internet friends

Connor Murphy didn't have many friends. Okay correction, Connor didn't have any friends. In real life anyway. He had some friends on the internet. He told them everything, he honestly wasn't scared of being kidnaped or murdered. He would probably thank the kind person who took him away from his defective family. He had one main internet friend from a site called Wattpad. he was super conscious. Seriously, all Connor really knew about him was that he was a guy and that he loved trees. And he only got that because his name was literally treeboy. He told connor personal things like how his dad left and how he was bisexual and afraid to tell anyone, but he didn't know his name, where he lived, his age that stuff. They had been friends for around 2 years and they had kept each other sane for that period of time.

~connor's pov~

I sat down at my laptop and opened it to find I had 6 notifications from Wattpad. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what they were. I opened up my DMs and clicked on treeboy.


How are you?

Are you busy?

I wanted to talk to you.

It's okay if you're busy.

I wouldn't want to talk to me either.

I smiled and wrote back:

no I'm not busy. what's up. 

Well. I wanted to say that you have always been such a good

friend to me and that I was so lucky to have you. And you were

always there for me when I needed it.

*am and are


You said "I was so lucky." and "you were always." you ARE so lucky to have

me as your friend. I mean who else would correct your grammar mistakes and typos?

No I typed that correctly....

No. you had it in the wrong tense.

I'm gonna miss you Connor.

What are you talking about? You're supposed to call me an ass

For fixing your grammar and then I'd make a stupid pun and we'd

Laugh about it.


What are you doing?!

Type back!

Shit! Are you okay?!

Goodbye. Take care of yourself.

Wait! Stop!

Promise you'll take care of yourself okay?

NO! I won't promise anything!

just talk to me please

I'll see you on the other side... I guess.


You're too young! Stop!

Tell me what's going on! I'll help you.

I didn't get a response after that. I sat there for a long time, I didn't know how long. I didn't eat dinner that night, or the night after. I was to distraught, I couldn't talk to anyone. My family wouldn't care even if they knew about treeboy. The next few nights I just sat in my room and cried at old messages he'd sent me.

~1 week time skip~

I was in my room when watching netflix trying to calm myself when I saw a small red circle appear in the corner of the wattpad app. I was confused and clicked on it, 1 new message. I clicked on it to see it was from treeboy.



Yeah. Just ended up with a broken arm...

Thank god! I've been so worried for so long!

I haven't eaten! Did you know that?!

I'm not that big of a deal. You should be eating.

You are a big deal to me. You've been keeping me sane for the

past few years. Honestly when I thought you were dead I

Couldn't do anything without considering- it- I couldn't shave,

I couldn't tie a knot, I couldn't take medication, I couldn't walk on the street

If there were cars. I'm so glad you're okay.

You're making me cry.

If it's any consolation I'm crying too.

We talked for 2 more hours before he said that he had to go.

~time skip to tomorrow~

"It's your senior year Connor you are not missing the first day!"

"I already said I'd go tomorrow."

"Larry are you not going to back me up!"

"Go to school Connor."

"I'm trying to find a compromise here."

"See he doesn't listen. Look at him, he's probably high."

"He's definitely high."

"Fuck you."

"He's not high..." my mom looked down at me. "I don't want you going to school high Connor!"

"Perfect so then I won't go! Thanks mom!" I went upstairs to my room and see a notification from wattpad.

Good luck at school today.

Won't need it. I'm not going.

What do you mean?

Not going.


Don't wanna

Didn't your mom ever give you the whole

"eat your vegetables, don't do drugs, stay in school" talk?

I already do drugs and my diet consists of mostly pizza

and ramen noodles, I'm not going to school. It's just seven

Crappy hours of our lives.

You see what I did there.

Very clever. You could use that cleverness in school.

I'm not clever.I saw that on tumblr.

I just wanted to impress you...

Go to school Connor.


~at school~

So apparently I forgot that you can't just walk down the hall and mind your own business without getting harassed by a five foot gremlin in glasses.

"Hey Connor, loving the new hair length. Very school shooter chic." I looked at him with pure hatred. It's times like these where I wish it was socially acceptable for me to strangle people. "Woah. chill man it was just a joke."

"I know. I'm laughing. Can't you tell? Am I not laughing hard enough for you?"

"Wow you're such a freak." he left. there was a boy in a blue polo shirt standing behind him. He let out a small chuckle. This asshole thought my pain was funny?

"You think this is funny?"

"N-n-no I uh-"

"I'm not a freak! You're the freak!" I pushed him to the ground and ran away to find someplace quiet. The computer lab.

~time skip.~

How's school so far?

Okay. No one's signed my cast yet, I got called a freak,

and was just push and now my head hurts. You?

Who did that to you?!

No one important.

I'll kill them!

And that is why you don't know where I live.

One day I'm gonna marry you and if anyone

So much as lays a finger on you I'll snap their neck

Take it easy! I don't even know your middle name, Connor.

It's Morris

Like from Newsies?

I'm gonna pretend I know what that is.

Second best musical of all time.

After wicked of course

You know me too well.

I heard the sound of the printer turning on. I looked to see that it was a letter addressed to Evan Hansen. Wasn't that the ass who laughed at me. Then again everyone laughs at me, the poor kid was probably just trying to fit in. I took the letter and walked over to Evan who was typing something on his computer.

"Hey." he quickly shut his tab and turned to face me.

"Uh hey."

"How'd you break you're arm?"

"I fell out of a tree."

"That's the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard."


"No one's signed your cast."

"Yeah but it's not a big deal-"

"I'll sign it."

"Oh you don't have to."

"Do you have a sharpie?" he fearfully handed me the marker. I grabbed his arm and ignored his wince of pain as I wrote my name across the entire cast.


"Is this yours? It has your name on it. Dear Evan Hansen."

"Ah yeah that's" I glanced down and saw my name. I pulled it away from him.

all my hope is pinned on Connor who I don't know and who doesn't know me.

"What the fuck is this."

"It's a different connor!''

"You knew I would find this! You saw I was the only one in here and you knew I would find it."

"Connor is one of my internet friends. It's not you. Read the rest if you don't believe me."

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is not going to be a good day, or week, or month, or year, and here's why: becauses all you hope is pinned on Connor who you don't even know and who doesn't know you. You've been friends for 2 fucking years and you can't even tell him your real name, instead he has to call you treeboy. I should really change my username-

I stopped reading and looked at Evan.

"See. not you." he tried to take the letter back but I held it above my head and gently kissed him. He pulled away with a look of shock, horror, and a tint of anger plastered on his face.

"It was me." I pulled out my phone and opened up to my profile. His jaw dropped.

"Jared will never let me hear the end of this." he was pacing. He started rambling. "I mean you've been right in front of me this entire time! You know all my darkest secrets! You could tell the world if you wanted to. And that was okay before but now you know who I am! You could ruin my life." he was hyperventilating so I hugged him.

"Shh calm down. I won't tell anyone anything. I care about you too much." he nodded but still wasn't breathing right. "Hey." I kissed the top of his head. "I love you." he hugged me back and buried his head in my shoulder.

"I-I-I think I love you t-too, but t-that doesn't change the fact that-" I cut him off by kissing him slightly.

"You're safe with me. Now who was it that hurt you-" it struck me as soon as I said it. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't realize! I'm such a horrible person." he laughed a little and shook his head.

"You're forgiven."


Hey guys! I'm lonely so if anyone want's to roleplay hit me up. Also my friends are on wattpad now. There usernames are @ThatCringyTomato and @memesandmusicals  so check them out! also sorry I know this was hard to read but screw it. 

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