Ten had been very helpful to Error and his allies, especially when she is able to get a new person to help them in the situation that they are in. And this is especially when she is able to give them new members of the Dark Sanses.
For both Dustbelief and Dusttrust, it is a freedom that they never thought that they would feel again, a freedom that they thought that they would never believed that they would gain. But now, they did it, and on the bright side, at least for Dustbelief, he now gets to hang around with Dust Sans, who is happy to be with him. This made both Dustbelief and Dust happy to be with one another, and there are no words to describe how great it is for them.
Speaking of Dust, just like his alternate brother, Dustbelief, because he has killed the Bete Noire of the bad ending of Glitchtale, he has now gained LV 20, and also has gained increased stats, just like his brother, with the HP at 9,999, and both his ATK and DEF at 999. In addition, thanks to Ten, she is able to amplify his ability to absorb more powers. When he killed Betr Noire, he gained most of her powers. He gained her Hallucinations, Mind-Reading, the Spears are now infused with the spears he gained from killing Undyne, although the string can only appear on one of the spears, he can sense Magic from other entities at far distances, although he cannot sense magical entities from other AUs, can summon large Arrow-Shaped Projectiles that can aim and explode, and finally, he has gained her Scythe of Fear. The Scythe can now make slash projectiles made of magenta flames, and when striking the ground, can make dark magical explosions that directs itself towards the target that's attacking.
And with an added benefit, because the Bete Norie of thr Bad Ending has consumed and absorbed far more souls than her other counterpart, thanks to her Kumuzilla consuming more and draining their souls, this made her weapons and her magical powers far more stronger then even the good ending Betty Noire, as well as being physically more powerful, being faster and stronger, and as such, the Scythe is able to surpass the power of even the Trident itself, with Dust himself becoming very fast and strong himself, more stronger then Betty as well. So now, the Scythe is going to become Dust's new melee weapon to use in combat against those he's fighting against. But he will first need to figure out how he can use it, due to the fact that the Scythe's powers are very destructive, and the fact that he can accidentally destroy some stuff if he is not careful.
So, to help him with this, Dust is now currently sparring against Killer, who is able to fight against him evenly, due to the fact that his LV is just as high, and he himself is very durable, which will allow him to go up against Dust and take on his attacks without any issue of being killed by the attacks themselves.
Dust took a deep breath, as he than extended his hand and summoned the Scythe of Fear, as Killer then readies his Real Knife. Killer and Dust looked at each other, intently and very focused, as Dust stepped back, and Killer also stepped back, waiting for the opportunity to fight, or rather, waiting for the moment for the fight to begin with the call they Nightmare can do. They waited, their eye sockets narrowed, as Nightmare then spoke out.
Dust than ran forward, and needless to say, he became very fast, as he then reappeared behind Killer, before Killer even knew it. Killer then teleported out of the way, as Dust swung the Scythe, and Killer than swung his Knife, as a red slash came out from the knife. But the Scythe had a slash projectile as well, as the 2 slashes struck at each other and exploded at one another, as Dust then teleported to the other side, and sees that Killer is not here...only to then dodge out of the way, as Killer tried to attack from behind. Then, Dust struck the ground, as the dark explosion then began to go at Killer, who than dodged the attack, and made Sharp Bones appear from above and attempt to strike down at Dust. But Dust then summoned the Arrow Blasts, and exploded onto the bones, destroying them, as Dust than sensed Killer has now teleported in front of him, as he swung his Scythe against the Knife, and the 2 Bladed Weapons clashed, and both Dust and Killer struggled at each other's strength, as Dust now is able to hold his ground more easily then before. In the past, whenever both Dust and Killer fight, it is always such a struggle for him, and although he would win against Killer, that is in some cases. Half of the time, Killer is able to win, due to the fact that he had LV much higher then him, and the fact that his Attacks would do far more damage then his did. But now, thanks to the fact that he has gained Max LV himself, he is now able to hold a much more better form of ground against Killer, as Dust than kicked Killer hard, and it seems him flying backwards a little bit, as Killer hits the wall of the Castle, and Killer jumped out of the wall. He then looks at Dust, and both him and Killer are tired from the fight. They are giving their all, and mow, Dust is able to match him in this.
"Got to admit...the new power up that you had gained really is something, huh?"
Killer said, as Dust nodded his head, his Scythe steady in his hand, as he then spoke out.
"Yeah, and admittedly, the Scythe is much more powerful then Asgore's Trident. I can feel it's slashing power superior to it."
This made Killer smile, as he then points his Knife at Dust.
"Then let's say we continue this."
Dust nodded, as his hand is raised.
"Yes, we shall."
A Gaster Blaster appeared above his head, now more larger and powerful then before. Then Killer raised his Knife, as a Goop-Filled Blaster also appeared, and the 2 Blasters fired at each other, and both Dust and Killer, they both rushed at each other, their weapons tightly in hand, they are both smiling at the thrill of batting each other, as they then clashed again.
Inside of a copy of Outertale, Ten is shown to be present inside of the copy of the original AU, as she looks up at the stars that are in the vacuume of space. Ever since seeing this AU inside of her vision, she always gets to see and appreciate the beauty of the AU itself, due to the fact that the entire atmosphere and the entire sight of the AU looks so pretty, especially when it involves the Stars that are all over the place. They twinkled and sparkled, and the way that they like up, it is the most beautiful sight that she has ever seen.
Admittedly, she's envious of the beauty that is before her eyes. Inside of the TransVoid, many of the realms that she had entered are of chaos and resembling bizarre structure, and never once had seen a sight as beautiful as this, especially from one of the lowest levels of reality. So the fact that there is such a sight inside of an AUs as this made her envious of the Multiverse, due to possessing something that the TransVoid likely does not have, and likely will never have.
As she looks down, she can see a vision in her eyes, about a Sans that she has seen before, and he is coming through portal of some sort, one that's above her head. She then looks up, her empty eye sockets look to see a dark blue portal appearing above her, as a Sans appeared. This Sans is wearing a cobalt-blue jacket that is reaching down in between his ankles and knees, has crystal slippers, and fluffy scarves that are now wings, as well as a fluffy hood. The left eye is crystal blue while the right eye is a slight Turquoise color, and has a gem on the collar of his jacket. The other Sans attempted to go, but Ten raised her tentacle, which caught the other Sans by surprise, as she then spoke out.
"I did not expect to get visitors inside of Outertale as well."
This made the other Sans turn his head down ti the lower part of the AU, and looks to see Ten sitting there, who then turns her head and looks up at him, and needless to say, the other Sans is a little bit freaked out, as the other Sans spoke out.
"Who...who are you?"
Ten smiled, as she spoke out.
"I am Ten no Kami. And who might you be?"
The unknown Sans looks at Ten no Kami, as he thinks of what to say, before he the spoke out his name.
"I am known as Abyss."
This made Ten look at Abyss in the eyes directly, even though hers are much more larger, as she then spoke out.
"Abyss...I believe Error told me about you."
This made Abyss surprised, as he spoke out.
"You know of Error?"
Ten nodded.
"I do. And it seems you also know of him as well."
Abyss nodded. During his first time traveling into the Multiverse, Abyss had stumbled into Error who was just about to eat his chocolate. Of course, Error made a bad impression on Abyss at first, but thankful, he is able to patch things up with Abyss, and talks about the Multiverse, due to how knowledgeable he is in his time of doing his duty as the God of Destruction, and of course, Error does talk about what happened to his life, about how he is ripped from his AU and into a job of destruction, due to the actions of Ink not stopping his creation spree. And Abyss, he is actually one of the few the pity and believes in him, due to the fact that Error did not choose this position, and thus, he has became hated across the Multiverse, similar to how Abyss had became considered a freak inside of his AU, due to the fact that he has a heritage that is unknown to even him. And this heritage made him suffer. Because of this, due to learning Error's life, he is one of the very few Sanses that does not hate him. However, as Abyss would be considered a 'heroic' Sans, due to his behavior, Abyss decides to stay out of the way and not get involved in the battle between Error and Ink. But he does make a genuine friend up out of Dream, who is genuinely trying to do good, but is unaware of what Ink is doing. So he distracts Dream by sending him to AUs and ATs that are suffering and need to be genuinely saved, which made Dream appreciate Abyss' actions.
Abyss looks at Ten no Kami, as he then spoke out.
"Who...what are you?"
Ten looks at Abyss with an unamused expression on her face, as she then spoke out.
"Don't you know how rude that is, especially with the fact that you have just met someone, to ask a question like that?"
This made Abyss flinch, as he then spoke out.
"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't watch my mouth from that one."
Ten sighed, seeing that he is at least able to realize that what he is saying is wrong, as she then spoke out to him.
"It's okay. At least they you realize that what you did was not good here."
Abyss then looks at Ten, as she remained silent, before she then spoke out.
"If you want to speak with me, it's okay. You can ask me anything."
Abyss took a deep breath and sighed, before he then flies next to Ten and stood next to one of her tentacles, as he then spoke out.
" did you meet Error, if you don't mind me asking?"
This made Ten look down at Abyss, as he then spoke out.
"Actually, I knew of him even before I met him. You see, I have the ability to see anything in existence, even when I am not present, all events and locations at once. I even knew that you would arrive a few seconds before you even came here."
This made Abyss shocked, as he then spoke out.
"You knew I was coming?"
Ten nodded her head.
"That, and I knew of your history and past of your AU, Abysstale."
This made Abyss flinch, as that means that Ten will also know of his heritage, as he then spoke out.
"Does that know of...what I am?"
Ten nodded her head.
"I do, about your half-heritage...and I also know how much hurt that it has caused you. So I won't talk about it, nor judge about it.
This made Abyss surprised, as he then spoke out.
"You won't do that? Why? If you know about my past, then you know how everyone judges me for the fact that I am a half-breed, due to the power that I have with me."
Ten then thinks about it for a little bit, before she then spoke out.
"Because you are not the only half-breed, Abyss. In all honesty, I am a half-breed myself, and from where I am from, being a half-breed would be considered a taboo, a forbidden existence. And admittedly, I did suffer a lot because of what I am. I'm just glad that I escaped from my home."
This made Abyss surprised, as he did not expect for that to happen, before he then spoke out to her.
"'re one of the few people that never judged me. I revealed my heritage to Error, and he accepted me without problem."
Ten smiled, as she then spoke out.
"That sounds so like Error, alright. He is a very kind soul, very empathetic, and pitied those that suffered just as he has. He is the most compassionate person that I have ever seen."
Abyss chuckled a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"Well, can't argue with that."
Ten no Kami then looks up at the stars in the horizon, as she then spoke out.
"So...what are you doing here now, Abyss? Are you looking for something?"
Abyss nods his head, as he then spoke out.
"Yeah, I am trying to find something, but it is something I am doing with a group of my own, and I cannot reveal this to anybody else."
Then, Ten spoke out.
"Let me guess, you are looking for 4 orbs, and you already got 2 of them."
This made Abyss surprised, but he then remembers that Ten is all-seeing, as he then nodded, before Abyss spoke out.
"Yeah, I am."
Ten then spoke out.
"Well, then I shouldn't waste your time. Get moving."
Abyss looks up and nodded his head at her, before he then spreads his wings, and flies away, as he then goes out to try and find where the orb that he is looking for is at. Ten sighed, as she looks up, and smiled a little bit at the distance, as she then spoke out to herself.
"And yet, I already made a new ally in the form of one of the Sanses that is genuinely heroic. It is so amusing, yet so touching for me."
Then looks down, as she spoke out.
"I should see how Nightmare's doing now ."
Error is leaping up into the air, as he dodged Ink's paint, as both Error and Ink are fighting in a copy of Outertale, one that is seperate from Ten no Kami, as Ink spoke out to Error.
"You are not destroying this AU, Error!! You are going to be stopped permanently what you have done!!"
Error narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"How about we just get to the point?"
Error then fired an Error Blaster and hits Ink with it, as Ink is then launched backwards into the rock, and felt immense damage, as then, Geno came out of nowhere and launched his Gaster Blasters at Error, forcing Error to block. He then looks, and saw various Sanses have appeared to aid Ink, as Ink teleported them to his location, before Ink then began his assault at Error with the Sanses that he has gained. Color Sans than fired a Titan Blaster, making Error leap up into the air, as Error then got hit in the chest by Seraphim Sans, who used Bravery's power to punch him. But Error than fired his Error Blaster and is able to hurt him. Error than took control of Color Sans and Geno Sans using his Blue Strings, as they than fired their attacks at Ink Sans, hurting him badly, before they fired at Seraphim, who got out of the way, but does get hit by a Titan Blaster, as Color Sans has 6 Human Souls inside of his body. But Seraphim then gets taken over by his Chara, who made their Real Knife and slices the strings off of him. Then, Fell Sans appeared and punched Error, but Error caught his fist, and sends him flying into a rocky cliff, as an army of Sanses appeared. Error looks at them...but he then senses a presence, from someplace that he has never felt before. The Sanses attacked, and Error dodged, as he teleported...and landed onto a realm that he has not seen before in his entire immortal life.
As Error looked up...he sees the location is unlike any that he has ever seen before. He is inside of a dark black abyss, with pure code all over the place. The amount of code is overwhelming, as he then spoke out.
"What the...what the hell is this? Where am I?"
Error said, as he began to walk around in the new realm that he is in. And Error...he also hears voices inside of this place...and they are 10 times worse then the Voices of the Anti-Void, as well as the Voice of Fate. He held onto the sides of his skull, as he spoke out.
" this hell or something?"
But as he spoke out those words, another voice spoke out.
This made Error jump a little bit, as he then turns around, only to see a Sans on his knees. He wears a dark blue coat that reaches down to his ankles, with a white fluffy hood with blue lines, white shirt and pants, black socks, and white slippers with more blue lines. Error stepped back, as he spoke out.
"Who...who are you?"
The Sans on his knees was silent for a few moments, before he then looks up a little, and his eyes showing. Both of the eyes are dark blue, but the left eye has a white pupil, as he then spoke out.
"Who am I...I once used to have a real name...but I cannot remember who I once was. What is your name?"
Error looks down, unsure if he can trust this guy, before he decides to speak out.
"My Error, the God of Destruction."
Silence...before the other Sans spoke out.
"Error, huh? I think it's a nice name...perhaps I can use that to make a name of my own."
He than rose one of his feet, and then began to truly stand up, and that is when Error sees what he really looks like with his face.
The color of this Sans is a normal white color, but he has blue teeth, and has lines coming down his face. Bu the lines are...are different. When Error got his lines, it is because he cried so much and so hard that he is branded by his tears of pain, and the tears became his strings. But this Sans before him...they are not from tears. They are scars. It is as if he has scratched his face so much that he made them into lines similar to Error's.
This made Error step back, as he then spoke out.
"Oh god...what happened to your face?"
But the other Sans does not seem to hear him, as he then spoke out.
" feel...unique...let me get a closer look at you. Perhaps make need of you."
He then suddenly moved fast, and Error, on instinct, teleports out of the the way, far more farther to the unknown Sans, before he than wrapped Blue Strings around the unknown Sans, as he then spoke out.
"I do not know what Sans you are, but I can assure you, I will not-"
But as he spoke out, the other Sans began to struggle, and he then began to raise his voice.
"...J-Jacob...H-How could you...HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEE??!!!"
He than suddenly broke free from the strings without effort, as he then ran far more faster to Error, as he reacted by raising his hand, and summoned Red Bones from the ground. But the unknown Sans crashed through them without even trying, and Error, in fear, reeled his fist and punched him in the face, just as the unknown Sans grabbed him by the scarf. And then, the entire Multiverse started to glitch, began to defragment itself apart, and...crashed.
Notice: Multiverse has crashed. Multiverse now rebooting.
Rebooting: 10%
The Multiverse began to reconstruct itself, as Error looked around and saw that he is back in the Anti-Void, and is no longer inside of that weird realm, as he held his chest and spoke out.
"What...what was that? Is that what dying feels like?"
As he said that, he then felt the presence of the other Sans coming from behind him, and reacted fast by teleporting out of the way, as the unknown Sans failed to grab him. Then, Error launched Error Blasters at the unknown Sans. But then, he launched his own blaster, which is white at most of the dragon skull, but is dark blue at the jaw, and has the same lines and eyes on its face, as it fired, and overpowered the Error Blasters, much to his shock, before the unknown Sans fired a laser from his fingers. Not wanting to know what happens if he gets hit, Error made strings to the air and reels up, in order to get away. But then, the other Sans began flying, actually flying, as he then grabbed Error by the neck, and pulled him hard enough to slam him down to the ground once more, and he than grabbed him by the face, and slams the back his his head multiple times, causing the skull behind his head to crack. Not wanting to get continuously hurt, Error made a portal underneath him, as the other Sans than pushes him inside without realizing it's appearance, as Error fell down into Outertale once more. But the other Sans is not giving up his chase, as he than began to go down after him.
Then, Error landed onto the ground, his wound began to heal slowly on its own, as Ink shouted out.
"Here he is again!! Get him!!!"
Then, the other Sanses, more of them this time, began to lunge after him, along with Ink, as Error than teleported out of the way. But the other Sans is coming down fast, and before anyone can react, the Sans from above crashed into the ground, causing a powerful shockwave that launched the Sanses and Ink as they all crashed into the rocky walls, and Ink got splattered. Then, Blue Strings wrapped around the splattered part, before that piece of ground got ripped from the rest of the ground, and thrown up above, as Error then tackled the other Sans into the portal, and back into the Anti-Void, which they began to fall in, as Error continues to punch and strike at the other Sans' face, before he than grabbed his fist at the 5tb strike, and threw him to the ground, which in Error teleported out of the way, the Anti-Void shook from the crash, as Error looks at the other Sans, before running up to him fast, he speed made him look like he vanished, before reappearing in front of the other Sans and tried to wrap blue strings around him, but he than is kicked in the face, before he then glowed blue, as the other Sans used some type of blue magic that stopped Error from moving. The unknown Sans looks at Error, almost impressed at the fact that Error is able to land some good blows on him and hurt him a little bit, especially at a small percentage of his power, before he then looks around, and spoke out.
"This is very curious. There is all of this new life and new faces that I can sense everywhere...and, yet my home, it is nowhere to be found inside of the Multiverse. I'll have to start anew then. But first, I should start with getting everything situated."
He than looks at Error, who narrowed his eyes with defiance, as Error then looks at the unknown Sans, seeing what he will do next, as the unknown Sans spoke out.
"Tell me...Error. Do you work for anyone?"
Error looks at the unknown Sans in the eyes, as he spoke out.
"Work for anyone. I feel more controlled then willingly working someone."
This made the unknown Sans confused, as he spoke out.
"What do you mean by that?"
Error narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"My entire life...I had been controlled by someone, named Fate. She forced me to do a job I never wanted, because she cannot keep her child, Ink, under control. The one with the large paintbrush in his hand."
This made the unknown Sans intrigued, as he then spoke out.
"Really? Then...what do you desire?"
Error narrowed his eyes, but in a more sad way, as he then spoke out.
"What I want? I want nothing more then to be free."
Then, Sans spoke out.
"Or perhaps...I can make a change for you."
This made Error confused, as he then looks up at the unknown Sans, before he then spoke out.
"What do you mean?"
The unknown smiled, as he then spoke out.
"You said you want freedom, yes? Well...I can help you with that."
Error looks at the unknown Sans, as he then spoke out.
"I can grant you your freedom, make you unbound by Fate's hands. But I want something from you in exchange. I want your help with something on my end, I want you to work for me, and perhaps, I can teach you some things that I know, that may aid you in your desire for liberation, as well as show me the ropes of what has been happening currently. But if you refuse, I WILL KILL YOU. Are we clear?"
The unknown Sans ended his threat in a rather cold tone, one that is intimidating to even Error himself. But then, what should have been a reaction of pure fear, as many others would fear him for this threat, Error began to chuckle a little bit, and this made the other Sans confused, until Error spoke out.
"Kill me? Hehehehehehehe. Buddy, many people have tried to kill me, as have I tried to kill myself, but I can never truly die, no matter what I do and no matter what anybody does. I have been torn in half, blown to bits, crushed to glitched bone dust, and yet, I always pull myself back together. And in all honesty, death wound be a far more better fate then this life. And not even you can kill me, as I'll just simply come back, even if you are more powerful then me, for as long as Fate has her strings on me, I can never truly be free."
This made the other Sans completely unamused, as he never thought that this would happen, Error being unable to die, even if he wants to, and the fact that Error has attempted to kill himself before, as Error spoke out.
"And would you even free me, nor would you even be willing to keep your word? For all I know, you would be using me before discarding me when I am done with whatever work you want from me."
This made the other Sans think about it for a little bit, before he then spoke out.
"I won't deny that I will use you. have my word. I am someone that honors promises and deals. After all...even if I do not know how to get rid of Fate's control for now...I am someone that will find a way to do it, no matter how many years. So...are you willing to work for me to get your freedom, Error?"
Error looks down for a little bit, thinking of what to say, before he sighed and spoke out.
"Fine. And if you are serious that it will help me be free from Fate's Strings, then I'll do it."
The other Sans smirked, as he finally got someone to use, as he then spoke out.
He lets go of Error, as he then spoke out.
"By the can call me, Error404, from now on."
404, now named, grabbed Error, as they both teleported, where Error will begin his new life.
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