34: The Teacher

We Are Talking About Plastic Girls, With Egotistic Guys Oh Yeah Talking About How It Looks Void Oh How We Lie

Vic looked absolutely terrifyingly peaceful there like that, his head down and focused entirely on the laptop in front of him and I had terrible difficulty understanding just how the fuck he managed to even make it seem like he vaguely enjoyed work of some sort, and the fact that he was optionally choosing to finish this after school was just beyond my comprehension.

Then again, Vic was the type that actually signed up for all that extra curricular shit, I mean, he was head boy for Christ's sake, but I still couldn't understand why anyone would optionally want to do work. Head boy, I suppose paid off for not just him, but the both of us, but whatever he was typing out right now, I knew I was ignorant, but I couldn’t' see that paying off anytime soon, especially not in my favour at all.

"You actually look like you want to do that - what the fuck, man?" I furrowed my eyebrows, approaching him from behind and joining him where he sat on his bed, his fingers preoccupied with entirely the wrong thing here, I mean, he was choosing whatever the fuck that was, over me - ridiculous, I know.

"I do want to do this Kellin." Vic let out a sigh, pulling his eyes away from the laptop to screen to let them lock onto mine, and I let myself fall into his gaze, distracting myself from just about everything with those fucking eyes of his and I just wished he wasn't so goddamn busy so I could just kiss him, even if that would've been a reckless idea.

"Have you been brainwashed?" I asked, honesty present in my voice, as I very much relied on the belief that anyone voluntarily doing school shit must be brainwashed to some degree, or there's something seriously wrong with them.

"Nah, Kellin, I just would like to have some hope of passing my exams at all." He let out a sigh, putting the laptop down and turning to me. "I'm not going to get this finished with you around, am I?" He let out a sigh, smirking at me just a little, and I gathered that perhaps he really would much rather occupy himself with me than whatever the fuck he was doing there.

"Oh, it's fine." I smirked, leaning away from him and gesturing towards the discarded laptop, still open on the screen of what I could only guess was Microsoft Word - as I've said, fascinating. "Go ahead, finish it. I'll just watch, in utter boredom. It's fine - you really won't even notice me." I gestured casually with my hands as I spoke.

"Kellin, we both know that you're entirely too much of a distraction to me for that to ever happen." Vic sighed, shaking his head, smiling at himself in a vaguely amusing manner, before shutting the lid of his laptop and lifting it off the bed to put it down on the floor for it to be completely ignored for the next few hours at the very least.

"Distraction?" I let out a mock gasp, my eyebrows rising as the word departed from my lips. "What on earth could you ever mean by that, Victor?" I smirked at him, shuffling closer to him once more, and wondering just how productive we could be, but in other ways entirely. No one ever said you needed a laptop to get down to work with someone.

Of course the kind of work I was talking about was really not going to help him pass his exams at all, but in that circumstance, I reckoned that perhaps his exams weren't so important after all. 

"I mean that you have these freakishly blue eyes popping out of their sockets at me as I'm trying to work and it's very hard not to notice, and even get a little creeped out in the process." He sighed, continuing to shake his head and just looking at me. It was a little unnerving, in fact.

"My eyes are a beautiful blue, Victor." I said, my voice forced into a painfully fake posh accent, which there was no doubt about the ridiculousness of. "My best feature, people may say, of course, those are the people who haven't seen the size of-"

"The size of your ego." Vic finished for me, rolling his eyes, and biting back the pink tinge of a blush at his cheeks, but I caught it just in time and as a smile passed my lips, he knew I had, and the glare that followed was most definitely worth it.

"Not quite, well I can't blame you. But I promise you, I've got something a hell of a lot bigger than my ego, you want to see it?" I smirked at him, spinning around to sit opposite him, and I made a bet with my head as to how long it would finally take him to give in.

All sense was saying he wouldn't, but I was giving him five minutes, ten minutes tops, because common sense had no place in a relationship between Vic Fuentes and I. In fact, common sense had seemed to have forcefully removed itself from my life, and quite honestly, I couldn't say that I blamed it - my life was a fucking headache to say the least.

"I'm so going to fail all my exams with you around." Vic sighed, flopping down against the bed, his long hair spreading out across the duvet in an amusingly girlish manner. "I'll end up working in fucking McDonalds at this rate."

"You could totally make it as a hooker." I commented, casually scanning my eyes over his spread out frame, and doing my best not to make a deal out of this, just to piss him off, cause you know, I hadn't that much else to do, and looking at him seemed like a perfectly enjoyable waste of time.

"What?" Vic sat up with a start, his eyes practically falling out their sockets. And he reckoned he had the right to call my eyes freaky. His eyes were gorgeous, though, I couldn't talk, in fact all of him was gorgeous, he just was, and it was weird to say the least. But when it comes to weird there's bad weird and then there's good weird, and this was most definitely good weird.

"Just saying." I smirked, turning away, my vision landing upon the discarded laptop, and felt just a little remorse for that A* grade Vic was saying goodbye to, which was without a doubt my fault, but when I put it like that, I came to the sudden realisation, that I had other priorities. Priorities involving Vic Fuentes, but priorities that went about themselves in a vastly different matter to school work.

"You're going to fail because of me." The words fell from my lips in what I imagined to not be the most pleasant of manners. And in fact, my words came out with what could almost be described as a smug undertone, which even I knew really wasn't the best of impressions to be giving off towards my boyfriend's possible failure in his exams, but then again, there were things much more important than exams.

It was weird to think, but I knew that if I'd never felt this shit, if I'd never been crushed under a wave of depression, then I never would have cared about anything out the ordinary. In fact, without this fuck up amidst my life, I don't think I would have questioned anything at all. I think perhaps I would have just gotten on with life and ended up stuck in a monotonous nine to five with absolutely nothing but the dull thud of routine chiming through my head. But with this mess, I know that the most important thing, the best thing I can ever get, is to simply be happy.

"I may have gathered that by now." Vic sighed, looking at me with that 'dear god why did I ever involve myself with you' look, which had to be one of my favourites, not for meaning of course, but it did just make my day, especially with the completely disbelieving eyes.

"So what were you even working on then? And how on earth could you even vaguely look like you wanted to do it?" I queried, shuffling closer to him and choosing to bore him to death with that work, so he'd never pick it up again and simultaneously ruin his life, but I get more time to piss him off so I guessed that perhaps it paid off, in my favour at the very least.

"This speech thing I have to do regarding my position of head boy." He said with a sigh, waving his hand in the air as he spoke, which I couldn't help but notice, looked utterly ridiculous, but it was kind of cute, in a weird way, again, probably just good weird. 

"You can probably just get one off Google - yahoo answers, yes there's your best bet." I smirked at him, wondering just how well that would go, and knowing the answer would not be good, because if you're going to trust the 'people' of yahoo answers with anything, I would not have it be anything vaguely important, hell I doubted I'd trust them to compare the prices of lemons.

"Yahoo answers is probably just about the worst place you can go if you want to know something, it's like you want an answer but people just give you their own stupid opinions and whatever they think is funny. And the only people with accounts on yahoo answers are forty year old single mothers and eleven year old girls." Vic sighed out, his voice fuelled with questionable passion and I couldn't help but suspect he may have been the victim of some typical yahoo answers trolling.

"Yeah," I sighed out, smiling at him and just watching the way his eyes caught mine momentarily before darting absolutely elsewhere to try and cover the small blush that followed. "You should probably run it through spellcheck on Word first, just saying. I mean, I've seen some pretty interesting spellings from eleven year olds before. You should probably be able to read your own speech, I mean."

"Ah dude, you haven't had to stand in and teach a class of eleven year olds when none of the supply teachers were available and the actual teacher just stormed out of school because she stole her husband's phone and found out he was cheating on her or something." Vic let out a mix between a sigh and a chuckle as he shook his head in astonishment.

"That actually happened?" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in what could really be nothing more than disbelief, because oh god that mental image amused me to hell.

"Unfortunately so. Not the best day of my life, to say the least." He let out with a sigh, and I had to bit back a contagious fit of laughter because oh my god, Vic as a teacher, that was absolutely hilarious more than anything.

"I’m not all that surprised her husband was cheating on her if she had the mental stability of someone who steals his phone, and then runs out of her job with a mental breakdown. God, imagine what she would have been like during sex-"

"Kellin, I really would rather not imagine a middle aged, sanity deprived woman during sex." Vic pointed out, glaring at me just a little, and I shrugged, seeing his point, but still mildly offended with the fact that he'd interrupted me, you know, manners and all that.

"Just imagine me during sex if it makes you feel better." I smirked at him, my words coming out all too casually and I guessed it was likely something to do with the group of stoners I'd walked past earlier today. Oh well, it's not like that was my fault, was it? Not that it wasn't anything but my benefit though.

"So, the class of eleven year olds I had to teach-" He began, changing the conversation and turning away in what was really nothing short of a terrible attempt at hiding his blush, once again.

"Changing the subject, 'ey? Fuentes?" I smirked at him, pulling his head back to meet mine and giggling at the beetroot red checks I was met with. He was still fucking awkwardly cute though, and I wasn't going question that at all, because I had already established that Vic Fuentes' capability to still be cute whilst he looked like utter shit was of some sort of mystical power that I as a mortal shouldn't mess with.

"I hate you." He let out a sigh, shaking his head, which I guessed was most likely from the fact that he was lying, or at least=t I hoped he was, because I didn't want to even imagine the fact that Vic might actually hate me. Fuck, that'd be so messed up.

"No you don't." I told him, pulling his lips against mine, taking him by surprise at first, but of course, he reciprocated when he realised what was happening. It was fucking reckless and most definitely the fault of the aforementioned stoners I'd walked past today, so you know what, I better thank them.

"Now tell me about this class of eleven year olds." I grinned at him as I pulled away, wondering if he was in any state to speak at all, considering the beetroot red colour that just seemed so awfully reluctantly to leave his cheeks. It looked kind of unhealthy by now, actually. I guess I could always give him mouth to mouth if it came down to that though. I really wouldn't mind that.

"Well, so basically she was an English teacher, and she'd give minimal cover work and by that I mean nothing more than a shitty powerpoint on a USB stick that took ten minutes to get working." He shook his head. "Old people and technology do not fucking mix - I swear she had corrupted that file just by touching the damn USB stick."

"I'm imagining you as a teacher, oh my god." I burst out into laughter, an image of my boyfriend with greying hair and a pretty dodgy moustache coming into my mind, which thankfully, was still not 'cute', because then I really would have had to have had some serious mental problems. "You'd be a fucking shitty teacher, dude. Mr Fuentes?"

"What makes you say I'd be a shitty teacher, huh?" He raised his eyebrows, sitting up and glaring across at me, pulling his face up into a look that made him look just a little more serious, but honestly, right now, there was no way I was taking this or anything seriously.

"The fact that you haven't let me do a single detention in over half a year now, and generally the fact that your discipline policy only seems to affect the people you don't like. Oh and the fact that you're kind of amusingly irresponsible." I winked at him, wondering just what scale of fucked up this would get us into.

"Yeah, but Kellin, you have special privileges." He winked back at me, and we both knew exactly what he meant by that, and really I had no problem at all, but you know what, there was no harm in winding him up just a little.

"So basically you'd be one of those creepy pedo teachers, ew, ew, Mr Fuentes!" I exclaimed in mock horror, glancing down on the bed we were sat upon and shaking my head with a sigh, acting almost as if I was even disappointed within myself.

"I really hate you, you know." He sighed, passing a glare in my direction, all too casually, in fact. "So anyway, I ended up doing a spelling test with these kids, because that's pretty much the only thing I could remember that was vaguely relevant at that point in time, and of course they weren't very happy with that idea so I said whoever got the most right could have five dollars-"

"You bribed a bunch of eleven year olds into doing a spelling test?" I exclaimed, practically falling off the bed in my laughter, which was not the way I'd rather be falling off Vic Fuentes' bed, but right now, I wasn't complaining. "You'd be the absolute worst teacher."

"It worked though, Kellin, you've got to give me credit for that at the very least." He simply grinned across at me in an awkwardly innocent manner.

"So who won the bribe money?" I asked, not at all sure as to why I did, perhaps just for the sake of it, or even just to check that he hadn't promised a bribe he couldn't deliver.

"It wasn't bribe money, and it was some guy with curly hair who I swear copied everyone else's answers when they weren't looking, but it wasn't exactly hard for him to win considering that this must have been the bottom set because I swear half of the class could barely even spell their own names." He shook his head, sighing.

"Yeah, teacher's not the best career for you at all, is it?" 

"I guess I'll have to agree with you there."

"So a hooker's still good then, because I know for certain you'd do well there." I winked at him, pulling him closer to me and linking our hands. "I can prove it to you though if you don't believe me."

"I have a head boy speech to finish off-" He began to protest, his face returning to what almost seemed to be a signature beetroot colour by now.

"No you don't, just get a class of eleven year olds to write it for you for five dollars, but perhaps go for top set this time, just a suggestion." I grinned at him, brushing his fringe from his eyes.

"As I said, I'm going to end up working in McDonalds because of you." He let out a sigh, escaping my grasp and falling back against the mattress.

"I'm sure you'll make some pretty good burgers though." I shrugged, 'consoling' him, not at all sure my method of consoling was orthodox or even effective at all.

"Honestly I think I'd rather be a hooker than a McDonalds worker."

"Now that's something I have no objection to whatsoever."

"Who would have guessed?" He sighed, shaking his head. "I hate you, by the way."

"No, no you don't."

"You certain?"


And yet, despite my words and smile, I just couldn't help but not be.

Hey guys:) I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, you know I always love to see your comments and votes - I love you guys<3 

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