River(Ravenprint part 1 of 5)

Book in hand as rough bark rubbed against my spine. Sitting by one of the many rivers that go through my village despite the warning of sirens treading their waters.

Sirens are not half bad though, since I have a siren friend. His name is Raven. We've tried speaking to one another before but he knows a different language then I, so he just ends up writing in the sand, or dirt. Wherever he finds me next honestly.

Today I was sitting on the soft sand against the only tree close to the river. I still wasn't comfortable with Raven coming close to me and he didn't mind, often letting me do whatever I please while he watched me in amusement.

Although today might be different since I was sporting a shiner today. A couple kids decided they wanted to beat me up, accuse me of being a siren just for going close to a river. Or any body of water that wasn't a shower or bath. They're awful kids, ignorant to the world around them!

My legs propped up so my book rested on them as I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts. It wasn't good to dwell on the people who hate the river and their occupants. Besides what do those thoughts give me? Nothing, nothing at all. Huffing, I enthralled myself with my book again for a few moments.

Raven eventually popped his head above water and trilled a greeting at me. His happy face melting when he saw my bruised eye, "Raven!" I gave him a grin,"Don't worry! The boys at school were just being mean is all." My happy tone never faltering.

Raven sunk back into the river, his webbed ears pulled back flattening against the water, as he glared at me. Little bubbles floating to the surface in- what I assume to be -his rage. It looked like he wanted to kill someone.

Closing my book, I placed it on the grass. Then looked back at my friend, "Raven, it's okay! Really! See?" Getting up, I walked towards him a small bit in hopes he would feel better. Touching the spot wouldn't help since I would just flinch away from it.

Walking towards him didn't so I sat down in a huff. 'Maybe being closer to him would help? Make him mellow out?' This was a really dumb idea.

Raven instead of staying where he was had heaved himself up on the bank of the river, keeping himself facing me. Now I wasn't that close to the river but I had moved and was closer then before. But seeing him actually get on the bank set my nerves pumping. It's not that I didn't trust him, I don't believe. Most of the rumors surrounding his kind were working me up for a very bad panic attack.

Luring men and women out into the water to devour them. Singing them to sleep, only to drag and drown their prey. So many rumors go, so little too trust that are true.

Raven shuffled closer.

Staying frozen in place from shock wouldn't help me ether! I didn't know they could even leave the water.

Raven tilted his head at me, looking innocent and adorable, or trying to be. His blackened webbed ears straightening, opening as if curious about me. My expression more like it.

'Why did he get out of the water again?'

Sirens were naturally bigger then your average mermaid. Even the biggest sharks were slightly dwarfed in size compared to a fully grown one. Raven was no where near that size but his intelligence suggested he was older then me by a few years. His size definitely dwarfed mine and if he wanted, he could snatch me up.

But he hasn't. Instead, shuffling closer and laying on his belly. His face right in front of me, arms propped up to support his head as he watched me in amusement. His sleek blackened tail swaying slightly.

Staring at him with enlarged diamond lights didn't help the situation maybe even encouraging him since I had stayed completely still when he advanced. Not knowing if he would try and attack me or not.

Toothy fang like grin, webbed ears attached to his skull, large but not fully grown, a black tail that faded to white at the very tips of his fins. Curiosity over shadowed my fear as I reached out, gingerly touching one of his webbed ears.

It flinched away from my touch, making me chuckle. Doing that for a bit seemed to calm my nerves for me touching him. Sooner then I would have liked, I got comfortable with his close proximity but not when he moved or tried to touch me. His movements were slow but I would freak out and try to push away from him.

Eventually he was content with just me poking at him. But he was watching my every movement, examining me almost. Trying to find my weaknesses I believe. I shivered at the thought. But he was crooning at me, relaxing me despite my fears.

An hour went by like this and soon it was almost night, "Raven, I have to leave." I sighed dejectedly, wanting him to move so he couldn't snag me at the last second. But he didn't move an inch as he continued his crooning, eyes sad.

Biting my lip, I scooted back. Raven's eyes widened with an emotion that I could only guess was fear but his movements were still slow. One of his hands gently wrapping around my ankle, almost caressing it.

Tensing as I tried to think of anything else then what was on my ankle. I had stopped moving away from Raven who continued to coon sadly. It wasn't as if his grip was forcing me to stay ether. If anything I could move out of his grip if I wanted but I didn't. Instead I stayed, trying to get used his touch since he did the same with me basically. Only I got poke and prod at him while he kept calm.

His ears perked since my movements had stopped, his clawed fingers wrapping more firmly around the bone they were on. His clawed thumb running lightly over the delicate ligament. Now I knew I couldn't jerk away since he had adjusted his grip for a stronger hold. This was so awkward too. An annoyance I couldn't get away from and nor did I feel like I wanted to. If anything I wanted Raven to take me away.

Dad never looked out for me or Palette like he did for Paperjam and Gradient. My half brother had gone off to join the military many years ago so it was just me, Paperjam, and Gradient now. Gradient being more tolerable then his older brother. Of course I was the youngest but it shouldn't matter! Dad shouldn't watch out for them only! What about Palette an I!?

Maybe it was because of Raven's stupid crooning, or maybe it was because he had been the only one to give me actual attention instead of a nod or a sarcastic remark. Or maybe it was the fact that Raven, despite being a siren, had sensed I was lonely. His touch was annoying my nerves but I was slowly starting to accept the touch. It felt natural or started to gain familiarity that someone who cared in their own way was there.

But I still didn't want to be close to him. Blame my fear or the corrupted individuals that spread those awful rumors but I just could shake this feeling of needing to get away.

I sniffled as tears stained my cheeks, my now weak attempts to get away from Raven were shrinking away. The large siren had started to gently tug me closer to him, to the water, until he had my shaking crying frame in his arms. I wasn't that small so he had to cradle me against his frame.

My sadness had washed away a large chunk of my fear since Raven was the only available body that was willing to put up with my sadness. So I clung to the large animal in hopes of regaining a sense of comfort. Not even noticing when Raven actually dipped us up to my waist in river water.

He was leaning against the bank now with me curled up on his chest. The rumble in his chest more calming then I would like to admit as he chanted something in his mother tongue. It was soft sweet music that filled my ears and flowed through my body as I grew heavy with sleep. Sleep sounded nice anyways with Ravens arms wrapped around me.

The feeling of something curling around my soul was strange when almost asleep. It felt soft like a ribbon being tied in a bow. I should have bolted upright, been concerned, anything, but I felt so sleepy as Raven continued his soft chanting, singing, ever so often running a clawed finger across my neck. Then my soul made a powerful pulse that shook my body as whatever was happening took root. But I was out of it that the only thing I could do was shudder at the feeling. Raven in turn, chirped and crooned in a weird way as he nuzzled my neck in what felt like, to me, an awkward manner.

Then the moment was shattered with a click going off in the distance. But I was so heavy with sleep that I couldn't react properly from the loud hiss that erupted from Raven's mouth, "Let go of my brother you bastard!" A voice bellowed. Trying to move didn't help at all because whatever Raven had done, had exhausted me beyond normal limits.

A shot rang out as the feeling of water rushed over me. My limp body was no longer being held and Raven's arms. I attempted to take a breath in but all I got was water.

Then everything truly went dark.


Everything was dark.


Someone is calling my name.

"Why did you leave your brother alone Paperjam! Gradient! Blueprint wake up please!" Dream was absolutely infuriated.

I thought they didn't care about me anymore.

"Palette I'm so glad you found him." Mom seemed relieved, concerned, and scared all at once. The feeling of her holding me again was nice.

"Ya, I found him alright. In the arms of a siren Dad!" Palette bellowed, "the thing was chanting that ritual thing all sirens do when they've found their next victim! Why didn't anyone go with him!!?"

I wish I could open my eyes. See Palette but it's so cold, so dark, my body numb.

"Blueprint can handle himself Palette. What has going into the army been teaching you?" Dad seemed bemused by the situation and more interested in Palette's army training.

"Dad!? Is this really the time to be asking me that!?" Palette snapped harshly.

But everything else was drowned out by the music of a siren. A soothing tone calling to me in ways I knew people would never hear. It wanted me to go and find my siren. Whatever that means.

My sockets shot open as my diamond lights flickered about my baby blue room. I tried to move finding one of my wrists chained to the bed. Thanking my family for their insight that I might wander off in the middle of the night because of the music hammering against my skull. I fiddled with the chain around my wrist but couldn't get it off.

I paused, hoping the song would end soon. Taking out my own soul, I inspected it, wondering if Raven had done something to me. To my surprise, he had, with a red and blue string of magic wrapped almost woven tightly to my soul with it leading out the window. Now I realized why my soul pulsed so strongly. Raven had done something to me with his magic! But, why?

My door whipped open, my soul instantly retreating into my body as I twisted around to see a very happy, grinning Palette, "You're awake!" He literally flung himself at me. I shrieked in laughter as we tumbled to the floor but hissed as pain flared around my wrist, "oops! Sorry Blueprint!" Palette quickly scrambled off me and untied me or, unchained me really.

"It's okay Palette." I giggled, "I have someone I want you to meet!" Excitement lacing my tone, wanting to introduce him to Raven despite him trying to shoot at my friend. My conflicted emotions had me wavering and I didn't want to travel to Raven alone. The other was I felt like Palette needed to meet the aquatic mammal.

Palette helped me up with a confused expression, "It isn't that weird girl you were planning on dating was it?"

"No! I'm over Kenza, Palette!" I snickered at Palette's poker face. He really didn't like the female skeleton or her parents Dust and Lust, "Someone new." A grin wiggling it's way onto my face.

"Really?" Palette perked up, "Who? Do I know them?" His excited side was always a joy to see.

"No you don't but I need you to keep him a secret okay?" I whispered urgently. Hoping that Palette will at least listen to me.

"It's not that siren I saved you from is it?" He raised a brow at me, eyes light swirling as his suspicion was confirmed.

I winced, "I-It may or may not be about Raven." The murmur of his name didn't go unnoticed.

"You know it's name!?" Palette hissed quietly.

"Well Raven was the only one who interacted with me, save for the kids at school! My bullies Palette! I have a bruise to prove it!" I rushed out in a pathetic attempt to justify my actions. Pointing to my socket where the bruise is. The feeling of guilt weighing heavily on me, "P-Plus you know how Paperjam and Gradient get! Even you were gone Palette." I sputtered.

" there isn't a bruise there Blueprint." He huffed, "Now how long have you been seeing Raven?" Palette crossed his arms, his glare making me shrink in shame.

"Ever since you left." My gaze was on the ground, voice small, child like.

Palette jerked his cap off, glaring at it, looking like he wanted to toss it, "I'll go with you." He sighed reluctantly, "But after this, you can't see him anymore." Putting his cap back on and straightening it, "You are marked as his next victim, just so you're aware. A week has past since you've been out, Blueprint." He tacked on.

I nearly fell over, "A week!? Marked!?" My jaw dropping.

"Ya, Dad wasn't to happy ether. But he didn't really touch on it much." Palette grew quiet, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So he didn't care." I deadpanned, my hands clenching into fists as I crossed my arms. My own fury imbedding itself deeper into my already flaming soul.

Palette shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets, "He doesn't care much for me these days either." He murmured.

I rubbed my temples, "We are going. Now." I hissed, snagging his wrist in my own.

Stomping out of my room we were greeted by no one. Good thing too since I would've had a few choice words to say to my ever so loving father and siblings.

Once out of the house I took out my soul. The now magenta strings glow had slightly faded, which confused me but the sirens song had ended some time ago so I only had this dumb string to follow. Palette inspected my soul in confusion as well. We were both dumbfounded but even still we followed the string.

It took us a few hours, going through the forest until we reached a sandy beach that opened out into the ocean. The ocean was beautiful, even Palette was staring at it in awe! Walking closer to the water, I peered down into its depths but I couldn't see a thing.

I really didn't think this through. Forgetting to change from my blue sheep ridden PJs had my cheeks tinting blue. Then a sharp whistle broke me out of my embarrassment. My head whipping to its source as an overjoyed looking siren bounded in my direction. Instantly I recognized the fish to be Raven, "Raven! Don't jump!" I quickly warned but it was in vain as the siren tackled me to the sandy ground, smacking Palette away with an array of sand.

My soul pulsed once we made contact, it sending me into a shuddering mess. Raven had coiled like a snake around me, allowing my frame to sit up. When Palette tried to approach us, Raven had swiped at him even though my brother had his pistol poised and ready.

"I won't miss again! Let go of my brother!" Palette demanded as another pulse rocked my body. Raven was hissing like mad at him, a feral growl gurgling from his throat.

"P-Palette..." I panted, curling into Ravens surprisingly soft scales, "W-Wait..." The pulses soon got weaker until I was leaning heavily on my friends snake like body.

"What is he doing to you? Are you okay?" My brother demanded. He had pointed the gun downward but he wasn't lowering his guard.

Raven, when my shudders had stopped, started crooning at me. He picked me up and cradled my limp frame against him. All I wanted was my questions answered! Not go into spasms and succumb to Ravens light touches!

"Now Raven! What has your father told you about going into the main lands!" I weakened frame pushed up from Ravens chest as I peaked over his tensed shoulder.

It's Geno!?

Geno froze when she saw me peaking, "Raven, what are you doing with Blueprint?" I could hear the anger in her voice as she resumed marching up to the fish.

Raven was clicking at her as if she could understand him.

Geno shook her head, "That still gives you no right to go after him young man!" She seethed.

Raven's ear flattened as he bared his teeth in silent rebellion.

I tried to get out of his hold but he just held me tighter against him, "Blueprint, don't move. I need to get his father here anyways. The damn prick." Geno muttered as she walked towards the ocean.

Raven had started shaking. Wether it was fear or rage I couldn't tell as my leaning on Raven had actually quieted and sated him.

I watched Geno as she stepped into the water, "REAPER! GET YOUR SIREN ASS OVER HERE!" She bellowed to the open sea with crossed arms. My jaw had gone slack with disbelief. Did she really just demand a siren named Reaper of all things to 'get his siren ass over here'!? Is she mad!?

My thoughts froze as a giant siren rose from the ocean, bigger then the largest shark today. I didn't get to see Palette's reaction but I'm sure he's having a mental debate if he's fast enough to get away or not. Possibly thinking the latter is his best option.

The large fish was smirking as it swam up and laid belly down on the sand. Glancing to Raven, I could see a similar smirk gracing his features.

What the fricken hell was going on?


*pokes thy readers with Ravenprint*

Because why not!?

I'll get crossmare out soon.

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