facing off against their other selves, and needless to say, their other selves are no joke at all. While Node!Sans and Node!Papyrus may have more abilities then Bio!Sans and Bio!Papyrus, their Biotale counterparts have much more experience then them, and because of this, it is giving them a big amount of experience for them. But too bad for them, they will likely not counter the powers that the NodeTale Skeleton brothers have, especially since they have the strength to go against them.

"You ready, bro?"

Node!Sans said, as Node!Papyrus spoke back.

"I am, brother!! I will fight for our goddess!!"

Node!Sans nodded, as they both turned back to look at Bio!Sans and Bio!Papyrus, as Bio!Sans spoke out.

"Well, seems like we'll fight our doubles. Let's do this, Paps."

Bio!Papyrus nodder, as he raised his fists.

"Let's fight, for our god!!"

Both Biotale and NodeTale skeleton brother then fight each other. And this is an extremely difficult fight for both sides, as both Sanses and Papyruses fought against one another with everything that they have to try and defeat each other.

Bio!Sans and Node!Sans hit each other with bones, but Node!Sans' bones are more durable and are sharp at the ends, something that Bio!Sans does not have, as Bio!Sans and Node!Sans punched each other hard. Although Bio!Sans' strength has grown when he trained for combat, he would have been able to overpower Node!Sans, if he had not gain the strength or Horrortale and the striking power of Insanity!Sans, their codes in which had been infused  into Node!Sans. In other words, he is able to keep up, despite not having as much training as Bio!Sans. Although, Node!Sans has a lot more advantages then even the physical combat, for he also has an advantage over having far more magic then him. As soon as they both landed, Node!Sans teleported behind Bio!Sans and tried to swing his Trident at Bio!Sans, only for Bio!Sans to move out of the way. He looks and fired bones at Node!Sans, but Node!Sans launched spears to counter the bones, before surrounding Bio!Sans with pellets and tried to fire them at Bio!Sans, only for Bio!Sans to jump into the air, only to get hit by fireballs. But Bio!Sans made a Bio Blaster appear and defended against the attack, as Bio!Sans crashed down, but unharmed, before he then launched and fired Bio Blasters at Node!Sans. Node!Sans then stabbed the ground with the Trident, and made a twister of fire roar around him, as he protects himself against the power of the Bio Blasters. The Bio Blasters are unable to go through the fire tornado, before Node!Sans appeared in front of Bio!Sans, and he looks up, his eyes flashing orange and light blue, before he then attacked Bio!Sans with orange and blue slashes. Although, Bio!Sans was able to avoid this by dodging constantly at extremely fast speeds, before Node!Sans looks at Bio!Sans and launched purple webs at him to try and constrict him. But Bio!Sans raised bones from the ground and blocked the attack, as he then summoned a bone to clash against Node!Sans. Both bone and trident clashed, as Node and Bio looked at each other through their masks. Node was then lifted into the air by blue magic, and is hit by Bio!Blasters, and hurt him a little, as he is sent down to the ground. Then, Bio!Sans was launched up as well, before being slammed down, and is stabbed by sharp bones raining down on top of him. Bio!Sans and Node!Sans teleported to their feet, as Node!Sans and Bio!Sans looked at each other, before Node!Sans fired his Node Blasters, and fired them at Bio!Sans, and Bio!Sans countered with his Bio Blasters, the 2 attacks clashed and collided, as they both exploded. Node!Sans then spoke out.

"Gotta admit, you know how to make a 'bone-rattling' performance."

Bio!Sans spoke out.

"Then perhaps I shall 'rib' you a new one."

He then summoned a few more Bio!Blasters, and fired them at Node!Sans. But Node!Sans summoned the Nexus Blaster, as it fired at the few Bio Blasters that are summoned, and overpowered them, before it then exploded the few of them, and made Bio!Sans stumble a little bit. He then looks at Node!Sans, who also looks like he is about to pass out himself, but through sheer Determination, he is keeping himself up from collapsing. Seems like Ten No Kami gave Node!Sans the necessary components and codes that he needs in order to hold his own against Bio!Sans. Bio!Sans, not giving up, summoned a lot of Gaster Blasters, as he is ready to fire them, but Node!Sans then summoned the Node Blastermination, as a wall of Node Blasters appeared behind him. Node!Sans smiled, and Bio!Sans also smiled, as they rushed at each other, the 2 Blasters in each side charging, as Bio and Node punched and kicked at one another, before they then locked hands and began to push at one another. The 2 Blasters are then done charging, and then, at their command, when they jumped back, they snapped their fingers, and the 2 Blasters fired at each other, as the Bio Blasters and the Node Blasters pushed against one another, before a very powerful explosion then occurred in the center.

For the 2 Papyruses, they are holding their own against one another as well, as Bio!Papyrus kicked Node!Papyrus in the face, and Node!Papyrus punched Bio!Papyrus in the face 2 times, as the both of them thought to each other.

'Wowza/Wowzer, he hits very hard!!!'

The both of them though simultaneously, as Bio!Papyrus fired bones at Node!Papyrus fired sharp bones to counter it. The 2 bones crashed into each other and broke, but Node!Papyrus then took out his Swords, and ran at Bio!Papyrus, as he then swung his swords at him, while Bio!Papyrus does the best that he can to avoid gettin slashed and stabbed by Node!Papyrus. Then, Bio!Papyrus is lifted into the air by blue magic, as he nearly gets hit by a Node!Blaster, but Bio!Papyrus was able to move his body and is able to avoid getting blasted to smithereens. He then used Blue Magic on himself to go down, as he then fired his Bio Blaster at Node!Papyrus, who then summoned a Node Blaster to counter the Bio Blaster. But Papyrus is not done yet. He than summoned a spear into his hand, before he launched it and fired spears at Bio!Papyrus. But since he trained with Undyne, he avoided and dodged the attack fast. Unfortunately, he is then surrounded by bombs, and before he knew it, the bombs were bit by bones, and the bombs exploded into Bio Papyrus, as Node Papyrus smiled at the success. But Bio Papyrus was not done, as he then summoned a surprise Bio Blaster on top of Node!Papyrus, hurting him badly. Then, Node!Papyrus and Bio!Papyrus looked at each other, as Bio!Papyrus then spoke out.

" have way more abilities then I do. Very devastating power you have."

Node!Papyrus smiled, as he spoke out.

" are able to hurt me a lot, despite the fact that I have more magical attacks then you. It's a shame, though...that we have to be enemies, we could have been best buddies, doing puzzles, making spaghetti, and all of that. Nyah Ha Ha!!"

Then, he puts his hand onto the ground, and summoned a giant bone for him to stand on top of, as Bio Papyrus nodded with a smile behind his face.

"Yes, it is a shame that we have to be enemies!! But enough talk!! It is time to go to the goal of defeat for you!!!"

He than leapt at Node!Papyrus, who then made his Bone Staff, before he then goes down to clash against his Biotale self, determined to defeat each other.

Node!Asgore and Node!Toriel are fighting against their BioTale selves, and needless to say, both Bio!Toriel and Node!Toriel are having a bit of trouble against one another, simply due to the fact that they both have the same powers, and they are both evenly match against one another. They both launched fireballs, as the fireballs, made from Cosmic Essence and the Nexus, clash and dispersed one another and exploded the moment that they hit one another. Bio!Toriel and Node!Toriel looked at each other, as Bio!Toriel spoke out.

"You know...I envy you immensely, for you have a son that is still alive, while my son has to die."

Node!Toriel then spoke out back to Bio!Toriel.

"You will not lay your hand on my child. Leave him out of this."

She raised her hand, as she launched flames at Bio!Toriel, in a manner similar to a flamethrower, as Bio!Toriel raised her own hand, and does her own flamethrower attack at her, and the 2 fiery attacks clashed at one another. For Node!Asgore and Bio!Asgore, they clashed and struck at one another with their Tridents, as the sound of clashing and clanging and grinding are heard, as sparks fly from one another. Bio!Asgore kicks Node!Asgore back, who then stabbed the trident into the ground, and summoned more as they erupt to pierce Bio!Aagore. But Bio!Asgore leapt into the air, as he launched fire at Node!Asgore, who then jumped out of the way, before he charged his Trident, and launched the Trident like a Lance, as the Trident rockets to Bio!Asgore, who than raised his Trident and blocked the attack, but was knocked out of the air, and landed onto the ground. Node!Asgore ran to Bio!Asgore and tried to stab him, but Bio!Asgore jumped back as he stood back up, before he then tried trio stab Node!Asgore. But Node!Asgore briefly split into 2 copies, as Node!Asgore became a single person again, before he ran towards Bio!Asgore, and Bio!Asgore does the same thing in return. Then, they raised their head, and their eyes flashed orange and blue at the same time, each of their attacks the opposite color as their opponents, especially in the first color they chose. The moment that they got close to one another, they both attacked each other so fast, it seems like a blur in their attacks, and the moment they did the final slash, the 2 attacks clashed and they are sent back by a powerful shockwave, as a white light flashed.

With the Undynes, Node!Undyne and Bio!Undyne attacked each other with all that they have. Bio!Undyne launched spears at Nodd!Undyne, who then raised her spears for he ground, and Node!Undyne spoke out.

"Gotta admit, you are very good for a version of me. But too bad for you, your Biotale buddies will not be able to win against us!"

Bio!Undyne then spoke out.

"Once I am through with you, your Alphys is next to die!!!"

"You stay away from my girlfriend!!!"

The 2 Undynes then clashed against each other, as they both roared at each other's faces, refusing to back down and submit to the strength of the other opponent.


The 2 Undynes struggles against one another, but then, Node!Undyne headbutts Bio!Undyne in the face, before she leapt up into the air, and raised her hand, and summoned the Spear of Justice, as she is ready to make sure that Bio!Undyne will pay for threatening someone she loves so dearly.

With Asriel, he is facing against Flowey, who has a mask for a face, and even the mouth can move. Needless to say, Asriel is revolted, as he launched fireballs at Flowey, who sunk down and dodged the attack, and he then summoned Pellets to try and attack Asriel, only for Asriel to swing his Chaos Sabers to destroy them, before he then brought down Shocker Breaker and Stars Blazing on top of Flowey, which hit him badly. But Flowey does not give up easily, as he then launched vines at Asriel, in an attempt to strike and hit Flowey. But Asriel puts his hands onto the ground, and summoned his own vines, colliding and wrapping it around Flowey's, and needless to say, Flowey is not too happy that Asriel can do this, as Asriel then used his one vines to rip off Flowey's vines, as he then fired more Fireballs at Flowey, who does all he can to avoid the fireballs, before he than launched a vine to stab Asriel in the face.

Mettaton and Muffet are fighting against their alternate selves, as the Mettatons use bombs, the Muffets use their purple webs, and both Frisks use their own fighting prowess to fight against one another, although Node!Frisk has an advantage in which she can use her own magical powers, thanks to getting the code of Glitchtale, Endertale, Refusetale, and Nighrmare, as well as another timeline, which will allow Node!Frisk to stand her ground and perhaps overpower Bio!Frisk. Seems like 92 did not seem to realize that. But even so, Bio!Frisk still has a leg up on Node!Frisk in terms of combat experience, for they have been alive far longer then Node!Frisk was created. So with their combat experience, they will be able to match Node!Frisk in something that they don't have. However, the problem is that Chara has also decided to join in, and is also fighting against Bio!Frisk. So, Bio!Frisk is going to have to use all that they can in order to keep up with the 2 Determination Users of NodeTale.

As for Node!Betty, she is not actually facing against a single opponent. Instead, she is facing against all of the opponents, in order to try and even the odds our, and perhaps help with NodeTale in defeating their opponents Gaster, as she swings her scythe around, which makes it very difficult for the opponents to know who it is that is about to come at them, since they are distracted at the fact that they are against their counterparts.

The battle rages on, and it continued, as sounds of blasts, explosions, detonations, piercing, and cutting were heard, as NodeTale and Biotale continued to attack one another. But when the dust settles...the view is revealed that NodeTale and BioTale, didn't win against the other. In fact, the both of them, the both sides, they are tied against one another's power. They are both exhausted, all of whom are on their knees, as they are too tired to keep on fighting against one another. Both Biotale and NodeTale are equal to one another in many ways, mainly in what they have. Although Biotale has extended combat experience, and thus, they know how to plan more efficiently, Nodetale has much more magical powers in most of the main cast compared to Biotale, as well as the fact that they are trained by Error404, who is a master combatant, and thus, because they had someone help them in how got fight, they are able to grow into combat enough to keep up, despite being inferior in that department.

The 2 AUs gasped and felt a lot of exhaustion, as something that neither of them had felt, as Ten No Kami landed behind the NodeTale AU softly, as Ten No Kami looked hurt as well, but is not exhausted, as 92 then spoke out.

"It appears that our creations have exhausted one another. You clearly have made something that rivaled Biotale, Ten No Kami. Even I have to admit, your handwork on that is impressive. But it matters very little. For you will suffer for what you have done in standing against me. Biotale will prevail, and all of existence in this the Multiverses...they will be mine to take."

Then, a golden flash of light appeared, as Biotale and 92 vanished back to the TransVoid. Ten No Kami narrowed her eyes at this, knowing very well that Biotale and 92 will return to enact their revenge. Then, Gaster spoke out.

" all of our battles with Biotale...going to be this difficult...and be as this."

Ten looks down silently at Gaster, before she spoke out.

" will be. Which is why I trained you all for combat at the you can be ready for when they return. I know it seems cruel that I did that, and is. But this is a necessary type of you can be ready for when they come. And you need to be ready for their return...when they enact their revenge."

Gaster nodded, as Ten No Kami spoke out.

"But for now...go rest...all of you."

She raised her hand, and all of NodeTale disappeared back to their AU, inside of the Nexus, as Ten sighed softly at this. She than raised her head up, as she then teleported back to the higher reality. She then spoke out.

" NodeTale became successful. Not at defeat Biotale, of course, for they have not developed quite yet. They are closely developing their combat prowess, but they have not truly match then yet, and likely never will. They'll most likely match them in terms of magic, so that they can be allowed to keep up in the fight. But I need to be ready, for the times are beginning to change. And luckily...I have someone that I have, that can act as my most trusted ally, just as Error404 is to me."

She then floats up, and she sees that there is a skeleton suspended inside of a pink sphere of sorts. The skeleton resembles Ink, but with a few differences. He doesn't carry vials with him instead has an art satchel with him that carries art supplies. He has an ink splat on his face also except it appears to go farther up and is on the opposite side. He wears a long brown scarf similar to Ink's as well. The blue jacket he wears around his waist is similar to Ink's, except darker, and finally, he has a rainbow arm of some sort. He is also taller, at the height of 5'9, 5 inches taller then Error.

Ten No Kami sighed, as she raised her hand, and she made the stasis sphere disappear, and the Ink lookalike fell down. But Ten grabbed him, as the Sans, after a minute, breathed,
And he opened his eyes, showing them to be blank and white, before he looks around and sees Ten. Flatly, he speaks out to Ten.

"Who are you? Who am...I?"

Ten smiled, as she spoke out.

"I am Ten No Kami. I am the one that created you in the first for who you are..."

She raised her hand, and summoned a paintbrush, resembling Ink's, but with a tentacle wrapped around, before giving it to the Skelton, as Ten spoke out to her creation, which she had prepared for a very long time, pride present inside of her very tone.

"Your Tint."

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