the characters

Main characters: Evelyn and Callum (twins but Callum is two seconds older) the two are so alike but Eve's personality is more extreme while Cal was trying to keep her safe from her own stupidity.

Draft Storyline: two teenagers who lived on planet earth their whole lives till Anakin and Obi-wan have felt the force nearby and found earth. the teen girl is ten times powerful than Anakin as for her brother isn't that much of a Jedi except he wants to be a clone and uses a gun instead of a lightsaber

AU: What if Anakin never joined the dark side but his second Padawan did?

He followed Eve to planet Mustafar and tried to reason with her but due to her deep hatred and too far gone into the dark side. she forces choked him in a similar matter as Padme was in with Darth Vader, Obi-wan and her dueled but realization came to them as they left Anakin's still body on the platform and they took him back. he begged Eve to come back and she did only slightly then he died from a broken heart. she felt his life slowly slip away into the force as Obi-wan senses her rage turned into a smoldering hot fire and her new Sith Master had taken her back to where she meant to belong while Anakin's death had worsened her state of mind as she blamed herself over the fact that she lashed out of anger and Lady Lurar was born when Eve's new master who is the emperor. this goes to show she wasn't the same girl from planet earth.


Evelyn (Eve) Marie Kline (Lady Lurar)- is Wild, Stubborn, courageous, ambitious, flamboyant, eager to learn, and has a habit of getting herself into trouble. she has long wavy brown hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. her hair was later cut short after being a newly formed Jedi knight. she wears her favorite red t-shirt, black sweatpants, and white shoes and she, later on, wears black Jedi robes.

Force Abilities: Force blast (Most used) and Feral rage. Fear manipulation (rarely used if needed for her own amusement), skilled hand-to-hand combat, telepathy, force choke (used once).

Eve and her twin brother, Cal, were born on Earth and lived normal lives until their nineteenth birthday when a spaceship landed near their town and two men approached them, telling stories of Jedi and the Force. A power that both twins wielded. Their parents allowed them to leave to train these powers. Anakin and Obi-Wan brought the twins before the Council. There was a great debate among the Council members about whether they should train the twins, but Jedi Master Thalo tested the twins and the Council discovered that Eve was the Chosen One of an old prophecy. Eve wielded great power within the Force. What scared Eve the most was how she handled the energy coursing through her veins once she used her lightsaber for the first time. Jedi Master Thalo vowed to take the twins under his guidance and began their training, but the Council gave Cal's apprenticeship to Jedi Master mace Windu. Windu and Thalo took the twins to the ice planet Ilum to find their kyber crystals for their lightsabers. Eve and Cal wandered the frozen ice caves until they found their crystals. Eve found herself a blue crystal, and crafted herself a lightsaber, nicknaming it "Bluey". Eve was completely unaware of who she was for her Master Thalo, the two had a close bond. The twins were tossed into the heat of battle during the Clone Wars for their training. Eve followed Master Thalo and often traveled alongside Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Anakin's padawan, Ahsoka. Anakin gave Eve the nickname, "Evie" and she calls him "Flyboy". Eve had never liked being a Jedi, but that all changed when she met Anakin, a powerful Jedi on his way to becoming a Jedi Master. Eve helped to protect Senator Padmé Amidala, during the Civil War on the planet Mon Cala, when General Riff Tamson bit a hole into the Senator's helmet. She nearly drowned on that planet, but Anakin saved her. Later, Eve's quick thinking saved Senator Amidala again during the threat of the Blue Shadow virus outbreak. About 6 months into their training, the twins received a message from a gang of pirates, who had taken their parents hostage. The twins traveled with their Masters to rescue their parents. However, the pirates killed the twin's parents as soon as they saw the ship landing. Eve flew into a violent rage and slaughtered the pirates with her lightsaber, feeling no remorse. From that moment on Eve hated pirates, all pirates, and her mind began to slip into darkness. They returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but Eve had already begun to hate being a Jedi, a wielder of the Force. She was practicing lightsaber forms with her twin brother when she fell into a violent rage and started attacking her brother, she felt a surge of power and in her blind rage, she saw the pirates when it was really her brother. Anakin stepped in and intervened in the fight, but Eve Force blasted him into a wall, where Anakin hit his head and passed out. Years later a newly appointed padawan named Jake joined the Temple. He relentlessly bullied Eve and Cal. Jake crossed a line in Eve's book when he mentioned their dead parents. Eve challenged Jake to a duel and the two of them began fighting in the Temple courtyard. Cal ran to get help to stop the two from fighting and came back with Jedi Master Mace Windu at his side. Master Windu easily stopped the fight and subdued the two young padawans, but not before Jake slashed his lightsaber across Eve's right eye, giving her a large scar. Two months later when Eve and Cal were taking their Jedi Trials, she accidentally killed her Master, after falling into another blind rage. After the accident, the Jedi began to avoid her, but Anakin stayed her best friend. He took Eve in as his new padawan and tried to help Eve with her rage. Then Cal confessed that after Eve had blindly attacked him, nearly killed another padawan, and accidentally murdered her master in a fit of rage, he no longer felt that the Temple was safe for him. Cal told her he was leaving to go back to Earth and he was leaving his Jedi training behind him. Eve was heartbroken at Cal's confessions, but later found out he was leaving with his pregnant girlfriend and her mind snapped, swallowed by the dark side of the Force. Shortly after Cal left the Jedi Order, Eve found out she was pregnant with Thalo's child. Eve hid her pregnancy and continued going on missions to "keep her mind off things" and due to the stress, she went into early labor. Thankfully, Padme was there to help Eve with the birth along with Anakin and Obi-wan in a cave far away from the battle. Eve ended up giving birth to twins, the sons of Thalo. Eve wasn't emotionally attached to her newborn sons and refused to hold them as a normal first mother would. Padme thought this action was strange and out of nowhere Eve wanted to give her sons away to other living relatives back on Earth to be raised there. Years later Eve fell into a violent rage and ended up killing Anakin. Obi witness the brutal murder and went to stop Eve, forcing her away into hiding for a while. Later that same day she felt Padme's life drain as she gave birth to twins. Eve attended the funeral from a distance, her grief drowning her. Her hate, her rage, and her grief was too much for her to handle anymore and she lost everything because she cared too much. She gave in to her rage and bleed her dark side into her blue Kyber crystal, turning it red. She now calls herself Lady Lurar and bathes the galaxy in fear. As Lady Lurar, she refuses to let anyone see her face. She wore a mask to hide her true self only letting her two sons see her face. Lady Lurar witnessed her twin sons join forces with Luke and Leia, Cal's triplets, Obi-wan's daughter, and, Qui-gon Jinn's granddaughter in order to destroy the death star.

Callum (Cal) James Kline- Eve's older twin brother He is gentle, loyal, selfless, understanding, and laid-back. he has shaggy brown hair, blue eyes, and slightly tanned skin. he wears Hoodies, Jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. as a Jedi knight., he wore creamy-colored robes.

Force Abilities: force healing, telekinesis, force sensing, telepathy, natural weaponry.

Cal and his twin sister, Eve, were born on Earth and had normal lives until their nineteenth birthday when a spaceship landed near their town and two men approached them, telling stories of Jedi and the Force. A power that both twins wielded. Their parents allowed them to leave to train these powers. Anakin and Obi-Wan brought the twins before the Council. There was a great debate among the Council members about whether they should train the twins, but Jedi Master Thalo tested the twins and the Council discovered that Cal's twin sister was the Chosen One of an old prophecy. Jedi Master Thalo vowed to take the twins under his guidance and began their training, but the Council gave Cal's apprenticeship to Jedi Master Mace Windu. Windu and Thalo took the twins to the ice planet Ilum to find their kyber crystals for their lightsabers. Cal and Eve wandered the frozen ice caves until they found their crystals. Cal found a green crystal and crafted his lightsaber. The twins were tossed into the heat of battle during the Clone Wars for their training. However, when they weren't out fighting a war, Cal spent much of his time in the Jedi Archives studying their multitude of books. Cal loved learning new things about the different planets. In the library is where he met his girlfriend. Cal knew that it was against the Jedi Code to have attachments so they kept their attraction to each other a secret. About 6 months into their training, the twins received a message from a gang of pirates, who had taken their parents hostage. The twins traveled with their Masters to rescue their parents. However, the pirates killed the twin's parents as soon as they saw the ship landing. Cal watched in horror as Eve flew into a violent rage and slaughtered the pirates with her lightsaber. After Cal had properly buried their parents, he went back to the ship and they returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but Cal felt darkness growing in Eve that he didn't like. One day Cal was practicing his lightsaber forms when Eve asked to join him. Cal agreed, hoping he could get the chance to talk to her. She had been away on many missions and he hadn't gotten to see her that often anymore. They began practicing and it wasn't long before Eve started to fight a little too aggressively. Cal begged for her to stop, but her relentless attacks only grew stronger and it took all his training to keep her at bay. Cal was utterly terrified when he saw her lightsaber illuminating her face and he swears her eyes were glowing red. Luckily, for Cal, Anakin was walking by when he saw Eve attacking her brother and rushed to Cal's aid. However, Eve Force blasted Anakin into a wall, where Anakin hit his head and passed out, but it was just enough of a distraction for Cal to escape Eve and run to get help. Years later a newly appointed padawan named Jake joined the Temple. He relentlessly bullied Eve and Cal but crossed a line when he mentioned their dead parents. Cal witnessed Eve challenge Jake to a duel and the two of them began fighting in the Temple courtyard. Cal knew how violent Eve could be and ran to get help to stop the two from fighting. He located his Master, Mace Windu, and led him back to the fight. Master Windu easily stopped the fight and subdued the two young padawans, but not before Jake had slashed his lightsaber across Eve's right eye, giving her a large scar. Two months later when Cal and Eve were taking their Jedi Trials, Cal was horrified when Eve killed her Master, after falling into another violent rage. After the Trial, Cal noticed that the Jedi began to avoid Eve, all except Anakin. Even Cal spent less and less time with his sister, fearing she would kill him in her uncontrolled rage. Cal spent more and more time with his girlfriend, who told him that she was pregnant. And although Cal was overjoyed at the fact, he knew this would put a huge strain on them because attachments are forbidden to Jedi. The early stages of the pregnancy were ok because they could hide it but as his girlfriend began to show Cal had to make a tough decision. They suck away to a medical center, far from the Jedi Temple, and had an ultrasound, finding that they were having triplets. Back at the Temple, Cal meditated on his situation for hours before coming to the conclusion that he had to leave the Jedi Order. It would be safer for his girlfriend, their unborn kids, and him. Cal went looking for Eve, wanting to say goodbye before he left. He explained to Eve that after she had blindly attacked him, nearly killed another padawan, and murdered her master in a fit of rage, he no longer felt that the Temple was safe for him. Cal told Eve he was leaving to go back to Earth and that he was leaving his Jedi training behind him. That evening they left the Temple and began the journey back to Earth. He and his girlfriend both secretly brought their lightsabers with them, fearing Eve would hunt them down. Cal and his girlfriend made it back to Earth and settled in a quiet village at the foot of a mountain range. Cal enjoyed his peaceful life and when his girlfriend finally gave birth, he was overjoyed to be the father of three healthy babies. Two boys and one girl.

Jedi Master Thalo -appearance: short blond hair, green eyes, and fair skin. Cream-colored Jedi Robes

Age: 23 (at death)

Thalo trained Eve as a padawan for some years before she accidentally killed him. Thalo's lightsaber is blue and Eve kept it after he died so she could remember him and she would use it in battle. Later Eve discovers she is pregnant with their son, Lazarus Skylar Kline, and she took the newborn child to her birth planet to be raised by other living relatives. Thalo played a major role in Eve's downfall and his death haunted her for 20 years even as a Sith. She took all of the blame for causing his death and she vowed to never fall in love again. She later met their biological son Lazarus after destroying the death star and they reunited for the first time in 20 years.

Jake - he was her old pre-school bully who teases and causes fights with Eve every chance he gets till he took it too far. They had a dark and long history since they were children. Everything changed when he becomes a Padawan and he met her once again at the Jedi temple. he was later murdered by Evelyn in cold blood during a battle and his ghost continues to haunt her mind even 20 years later.

Anakin - Anakin is a strong Jedi that cares deeply for his secret wife, Padme. Anakin met Eve and Cal on planet Earth when he and Obi were sent on a mission to find the force-sensitive twins. he wanted to help Eve adjust to her new life as a Jedi, even helping her to make her own lightsaber. But everything went to hell when her powers started to rise to the surface. During Eve's first 6 months as a padawan, he nearly died because of her rage when she was fighting another padawan, Jake. he manages to reason with Eve but passes out from blood loss. He helped to deliver Eve's sons during a battle and they lied to keep Eve and Thalo's love affair a secret for 20 years. Anakin's padawan Ashoka was betrayed by the Jedi Order so she left and after Eve killed her Master, Anakin took her on as his new padawan and took Eve under his wing. He was soon accidentally killed by Eve when she held him in a force choke after he tried to bring her back into the light side. Anakin died in her arms on the Asteroid planet of Polis Massa. His death is the reason Eve lost all hope for the future and lived in content guilt for what she did for years to come. She later mentioned him to her son Lazarus after meeting each other in a duel and still lives with guilt for what she had done to her master but remembers him fondly as she even used to call him 'Dad". As a force ghost, he had forgiven her for causing his death and the two were later on good terms.

Padmé Amidala -a beautiful Queen from Naboo who is secretly married to Anakin Skywalker and the mother of Luke and Leia. She plays a major role in Eve's life since she tried to be a good mother to Eve and give her some motherly love that her real parents couldn't give. Padme was shocked and heartbroken when Eve accidentally murdered Anakin out of a violent rage and then died (she's not really dead tho, though she faked it to hide and avoid the empire and Evelyn. I'll explain more of that by the end) and from a broken heart after giving birth to Luke and Leia shortly after Anakin died. Evelynn felt guilty for not being able to join Padme's funeral on Naboo (Padme actually faked her death in order to hide from Evelyn cause she was frightened to see her adopted daughter has become so in this one she's not dead unlike the movies)

Ashoka - Anakin's padawan until she was betrayed and left the Jedi Order. Ashoka and Eve had a sisterly bond as the two would often tease each other in a playful matter and Eve got overly protective towards Ashoka when she was in danger. Eve was saddened to see Ashoka leave the Jedi Order and these events took a dangerous turn on her path to the dark side.

Jedi Master Obi-Wan - Anakin's former Master and best friend who was one of the first Jedi to greet the twins. Later he is skeptical of Eve's newfound powers and ability to become one of the best Jedis there is. He was utterly terrified when he was told that she succumbs to the dark side and given into her rage by Anakin. He fought Eve on the fiery planet Mustafar and he witnesses the death of Anakin and Padme and the birth of Luke and Leia. 20 years later, he had unknowingly trained Lazarus Skylar Kline and James "Jim" Mortis Kline, Eve's sons.

Jedi Master Mace Windu - A powerful dual-sided Jedi, Master of both light and dark side fighting styles, this is signaled by his purple lightsaber. Appointed as Cal's Jedi Master and the two were often seen together or at training. Windu knew something was off with Eve and he tried to warn the Jedi council that she was going into the dark side but the council ignored his warnings. His concerns were proven true when Eve suddenly turned into the dark side and gave into her rage. He certainly wasn't surprised that she was going to be a Sith since the signs were notable but they were ignored and he had a reason not to trust her from the start of her arrival. Eve force blasts him out of the window when he tried to murder Palpatine after learning he was a powerful sith.

Jedi Grandmaster Yoda - Yoda knows that Eve has some mental issues from the start of her Jedi training as a Padawan and he asked Anakin to be with her for as long as he can and he agreed to keep a close eye on her for the time being. He was saddened that the poor girl was driven mad and lived with guilt for years as he blamed himself for letting Eve go to the dark side and witness Padme and Anakin's death and the birth of Luke and Leia till he meets her son Lazarus on Dagobah when the boy had crash-landed and he had a strong feeling that Lazarus was powerful in the force and had a belief that the boy was the son of the dreaded Lady Lurar but he kept it to himself. Yoda is one of the few Jedi who understands the pain that Eve is going through and he could swear that he saw two red glowing eyes from her every now and again. After she had fallen to the dark side, he went into hiding fearing Eve is hunting him down cause she has a hatred against the Jedi.

Darth Sidious/Sheev Palpatine - sensed that Eve is very powerful in the force and tries to turn her to the dark side multiple times which he successfully did in the end. He deliberately conceives a child with her without content through the force cause he wanted a suitable heir to carry on his legacy then he was defeated by a bunch of teenagers including his previous padawan Lady Lurar formerly known as Evelynn Marie Kline.

Lazarus Skylar Kline - Eve and Thalo secreted firstborn son as well as Jedi in training. He was born on a strange planet to his mother during her time on the battlefield and she gave birth to him and his twin brother with the help of Anakin, Padme, and Obi-wan. she never had an emotional attachment to her two children so she had taken them to different planets to be raised separately till they have reached a certain age and Obi-wan had unknowingly trained him along with his twin-half brother years later. he and along with a few other teenagers he had found on his journey and fought then destroyed the death star, he reunited with his mother after not knowing each other for 20 years.

James "Jim" Mortis Kline - the unknown twin-half-brother to Lazrazus and the second oldest son to Evelynn and Darth Sidious. He was completely unaware of why he was removed from his mother as a newborn then he realizes the cold-hard truth because she didn't want to have children and create an emotional bond with them due to her former Jedi ways. he tagged along with his brother Lazarus to destroy the death star and he was completely shaken when Darth Sidious reminded him that he is his biological father. James ended up having Sheev Palpatine's red hair and blue eyes which his father once had.

Dirri Kryze - the secret daughter of Obi-Wan and Satine Kryze. She was never told stories about what happened between Obi-wan and Evelynn on Musafar that fateful night. She wanted to know more about who Evelynn was back in the day and she is highly skilled with a lightsaber, she also had a crush on Lazarus.

Arilyn Jinn - the granddaughter of Qui-Gon. She never had the chance to meet her grandfather but she has his brave and selfless personality. She's willing to give her life to save others and puts her loyalty to the test when she accidentally falls in love with James. She is strong, kind, and rebellious like her grandfather was. She is a mirror image of her grandfather with a personality to match.

Aiden Pau Kline- was a brightly colored pet Varactyl that Thalo had found abandoned by his mother on the Tropical planet Utapau, he was given as a gift to Evelynn whom she raised him along with Thalo, she was utterly heartbroken when he was accidentally killed in action by protecting her.

High Queen Sigrior Astrid of Austrland - The only known ancestor to Evelyn. Astrid is the reason why Eve and Cal are force-sensitive. she made a pact with her God and he agreed to make her bloodline powerful or long-lived. Sigrior's bloodline was doomed to succumb to madness by power or grief and they are well-known to have a long list of tragic love lives.

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