
Error, Nightmare, and Bill looked at the trio that is before them, as the 3 skeletons of Biotale looked at Error's group, with Error muttering to himself.

"Me and my big fatass mouth."

Error stepped back, as Nightmare spoke to the Forced Destroyer of AUs.

"You had to jinx it, didn't you?"

Biotale Papyrus looks at the group that is before him, as he then spoke out to him.

"Wowza. And I thought that our God's sister was out only target! But it appears that there is another tote of target that we need to get for our God to have!"

Gaster looks at the 3 members of Error404's henchmen, before he then spoke.

"So...are you deciding to come with us willingly, or to come with us by force? will be speared of whatever agony and suffering you are going to be subjected to by us."

Error then spoke out.

"Buddy...I suffered countless times in the past. What you suffering will do to me, it matters little, for I am very used to the pain of the position that I am in. Fate has been cruel and tortuous to me, and what you will do...will not be any different. what my life is all about."

Gaster seemed unamused, due to the fact that Error suffered way to much to care. Oh how her would be very willing to hear his screams of agony and despise, if he had refused. But it is what it is, ain't it. Gaster then spoke out.

"Well...even if you cannot care about the pain...I suppose we will bring you in by our own hands."

Error then took a step back, and raised his fists into the air, as Nightmare brings out his tentacles, and Bill made blue fire dance above his hand, as he then spoke out to Biotale's skeletons.

"Already getting on with the fight right now, isn't it? Now I can finally be entertained with all of this!"

Biotale Sans looks at Error, as Error narrowed his eye sockets, as he is ready to go against this so-called Biotale. Nightmare looks at Papyrus, as Papyrus looks at the Guardian of Negativity. Bill Sans looks at Gaster, as he smiled in a very happy way.

"So...Gaster...let us have some fun with each other...shall we?"

Bill then summoned his One-Eyed Blaster, as he fired a yellow beam at Gaster, which it him in the front. The moment that happened, Gaster was struck and sent back, as Bill flies to him. The instant that happened, Biotale Sans and Papyrus then decided to go into combat against Error and Nightmare, as the 2 Sanses fought against the denizens of Biotale. And it is a fight that nobody is ever going to forget, not even Error and Nightmare, as they prevent the denizens of Biotale from taking Error to their home. But the denizens of Biotale, they were unlike any AU that Error has fought before. They were immensely strong, so much that they can rival Error404, which is saying something, considering the the knows how strong Error404 is, and as how dangerous he can be. But Error knows that he cannot defeat them. He just needs to hope that Error404 will come.

Error leapt up into the air, as he fired Error Blasters at Bio!Sans, and since they had grown stronger, now with a red beam instead of the white ones that he used to have, Error thinks that it would be enough to cause pain to Bio!Sans, and sure enough, Bio!Sans got hit by the Error Blaster, as he is sent down to the ground, even more in pain then ever before. But Bio!Sans is not one to give up that easily, as he then fired white and yellow bones at Error, who jumped backwards as far away as he can, and was able to avoid getting skewered. Error looks up, as he sees Bio!Sans rushing up to him, and Error jumped backwards, as he teleported away from Bio!Sans. He then respired Bio!Sans, and grabbed him with the Blue Strings, before he then swung him into the air, and slammed him down onto the ground of the MainFrame. But Bio!Sans did not seem to be affected at all, as he stood back up fast, and fired a Bio Blaster at Error. Error tried to use his Error Blaster to counter the Bio Blaster, but the counter did not work, as the Bio Blaster began to overpower the Error Blaster extremely fast. With barely enough time, Error teleported out of the way, and the Error Blaster was destroyed. Error teleport beside Bio!Sans and swung a red bone at him, knocking him away at the side of his head, but Bio!Sans didn't feel the pain, as he then stood up, and spoke out.

"Was that supposed to hurt."

Error spoke back.

"No...but this will. Glitch Ray."

Then, out of nowhere, Error fired his Glitch Ray at Bio!Sans, and hopes that it will be able to control him. The Glitch Ray fired, and it caused Bio!Sans a little bit of pain, as Error looks...but he sees that the corrupting effects of the Glitch Ray did nothing to Bio!Sans, which made him surprised and confused.

"What? Why isn't anything happening?"

Bio!Sans then chuckled, as he stood up, as he then spoke out.

"Fool. Your Glitch Ray, which our master had seen you can only corrupt those that have code. But us Biotale denizens...we were created in a realm that lacks code. What makes you think that you are able to control us?"

This made Error stunned. Biotale has no code? If that is true, then the first shot of the Glitch Ray is useless. But not the second shot, for it is able to destroy anyone that gets caught in the blast. But he knows that Biotale cannot be destroyed, for they are stronger then him. Guess he'll use it to cause as much pain as possible.

"Then I guess I'll have to do this in another way! Glitch Ray!"

He fired the Glitch Ray, this time using the second shot to try and hit Biotale Sans. This time, it worked. Bio Sans got hit, and he actually felt a lot of agony from the Glitch Ray. But Bio Sans is not down for the count, as he looks back at Error, before using his Blue Magic to attack him with it, as Error's them ready to fire his Error Blaster.

Nightmare looks at Bio!Papyrus, who then fired bones at Nightmare, as Nightmare then used his tentacles to wrap around the bones that nearly tried to hit him. He then launched a little bit more tentacles at Bio!Papyrus in order to try skewering him. But Bio!Papyrus raised bones from in front of him and blocked the tentacles, and although Nightmare was able to crack the bone wall, he was unable to get through it, even though he had his power increased by the negativity of the Multiverse that he is in. Seems like Biotale is going to be a tough nut to crack. Bio!Papyrus then launched bones at Nightmare, who immediately avoided getting hit by the bones. Nightmare looks at Papyrus and scoffed. Clearly, Biotale, whosever has made them, just have created them to match Error404. If that is the case, then clearly, what they made's working. Nightmare's single eye looked at Bio!Papyrus, as he then rushed at him and tries to grab him, but Nightmare's body simply passed through the arms, as Nightmare grabbed him with his tentacles, and began to try and burn his arms, which are like acid in long term exposure. He looks at Papyrus, who then breaks free from the tentacles, but is then slapped by another tentacle and is sent crashing into the ground, as Nightmare looked at Bio!Papyrus.

"How tough is this AU?"

Nightmare spoke to himself, as he looked at the area that Papyrus he crashed into. Then, the debris were blows to the left, and this made Nightmare a little bit confused, before he then was slammed at the right of his head, which made Nightmare get launched into the air, and crashed into the ground. Thankfully, Nightmare is still fine, as he then rose up, before he then sped toward Papyrus, and tries to their a tentacle into Papyrus. But Papyrus raised his hand, made a wall made of bones, and blocked Nightmare's tentacles once again, as Nightmare for a little bit annoyed by this.

"Wowza, for a weaker AU, you are holding your ground against us! Too bad that it won't save you!!"

Bio!Papyrus said, as Nightmare then made Black Tentacles pierce Papyrus from behind, but this did nothing more then amuse Papyrus, as Nightmare spoke out.

"I do not care how strong you are compared to me. You are not taking away an ally of mine."

Papyrus then jumped into the air, before he slammed himself into the ground and made a shockwave, as it pushes back Nightmare a little bit and almost made him splat into the air, but Nightmare reformed himself, as Bio!Papyrus spoke to the Guardian of Negativity.

"I apologize, squid version of my brother, by I cannot ignore my duties. Our God wants to have Error with them, with plans of their own with him, and thus, we need to do this. So we have to take him."

Nightmare looks at Papyrus, as he then spoke out.

"You'll try."

He jumps into the air, and launched tentacles at Papyrus in huge barrages, and Papyrus got hit, and although he does not feel that hurt, Nightmare Sans does not care, as he will do whatever it takes to bring down the Biotale Papyrus. The denizens of Biotale and their god, they will not take away Nightmare's closest ally.

Bill Sans, on the other hand, he is having the time of his life, as he is fighting against Bio!Gaster, who is likely the strongest monster in Biotale, and he is proving himself to be this strong, at least in terms of being able to use his magic. Gaster flies into the air, as he then summoned hands to try and grab Bill!Sans. But Bill!Sans summoned a yellow bone and pinned the hand, which disappeared. Bio!Gaster then fired his own Bio Blaster, as he tried to incinerate Bill!Sans. But Bill!Sans fired his One-Eyed Blaster and countered the Bio Blaster. In-line the Error Blaster, which had trouble against the Bio Blaster, which in turn, means he was outclassed by it, the One-Eyed Blaster is able to hold its ground against the Bio Blaster, being able to match it, with neither side being able to overpower the other. Bill!Sans smiled, as he then suddenly made gravity in the entire area gone, and Bio!Gaster began to float into the air, before Bill!Sans appeared above Bio!Gaster, and blasted him with his Bio!Blaster. This made Bio!Gaster mad, as he shouted out to him.

"Son of a bitch!!"

He then launched more Gaster Hands at Bill!Sans, but Bill!Sans then made a clone which was grabbed by the hands, before he then went behind Bio!Gaster, before he then used launched Bio!Gaster into the air by hitting him with his cane, before he then slowed down time, as he then appeared above Bio!Gaster, who he then made gravity heavier on, and Bio!Gaster is then sent to the ground and he then crashed in a very painful way, as Gaster then had trouble getting up, although he is eventually able to do it. Needless to say, though, Bill!Sans is able to use his powers far more better then Error and Nightmare, not simply because he is of age, but because of the fact that he is immensely strong, being somewhat a match for Error404, and thus, he is the only one that is able to truly hold his ground against the denizens of Biotale. And Bio!Gaster, being the strongest monster in terms of magic, is having immense trouble against someone as powerful as Bill!Sans himself.

Error crashed down to the ground, as he backed away from Bio!Sans, before he wrapped Red Strings around him, and caused his pain receptors to flare up like crazy. This made Bio!Tale snarl in pain, but he gained the willpower to rip the strings off of him without much effort, before he ran as fast as he can to Error. But Nightmare immediately stepped in and went in front of Error, as Bio!Sans blasted him, sending Nightmare and Error back, but with Error completely unscathed, and Nightmare regenerating. And since Gaster is mad, Nightmare has gotten stronger. Bill Sans appeared next to Nightmare and Error, as Bill!Sans spoke out.

"Oh my. It appears that our new enemies are far stronger then expected. It is a shame that Error404 is not here. He is missing out on the fun that all of us are inside of now."

Error rolled his eyes, as he then stood up, and points the fingers of his right hand, and prepared another Glitch Ray, as he felt very frustrated at what is happening, at the fact that he is getting into a fight against Biotale. Error isn't tired, but he is getting worn out in the battle, not to mention getting overpower despite how hard and tirelessly he had trained with Error404 in being able to fight. Bio!Sans fired a Bio!Blaster, but Error then made a portal to the Anti-Void, before he made a portal at the Biotale Skeleton family, which hit them. And needless to say, Bio!Gaster is not happy, as Erroe fired his Glitch Ray.

"Glitch Ray!!!"

But at the same time, a familiar blue laser can beside the Glitch Ray, making a purple ray with increased power, and hits the Bio Blaster that Bio!Gaster is firing, overpowering it a little bit, and destroyed it.

"What is this?!"

Gaster said, before a white blur came out of nowhere and punched Bio!Gaster, and a voice spoke out to him.

"And just what do you think you are trying to do with my student."

Bio!Gaster looks and sees that Error404 has arrived, his hands are inside of his pocket, and he is clearly not happy to see that Bio!Gaster and his sons are trying to take away someone that he needs to resurrect Alphatale. Bio!Gaster smiled, as he stood up and then spoke out to the God of the Multiverse.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Error404, the so-called God of the Multiverse. I wasn't expecting for you to come and stop us, which you will not do."

Error404 narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.

"You are trying to take someone who I need in my desire to resurrect my world, and you think I will let. It slide? No...I will not let you take my successor. And besides...who said that I will be the only one that will face off against you?"

This made Gaster confused, until something drilled behind them, something large that shook the entire section of the MainFrame that everyone is fighting in. The 3 Biotale denizens turned around to see what it is that has made the shaking, only to stop when they realize that it is none other then Ten No Kami herself. Ten looks down at the Biotale denizens...but she notices about them. Their entire bodies, they are molded by something else, and it is not code. No, Ten can sense it. It's none other then Cosmic Essence, untainted from the corruption of the TransVoid. Ten then looks down at the 3, as she spoke out to them. Or at least...she was about to...but then, Gaster spoke out to her.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ten No Kami herself."

This made Ten No Kami blink her empty eye sockets, as she then spoke out to them.

"How do you know of my name?"

Gaster chuckled at Ten No Kami, before he then spoke out to her.

"Our god knows of you for a long time, and wants nothing more then to see you dead."

This made Ten No Kami even more demanding of answers, as she spoke out.

"God? Who is this, God?"

Gaster smiled beneath his mask, which made Ten mad, as she is aware that she will not like the answer that she will be given. And then, Gaster spoke out something that Ten did not expect.


This made Ten stunned, as she then spoke out to Gaster.

" sibling, 92, made you?"

Gaster then spoke back.

"Not just me. 92 had made an entire AU, farthest from the corruption that it had been afflicted with for centuries. We are 92's most deadliest creations of all time. And 92...they made it a personal mission to make sure they you are taken down, no matter what. So it is time that you say goodbye to the life that you have."

Ten No Kami moved back a little bit, as Bio!Gaster was about to attack, but then, Omnipotent and Error404 decided to intervene, as Error404 tackled Bio!Sans, and Omnipotent began to fight against Papyrus, with Ten all by herself taking on Gaster, who then spoke out.

"So...what have you got?"

Ten narrowed her eyes, as she than raised one of her tentacles up above, and tried to slam it down onto Gaster, who then teleported out of the way, before Gaster fired his hands at Ten, and punched the larger hands at her, which made her get pushed back by the force of his fists. Clearly, the TransVoid's Cosmic Essence are able to make Ten feel pain from all of this, which is not great at all. Ten looks down at Gaster, as Gaster then launched a Bio Blaster at Ten while he is flying in the air, before Ten countered with a beam of her own from her hands, as the beam and blaster countered each other. Ten narrowed her eyes, as she looks at Bio!Gaster, and Bio!Gaster smiled, thinking that he will be able to take on Ten all by himself. But Ten is not someone that is going to give up easily. She then raised one of her tentacles, and slapped Gaster away from her face, as Gaster is sent flying. But Gaster stopped himself in midair, and tries to charge at Ten No Kami, in an attempt hit her in the face. But Error, who finished recovering his energy and stamina, as well as his strength, leapt to him and tackled Gaster, as he and Gaster began to fight against each other. Ten snarled a little bit, as 92's voice then appeared.

"Did you like what I have made, Sister? It took me months to make them, and they are being out to good use."

Ten looks up, sending 92's presence, and Ten was mad, as 92 continues to speak out.

"I have told you what I would do, to make an AU of my own, and now...I did it...I created an AU of my own, one from the TransVoid, farthest from the corruption that has plagued our home. And I will take away everything from you. I will take away the Multiverses and rule them, and your allies will be mine to take for myself to have, for I have plans for them. I would like too see you try and stop them."

Ten snarled, as she spoke out.

"You will get away with this, 92. I will stop what you have created, no matter what!!"

92 chuckled sinisterly, as they left with their last words.

"You will fail in saving them."

Ten snarled even more, as her fists clenched. How dare 92 sends her creations to those she cares for deeply. Ten will not let this continue on. She will stop them and their creations, for they will not take what she cherishes for such a very long time. She looks around, and she then looks to see that Error404 is fighting against Bio!Sans, Omnipotent against Bio!Papyrus, and Error against Bio!Gaster, which is clearly had, due to the fact that Gaster is stronger then both of the skeleton children that he has. How will Error stand a chance against Gaster? As Ten No Kami narrowed her eyes, she was about to raise her hand to get rid of Gaster, but then...a blast appears and struck Error...and it took away the damage that Error had taken. This made Ten shocked, as another blast happened and hits Omnipotent, which also reversed the damage that he had taken. What is going on? Ten turns and looks to see a ghost of some sort, of a sans with a white jacket, slippers that are faded in pink, and a tear coming out from his right eye socket. Ten can only whisper out to him.


Adam, or rather, Aloha, looks a Ten, and he spoke out.


Adam said, surprised that Ten can see him. But he look sad, as he then spoke out to her.

"Sorry to break it to you, Ten...but I'm not him, anymore. I am Alpha, what had become of Adam."

Ten looks at Adam, or Alpha, as she spoke out.

" is good to see you...old friend. But...what happened to you? How did you become like this?"

Alpha looks down at himself, and he then spoke out.

"You best not know. And besides...I'm pretty sure they you have far more bigger problems to deal with, especially with Biotale happening."

He then raised his hand, and he retrieves the bones from their stabbed spot, as Ten then spoke out.

"Well...what can I do? At best...I'll cause more harm then good. How can I do this?"

Alpha then spoke out.

" are able to do something about it. Remember Islothorn, who Omnipotent was with?"

Ten looks at Alpha, and she nodded her head, as Alpha then spoke out to her.

"Well...Omnipotent was able to gain the transformation that he had, because he is able to made a contract with Islothorn, which means that Islothorn and Omnipotent are connected. It is thanks to this connection that Islothorn is able to give some of his power to Ares, and make him become...what he was before. And Ten...I once did the same to me and my well as some of my friends and the problem I care about..."

Alpha turns around and points to the pale spot. It was difficult to see, due to Alpha being a skeleton, and bones are white in color, but Ten's eyes widened, remembering that she had done this to Error404, Alpha, and all of the others that she was with. Ten spoke out.

"Of course. The gift. I remember that now. I gave all of you the gift so that I can be connected to Alphatale and it's code. But...what does that have to do with..."

Alpha then smiled, as he then spoke out.

"With your are likely able to teenaged some of your Cosmic Essence into any of us, but your power can also be infused with my brother in order to make him stronger then before. So...try it...give my brother your power...make him strong enough to defeat Biotale, so that this can all finally end."

Ten No Kami's eyes widened, unable to believe what she was hearing from Alpha...but she then nodded her head, as she understands what Alpha wants her to do now. Ten narrowed her eyes a little bit, as she looked at Error404, before she then decides to use her telepathy on him.

'William, can you hear me?'

This made William surprise for a little bit, hearing Ten's voice in the battle all of a sudden, as he then spoke out to his giant-sized friend.

'Ten, you deciding to speak to me now in a fight? Well...if you have something that will help, then I would like to hear it!'

Ten nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

'I might possibly have something that can aid you in this, William. But...I...I need to make sure that I am able to do this to make you as strong as I can. So...when we do this...or rather...when I do what I need to do with you...I think it will be your only chance of winning against what 92 created."

Error404 can tell that Ten is reluctant to do this, and knows that she is worried of what it will do to him. But if it is enough to try and take him take down the forces of Biotale...then so be it. Error404 launched Bio!Sans back, using his Blue Magic, before he then spoke out.

"Well...whatever it is that you have, do it now, Ten! Because I really am in a very bad spot!"

Ten nodded her head, as she took a deep breath. Her eyes are closed...before she then opened them very quickly. And the instant that happened...Error404 felt...something new. His eyes...they began to grow blue energy, with one of the tendrils each coming out from the top, and three others moving from the bottoms, almost in a similar manner to squid tentacles. Error404's fingers gain claws and his shoulders have gained shoulder pads, the back of his head also looking like it has become a different form of matter, almost like in between a liquid and a gas. And Error404, he can feel Malware's Cosmic Essence being used as well for this news transformation. Ten No Kami looks at Error404, before she then spoke out to him.

"Now rise, Perfect404."

Perfect404, the new transformation of Error404, now looks at Biotale, and needless to say, everyone was shocked at what Ten No Kami had done. Sans, the one from Biotale, even he is speechless at what it is that Ten No Kami did to Error404, making him this powerful. But Error404...he can feel Cosmic Essence flowing through him, and it...he does not know how strong he is feeling. Omnipotent looked at this, as he spoke out.

"What? What happened to William?"

The, Islothorn spoke inside of Omnipotent's mind.

"It appears that Ten No Kami is able to use her Cosmic Essence and give him some of her power, along with Malware still inside of Error404. Now he has become a force to be reckon with."

Omnipotent was stunned that Ten would do this, as Perfect404 then looks up, as he then went behind Bio!Sans, and punched him as hard as he could, which sends Bio!Sans into the air, before Perfect404 flies above Bio!Sans and punched him hard, as he is then sent down to the ground, hurting Bio!Sans severely. This made Bio!Gaster and Papyrus shocked. Bio!Papyrus then goes in to try and attack Perfect404, as he swung his bone in order to try and take him down. But then, another Perfect404 appeared, as it grabbed Bio!Papyrus. And then, another Perfect404 held him in place, as the other Perfect404 began to beat him, and then, Bio!Papyrus is knocked out, and is almost about to be killed by Perfect404...when Perfect404 felt an immensely bad strain on his power. He hugged himself, wrapping his arms around his shoulder, as Ten No Kami immediately spoke out.

"Oh no. It appears that you do not fully accept the power that I have given you. No matter, I'll get rid of it out of you!"

Ten No Kami held her hand out, and took the Cosmic Essence out of him, as Error404 now returned back to normal, as he spoke out.

"Ow, that was very straining to me, Ten. seems that it is able to mostly work."

Ten No Kami nodded her head, as Bio!Gaster then spoke out.

"No matter. I shall deal with you myself!!"

Error404 smiled, as he then spoke out to him.

" won't be dealing with simply me."

He then used his blue magic onto Error, who is severely hurt from Bio!Gaster and pulled him in, as he then spoke out.

"You'll be dealing with both me and one."

He then grabbed onto Error's soul, which is a shard of white that is surrounded by red, as Error's soul went inside of Error404's soul, and then...a flash of blue and red appeared, causing everyone to close their eyes, except for standing in the place of the 2 a grey-colored skeleton with a dark blue coat, yellow fluffy hood worn red strings, yellow teeth, and a left eye socket that has yellow and blue irises, as well as blue lines on his face, but are scars like Error404. The right eye socket is covered in pixels. It's none other then Error666, the fusion of Error404 and Error.

Error666 looks at Bio!Gaster, and he smiled at him menacingly. Then, as Error666 began to move, he suddenly vanished. This made Bio!Gaster shocked and confused, as he then looked around to see where he is at...only for Error666 to appear behind him, before he then reeled his fist and punched Bio!Gaster into the air, sending him into the air, before he then kicks Bio!Gaster to the ground, his speed and strength now being almost comparable to the Butterfly form that Error404 has in his possession.

Bio!Gaster stood up, as he then spoke out.

" is it that Error404 has a done this?"

As Bio!Gaster stood up, suddenly, he spoke out.

"I wouldn't waste your time on the ground if I were you, Gaster!!"

Then, red and blue cables appeared out of complete nowhere and wrapped around Bio!Gaster. This made Bio!Gaster hiss in agony, as he is lifted into the air, and Bio!Gaster looks to see the cables are now changing into a black color, as Error666 spoke ohinto him.

"You should have know better then to try and take 404's apprentice away from him, Bio!Gaster. And you are going to pay...with your life."

Bio!Gaster can feel the gravity around him beginning to be crushing, as the black strings began to try and squeeze his soul and destroy it. Error666 smiled, as he looks at what he is about to do to Gaster. But then...a orange shockwave erupted, as Error666's Master Cables exploded, and Error666 skidded back, before 92's voice spoke out.

"Damnit!!! It appears that I had underestimated all of you!!! You may be lucky this time!!! But the next time...I can assure you won't be having as much luck as before!!!"

Then, the 3 Biotale skeletons are lifted into the air, before they vanished. Omnipotent was pulled into a star-like gate, and Error666, along with Nightmare and Bill, we're stunned at what had just happened, as Ten then spoke out.

"92, you will not get away with what you had nearly done. Time to even the odds."

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