Chapter 2: First Day In A Dungeon

Shiro was sound asleep on her bed when she started to hear a familiar voice.

Familiar Voice: Little rabbit... Are you awake yet...?

She opened her eyes slightly but everything was still blurry as she closed them again.

Familiar Voice: Don't fall back asleep! C'mon, wake up!

Shiro finally opened her eyes completely only to find the Dragon girl from last night sitting on top of her very close to her face.

Dragon Girl: Wakey Wakey!

Shiro: Woah! 

She quickly got up and accidentally headbutt her.

Dragon Girl: Ow! That hurt!

Shiro: Oh, um, sorry! Wait no, that's not important, why are you here?!

Dragon girl: Why wouldn't I be here sleeping with my master?

Shiro: Um... master? Okay, what are you talking about? Wait, where's Rin?

Rin: Right here...

Rin woke up out of her bed and yawned as she stretched.

Rin: You're pretty noisy in the morning, you know that.

Dragon Girl: And at night too! Do you know you talk in your sleep?

Shiro: Okay, rude thing to say to your "master"... I didn't even get your name by the way.

Dragon Girl: Oh right!

She quickly flew off of her and landed on the ground before doing a polite bow.

Dragon Girl: My name is Elizabeth Báthory, but you can just call me Liz.

Shiro: Alright... what's all this about making me your master? What happened to your last master?

Elizabeth: Hm? I killed him of course.

Rin: You killed Shinji?

Elizabeth: Oh no. That guy wasn't even worth calling my master. Medusa ended up taking him to the hospital and returned to her original summoner as well.

Rin: Oh, so neither of you his true servants... just servants following his orders. That explains a lot.

Elizabeth: Yep. His real servant went out partying somewhere and I ended up helping Shinji because I owed his servant a favor. That favor was to follow his orders temporarily.

Shiro: Still, why do you want to make a contract with me of all people? You are aware just last night you tried to kill me right?

Elizabeth: Couples fight all the time. 

Shiro: My answer's no... 

Elizabeth: Aw... well I knew you would say that. In that case, I suppose I have no choice but to die.

Shiro: Wait what?

Rin: Since she's a spirit without a master, there's nothing keeping her in the world of the living. She needs someone to give her magic in order to stay here. Still, why not make a contract with me? Shiro's not from our world so she can only give you mana manually.

Elizabeth: Nope. If Shiro doesn't become my master then nobody will. Besides, I know my little rabbit is too kind to just let me die am I right?

Shiro: ... ... ... Ugh... you're not wrong... let me thank about it...

Elizabeth: Yay!

As Elizabeth celebrated, Shiro and Rin stood up. Rin approached Shiro and whispered in her ear.

Rin: You know what you have to do if you give her mana manually right?

Shiro: I'm sure you'll tell me... and I'll probably regret it...

Rin: Alright. Well, 'll be taking a shower first.

Both Rin and Shiro got ready. They took a shower and got dressed before heading out, only for a letter to drop in front of the door. Shiro quickly picked it up.

Shiro: "Meet in the Gymnasium as soon as you're ready... signed Ms.Byleth". What do you think this is?

Rin: Dunno but it seems to be addressed to the both of us.

Elizabeth: Then let's stop standing around and let's go!

Shiro: Why are you coming with me?

The three girls followed the letter's instructions and exited the building. They walked into the school and headed straight towards the gymnasium.

Once they got inside, they saw a bunch of other students already there.

Rin: It looks like we're not the only ones who got the letter.

Shiro: Thank the goddess it wasn't another one of Shinji's tricks...

Elizabeth was counting everyone inside.

Elizabeth: Huh... 13 of us in total.

All the students were muttering before they heard a voice on the front stage. They looked ahead and saw a girl with dark green hair and blue eyes step in front of them. 

Green-Haired Girl: Hello everyone. I'm Professor Byleth.

Byleth: I'll be your teacher for the next three years.  

Everyone in the gym started muttering to themselves in disbelief.

Rin: Seriously? Why is everyone here so young?

Byleth: Now I'm sure you all have questions. But before I answer any of them, I think it's best to take attendance and make sure everyone's here. Oh! Just so everyone can know each other, why don't you add things you like, things you dislike, and stuff like that? Just let us know who you are. May as well since we're stuck with each other for three years. Now starting with the boys. You there with the long hair.

Just then, a man with long, black hair and bright red eyes stepped forward. His skin was pale as Shiro recognized him from yesterday.

Pale Man: How boring... My name is Izuru Kamukura.

Izuru: I don't have anything that I like... but at the same time, I don't have anything I dislike either. I have no hobbies as I am simply too good at everything that I do. I am the Ultimate Human...

After that, Izuru said nothing else as he stepped back. 

Rin: He certainly lifted the mood...

Shiro: Y-Yeah...

Shiro didn't know why, but she felt a shiver down her spine.

Byleth: Okay... next up is you boy with the mask. Make sure to take it off so we know what you look like. But you'll be allowed to keep it on after this.

She pointed to a kid wearing a full-body red and black suit with a spider symbol on his chest. He was also wearing a black and red hood over his spider suit. He took off his mask revealing his dark skin and black hair.

Boy in hood: Right, I'm Miles Morales. I'm also Spider-Man.

Miles: I like music and all that. Um... I like old-school video games... and yeah. There's not a lotta stuff I don't like.

Byleth: That's good. Now then.

Shiro leaned over and whispered to Rin.

Shiro: I thought there could only be one Spider-Man.

Rin: Well, yes but no. There can only be one Miles Morales and one Peter Parker. But they both can hold the title of Spider-Man within this world. In fact, all the different Spider-Men exist here.

Shiro: I see...

Byleth: Next is... you. Boy with the gauntlet.

She pointed at a boy wearing a white button-up shirt over his red t-shirt. He also had brown hair, brown eyes, and a large gauntlet in his right hand.

Boy with Gauntlet: Right! I'm Issei Hyoudou!

Issei: And as for what I like... hehehe... well I like-

Byleth: Okay next.

Issei: Wait huh?!

Rin: I think we found our pervert...

Shiro: How can you tell?

Rin: ... Instinct...

Elizabeth: Still... that Gauntlet...

Shiro: Hm?

Elizabeth continued to stare at Issei's gauntlet for a bit before snapping back into reality.

Byleth: Next is... you two. The boy with the red hair and the girl with the blue hair.

Red Haired Boy: Alright then. I'm Karma Akabane.

Blue-haired Girl?: And I'm Nagisa Shiota... but um...

Nagisa: Yeah um, I'm a-

Karma: Well that's it or our introductions right? At least for all the boys?

Byleth: Right. Though there's one student not here. He was found badly injured last night and is getting attended to as we speak. He probably won't be attending classes for a few days.

Rin: I see...

Shiro: So that boy was attending our class...

Byleth: Now for the girl's introduction. You three want to go first?

Shiro: Oh! Um, I'm Shiro Mushoku.

Rin: And I'm Rin Tohsaka.

Elizabeth: I'm not a part of this school, but I may as well introduce myself again. I'm Elizabeth Báthory but you can call me Liz.

Byleth: Yep. Alright then. Who's next?

A girl with blue hair walked forward. Her voice and figure were all perfect. Even the way she presented herself was so full of energy.

Energetic Girl: My name is Medaka Kurokami! Willing to help anyone at any time 24 hours a day!

Medaka: Be sure to come to me whenever you need anything!

She said all this with a smile on her face.

Shiro: ... Is she serious about that?

Rin: It's probably just an exaggeration. Still, she's the complete opposite of that guy.

Rin glanced at Izuru who simply closed his eyes and sighed. Just then, a tomboyish girl with green and yellow hair stepped up as well. It was someone else Shiro recognized from yesterday.

Tomboyish Girl: Alright, I guess it's my turn. I'm Jolyne Kujo.

Jolyne: I can't say there's that much that I like around here. I guess I can get sick of my old man bossing me around sometimes though.

Issei was checking out Jolyne.

Issei: Huh. For a girl you sure are muscular. Though you're pretty lacking where it matters mo-

Suddenly, Issei's head was smashed into the ground without anyone even moving a muscle.

Jolyne: Anyway, who's next?

Shiro leaned towards Rin again.

Shiro: Hey, what was that?

Elizabeth: Huh? You didn't see it?

Rin: Of course she didn't. Not all spirits are visible like you.

Shiro: Huh?

Rin: Well, a spirit isn't the right word to put it. What Jolyne did was summon a Stand. They're different from spirits but not that different from any other summoning despite the fact they're invisible to the eyes of anyone who can't see spirits.

Elizabeth: I'm diffrent. As a heroic spirit, I can be seen by practically anyone. 

Byleth: Okay so, who wants to go next?

Another girl stepped forward. She was a bit tall and looked more mature than the others.

Mature Girl: My name is Momo Yaoyurozu. 

Momo: I'll do my best to try and get along with everyone.

Byleth: A hero huh? We get a lot of those so it's not too unusual. We even have a professional in our ranks. Why don't you introduce yourself too? Don't forget to remove the mask.

She looked at another person who had a mask on. This time a girl wearing a suit with the bat symbol on it. She made sure to remove her mask, revealing her face. She had freckles and long red hair that could be seen even with the mask on.

Girl in Bat Suit: I wouldn't call myself a professional. I'm Barbara Gordon, but you can call me Batgirl.

Batgirl: I'm a member o the Bat Family and I'm kind of a computer nerd. Yes, I do know Batman's true identity and no I won't be revealing it any time soon.

Some of the boys seemed a little disappointed in that response.

Byleth: And you're the last one.

The teacher looked at a thin girl with red hair wrapped in a ponytail.

Thin girl: Right. I'm Kasumi Yoshizawa.

Kasumi: I would tell you a little bit about myself... but to be honest I don't quite remember much myself... but I'm really good at gymnastics and I hope we all get along!

Shiro: A fuzzy memory?

Rin: Something probably happened when bringing Kasumi into this world. As a result, when she was born into this universe, she ended up losing a bit of memory from her own timelines... not even knowing all the details o her own backstory. This isn't too uncommon though, so it's not too big of a deal.

Shiro: If you say so.

Byleth: Alright, that covers all the students. Now then, it seems you have all come here for a bunch of reasons. However, whether that's to learn, get stronger, or improve your skills in a certain subject is not of my concern. 

As she spoke, she tossed a bag at Izuru. He caught it and started passing the devices in the bag to everyone else.

Byleth: These are your scrolls.

Byleth: Think of them as your personal cell phones. They can do anything a regular phone can do and more. But try to limit their use for communication. 

She looked among her students and let out a sigh.

Byleth: In this school, you must be prepared for any situation. So no matter what, be prepared for anything... even this.

Byleth pulled out a scroll of her own and pressed a button on it. Suddenly, a trapped door opened beneath all the student's feet and everyone but Byleth fell under the school. As the trap door began to close, Byleth went to walk away before hearing a voice in her head.

Voice: "Are you sure that's a wise decision? They are still students you know."

Byleth: Sadly it wasn't my choice. I don't know what the Headmaster is thinking but if she thinks they can handle it then it's fine... I hope.

As she said that, all the students fell deep into a dark cave under the school. 

As Medaka landed, she quickly caught Karma and Nagisa and softly brought them to the ground as everyone else landed on their feet.

Medaka: Is everyone okay?

Miles: Looks like it. 

Jolyn: Damn that chick. Dropping us in a place like this all of a sudden.

Issei: Hey, where are we anyway?

Just then, everyone's scrolls began to buzz. They opened them up and saw their teacher was calling them. They all answered a little annoyed.

Byleth: "Hello? Is everyone there? Everyone's alive, right? Good. This cave under the school is a large one. All of you have the objective of wandering through the cave and making your way back to the top. Try to get out before the sun goes down if you can. If not then you'll be presumed dead and the exit to the cave will be locked."

Shiro: Locked?!

Byleth: "Good luck. Oh yeah, and be careful. That place is crawling with Goblins"

With those words, Byleth hung up and almost everyone looked at each other a little worried.

Rin: Great. Goblins too? That's perfect.

Shiro: What's wrong with Goblins? From what I've known, they're a relatively weak species, right?

Rin: Sort of. If you want to compare them to other species of monsters like Grimm, Ghouls, Succubus, or Titans, then they're not that strong in comparison. But they make up for that in their vast numbers. Once you see one Goblin, there's no point in killing it as they already have you surrounded.

Elizabeth: It used to be that all Goblins did was attack others carelessly. But lately, that's changed. 

Rin: Right. Since this world views things through the eyes of Etna, the way Goblins acted in this world has evolved. The ones that are still in their right minds have become more peaceful, but the truly mindless ones have quickly grown to become more brutal in their ways. They don't just kill anymore. They'll even resort to torture and rape.

Kasumi: U-Um... are we going to be alright?

As everyone started to talk in concern, Izuru simply closed his eyes and started walking away.

Jolyn: Hm? Hey, where do you think you're going?

Izuru: The teacher asked for us to get out of here before the time limit expires right? That's an hour away. I could easily finish this dungeon in seconds, but nobody is getting anywhere by just standing around complaining. 

He continued to walk as everyone else looked at each other before following. Little did they know that a Goblin had already been watching them and went to report to its master.

 Soon, after hours of walking, they stumbled upon a weird set of bones.

Batgirl: What's this?

Miles: Some sort of shrine made of bones? Are goblins normally religious?

Izuru: It's most likely a trap.

Rin: Right. Everyone, make sure you stick together just in case.

As they continued walking, Elizabeth clung to Shiro's arm.

Shiro: What are you doing?

Elizabeth: I'm staying as close to my little white rabbit as possible. I'm actually low on mana right now, so it would be smart to lend me some whenever you can.

Shiro: I still have no idea how to do that...

Elizabeth: Really? I thought it was obvious. 

Shiro turned to Rin.

Rin: ... Oh yeah, in order to give her mana manually you'll need to kiss her on the lips once a week.

Shiro: Yeah... not gonna happen.

Elizabeth: What?! Jeez, you're so mean. 

Shiro: Sorry that I don't want to kiss someone who put a spear through my gut?

Rin: ... By the way Shiro, what are you?

Shiro: Hm?

Rin: I mean, when you were fighting back there you looked like an entirely different person. Not to mention it didn't look like your body was made for that level of combat. You don't exactly look as strong as you are.

Shiro took a moment to think about it before finally speaking.

Shiro: To be honest, I don't know. When I lose too much blood, I tend to black out. It rarely happens but it's still something I need to control. 

Rin: I see... 

Momo: Um... guys?

Everyone stopped as they saw a huge boulder in their path.

Elizabeth: Oh please. Are you guys seriously just gonna let a little boulder get in your way? Step aside children so you can see a pro at work.

Issei: Are you sure you should be calling us children? Honestly, you don't look all that strong yourself.

Elizabeth: Hmph. Watch and learn pig. Let me show you the power of a dragon.

Elizabeth stood in front of the building and let out an incredibly loud scream, creating a sound wave that barely even scratched the boulder.

Elizabeth: Huh?! (Did I lose more mana than I thought?)

Issei: Hah! See? I told ya. Not as strong as you thought. Now step aside as I show you what a real dragon can do.

He walked past Elizabeth and aimed his Gauntlet.

Issei: Let's go Ddraig!

Issei fired a giant blast of magical energy that destroyed the entire boulder in one shot.

Kasumi: Woah... impressive.

Rin: Just as I thought. That Gauntlet's been increasing his magic power every 10 seconds.

Issei: Heh. I'm totally unbeatable now! With this, I can get all the chicks!

Rin: I wouldn't go that far though...

Medaka: Quiet... everyone, be on guard...

As the dust settled from the blast, they saw a platform surrounded by water and had a bunch of stairs in the middle. In front of those stares was a single goblin with big red eyes.

Rin: A Goblin... and from the looks of it, it's a mindless one.

Issei: You guys are worried about that little thing? C'mon the exits right there!

A blade came out of his gauntlet as he dashed towards the goblin.

Jolyn: Hey kid! Wait!

Izuru picked up a small rock as the Goblin went to stab Issei's face. He flicked the rock and it shot like a bullet, blowing the Goblin's head off before it could attack. Medaka then dashed forward and grabbed Issei, moving out the way as a giant Goblin came smashing down in full body armor.

Issei: Woah! Where the hell did that come from?!

Rin: A Hobgoblin?

Nagisa: That's not all...

Nagisa was looking behind them and everyone turned to see a bunch of red-eyed Goblins glaring at them.

Rin: Behind us too?! But how?!

Izuru: They were hiding in another pathway hidden behind that shrine of bones.

Rin: If you knew that, why didn't you say something?!

Izuru: I did. I said it was a trap.

Rin: Oh yeah, very helpful...

Elizabeth balled her fist in anger.

Elizabeth: Don't mock me... pig!

She suddenly flew at the Hobgoblin and kicked it, knocking it back into the stares. Everyone else came in as more Goblins rose from the waters, surrounding them.

Izuru: I'm counting a hundred. Possibly more in hiding.

Rin: If we get rid of the Hobgoblin, the others should retreat. 

Miles: Easier said than done but fine, let's go!

The Hobgoblin began to stand up as it let out a huge roar and the other Goblins charged at them. Miles Morales put his mask on and shot a web at the ceiling before swinging around on it. He kicked some of the goblins back before landing and shooting webs at a bunched more. He infused the webs with electricity and choked them, knocking them out cold.

Meanwhile, Batgirl was surrounded by a bunch of them, all smiling creepily.

Batgirl: Hmm... I believe you're outnumbered here...

Before they could attack, a swarm of bats circled Batgirl and the Goblins. All you can hear was the sound of bones cracking as a bunch of the Goblins were thrown out of the swarm beaten and bruised. The Bats flew away as Batgirl was surrounded by a bunch of beaten-up Goblins with a smile of her own.

Batgirl: A cave is a bat's home too.

Momo had pulled two guns out of her body and tossed them to Karma, who quickly shot three Goblins. One Goblin went to attack him from behind but Nagisa stabbed that one quickly. Another Goblin went after Momo, but she quickly pulled a long metal pipe out of her body and swatted it away. Sending it flying straight towards Jolyn. It quickly noticed this and went to attack her instead.

Jolyne: Ora!

Suddenly, the Goblin got punched by her Stand.

Jolyne: Ora... Ora... Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!

It got punched again and again before eventually it was getting beaten to a bloody pulp and sent flying through a bunch more Goblins. However, more goblins came up from the waters. Kasumi stepped in front of Jolyne and quickly removed her mask.

Kasumi: Come to me... Persona!

She summoned what looked like another spirit that sent a thousand beams of light out, slaughtering most of the Goblins, but as soon as she did even more rose from the water.

Joslyn: These things just keep coming!

Medaka was running through a bunch of them as well before sliding right behind Izuru.

Medaka: Are you having as much fun as I am?

Izuru: Hmph. Whatever.

Ten Goblins went to attack Izuru with knives and he casually swatted them away.

Izuru: They seem to all be coming from the water. Diving down to stop them would be suicide if we don't know what else is down there.

Medaka: True. Wanna give it a shot anyway?

Izuru: It would be nothing more than a drag.

Medaka: I had a feeling you'd say that.

They continued to take on the army of Goblins as Shiro, Rin, and Elizabeth went against the Hobgoblins. It had a giant mace and slammed it to the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked the three girls back. Rin infused her legs with magic, increasing her speed as she dashed at it before going for a heavy kick. However, the Hobgoblin wasn't even phased.

Rin: This thing's tough!

It swung its mace and Rin quickly jumped back to Shiro's side.

Shiro: Can't you summon a spirit of your own? You said you had three right?

Rin: Yeah. But with Liz here, there's no telling what could happen if two Spirits showed up. If I'm not careful the two of them could accidentally cause the cave to collapse upon us.

Elizabeth: Don't treat me like extra baggage!

Both Rin and Shiro turned their attention to Elizabeth, who had a violent aura around her.

Shiro: Liz?

Rin: Don't tell me... she can switch into a Berserker?

Shiro: A what?

Rin: I'll explain later. Just be careful-

Elizabeth dashed at the Hobgoblin and went to stab it with her spear, but the monster blocked it and swatted her away, sending her crashing to the ground. She immediately stood back up, not feeling a thing as she flew back at it only for it to smash her into the ground again.

Rin: Liz, you're being too careless!

Elizabeth: SHUT UP!!!

She burst with power as she flew at it a final time, but the Hobgoblin swatted her away with its mace again, sending her crashing into the wall of the cave and falling into the water.

Shiro: Liz!

Shiro quickly dashed for the water only for the Hobgoblin to smash her into the ground with its Mace. She recovered but could feel her legs were shattered and her spine was too. Still, she tried to crawl to the water. The Hobgoblin was about to go for another strike but Rin quickly kicked it back as Shiro got closer. She was almost there but felt something grab her. She looked behind her as she saw a Goblin ripping off her clothes and trying to pull her closer to it, but she quickly used her hand to swat it away before pushing herself into the water where it was completely dark.

In the dark waters, Elizabeth continued to sink. She didn't even try to swim back up as she could feel her body begin to disappear.

Elizabeth: (So... this is how I die huh? Hehe... what a pathetic attempt at a second life...)

As she was thinking o her final moments, a bunch of goblins began to grab her and bring her deeper into the water. She slowly closed her eyes before opening them back up to see a blurry image of Shiro. She was going to question it, but her body was too weak. Just before she was about to give up on everything, Shiro swam down to her and kissed her on the lips.

Just then, the entire cave started rumbling.

Miles: What the?

Jolyn: Great, now what?

Rin looked towards the water as a giant castle rose from it. Standing on top of this Palace was Elizabeth as Shiro lay behind her.

Issei: Woah! How the hell does that thing even fit in here?!

Elizabeth smiled with a slight blush as she turned toward Shiro.

Elizabeth: I gotta say your healing factor is quite impressive. Even with your broken bones, you swam to embrace me with your love.

Shiro: I only did it to save your life... ow... also my bones don't heal as fast...

Elizabeth: Yes yes, save the excuses. I'll make you submit to me eventually my little white rabbit.

She looked down at the Hobgoblin that roared in anger.

Elizabeth: For now, lay back, heal up, and enjoy the show!

Elizabeth spread her wings as the castle fired 14 massive sound waves that sent all the Goblins flying away, most of them splattering into bloody heaps as they were knocked into the wall behind them. The Hobgoblin, however, managed to stand its ground. Elizabeth smiled and took a deep breath as she let out a sound wave of her own that was so powerful it shattered straight through the Hobogoblin's armor, leaving a giant hole in its chest as it was sent flying and crashing into the wall, but still managed to land on the platform. As it struggled to get up, however, a giant chunk of rock fell onto his head and crushed it into tiny bits. The other Goblins noticed the cave was crumbling and quickly ran away as Elizabeth picked Shiro up.

Rin: Up the stares! Hurry!

Everyone quickly ran up the stairs as the entire cave collapsed onto itself. 

After a few minutes, the class realized they were far enough away to start walking.

Elizabeth: That was a close one huh?

Shiro: Yeah... you can put me down now... my legs are healed...

Elizabeth put her down as Shiro began to walk with everyone else. Rin took off her jacket and put it over Shiro to cover herself. as they finally made it to the surface. They found themselves back in the gym as Byleth was standing there waiting for them. 

Byleth: Oh so you made it. Well, I had a feeling you'd pull through. And just in time too.

Everyone was already exhausted except for Medaka and Izuru of course.

Rin: I could really use a during right now...

Byleth: Don't worry. After that performance, you guys deserve a hard-earned break. Come on, let me lead you to your class dorms.

The professor turned to leave and the others followed. She led them outside the school towards a bunch of small buildings, each with its own numbers on them. She brought them towards the one labeled #11037. 

Miles: Woah this place is huge.

They stepped inside as everything was clean as could be. There was a comfy couch right in front of a flatscreen tv. There was also a set of stairs leading to the Dorm Rooms.

Byleth: The boy's rooms will be on the third floor while the girl's are on the second. The fourth floor is mine but you're free to explore it. Also, you're allowed to choose one person to be your roommate if you wish.

Rin approached Shiro.

Rin: We may as well. We've already been in the same room at the other building.

Shiro: Yeah. Let's go get ourselves a Dorm...

The two girls walked towards the Drom rooms being followed by Elizabeth. They were a bit too exhausted so they picked the first one they saw and stepped inside.

Rin: So... this will be where we'll be staying for three years.

Shiro: Yeah, seems like it. 

Rin: So what do you think? Do you think you can survive a year?

Shiro: I sure do hope so...

Elizabeth went to look around.

Elizabeth: Well look at that! There are only two beds! Well, I guess I have no choice but to sleep with-

Shiro: Luckily you can sleep on the couch in the living room.

Elizabeth: Huh?

Rin: Goodnight. Spirits don't need sleep anyway.

Elizabeth: Eh?!

Rin turned off the lights as Elizabeth pouted. Shiro crawled into her bed and closed her eyes, thinking about what an interesting year was ahead of her.

-To Be Continued-

(Bonus Scene: Elizabeth slept with Shiro anyway, awarding herself for a job well done.)

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