Mikey And Sophie Do The Right Thing

Lizzie: previously on Tales Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja's.

The turtles and Lizzie walked in show motion

Lizzie: People think that the turtles and I go on epic adventures all the time. Well... not exactly. We really just go to school but it's still fun!

To five of them entered their high school

Lizzie: Leo decided to make up an adventure and put it in a comic book.

Leo opened the first page of his comic book

Lizzie: Let's see... So far we've been lured into a trap, ambushed by bishop and my mom and chased by robots called mechazoids. Leo and I were on our own for the first time.

Lizzie face away from Leo

Lizzie: It was hard working together since Leo said some things that hurt me...

Leo and Lizzie worked together to stop the mechazoid

Lizzie: but we made out- Uh made UP and defeated the mechazoid!

A screen showed Raph Donnie and Mikey fighting the robots

Lizzie: Mikey Raph and Donnie are still out there though. Luckily a few friends from school got their backs

An alert showed Kim Rebecca and Sophie also fighting the robots

Leo: Even if we run into trouble there's nothing we can't handle together!


Sophie drove a garbage truck down the street with Mikey in the passengers seat

Mikey: I can't handle this! Why are you driving?!

Sophie: I may not have ever driven a garbage truck before but I have spent hours playing Mario kart eight deluxe!

Mikey: Wow really?

They hit a bump in the road and Mikey looked out the window to see the Mechazoid not far behind

Mikey: Could you drive faster?!

Sophie: I don't know how! I'm only 13! I don't even have a learner's permit!

Mikey: Neither do I! But I get it! Being a teen is hard! It's like peek puberty. I don't know who I'm going to become and I kind of miss who I was

Sophie: I feel the exact same way!

Mikey: LOOK OUT!

Sophie almost hit a wall but drove past it

Sophie: Phew!

Mikey saw the mechazoid through the rearview mirror

Mikey: It's getting closer!

the mechazoid jumped onto the truck

Sophie: This can't be happening! If I die here my dad is going to kill me! What are we going to do?!

Mikey: I'm open to suggestions!

Sophie: I'm asking you!

Mikey: What would Leo do? I don't know... rat ourselves out and kiss up to dad?

Sophie: Should you be using that word that way since he's a rat?

The mechazoid landed in front of the garbage truck and Sophie immediately slammed on the breaks

Sophie: Hey I did it! I actually stopped the truck!

The mechazoid punched the glass

Mikey and Sophie: AHH!!

Mikey pulled a few levers causing the mechazoid to get stuck inside the truck

Mikey: Yes! That was totally in purpose!

Sophie: We have to get out of here!

They both ran out of the truck and into an alleyway

Sophie: T-That was... So much fun!

Mikey: Huh?

Sophie: it's like living an action movie in real life!

Mikey: How are you so happy? There's a killer robot trying to destroy me!

Sophie: thinking positively goes a long way. And look! We're alive aren't we?

Mikey: I guess...

Sophie sat on the ground

Sophie: I'm worried about my older brother Rod though...

Mikey: Rod? You mean Bishops intern? He's your brother?

Sophie: You know him?

Mikey: Kinda. I saved him back at the shipyards!

The turtles and Lizzie were fighting the mechazoid's at the ship yards

Leo: That seemed like a good plan in the moment but we may have blown up a sizable chunk of New York! Also it's probably Mikey's fault!

Sophie: Wait why would that be your fault?

Mikey: I'm getting there

Raph: My muscles can't flex us out of this one!

Lizzie: my catlike reflexes aren't enough to stop these robots!

Donnie: I'm a nerdlinger and these robots are a threat to all of us especially that chump over there!

Donnie pointed to Rod

Sophie: Hold it! My older bro may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he's not a chump

Mikey: Let me finish

A Mechazoid aimed its fist at Rod

Mechazoid: mutation detected! Robo charge activate!

Leo: That robot is definitely targeting you human! Despite what your boss says!

Lizzie: Your probably questioning a lot right now!

Rod: Oh no! I have frozen in the face of danger!

Mikey saved Rod who got away with bishop

Sophie: So Rod's ok!

She hugged Mikey and then let go

Sophie: Thank you!

Mikey: no problem! Just doing my job but now I just have to think... I was supposed to be at a party tonight. I'd be great at parties! I'm not the one that's supposed to figure out stuff! I'm not the smart one or the strong one or...

Sophie out a hand on his shoulder

Mikey: Wow thanks. I really appreciate that

Sophie: you're welcome! And this is like meeting Taylor Swift except your mutant and not a singer!

Mikey: Uh do you mind?! I'm trying to think!

Sophie stepped back

Sophie: Sorry! I have ADHD and I forget about boundary sometimes. But it won't happen again

Mikey: It's cool I'm just stressed because I have no idea what to do

Sophie: Hey! I'm here to help!

Mikey: I know so we have to keep moving. Those evil robot is still out there.

Mikey and Sophie walked down the street hiding from the mechizoid

Sophie: Do always have adventures like this?

Mikey: Not really. After we saved the city it's mostly just been school

He easily jumped across a few cars while Sophie waited for a red light before catching up to him

Then they both entered Central Park

Sophie: So what kind of turtle are you? Snapping turtle? Box shell turtle? Probably not a soft shell turtle. Oh what about a red eared slider turtle?

Mikey: I'm uh... not sure actually. Also you know a lot about turtles

The two of them hid under a bridge while Mikey kept a look out

Sophie: Well ever since you saved the city I did the research on turtles and cat instincts! Also I'm sorry my brothers boss is hunting you

Mikey: What's her problem anyway?

Sophie: I don't know. I don't want to judge someone without getting to know them first but she's really intense to be honest. My dad's making my bro work with her. He's like a millionaire and he pays for all her robot stuff

Mikey turned around to look at Sophie

Mikey: Hold up. Bishop works for your dad? This is perfect! You can just call him and he can make her stop! You can save my brothers!

Sophie: That's a great idea! But...

Mikey: But what?

Sophie: Could you do something for me? And maybe my brother?

Mikey: ...That's not cool Sophie!

Sophie: it's really simple! Will you teach me how to be a ninja?

Mikey: Wait what? That's it?

Sophie: Well yeah! I want to help you and the others!

Mikey: But it took me years to learn ninjutsu! and I don't think we have that time to stop Bishop!

Sophie: then you'll me the basics as we go! Then I'll call my brother, who will call our dad, who will make Bishop stop! What do you say?

Mikey: It doesn't sound too bad...

Sophie: Oh also my brother has always wanted to be a mutant

Mikey: What?!

Sophie: Please?!

She made adorable puppy dog eyes and Mikey blushed

Mikey: Alright I'm in!

Sophie: Yes!

Sophie immediately took a selfie with Mikey and posted it


Soon both Mikey and Sophie made it to the zoo but were hiding

Sophie: So is this my first lesson? Stealth?

Mikey: ...Yes but also we can't just walk in and be like 'Hi I know it's after hours but can we borrow some veterinary supplies? We need them to do some blood transfusions one someone later!'

Sophie: Got it! So what's the plan?

Mikey: I... I don't know. That's usually Leo's thing

They both walked towards the entrance of the zoo

Sophie: So Leo's the leader, Donnie's the brains, Raph is the strength and Lizzie's the stealth! What's your job?

Mikey held his nunchucks

Mikey: I bring a certain jenesaisquoi

He hit himself in the face with his weapon

Mikey: Ow... Uh what about you? Your friends seem cool!

Sophie: Oh they totally are! Let's see... Kim's the rule breaker and Rebecca's the musician

Mikey: so what's your thing?

Sophie: Hmm... call me

She put on a fake mustache

Sophie: the actor!

Mikey and Sophie both started laughing

Mikey: Wait we're getting off track here! Let's just go

He jumped over the gate easily. Sophie tried to do the same but fell

Sophie: Could uh... open the gate?

Mikey saw the main power outlet and smashed it with his nunchucks causing the gates to open so Sophie walked in

Mikey: See? Boom! With no power all the doors will open back up just like Jurassic Park which worked out just fine for everybody

Sophie: weren't all the dinosaurs let out once that happened?

Mikey: ...Oh. Well we'll have at least six minutes before they're back online

Sophie: Whoa! How do you know that?

Mikey: because that's how long Donnie yells at me for when I unplug his stuff

Sophie: Makes sense. Onward!

Mikey ran on the roofs while Sophie followed him on the ground

Sophie: This is so cool! Soon I'll be a ninja and my brother will be a mutant!

Mikey landed in front of her

Mikey: Yeah! Because I'm totally going to turn him into a mutant. But as soon as we get what we want you'll call him right?

Sophie: Yep! I keep my promises and I'm sure you do too!

Sophie walked ahead of Mikey and he felt guilty as he caught up to her

Mikey: We still have a few minutes before-

At that moment the lights and cameras turned on

Mikey: The powers back on! We should bail.

Mikey was about to run away but Sophie grabbed his hand

Sophie: Wait! Your plan didn't work but that doesn't mean you can't come up with a new one! This is like our improve classes! We make it up as we go!

Mikey: You really think I can do this? I mean I agree but-

Sophie: I do mean it! You need my dad's help, my brother wants to be a mutant and I want to be a ninja. We're not backing down until all of those goals are achieved. What do you say?

Mikey blushed again and about about it then nodded

Mikey: Follow my lead!

He did a few flips and cartwheels to the entrance of the medical room

Mikey: Now!

Sophie tried to do a cartwheel but fell on the ground then got back up to do a flip but also fell on the ground finally she did a big leap up to Mikey

Sophie: Ta... Tada!

Mikey: with a little bit more training you'll get there. Hopefully


Mikey and Sophie walked down the medical hallway

Sophie: I would love a cool ninja name! Or is there a female term for Ninja?

Mikey: Kunoichi

Sophie: Bless you. Can my ninja outfit be pink? That's my favorite color!

Mikey pulled Sophie closer to him so she wouldn't get lost

Mikey: We have to be quiet!

Sophie: Right sorry. Oh how about the ninja of joy?!

Mikey noticed the veterinarian clinic

Mikey: Bingo!

Sophie: Hmm... I'm not sure about that one

They both looked around the veterinarian clinic and Sophie saw the animals that were sick in cages

Sophie: These poor animals... I hope they feel better soon

Mikey smiled at he got the medical supplies

Mikey: You have a really big heart

Sophie: Aww thanks!

She walked up to Mikey as he put on a lab coat

Mikey: It's amazing how a lab coat just makes you look smarter you know? I need 20ccs of blood stat! Haha!

Sophie: is that from a medical show?

Mikey: Yep! I've seen a lot of them. So quick recap. I'll fill the vail with my blood and which I'll hold on to

Sophie: Yep! Then I'll call my dad and tell him about Bishop

Mikey: Glad we're on the same page

Mikey was about to give himself a shot

Sophie: Wait!

Mikey immediately moved the needle away from his arm

Mikey: What? What?!

Sophie: do you need me to hold your hand before you get the shot? My mom always did that when I had to get one

Mikey: Uh... No. I'm not five.

Sophie: Oh ok!

Mikey: I appreciate the thought though!

Sophie: You're welcome

Mikey finally gave himself a shot and put his blood in the vail

Sophie: this is gonna be so awesome!

Suddenly two security guards burst in the roo

Security guards: Freeze!

Mikey it's not what you think!

Security guard 1: I think it's one of those TV mutants using his blood to create a brand new mutant!

Sophie: Hey that's pretty much spot on!

Mikey: But we can totally explain

Security guard 2: Don't move!

Mikey: I know this is freaky but we're the good guys here!

Sophie: Yeah! We're planning on stopping a robot army that hunts mutants!

She thought about what she just said

Sophie: Uh... that might not sound believable but trust me it is!

Then a bear attacked the first security guard

Security guard 2: It wants the candy bar!

Mikey: Well then give it to him!

Sophie: Unless bears can't have candy!

The first security guard through the candy which Sophie accidentally caught

Sophie: Oh cool it's chocolate!

Mikey: SOPHIE!

Sophie looked up and saw the bear right in front of her

Sophie: N-Nice bear!

She threw the candy bar across the room. The bear went after it only to hit his head on the cage

Mikey: Let's get out of here!

Sophie: Good idea! But I feel like we're forgetting something-

Suddenly the mechaozid crashed through the ceiling

Mikey: Oh right. The killer robot

The mechaozid attacked Mikey and he got out of the way in time but dropped the vail into a trash can which a pigeon drank and became a mutant

Mikey and Sophie: Whoa! Mutant pigeon!

Sophie: Jinx!

Then the security guard used his taser to electrocute the mechazoid which collapsed on the floor but the pigeon went crazy

security guard: I'll take care of that thing!

Sophie: NO!

She ran up to the security guard and smacked his taser out of his hand

Sophie: He's just scared!

Mikey: Nice work Sophie!

He and Sophie slowly walked up to the pigeon

Mikey: Hey it's ok. You're safe now

Sophie: We're not going to hurt you

The pigeon let Mikey pet him

Sophie: What should we call him?

Mikey: how about Pete? Pigeon Pete! There's nothing to fear Pete!

Then the Mechazoid stood back up

Sophie: maybe there is a little something to fear

Mikey: Take cover!

He started fighting the robot on his own but then saw the candy bar on the floor

Mikey: Sophie! The candy bar!

Sophie also saw it

Sophie: On it!

She grabbed the candy bar and threw it to Mikey who stuck it inside the mechazoid's head. The bear smelled the candy and attacked it

Mikey Sophie and Pigeon Pete took this opportunity to ran away


The three of them ran into the bathroom and locked the door

Sophie: I shouldn't be in here! This is the boys bathroom!

Mikey: This place is closed and there's no one here but us! And now you have to get out of here and take Pete with you. I'll deal with the robot

Sophie: I don't wanna leave you by yourself!

Mikey: It's after me not you. I saved your life and I created Pete so that makes you two my responsibility

At that moment the mechaozid kicked down the door

Mikey: Sophie! Take Pete and go!

Sophie looked scared but nodded and grabbed Pete's wing and ran away

Mikey: Alright robot! Meet my nunchucks!

Mikey for the robot with his nunchucks then kicked off its arm. Finally he pulled an air dryer out of the wall and slammed the mechazoid's head off with it

Sophie and Pete poked there head into the room and saw the mechazoid onto the floor

Sophie: You did it!

Mikey: I did do it! I'm sorry I lost the vail

Sophie: It's ok. I'll still call me dad

She held her phone only to see it was completely broken

Sophie: Uh... scratch that. My phone is completely shattered.

Mikey: maybe there's a landline or something! What's your dad's number? Or your brothers?

Sophie: Uh... Well...

Mikey: how do you not know their numbers?!

Sophie: it's not like I have it written down! That's what my phone anyway! If you want to talk to Bishop so badly, just go to her factory downtown and talk to her!

Mikey: Wait you know where bishop is?!l this is perfect! You can take me to her and I'll save my brothers

Sophie: I want to help! Teach me more moves!

Mikey: ...Alright just stay close

Sophie: Yes!

Mikey: now come on! You to Pete!

The three of them left the bathroom and walked down the hallway

Sophie: Rod is going to be upset when he finds out Pete became a mutant and not him

None of the saw the mechaozid turn back on

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