


C H A P T E R   F I V E

"JAMES POTTER, HOW MANY TIMES do I have to tell you to leave me alone?" A girl screeched.

"Until you're mine, Lilyflower." James smirked.

"The day I will be yours will be the death of me," Lily rolled her eyes.

"Ouch, Prongs, that has got to hurt." Sirius chuckled next to James.

"Shut up, Padfoot," he gritted his teeth. "Come on Evans, just one date."

Lily spared one look at the boy before sighing, "fine."

"W-wait what?"

"Okay, I will go on a date with you." Lily whispered quietly, but the pair heard. Sirius choked on his own saliva as James grinned wildly.

"You won't regret it, Evans," he smiled genuinely, causing Lily to smile as well.

"I better not, James." She said before walking off.

"Did you hear that Padfoot?" James exclaimed, "she called me by my name!"

"Jeez Prongs, we all do now stop acting like a teenage girl. It's bloody annoying." Sirius whined.

"I can't help it, Padfoot. I'm in love!" He cheered as he started to skip in his step.

"Okay Siri, what did you do to Jameson?" Roxanne said, approaching the two with Remus next to her. "I swear he looks like he's high on heroin."

"Heroin?" Peter whispered to Sirius.

"I'm just happy, Roxy," James said matter of factly as he began to make his way to the girl, taking her hand and beginning to dance with her in an exaggerated version of the waltz, making Roxanne fumble in her steps as James dragged her whole body around.

"What exactly happened?" Remus spoke up.

"Evans finally agreed to go on a date with him," Sirius answered.

"You mean Lily Evans?"

"Moony, is there any another Evans you know?"

"I can go without the sarcasm, Padfoot."

It had been a weeks since Roxanne arrived, a Friday to be exact. She's been coping up okay, the Hufflepuffs have been very welcoming to her. One of her roommates, Juliet Macmillan have grown very close to her.

"Who's Lily Evans?" Roxanne asked, letting go of the messy haired boy.

"Just the one girl Prongs couldn't get," said Sirius, "until today, that is."

Roxanne felt a pang of hurt tugging at the bottom of her heart, she didn't know why but something about the thought of that made her find it hard to breath. Still, she smiled at the lad.

"I'm happy for you guys," she said, not even sure if she meant it but she made sure it sound like she did.

"Thank you, Roxy," said James, "I never thought this day would come."

"Same here, Prongs," Sirius said, putting his arm on the bespectacled boy's shoulder, "I'm proud of you."

Roxanne turned to Remus, "let's go to the library Remy, those essays won't write themselves."

"Nerd!" Sirius exclaimed. Roxanne just gave him a small smile before walking with Remus causing the dark haired boy to look at her in shock. "Did you see that, Prongs? She didn't even glared at me," he whispered.

James turned to look at the retreating back of the blonde before his features turned into worry, "I don't know, Padfoot."

THE DAY OF THE HOGSMEADE VISIT came in a blur. Roxanne now spent most of her time with Remus than James, who she usually hung out with. It felt kinda weird at first, mostly because she preferred to be with James at the time but then she thought herself to get over it and found Remus' company relaxing.

"So who are you taking to Hogsmeade, Remy?" Roxanne asked, scribbling the last paragraph for her essay in Potions.

"Probably going with the guys, you know, spying on James' date with Evans." Remus asked nonchalantly, not knowing how his words have affected the girl.

"Like that's not creepy or anything, Remy," Roxanne said.

Remus chuckled, "it's mostly Sirius who spy on them, the perks of being a dog, but after that me and Wormtail just bail on him so he could do all the stalking."

"Such wonderful friends," she slow-clapped.

"That we are," Remus laughed, "it just gets very boring at the end."

"Well, maybe after your whole shenanigans with Siri would you mind accompanying me at the Three Broomsticks?" She asked.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Rox?"

"Just a thank you for studying with me, but if you want to call it that then yes." She shrugged.

"So romantic Rox," Remus fluttered his eyes making Roxanne laugh.

"Oh shut up Remy," she said rolling her eyes.

Meanwhile, at the far end of one of the shelves, James heard everything.


"Remus," Roxanne answered shortly, rubbing her hands on her shoulders as she sat by one of the benches. Juliet nodded before walking off to Honeydukes.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in the cold?" A familiar voice said.

Roxanne sighed, "waiting for a guy with scars all over his face, you don't happen to see him anywhere, have you?"

"Last I saw him he's with Padfoot and Wormtail," James shrugged, sitting next to her.

"What are you even doing here, Jameson? Don't you have a date to get to?"

"Invisibility cloak, Roxy, wanted to get away for a moment. Madam Pudifoot's was just too much."

"That place exists here too?" She grimaced.

"Unfortunately, yes," James sighed.

"Why are you here then? Aren't you suppose to be with your dream girl?" Roxanne said, feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable with the lad.

"She thinks I'm just having a very long bathroom break," he said.

"I think you should get back," she said,  not minding her urge for him to stay, "she might leave you."

"Trying to get rid of me, are we Roxy?"

"How did you know?" She mustered up another smile just to convince him.

James looked at her for a moment before smiling as well, "fine, but don't come crying to me when we get married." He pushed himself off.

"And why should I do that?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Because I'm simply irresistible."

"Damn James, am I talking to your head or your ass?"

"Probably both," he walked off, his back facing the other direction as he smirked at the blonde.

"See you later, Jameson." Roxanne chuckled.

"See you later, Roxy." He grinned, pulling the cloak over his head. And just like that, he vanished.

Minutes later, Remus came. Sitting next to her, causing a little bit of warmth on Roxanne's shoulder at the close proximity.

"I hope I didn't make you wait long, it's bloody freezing here." He said, a small white fog forming in front of his lips.

"It's okay, Remy," said Roxanne, "I had a bit of company while you were gone."

"Well I'm glad you didn't get to freeze over by yourself." Remus said, taking Roxanne's hand and leading her to the Three Broomsticks.

It was crowded as usual, she found Sirius standing on one of the tables drunkenly dancing with a mug in his hands.

"I'll grab some drinks while you find a table," Remus yelled over the noise. Roxanne nodded absentmindedly as she began to wander through the huge mass of people.

"Dance with me, Rox!" Sirius hollered above the crowd as he grabbed her arms and began spinning the both of them around.

Her heart pounded inside her chest, mostly because of the amount of attention and how dizzy she was getting. She felt like Rose from Titanic as she laughed at how ridiculous they must look.

All in all, it wasn't so bad.

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author's note:
im so jelly of roxanne rn

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