


C H A P T E R   F O U R

"IS IT JUST ME OR DO THE SLYTHERINS SMELL more than usual?" Sirius asked. James pursed his lips together to try and contain his laughter as memories of the night before flashed in his mind. "Ey Slytherins!" Sirius called off, "don't you have showers in your dorms?"

"Oh shut up, Black!" One of the them spat, "It's pretty obvious you guys did this."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "first off, we didn't do anything. Secondly, don't you ever just thought maybe it's your lack of hygiene that caused this?"

The girl scoffed in reply, crossing her arms infront of her chest.

"Slytherins," Sirius rolled his eyes, "such drama queens."

"They're not that bad," Peter muttered under his breath.

"You're so naïve, Peter," the black haired lad scoffed.

Meanwhile, Remus ate quietly as James began to doze off beside him. The prank from the night before tiring him greatly as his eyelids began to get heavier.

"Roxanne! Over here!" Sirius hollered, his voice being the only thing echoing around the Great Hall.

The Hufflepuff grinned in delight as she made her way to the four Gryffindors. She now wore her robes, and yellow and black tie around her neck, her blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail with her bangs flowing freely in front of her face.

"Hey guys!" She greeted the four as she sat down between Remus and James. "What happened to Jameson?"

"Probably didn't get enough sleep, you guys were out the entire night," Sirius wiggled his eyebrows.

Roxanne snorted, "right, the Slytherins smell like shit. . . Not like they don't everyday but they smell extremely shitty today."

"You guys did that?" Sirius whispered. Roxanne nodded in confirmation. "And you didn't even invite me? I feel so betrayed, Prongs." He looked over the now sleeping lad who just snored in response.

"Have you guys seen the Head of Hufflepuff? I need to get my timetable." Roxanne asked.

"Yeah, Professor Sprout is right over there," Remus pointed to the small professor by the Hufflepuff table.

"I'll be right back," she said before standing up and going up front.

"Prongs? Wake up!" Remus nudged the passed out male next to him.

"Oh leave him be, Moony. The guy had a long night, you know planting a ton of dungbombs in the Slytherins common room is pretty tiring," Sirius said.

"I'll just get his timetable," Remus rolled his eyes before standing up.

"Can you grab mine too?"

"You have legs Padfoot, use them."

As Remus walked away, Roxanne approached the now three boys. "I have Divination first, I just hope the teacher is any good."

"Believe me Rox, Divination teachers are never good," said Sirius, "who was the Divination teacher in your dimension anyway?"

"Some poser named Barbara Bane or something."

"I guess it's time for you to meet Professor Twinley, one of the worst teachers ever," he said while balancing a spoon on his nose. "Which reminds me," in an instant, the spoon fell as he spoke, "I need to get my timetable. See ya, Rox!" Sirius waved as Peter scurried behind him.

"Now I'm stuck with you," she whispered as she looked over to James, focusing on his sleeping face. His hair covering majority of his face with his glasses a bit crooked by his head resting on his arm. And he just looked so innocent when he slept.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," James whispered. Roxanne blushed furiously, looking away as she did so. "Oh don't get embarrassed, Roxy. I'm use to it anyway."

"The humility in the air is just so overwhelming, Jameson." Roxanne said sarcastically.

"What? It's not my fault I'm a greek god." He boasted, his voice still husky from sleeping.

"You're so cocky, Jameson," she rolled her eyes.

"What can I say? I'm just telling the truth," he smirked while Roxanne pretended to gag. "Oh come on Roxy, even you have to admit I am pretty attractive."

"The fact that you used pretty and attractive is very arrogant of you, Jameson. But yeah, I guess you are a bit pretty." She smirked. James smiled genuinely at her as she ruffled his hair. "Just don't get too cocky."

"You're already too late, love," he replied as the blonde chuckled at that.

"Obviously," she grinned.

"Looks like I have Divination first," Remus said, scanning the piece of parchment on his hand. "Here's yours, Prongs," he held out the other piece to James.

"You took Divination?" He asked, taking his timetable out of the other boy's grasp.

"I didn't really know what to take," Remus shrugged.

"Cool, we can go together Remy!" Roxanne exclaimed.

"You took Divination?" James asked once again but this time to the blonde girl.

"Well, why not? The teachers may be a bunch of fakes but I've been pretty good at it," she shrugged, imitating what Remus did. "What did you take anyway?"

"Muggle Studies," he grumbled under his breath.


"Sirius dragged me into it," he sighed.

"Who did I drag into?" Sirius asked, sitting in front of the trio.

"James," answered Roxanne, "apparently he took Muggle Studies for you."

"Well I'm quite flattered but I took Care of Magical Creatures."

"You lying git!" James exclaimed, throwing a piece of bread at Sirius.

"What? I didn't tell you to take Muggle Studies," Sirius reasoned, taking off the piece of bread from his face.

"Yes you did!" James insisted while Sirius rolled his eyes.

"It's just one year, Prongs, you'll get over it."

James continued to grumble profanities under his breath as they all proceeded to their classrooms, with James going to the right with Sirius and Peter, who turned left on the next turn, leaving James to walk alone while Remus and Roxanne went the other way.

"WHO GIVES HOMEWORK AT THE first day of school?" Roxanne sighed, slumping on her seat.

"It's not even that hard," Remus reasoned.

"Easy for you to say," Roxanne groaned, "you're already finished!"

"You just have to record your dream from the night before."

"But I don't remember, it's not like I actually pay attention to my dreams." She interjected.

"Well then just record a dream you remember."

"Fine, mum."

"What are you guys doing?" James said, approaching the two.

"Homework," Roxanne answered shortly.

"In the first day of school?"

"I know, right?"

"Prongs, what are you doing in the library?" Remus asked.

"Pads and Wormy are still in their classes and it just so happen I also have a free period too!"

"We all do, Jameson."

"Yeah but I get to share it with my two favorite nerds!"

"I am not a nerd," Roxanne and Remus said at the same time.

"The fact that you do your homework in a dimension that is not yours says enough, Roxy." James nodded while Roxanne huffed in her seat.

"Atleast I'm a little bit advance than the people at my dimension. . . I get to have another shot at my NEWTs!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, if you're still here next year."

"Quiet!" The librarian scolded.

"Sorry, Madame Holland!" Remus whispered.

"You're such a goody two-shoes, Moony."

"It's not my fault I actually want to keep my position as Prefect, Prongs."

"Give him a break, Jameson, besides I'm already finish. Let's go prank someone or eat at the kitchens or something." Roxanne suggested, aligning the papers and placing them neatly in her book bag. The pair stood up to exit before she turned back to her friend. "Moony, you coming?"

"Yeah, just let me put my work in my bag then we can leave." Remus said, taking his time as he placed the stacks of parchment in his little bag, careful not to let a single fold to appear at one of it's ends.

As the trio left the library, Roxanne turned to James. "What now?"

"Right," he breathed out, "Moony, what do you think?"

"I just tagged along because I thought you had a plan, Prongs," Remus raised his eyebrow at the bespectacled lad.

"Well I'm sorry for being unprepared. Seriously Moony, you should know better." James huffed.

"Kitchens? I'm starving," said Roxanne, "I could eat a whole cow."

"Sure, I'm pretty hungry too."

"To the Kitchens!" James declared.

"MOONY," said Sirius, "you haven't touched your chicken. Are you alright?"

"Just stuffed, Padfoot." Remus replied.

It was just a few minutes ago when the three finished eating in the Kitchens, and it was already lunch. The two were still eating but Remus was already satisfied with the food they ate and his appetite was now gone.

"Oh I'm sorry, but did you just magically learned the ability to stop time and ate a whole fucking burrito while we weren't looking?" Sirius remarked sarcastically.

"No, I was hanging out with those two," Remus pointed to the pair who were munching on their plates like there's no tomorrow.

"You guys hung out?" Sirius asked in disbelief, "and you didn't even invite me? Again?"

Roxanne with a mouth full of food nodded in confirmation. Sirius looked over the other boy who was still eating his food.

"Can you believe it, Wormy? These two had fun without us, I honestly feel so betrayed right now."

"Maybe next time, Siri," Roxanne cooed, making Sirius cringe.

"Yeah, don't call me that."

° ° °
author's note:
well this chapter's random, i srsly have no idea what im doing and im hardcore procrastinating (curse you dan and phil!)

lemme know what you think in the comments and vote if you'd like x

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