A Destroyer

Ten...she always wondered...what was it like...if she had lost those that she cares so deeply about, to witness that the people that you have depended on get taken from you, all for no reason. She wonders how she work feel, if the people that she calls her...friends...leave her life. And the thing is...she got her answer through witnessing it. And in all honesty, she wished that she never wondered what that sort of feeling is.

When she felt and saw that Alphatale had been destroyed, she felt a feeling that felt so painful to her. She felt like her entire life had ended, that a piece of her, a huge piece of her soul, had been ripped from body, like she was being crushed from the inside. The feeling, it wasn't physically painful, but mentally...the wounds of the minds, of those that are conscious, sentient, that know how feelings work, as Ten had began to learn from her life...the feeling is the worst feeling ever. She had been physically hurt before, mainly by her father, MalesGrow, but that is only because she felt no positive emotions at all, and felt nothing but cruelty. But this...when she began to learn, and William taught her all that he knows, she felt grief for the first time. And this...this is the worst feeling ever. No wounds, no matter how physical, and how severe it is, never came close to the feeling that she has subjected to right now, and it is a feeling that had never closed up for her, not even after so long.

When she felt grief, the first thing that she had felt...was tears. Black tears coming down from her empty eye sockets. And then...she did all she could to remain in control of herself. To not make a sound. But the grief and the sadness that she had felt, that she had begun to feel...it is so much...too much, for him to handle. And then...after so much trying to contain herself...Ten screamed. She screamed in sorrow and despair, as her own friends have been taken from her, all for no reason, and Ten...she felt guilt, another feeling that she never thought that she would feel, and the guilt, the feeling, it has begun to, in a way, eat the mind that she had, eat her soul from the inside of her own body. She never felt so horrible in her life. The feeling is far worse and far more burdening then her own cruelty. And the screams that she has made...they shook their very Multiverse itself, and the AUs, heard it, yet the screams sound more like roars of a monster, but they have no idea where it is coming from. But they can tell...the roars are filled with sobbing and gasping, as Ten wails at the loss of those that she had cared for back then.

And ever since that day...she began to be all on her own, and wanders all over the existence that she is in, as she has no idea how to make herself happy. She felt sad, badly, as she took all of her frustration by consuming Timelines of the original Undertale, all of them Neutral Routes, in order to make herself feel better, with the only Neutral Routes that she has not consumed is the one that involves Frisk sparing the Monsters, and determining the King's Fate or Flowey's fate at the end of it all. But even after she took out all of her frustration the way that she did, she still did not feel any better. In fact...she felt...hollow, empty, cold. The loneliness consumed her very life, for 120 Centuries, for 12,000 years. 12,000 years without her friends, and it is the worst years of her lifetime. Not even the Billions of Years of cruelty inside of the TransVoid, where she is with her cruel father, MalesGrow, could even surpass the pain that she is feeling right now. In fact, losing those that she cares so deeply about, it is the worst experience that only she herself can imagine.

And thus, she is forced to be alone once more. She retreats back into the Higher Realms once more, as she spends so much of her time there. She even is shown to be a very heavy sleeper, as she wakes up every 100 years. But every nap felt like a single night., felt like 12 hours of sleep, and she continues to sleep inside of the White Void that she is in, all so she can dream inside of her mind, and dream of the times that she has made with William and all of her friends, which she wants to continue holding a memory of, even after such a very long time. She refuses to let those memories go, and instead, wants nothing but to keep them in her dreams. 

Her sleep even made her appearance change a little bit, at least, when it involves her hair. As she slept for a century, her hair began to grow longer and longer, the hair gaining more Diamond-shaped markings on the top, front part of the hair itself, as it began to reach down to her hood, during the 12,000 Year, and it made her very beautiful and graceful in her own way, despite how creepy she is. And now...she is waking up again, from her 12th nap, which is now 12,000 years since Alphatale died. Ten then opened her eyes, as she made a pillow make of pink smoke, which made her feel comfortable, and her hood is over her head. After blinking a little bit, she then began to push herself off of the ground that she is laying down on top of, as she then shook her head, and she then took off her hood, to reveal her hair, which is very long. So much that it is as half-as-large as a tall Tsunami, perhaps taller then that. She than looks down at the ground, and she rubbed her eyes for a little bit, as she then spoke out to herself.

"Another day...waking up from a very long nap."

Ten looks around at the realm she's in, as her vision clears up a little bit. Her fists clenched a little bit, as she then felt the frustration from before return, but at this point, she feels emotionally tired to even try and lash out. She can't even make an attempt to lash out at whatever's around her. Ten sighed, as she then stood up to her full height, and looked around the higher realm that she is in. She looked, to see that the AU that she has made, UnderBeta, is still there. She then flies up into the air for a little bit, before she then began to fly for a little bit, and she goes to it to see how much it has progressed, and here, she saw that the AU prototype that she has, it improved a lot. Ever since she had been asleep, she never paid much attention to the AU that she has made, and instead, she decides to visit the Multiverse every century. And now, this is the 12th time that she is going to visit it. But now, now this time, she decided to see how UnderBeta is going. And needless to say, the passage of time that occurred made UnderBeta more better then before.

The technology of UnderBeta has improved everyone, such as in Snowdin and Waterfall. The old-fashioned lights in Snowdin are gone, and they are now far more technological. The Waterfalls has the lights in the form of the glowing mushrooms, as well as the plants called the Echo Flowers, which can copy the voices of those that speak near it. The bridge is now a more technologically advanced state, as now, it is made of solid hologram, that can be interacted. The bridges inside of Hotlands, they are made of metal that is resistant to heat of the hot magma down below, and can extend when the person moves forward onto it. New Home's Technology has improved the most, due to the fact that there are pads that acts as teleporters. They now have storage that is pocket dimensions. Basically, the technology of New Home has improved for such a very long time, improved so much that it is most technologically advanced out of all of the other sections of the Underground, yet it is not the most advanced AU that has ever been created.

As Ten looked at the AU, she sees that the monsters are now looking close to the monsters of the Undertale and of AUs and ATs, being nearly made of the same composition and body materials as they are, although some parts of their body are made of the elemental composition, such as the arms, legs, and any other part of their body, with the exception of those being made of those that are truly elemental, such as Fuku and Grillby, both of whom are made of fire. But everyone else, everything else is nearly made of the same composition as the normal AU monsters.

"It seems that the AU has improved so much since I last saw it. A world that improves itself and makes itself stronger. But even that sort of improvement has a limit. What I need is a world that lacks such a limit, a world that does not get hold back by the limitations of mortals. May they be akin to gods then I create them."

Ten looks down at the AU, and sees how they are like. As much as she wants to visit them, she decides to intrude with their lives and interrupt their process of improvement. She wants to leave them be, so that she can see how far they will go. She then thought back onto one of the conversations that she has with William, about a Reality above them that is called the MainFrame. Whatever this MainFrame is, it seems to be important. Perhaps she can use the MainFrame as a way to create her world without measure, but she will need to find out where it is first. She then flies up into the air, and looks around for a little bit, as she chose to go to a direction. So she then closed her eyes, and hangs her head down, as her entire body glows red, and she then disappeared from the realm that she is inside of.

She then appears inside of the Multiverse, as she then looked around...and what she saw...surprised her. She looks, and she then moves around, as she sees that there are...AUs that are the same as the original AUs. There is another Underfell and multiple Underswaps, but she does not know why.

"What the...what is all of this?"

Ten then goes to one of them, as she then touched one of them, and she realized what it is.

"That...those...those are copies. But how are they even made?"

As Ten looked down, as she then looked around...and felt 2 magical energies that she had never felt before. This made Ten interested, as she then goes to find out where the Energies are coming from. She moves and flies forward, as she then goes to look and see that the 2 magical energy is being present from within an AU called Outertale. She then narrows her eyes, as she then spoke out.

"Time to go and check it out."

She then looks at the AU, and she is then teleported inside of the AU, so she can see what in the world is going on.

She then reappeared as a flash of red light, as she then looked around to see what Outertale is like. She looks, and saw that the entirety of Outertale takes place in the very vacuum of space itself. But the monsters and humans can breath there, due to magic making it breathable in this sector. But Ten is out of it. The only reason that she can breath is because she does not need to. She can survive even in a vacuum. She then looks around, and she than saw a black spikes projectile appear and nearly hit her, as she looks at where it came from. She then turned around and looked to see that it is coming from the left. She decides to go and check it out.

She flies to the direction of where the attack came from, and it is there that she sees 2 skeletons that are fighting inside of the world that they are in. She had actually seen them in her vision, because, when she was developing her powers, she had realized that she has the power to see anything and nothing at all. At least, when she used her power on the Undertale Multiverse, but has not yet used it to see if there is a reality above her, or at least, try to see what the MainFrame looks like. But she is planning on doing it soon. Anyway, she gets a good look at the2 skeletons her are fighting in order to see what they look like, and luckily for her, she is able to see them much more closer then before. One of which is a skeleton that a black liquid splattered onto his right cheek, wearing Classic Sans' jacket, wrapped around his hips, brown, long sleeves with blue lines and a light shirt, a protector is on his shirt, attached to his chest. He wears a giant brown scarf which is almost as big as himself. He has a work belt crossing his chest, with rainbow paint vials which have heart-shaped tops on it. When. The skeleton has pants that have the same color scheme as his sleeves. over the pants, He wears light brown shorts. Instead of slippers, he wears sport shoes with tiger prints on the sides. He also has fingerless gloves. He also has a paintbrush in his hand.

The other skeleton, however, is very strange. His bones are black, on the skull and on the palms and back of his hands, with red and yellow fingers, and blue tear-like markings on his face, coming from from the bottom of his eye sockets, which are red. His right eye socket has a small, white pupil in his right eye socket, and a larger pupil going from yellow to blue to black in his left. He wears a black coat with pieces with blue gradients stitched together on the sleeves with yellow pockets. Underneath he wears a red shirt, which is possibly a sweater. He wears wide black pants, which are uneven and un-matching at the bottom, the left has a blue gradient and is stitched together, the right appears to possibly be a cuff of blue stitched to the pants. He has a long blue scarf, and mismatched black sandals. The skeleton appears to be glitching all over, and on various parts of that skeleton's body, the word, Error, is all over him, but not as much as the cracks that are shown all over his body. Ten looks and spoke out.

"That skeleton, he is likely named, Error."

Ten spoke, as she looks at the glitchy skeleton. She would not be surprised if he is named by something such as that. But the other skeleton, he is something that she has never seen before. But there is something off about the paintbrush skeleton that she knows is not good. It is more that the Glitchy One, she may not be a master at a person's emotional state, but she can feel the emotion that the glitchy skeleton is feeling. He feels resigned and tired, almost like he has given up, and is fighting because he has nothing else left to do in life. But Ink, for some reason, she can't sense what he is feeling. And this made Ten feel even more suspicious. It is obvious that there is something wrong about Ink that she does not get, despite the fact that he seems very friendly. Although, as William taught her, just because some sort of appearance may look friendly, it doesn't mean that he is. As he once said, looks can be deceiving. And thus, if she were to believe, the painter skeleton is bad news, and thus, she needs to make sure that the glitchy skeleton is safe. Because it is obvious that, this skeleton, the one she believes is caked, Error, is the good one. She then decides to get closer, but does all that she can to remain unseen.


Blue Strings fired out from the fingers of the glitchy skeleton, as they tried to wrap around the one with the paintbrush, as he sliced the strings and cut them down.

"You won't destroy another Universe, Error!"

The skeleton with the paintbrush said, as the glitchy skeleton, Error, looks up at the one with the Paintbrush, as he then spoke out.

"Just shut up and fight me, Ink. I grow tired of this."

The skeleton, who is named Ink, brings himself to a stance of some sort, as he than leapt up into the air, and made a slash of paint with his large paintbrush, as the paint turned into sharp bones, and tried to pierce into Error, as Error jumped and leapt backwards, the bone hit nothing, and exploded into paint tendrils, which made Error use red bones to block them. Error looked, as Ink than made a paint construct is a dragon skull, called an Ink Blaster, and fired high-pressured Ink at Error. But Error had a similar one, and summoned a black-colored dragon skull with red eye sockets and yellow and blue eyes, called the Error Blaster, and fired a blast of white energy at the Ink Blaster, and the 2 attacks countered each other, as it lead to an explosion.

Error and Ink landed onto the ground, as Error leapt forward, and Ink tries to hit Error, but Error teleported behind Ink, and grabbed him by the neck, before picking him up, as Ink is much more shorter than Error, at the height of 3'8, while Error is 5'4, and then, Error slammed Ink down to the ground, breaking his face multiple times, before Erore was then struck in the back by an arrow made of away-blue energy. This shocked Error, but made him mad, as he looked behind him to see that there is another skeleton, bow and arrow in hand, and wears a gold crown, black stocking-like pants and a withered light yellow coat with tips of cyan, with a beast that has the letters, D and S, on it. The letters are Cyan in color.


Error said , as Dream then spoke out.

"You won't destroy the AUs can cause misery, Error!!"

Error sighed and looked down, as he threw Ink into space, as he thought to himself.

'Face it, Error. The AUs will never believe you, they will never believe you never wanted this. They will forever think that you like to destroy AUs because you want to. Nobody is gonna believe you."

He looks, and saw various AU Sanses appear, as Ink reappeared in front of them, and is trying to heal from the damage. He spoke out to him.

"This is it, Error!! It is time for your reign to come to an end!! Now, you will not harm a single AU ever again!!!"

The various AUs charged at Error, as Error took a deep breath, and charged at them, having given up in trying to reason with them a very long time ago. He knows that the AUs will not ever listen, no matter what he says, and will forever be ignorant of what is going on around them, with only a few people that would ever believe in him.

'Damn you, Fate, for doing this to me.'

He than looks at the AUs, and prepares to fight. When all of a sudden...a large tentacle appeared out of nowhere, as large as a skyscraper, and slammed down in between the 2 sides, causing everyone to stop.



Both Error and Ink was shocked, as Error is then suddenly grabbed by a large tentacle, and is pulled in, as a voice then spoke out to them.

"Unfortunately, I cannot let you take this one that easily."

This made Ink and the others looked, and what they saw horrified them to an incredible degree. Floating before them, is a gigantic humanoid entity of immense size, at the height of 24'5, larger than an average Human Building, with empty eye sockets, a series of stitches under the left empty eye, and wears a black cloak with grey buttons. She wears a grey/red neck scarf around their neck. On her cloak, there is an black X linked with two red jewels, a big one on to of a smaller one, with one small white wing on the bigger red jewel. Her hair is very long, reaches down to her hips. And below the entity, where it's legs should be, are the tentacles, which are extremely gigantic in size, each of them as large as skyscrapers, being dark grey on the top part of the tentacles, while being lighter grey at the bottom. The other half of the Tentacles are white, and have suction cups.

Ink and the others are shocked and scared. They have never seen an entity this large before, and it is the most scary entity that they have ever seen.

"Who are you?!"

Ink shouted, as the entity spoke out.

"Who I am...does not matter...what matters, is that I need to have a little talk with this one, I believe you call him Error. I will take him with me. But too bad for you, he will not die."

Ink snarled.

"Then we will make you release him, for he is mine to take. Everyone, attack her!!"

Everyone did the same, as all of them fired Blasters, while Dream fired his arrow, and Ink fired his Ink Blaster, and used all of their power at the entity...and it lead to a large blanket effect of smoke. But when the smoke cleared, all of them are stunned at what they are seeing. The entity is okay, and unharmed, with only a tiny scratch on her face, which healed, as she then spoke out, who tone is that of pure boredom, due to the fact that what she has seen is not impressive, and is in fact such very weak powers on their part.

"Is that all? Well then...my turn."

She then widened her eyes, and all of a sudden, a powerful shockwave erupted, and sends everyone crashing into a tall wall of rocks, and Dream was also thrown. Ink also got thrown, and was splattered into paint, as the entity then turned away, and goes into the higher realm, Error still in her tentacles, as she entered the white space. She landed onto the ground, and she then moved one of her tentacles, as she looks at Error, who is horrified at the sight before him. Error cannot speak, due to what he is seeing, as she then moved one of her fingers, and pressed onto Error's forehead, as his wounds...then instantly healed. This made Error spoke out.

"Who....who are you."

Ten looks at Error, and she smiled a little bit, seeing that Error is able to regain his senses, and is able to speak to her. Although he is nervous, she does not blame him, as she knows how scary she is, as she then spoke out to the God of Destruction.

"My name...is Ten no Kami."

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