Ten No Kami looks down with a smile, as she sees Error and Reaper together, along with Toriel, who looks around and makes more plants grow and become fresh and healthy, almost as if the plants grow in the presence of the Goddess of Life. Ten No Kami cannot help but indulge in this environment thar she is inside of right now. It is of an atmosphere that always felt comfortable to be in, almost as comfortable whenever she was in the presence of William, the first ever friend that she has ever gained in the entirety of her life.
Ten No Kami cannot help but see that Reaper and Error treat each other similar to brothers, and they look almost as close in relationship is Error does with Nightmare, perhaps because they had went through similar pains before in the past, which lead to Nightmare becoming the being that he is in the first place. Error smiled, as he and Reaper had a bit of fun together, and Ten No Kami seems to enjoy the presence of Toriel, who then spoke out.
"Ten, from what I heard from Error correctly, you used your power to make yourself a Universe of your own."
Ten looks down at Toriel and nodded her head, as she then spoke out to her.
"Yes, I did. Of course, it is only because a friend of mine aided me, and the fact that I had to use him in order to moms the AU I needed to make. Plus, I didn't make this AU out of entertainment. I made the AU that I have because it was necessary, due to the fact that a sibling of mine made their own AU, and they are using it for actions that are very horrible and rather unthinkable, using the AU to conquer and kill, not to mention trying to use that AU to try and kill me. So I made my own, in order to combat against the power that their AU has."
This made Toriel looked worried, as she then spoke out to her.
"Oh my. That sounds horrible."
Ten nodded her head, as she then spoke out.
"Quite. It is indeed very horrible, due to the fact that 92, the name of my sibling, they don't have the ability to feel remorse, unlike what I am. And because of this, I had to make my AU in order to stop them. I am just lucky that my friend was there for me and helped me in the creation of my AU, otherwise, it would have ended very badly for me, and I would never have been able to make it."
Toriel then nodded and spoke out.
"Tell me...Ten...what do you see your creations as, what your AU as?"
Ten looks to the side, and spoke out.
"Admittedly, a part of me thought of them as my soldiers for me to use against the forces of 92's Universe, seeing them as needed in that j need to be able to face off against them. the same time, I saw them as if they are my own children, as if they are my spawns in which that I want to keep on making sure that they are alive and do not die."
Toriel nodded her head, as she then spoke out to Ten No Kami.
"You are not the only one that thinks the same way, Ten. The truth is, when I create life, when I have sentient beings and living creatures be born, such as plants, animals, humans, and monsters, I see them as if they are now own children, and I would do anything to make sure that they would be able to come to the outside world, no matter how painful it may be for them. And yet, I want to guide them to a life where they can be happy, fulfilled and free, not bound by the cruelty of the existence that they live inside of."
Ten looks down and smiled, as she intertwined her hands together, and spoke out.
"Tell you feel grief when they die? When the creations and life that you worked so hard to keep alive and help so much is simply taken away from you?"
Toriel nodded her head, as she then spoke out to her.
"Yes, I do feel grief, all of the time. In fact, I felt grief when I saw my own children go from my arms, from my embrace. I wanted nothing more then to see then again, after what must have been so long. I wish that I can see then both again. But I knew, deep down in my very soul, that such a desire if forever lost to me in life. But even so...I continue to live, so that I ensure that the parents do not lose their own kids, and gain their own kids, no matter what happens. I want to make sure that they do not gain the cruel life that I have, the sadness and tragedy that I myself had to endure in taking."
Toriel then smiled, as she then spoke out.
"And now...I think that I had gained a new second being with my Sans, the God of Inpure Death. I do not know why...but for some reason, I feel okay just by being near him, and that is it. Despite the fact that he is made to counter the forces of life that I have, I had seen that he is a truly much more kinder soul then I never thought was there. He truly does care, but looks at the cruel and corrupted side of existence, while I simply see the beauty and purity of existence itself. Even when life is not fair to me, I was at least able to get someone that cares for me, even if that person is the exact opposite of the person that I am now."
This made Ten looked down, as she smiled and intertwined her hands together, and she thought back of the time when William had talked to Ten No Kami about the concept of love, and Ten, she never felt that before, being able to fall in love, as she never had experienced it in her life. But Ten, she felt parental love for the first time, when it involves her creation, NodeTale. She never thought that she would be taking the role of the parent, and yet, she began to express her love towards her creations, by helping them grow up in becoming who they are. She is able to help them gain a conscious mind, a sentience that they never thought that they had, and the fact that he is even able to give them a life without tragedy. She smiled, as she put her hand over her heart, and felt it pound in her chest. She closed her eyes and reflect on the feelings and emotions that the denizens of NodeTale have, especially when towards her, and the fact that they treat her, not simply as their goddess, but almost as if they see her as their mother. No words can describe how Ten felt when she witnessed this sort of feeling. Ten felt her chest grow warm from the feeling NodeTale gave her. She then looked down, as she then spoke out.
"You know...Toriel...I never truly understood the concept of love in the past...and that is's very new to me, for I have never felt it before."
This made Toriel curious, as she then spoke out.
"You've never felt that before?"
Ten shook her head, meaning no, as she then spoke out.
"I never had. In fact I never even felt true love of a parent. I had lived a life that is filled sktn nothing but cruelty and hatred to me, born from a father that cared about no one but himself, from a father that never truly loved me. And admittedly, I was horrible myself back then, being cruel and taking pleasure in the pain and death of others. And that is all I had ever known in my life. But when I met my first friend for the first time...he taught me what love is, and what it means to feel love. If it wasn't for him, I'd feel life I would not have treated my own Universe, my own creations as my children. I would probably seem them as nothing more then my soldiers, and that is it. And in all honesty, I am so glad that I was able to meet him."
Toriel smiled, seeing how happy that Ten is, as she then spoke out to him.
"Well, I am very happy and glad that you are able to meet this field of yours. He must have been a very good person to has taught you such concepts in the first place. He really had changed you for the better."
Ten smiled, and nodded her head, her king hair waved a little bit at this, as Ten recalled back at the time when Error404 was William, and she is able to see the innocent side of William, a concept that is rather alien in her own mind. She then looked around, and she then began to think to herself for a little bit, as she then looked up at the sky, and sees the birds fly over her head, before Ten then spoke out.
"I...I think I need to go somewhere that I think is important to me."
Ten then looks at Error, and used her telepathy pm him.
"Error...I am going to leave outside for a bit. I think I need to do something that I feel is extremely important. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Error nodded his head, and thought back.
"Go on."
Ten Nodded, before she looms at the sky, and she then teleports. Error smiled, as he looks to see that Ten has left, and thinks that she has a very good reason to leave, due to the fact that Ten might have something to do wit. NodeTale. He does not blame her. After all, is one of her most crowning achievements that she had ever done, and one of the most important ones yet, due to the fact that she needs to use NodeTale in order to go up against the forces of BioTale, which is the single most antagonistic AU that Error had ever seen, due to the fact that they are immensely powerful. He just hopes that Ten No Kami know what she is doing, and does not go too far in what she does. As he looked, Reaper then spoke out to Error.
"So, Error. What is it like, being worn a giant squid lady in your life?"
Error looks at Reaper and spoke out to him.
"Surprisingly, it is very good and engaging to me, especially since Ten No Kami has done nothing more to me aided me and saved me from Ink himself. It is thanks to her that I am still here to this day, and if it weren't for her, I would probably have never met my master in the first place. Honestly, it is been strange how sometimes, I can have some good new buddies to be with, when life decides to throw a bone for me to bite on."
Reaper nodded his head, and he spoke out.
"I bet. Well, at least it is good to know how you are doing, Error, and that you are feeling quite better."
Error nodded with a smile, before he sensed that Error404 is somehow inside of Reapertale. But before he can react, Error404 already decided to make his appearance known.
"Oh, is this another friend of yours, Error?"
This made Reaper stop and he turned around, along with Error, as they see that Error404 is coming out from behind a tree, and walked up to them.
"Sir? What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you have much bigger issues to worry about?"
Error404 smiled a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"Well, you didn't come to the MainFrame for some reasons, so I figured that I would check to see what is going on. And well, now I know what is happening, meeting another ally that I never knew you had."
Error narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"Only because my ally has gotten enough problems on his plate."
This made Reaper nervous at Error404 now appearing in his life. Bush what does the God of the Multiverse want, appearing inside of his AU?
Ten is shown to be floating within the Multiverse, as she goes to various different AUs or ATs in order to find some other code that she can use in order to help NodeTale become stronger then before. Ten No Kami's hair blew for a bit inside of the dark void thar she is in, despite the fact that there is no wind inside of the area that she is in. But Ten does not seem to care, as she continues to travel inside of this realm between AUs, and goes all over to the and find a place that she can use. She closed her eyes, and she opened her eyes for a bit, in order to try and see if there is a person that she has not used yet. And sure enough, there is one person that she had not used. She can see it, in her sight, that there is a monster in an original Undertale Alternate Timeline. One that wears a cloak that is red, with black garments that has a Delta Rune symbol, pink curly hair, a sword, and is a Royal Guard. That is something that Ten can use. And in fact, it reminds of her someone back in AlphaTale thar she has met. The name of that person is...Lucy. And Lucy, she looks almost the same as the Undertale Monster that Ten is seeing, called simply, Red. However, the difference is that Red is a ghost that possessed a doll-like body of some sort, has a thin sword on one of her hands, and a mask over her face, not to mention that the cloak that she is wearing is red. But Lucy...the monster in Alphatale, before it is gone, Lucy is different, for there are many stuff about her body that not even Red has. Lucy wears a large purple sweater covered by a large black cloak that is just about as big as her whole body, she also wears high heels made of armor plating. And unlike Red, Lucy has a very large and wide sword in her hands, and the thing is, she posssesed, not a doll-like body, the body that Lucy possessed is a rather old machine like body that came form the laboratory above in hotland. But the body is not perfect, due to the fact that the right ankle on Lucy is broken, and because of this, Lucy has a tendency to accidentally tip and fall down to the ground, although this does not stop Lucy from fighting, and interestingly, Lucy has been nicknamed, Red, mainly because, by the Astral Mother's words, she would always come back from how often during Lucy's excursions through the Anti-Void and Aus, Lucy would return looking completely red and covered in blood and dust, which is how violent her job is. Ten No Kami met Lucy when Delios decided to throw her away, and Ten No Kami, taking pity in this, gave the gift to her, which made her stronger then before, and even took her code, which has been enhanced by the power of the Gift itself, giving her a sword that can cut through almost anything, and had a mark from Delios himself that kept her from being destroyed by planetary level attacks, now having been given Ten No Kami'a gift, which enhanced that power to where she can survive far more then this. She even copied and stored the code of Lucy inside of her, so that it can be used for another time, and for a different purpose. And unlike other members of Alphatale, Lucy is still alive, for he has kept her in stasis somewhere, waiting to be used again, and it is a location that only Ten No Kami herself knows. And seeing Red from Undertale, believing that she might be Lucy's counterpart, he decided to come and check it out, and see if that is the case. She flies towards the Multiverse, and after a little bit of flying toward the Undertale Alternate Timeline, he is able to arrive at the destination of her chosen desire.
She looks down at the AT of the original Undertale, and she observes to see what this fight takes place in. And there are 2 most notable outcomes, one where Red is spared in a Pacifist Run, and one where Red is spared in a Genocide Run. She looks down, and see that Red's attacks mostly change depends on which route has been chosen, but both are very tough in their own unique ways. Deciding that, she can just take both of the code from the Pacifist and Genocide versions of Red, she held her hand out, and began to take the code of Red with all of her attacks, her eyes narrowing, as she continues until she is finished. She looks down at the code, and spoke out.
"Perhaps I should look around for more ATs for me to use. After need as many people as I can in order to take down BioTale."
She then began to search around, and through her sight, she sees that there is one other person that sends to be well known, which is named Aliza. 2 versions exist, one from HorrorTale and one from AxeTale. Going to them, she goes to HorrorTale first and she is able to easily absorb her code, and for Axetale...she decided to absorb her code, before she went into Mount Ebott. After that, she smiled, as she then thinks that she has had enough, before she then goes back to NodeTale. Teleporting inside of the NullVoid, just like before, he had to go out and deal with the wind pressure that exists inside of whirlpool below her, but thankfully, because Ten No Kami had consumed some more Multiverses along the way, she now had a bit more of an easier time getting through to the other side. She looks down at NodeTale after arriving, and she looks to see that Frisk had gotten a little bit older, and she is now pregnant. Taking this moment, Ten No Kami summoned Error404, just as he is done talking to Error about something and was about to leave, and took control of him instantly, before she then started with Aliza, condensing the Code of Aliza from HorrorTale and AxeTale into a core, before inserting it into Frisk's womb, where it is able to make a soul for the child. This made Ten happy, seeing that she is not too late. Then, she decides to take the chance and used Error404's powers to manipulate the Nexus and make a body for what would be NodeTale's Red. When she began to make the body, she quickly thought of what her full appearance will be like. After that, the Nexus reacted to the thoughts that Ten has. The body began to form and molded it into how Red would look inside of NodeTale. When Ten was finished, she looks and sees what the entity looks like. The Red of NodeTale, lying onto the ground, resembles the original Red, due to the cloak and pink curly hair, but like Lucy, has a purple sweater and high heals made from armor plating, and like all members of NodeTale, she has a black mask, which has a pair of wings on both sides of the mask, and a red gem on both sides as well. She also has a Sword, made from the capabilities of Lucy's sword. In fact, it is the same size and length of Lucy's sword, meaning that too is capable of cutting through almost anything, as well as having the powers of classic Red, but amplified to immense levels, meaning she now has her bombs, can cut through space to limit the room the human has, bombs, rapidly slice, and can summon Delta Guardians, in which Ten would rename that to the Alpha Guardians. And unlike the 2 versions of Red, the original and Lucy, she is not a ghost that took over the body of a doll or a machine. Instead, it is a body that is made of the same thing that monsters are made of: Magic. This means that this Red is an actual living thing, instead of a ghost that possesses bodies.
Ten smiled, as she then took out the condensed code sphere, and rose it over NodeTale Red's body, before gently inserting it into her chest. After all, a bit of Lucy's code involving her powers, or rather, a fraction of the code she copied exists inside of the soul, and thanks to that, it will give her enough strength to be on par with NodeTale's main fighters. Then, after a little bit, Red awoke, and she then looks around.
"Huh...where am I?"
As she spoke out, Ten spoke out.
"Hello? Can you hear me?"
This made Red look up, and spoke out.
"Who...who are you?"
"I am Ten No Kami. I created you, Red. The Goddess that made you, and the world you live in right now."
This made Red stunned, as she spoke out.
Ten confirmed.
"Yes. And now...I'm going to give you too a pair of monsters that will give you a lesson on what you need to do, and your purpose, for you are needed in this."
She then goes to Undyne and Papyrus, who are alone, before he then teleported them to Red, which caught then both by surprise, and Papyrus spoke out.
"Wowzer, what happened?"
Undyne looks around, and sees Red, before she spoke out.
"And who might you be, little one?"
Red, looking at Undyne, and for some reason, admiring both her and Papyrus, spoke out.
"I am Red. Ten made me."
This made Undyne surprised, and both her and Papyrus realized what they need to do.
"Oh, so you are new here. Come along with us, Red. There is much you need to learn inside of the new existence you are in."
Ten watches and smiled, as she looked at the sight of Rrd being taken in by Papyrus and Undyne, so she can learn what she needs to know, and the fact that she will be able to be trained by then both, mainly by Papyrus, due to the fact that he has bone Swords, which will aid her in how to fight. But now, Ten...she is now worried, as she realized that...when she leaves, the entire AU that she has made will be vulnerable, and when seeing this, she spoke out.
"I need some assistance in this. If I leave, BioTale may one day attack when I least expect it. And I cannot be there to aid NodeTale in teleporting then to the MainFrame all the time. I need to do something about this."
Ten No Kami then teleported, and goes back into the void between worlds, and began to travel around the Multiverse, searching for an Alternate Timeline or AU that might have something, as well as release Error404 and send him back to the MainFrame, so she does not accidentally drop him inside of the NullVoid. As she travels along...she went to an Alternate Timeline where she used to upgrade the Frisk and Chara with Gaster Blasters and give Alphys her powers over breathing lightning as an attack. In this alternate timeline, the people from the world above them, one where they see this AT as a story, are able to interact with the denizens of this world and ask questions to them. Ten No Kami, she decides to check it, and see what is going on. As she looked around...she then sensed code...outside of the AT, and in the Void. But that is not possible. This should not be a case. She looks, and sees that there is a creature, or rather, a group of creatures inside of this realm. They take on the form of eldritch horror-like creatures. Ten No Kami can sense their power. It is what she needs in order help NodeTale. She then goes to the creature, and remains hidden from plane sight, before she then copied and stored the code of this entity, a Prophecy, as it is called, inside of herself. As she looked at the code she has inside of herself, she then looks around, and sensed another thing...but it is not code. She looks around and see entities that take on the form of the Undertale casts, but in a monochromatic and mare twisted form. As she looks down...a voice spoke out.
"Oh, hello."
This made Ten look and see a Gaster with glowing blue eyes. Ten looks down at the Gaster, and Gaster spoke out.
"You're not from around here, are you?"
Ten shook her head, and spoke out.
"No, I'm not. You're a Gaster, aren't you?"
Gaster nodded, and spoke out.
"From what you say, it seems that you know I am not the only one."
Ten then spoke out.
"I know of other Gasters, and even seen other Gaster. I even created my own."
This made this Gaster intrigued, and Ten spoke out.
"What are these things?"
Gaster then looked at the entities taking on the form of the Undertale cast, and spoke out.
"Oh, these are Uncannies. They are denizens of the Void that can take the forms of things they've seen in worlds, although not in a convincing way, but that is not the purpose of why they change into their forms. The purpose is to find a way to interact with my home universe, and they sometimes choose to say cryptic information about things that the people they're talking to don't know about yet, and most of the time, are harmless."
Ten, having a perfect memory, nods her head and understands what this Gaster meant, before she then turns to another source of power, the same as the Uncannies, and she looks to see a massive being, that goes on for miles, and spoke out.
"What is that?"
Gaster turns to see the large entity, and spoke out.
"This? That is called the Dream Watcher. I've be seen this being several times inside of my stay in the Void, and it stretches on for miles, or not. And for some reason, it takes an interest in Nightmares. Perhaps it is to feed on Nightmares, cause nightmares, or merely likes to observe them. And all it does is observe inside of a person's Dream."
Ten nodded her head, understanding what Gaster meant, before she then spoke out.
"I see. Thank you, Gaster. I need to know about that. Because I have something I need to do."
Gaster looks and sees Ten leave, and he waved goodbye. Ten waved back, and she teleported back into the NullVoid, and forcefully teleported Error404 above her head and controlled him with the Gift. Ten smiled, as she held her hand out, and began to use her power to create her own Prophecies. Their ability to manipulate reality to a degree and put thoughts into people's heads, as well as the fact that they are incorporeal like a ghost, it is what she needs, for they can use their power to bring them to the MainFrame, in order to fight against NodeTale. She is gonna make the same amount of Uncannies as the main fighters that she has, which is 15 of them. Of course, one of them is for Aliza, and they will remain hidden and inactive, until Aliza grows up to the age of 13-15. The Prophecies will act as regulators for NodeTale, as well as aid NodeTale in development when Ten is away.
"Okay, here I go."
Ten then held her hand out, and summoned the Nexus, as she then molds the bodies of 15 Prophecies for her to use, each to symbolize the main fighters that she has created. After summoning all 15 of them, making them in various designs, she then used her power to copy more of the code, before making all 25 cores, before inserting them into the Prophecies, their power amplified by the power of the Nexus, and unlike the original Prophecies, they are undying, with no limit to their lifespan, and possess a limitless willpower, despite their sentience. Ten, however, did not awaken the prophecies yet, because she needs to make more. Going to the Uncannies and Dream Watcher, which she needs to make, she spoke out.
"Trying to mold a soul out of pure Nexus is going to be a big challenge for someone such as me. I need to find a way to give them a sentience of their own,
And make their souls. After all, they are entities from the Void, they lack code, and because of this...I'll have to start from scratch, and use what the Gaster said in his description of them."
Ten then held her hand out, and she decided to make the Uncannies first, and after a while, she made Ten of them, but of course, took on no form at all, only the form of their own desires. She then held her hand, and began to try and make a soul of pure Nexus energy, and and commanded a series of orders and personality traits, based on what Gaster told her, as well as the powers that it possesses. After that, she then made the entity awaken, and the Uncannies, knowing of the purpose that I needs to do, due to the commands that it has been given, but don't do it yet.
Ten sighed, as she then decides to do the Dream Watcher next. And making the Dream Watcher is going to be a pain, due to how large and long it is. But Ten No Kami is determined to do it anyway, as she then used the Nexus to create the Dream Watcher, and the Dream Watcher is very long, just as long, if not longer, then the original Dream Watcher. After that, she made a Nexus Soul, and ordered a series of code and commands, about the powers she decided and the purpose it is given. After she is done, and inserted the soul into the Nexus, the Dream Watched came to life, and began to circle around NodeTale. She sighed, before she then raised her hand, and the Prophecies, began to awaken. Error404, now free, spoke out.
"Ten, what did you do that for?"
Ten then spoke out.
"Sorry, William. But I needed to do this."
The Prophecies then fully awoken, and they acted confused, until Ten spoke out.
"Hello, Prophecies."
This made the Prophecies look at Ten No Kami. The Daughter of MalesGrow looked down at them, and spoke out.
"My name is Ten No Kami, I am your creator, And here, I am in need of your assistance, the purpose in why you are created, and that is for all of you to aid in the assistance of NodeTale itself.
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