Father's Day special

sorry in advance. Waring domestic violence. 

Evan was sitting on Connor's lap on his bed helping him do homework. They were home alone as always, Evan's mom always worked so they usually had the house to themselves.

"Wait so X equals... 42?"

"Yep! You're really getting the hang of this."

"Why thank you my deer."

"Shut up." Evan laughed. The door bell rung from downstairs.

"I'll get it" Connor said pushing Evan off his lap. It was most likely the pizza they ordered, even though they ordered it like 5 minutes ago. Connor went down stairs to get the door, when he opened he was shocked to see it wasn't the pizza guy but instead there was a clearly very drunk short balding man who kind looked like Evan if you squinted. "Sorry sir we don't want to save the rainforest." Connor said as he shut the door.

"What no. I'm a shamed Evan! How could you not recognize your own father!"

"I think you have the wrong address sir." everyone knew that Evan's dad left and no one would be stupid enough to come back after doing something like that. Plus Evan was a common name so it's very possible that this guy was just lost.

"You look very different. Your a lot taller than I expected, and I like your hair... it's interesting."

"I think you are looking for someone else." Connor said bluntly getting fed up with this guy.

"I'm looking for Evan Phillips, you are Evan aren't you?"

"Evan Hansen lives here, I don't know any Evan Phillips."

"That bitch changed her last name!" Connor heard soft footsteps coming down stairs. Evan did NOT need to deal with this wackjob.

"Con? Is everything okay? I thought I heard yelling." Evan said coming to the door but freezing behind Connor once he saw who was at the door. The man pushed past connor coming inside while connor looked like he was about to lose it.

"Evan! My buddy. How's it hanging?" he said extending his arms like he was going to hug Evan.

"W-What do you want!" Evan didn't look good, he seemed like he was going to punch this guy.

"Well I was wondering if I could talk to your mother-"

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH HER! AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO HER... to us..." Evan was on the verge of tears. Connor went to go wrap his arm around Evan but he pushed him away. "Go home connor. This might take a while." Connor was shocked. He had never heard Evan say anything like that. He decided that whatever this was Evan could handle it so he decided to just go outside.

~Connor's pov~

I only went out the door but made sure I could still hear what was going on. Incase things got out of hand.

"Listen Evan I'm in some serious trouble. I may or may not have taken a trip to vegas and-"


"Listen here you little shit. Me and your mother may be divorced but I am still your Dad and I still have a perfectly good belt that I'm not afraid to use!" that was way too far and I refused to stand by and let it happen. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Damnit! I forgot that this locks automatically when it closes. I look under the doormat for the key but it was gone. Oh shit.

"Go ahead! I'm not scared of you anymore! I'll have you know that the day I found that Uhaul truck in the driveway was the best day of my life!"



"Look Evan. your mother has some serious issues."


"THAT'S THE DUMBEST THING I EVER HEARD! What next thing you're gonna tell me is your gay!"

"That's exactly what I'm gonna tell you!"


"Go ahead old man! Try me!" after that there was the sound of what sounded like a whip cracking. "I'M NOT AFRAID ANY MORE!" there was another whip. I could hear Evan sobbing and my heart broke with each sound. I was banging on the door crying trying to get to Evan.

"You're weak. That never changed."

"I may still be weak but I can get stronger, but you will ALWAYS be a horrible sadistic egotistical asshole!" there was another whip and I was banging on the door begging to be let in even though I knew no one would answer.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" there was another whip. Now I was panicking. What if Evan died in there?! I fumbled in my pocket searching for my bag of weed and lighter, it was only for emergencies and this most definitely counted it helped me calm down and think clearer, well at least before I was completely stoned that is. I quickly rolled a joint and lit it my hands shaky the entire time. After a couple of smokes I calmed down trying to ignore my lover's sobs of pain. Call 911, call for help. I took out my phone and quickly dialed the number while I could hear Evan getting beat senseless.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There's an assault taking place at 24 mell road! Hurry please!"

"We'll be there as soon as possible."

It suddenly got quiet. Evan's sobs had stopped and that meant that I flipped out. I started throwing myself at the door trying to kick it down. Eventually I kicked it down completely breaking the door but it's not like I couldn't buy a new one. I saw Evan unconscious on the floor covered in blood and bruises. I fell down to him crying checking to make sure he was okay, he had a pulse which was good but his breathing was faint and he wasn't responding to his name. I was furious, once I made sure Evan was alive I swung at his father hitting him straight in the jaw causing his mouth to bleed.

"You're gonna regret that!" he swung the belt at be but I dodged it and took the other end and pulled forward catching Evan's dad off guard. He fell to the floor where I kicked him repeatedly giving him two black eyes, a bloody nose, and I think a couple broke ribs. In any case I beat the crap outta him until I heard sirens and police come in the house.

"Hunter phillips?" one of the officers said while kneeling down to examine Evan's father. "Who did this to you?" crap he's friends with the cops.

"Oh Jackson thank god! This boy assaulted me and my son and might have killed him! I think he's stoned or mentally insane or something." as he was talking I was being put in handcuffs.

"He's Lying! I'm innocent! He's the monster!" I was being put in the car without anyone listening to me. I saw Evan getting loaded into an ambulance along with his father. And I snapped, I ran past the two officers holding me down towards the ambulance at top speed shouting to Evan who couldn't hear me. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my back and electricity run through my body until I physically couldn't stand and black out.

~ time skip brought to you by my friend from real life reading this... so hi. How are you doing? ... okay back to the fan fic. One week has passed ~

~ Evan's pov~

I was nervously fidgeting in the car as my mom drove me to the local prison. I jumped out of the car as soon as it was going walking speed I needed to see connor. It had been a full week and I had literally no contact with him and no clue what happened.

"Why are you here." there was a rather fat officer standing at the entrance to the facility.

"I'm v-visiting C-connor Murphy." he muttered something into the walkie talkie on his shoulder and opened the door as I ran in. I realized I had no clue where I was going so I asked one of the guards and she pointed to a wall with windows and phones. Oh god this was not good. I saw connor walking cuffed with a guard behind him. I bolted to him and as soon as he saw me his face lit up. He said something I couldn't hear but ran towards the phone. He tried to grab it but it was difficult considering his hands were bound.

"CONNOR" I ran to the seat across from him grabbing the phone and putting it to my ear as connor's cuffs were being undone. His wrists were red and raw and he winced a little when he moved them to get the phone but he was smiling nonetheless.

"Evan! Oh thank god you're okay I was so worried!"

"You were worried I woke up yesterday and I hear that you're in jail! What the fern happened!" he laughed a little which made Evan so happy and relieved.

"Long story short When I found you barely alive on the floor I beat the living hell outta your dad and then he framed me and said that I tried to kill you. So now I'm on trial for first degree assault, which I am totally guilty of, and attempted murder, also I may be facing 15-20 years in prison. And it's not like my extensive criminal record helped me much-"

"Connor! What the hill do you mean criminal record!"

"Mostly vandalism and drug offences." I was starting to have a panic attack. Everything went blurry and I couldn't breath, I put my hand on my chest to make sure I wasn't dieing and found that my heart was beating faster than a cheetah can run.

"Evan, babe, clam down. I'm innocent and the jury knows that. Also I can afford a lawyer and your father can't. I'll be okay, it's him you should be worried about. Not me. And if that doesn't help just focus on how amazing I look in orange." I let out a small chuckle. As much as Connor was a pessimist he put that aside for me. And I couldn't be more grateful. I smile to myself.

"So... does this make you an official 'bad boy'?" he put up his hand in mock offence and scoffed.

"Sweety I've always been a bad boy. You've just been to much of a saint to figure that out." I let out a laugh "oh by the way did that pizza ever come?"


"The one we ordered when we were doing homework."

"Oh, have no idea." I was laughing, was that legal at a prison? I guess so. This is why I love connor. I can't believe he would waste his life in jail for me. I didn't realize I was about to cry until connor told me that he would be okay and tat there's no need to cry over this,

"I'll be fine Evan. I promise. And your dad will get what he has coming. I'll be out in a month tops. That's only 28 days, which is only 4 weeks.'' I put my hand on the glass and he did the same. I nodded.

"I love you Connor."

"I love you too Evan." I hung up the phone tears in my eyes. I walked out to my mom who was still shocked I jumped out of the car.

"Connor's okay. Everythings okay." she nodded and we drove off back to our house. A house with problems, but my dad was not one of them. And all that mattered was that connor was okay and that meant I was too. 

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