chapter 19 ninja mode part two

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙earlier that morning‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

"What if we jumped through a window?"

Jimin shoots Yoongi a dirty look, "Really? Do you think that's our best option right now?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes, puffing out his cheeks. "I don't see you offering any good ideas." He casts Jimin a side-eyed look, "Should remind you how dumb of an idea walking through the front door is?"

Jimin scowls and sharply waves him off, still crouching low behind the bush. "Shut up. It was just a suggestion."

Past the line of trees and bushes lies the arboretum in all of its dark glory. It sits at the end of a winding gravel road. It is a large building with two warehouses connected by a greenhouse that's fallen out of repair from years of neglect. It appears abandoned but Jimin knows it is alive with monsters.

The crisp morning air smells of mushy snow and cold air. Every breath Jimin takes hurts the inside of his lungs. He is beginning to shake uncontrollably as the warmth of Yoongi's car fades from his skin.

Jimin's tail flicks nervously behind him, occasionally curling towards him and lashing outwards. His heart hasn't stopped pounding since they arrived.

He didn't know the way to the arboretum but he knew enough details to find it. The words, "Flower Grass Arboretum" were burned into his mind since the logo was printed on all of the storage boxes. He told Yoongi about it and Yoongi was able to look it up using his car's GPS, leading them here.

Jimin's gaze falls on the faint light coming from the side of the greenhouse. He squints at the moving light and watches it fade out again.

"You mentioned this place was guarded but I'm not seeing any guards," Yoongi comments, looking over the area. He is also crouched behind the bush and occasionally pokes his head out to see better. "Where are they?"

Jimin looks at the small shed built on the right side of the winding gravel road. He can't see any light coming from the small window but that doesn't mean it's empty. He points with his numb finger, "They are usually in there. The light isn't on, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. This place is supposed to look abandoned to avoid suspicion, they don't risk turning the lights very often."

Yoongi's lip curls back with distaste. "Of course," he forces out, "they're smugglers. Can't risk being obvious."

"My family is in there..." Jimin whispers, his heart aching at the thought of it. "We have to do something. We can't wait here. If they took Eden and Hobi then they are probably being interrogated about me..."

"But not real interrogation, right?" Yoongi questions with worry in his dark eyes. "They wouldn't torture them... would they?"

Jimin shivers again but not from the cold. "Let's hope not. It depends on what mood Sam is in."


"He's in charge of this place. He's insane." Jimin swallows hard and places his shaking hand on his heart. "I hope he isn't in a bad mood today."

Yoongi nods slowly, still watching Jimin. "So what do we do? Do you know a way in?"

"We need to take care of them first," Jimin points to the shed again, "we need to avoid setting off the alarm. Maybe we could pretend to be guards to get inside...?"

Yoongi inhales sharply and clicks his tongue in disapproval. "That wouldn't work. They're looking for you. It'd be dumb for you to waltz in."

"But we'd have disguises," Jimin argues firmly.

"And you've got a tail, kid. It won't work."

Jimin scowls at him, "I can hide it. Out of everything we've come up with, I think disguises are the best way to go. Why do you disagree with everything I say?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and lightly shoves Jimin's shoulder. "Because you're suggesting dumb ideas. We need a better plan."

Jimin grinds his teeth together, glowering at Yoongi. "You're being stubborn."

"No, I'm being practical. Just hear me out. How about we sneak around the back and try going through the greenhouse? We can use the plants and shit for cover," he gestures vaguely towards the greenhouse.

Jimin moans in a complaint, tilting his head back to the sky. "That's such a bad idea. You're going to get us killed."

"At least I'm trying to come up with something!" Yoongi hisses, wildly gesturing at Jimin. "You're not being helpful!"

Jimin scoffs loudly and sharply looks away from Yoongi. His frustration causes his ears to lie flat against his head. He scowls into the distance and ends up staring at a fenced-in electrical box.

Then it hits him.

Jimin's heart lifts with sudden hope. "What if we cut their power?"

Yoongi opens his mouth to argue again but shuts up, surprised. "Cut their power?" he repeats curiously.

Jimin nods quickly, still watching the electrical box. "It would make a good distraction. I remember when the power went out during a thunderstorm and it screwed up the cameras and electric locks on the doors. We were all in cages so we couldn't do anything at the time, but it would help us sneak inside."

Yoongi's eyes widened in realization. "You're right. That would work. Great job, kid."

Jimin smiles wryly at him, "I'm not a kid. I'm almost as old as you."

Yoongi smirks. "I'm still older." He gets off the ground and balances on the balls of his heels. "We should get moving. Who knows what's going on in there."

Jimin and Yoongi creep away from the protection of the bush and sprint towards the box. Jimin's heart is racing with adrenaline when he reaches the box, praying they weren't seen by the guards. He hesitantly smacks the metal fence to make sure it isn't electrified and he confirms that it's safe.

"Here," Yoongi hands Jimin a large stick from nearby, "get in there and whack it."

Jimin shoots Yoongi an odd look, "Why won't you go in?"

Yoongi forces a laugh. "It's cute you think I can climb that. You're the cat, you climb it."

Jimin takes the stick from Yoongi's hand in a dramatic swiping motion, suppressing an eye roll. "You're so lazy," Jimin complains loudly. But he climbs up onto the wired fence with ease and jumps down onto the other side. He approaches the gray box carefully and opens the small door on the side. He comes face to face with a mess of wires and switches and decides not to bother figuring out which is which.

He takes a step back and adjusts his grip on the large stick. His eyes narrow with concentration and he swings the stick back like a baseball bat. He slams it into the mess of wires as hard as he possibly could. He continues to beat the crap out of it until he starts to see a dangerous amount of sparks flying from it.

Jimin hits it one last time for good measure and sends sparks flying onto the ground once again. He takes a careful step back and observes his work with mild pride. Then he looks to the arboretum to see if it actually worked.

A quick flash of bright light comes from one of the wide windows before fading in an instant. It only takes a few moments for the people inside of the guard shed to step out.

Jimin's stomach flips with panic. "We gotta run!" he shouts, jumping up onto the fence and climbing over it. He leaps off the top and lands gracefully on his feet. "They're coming!"

The boys run towards the side of the large warehouse, keeping low to the ground, and miraculously make it to the side entrance without being caught. Jimin and Yoongi peek around the corner with wide eyes, looking over the empty space before approaching the side door.

Jimin tests the doorknob and finds it unlocked. He opens it quickly and gestures for Yoongi to follow him. They come face to face with a pitch-black hallway but the darkness doesn't affect Jimin. His hybrid eyes allow him to see well. He plunges confidently into the darkness, unable to see anybody waiting at the end of the hall. Yoongi follows close behind him and silently shuts the door behind them.

"Christ, it's dark," Yoongi whispers, still breathing hard from running.

Jimin keeps his eyes trained on the door at the end of the hallway. No light shines behind the slot in the door like it usually does. "I can see fine," he admits, "just follow me."

Yoongi complains quietly, "I'm going to run into something."

Jimin stops short and waits for Yoongi to catch up. Yoongi bumps into him and jerks back in surprise. "Oh. Hi."

Jimin suppresses a sigh and grabs Yoongi's wrist. "Come on."

As they approach the door, Jimin starts thinking about Eden again. He has tried to avoid thinking about her because it might distract him, but her face appears in his mind over and over again as they walk deeper into the arboretum.

He prays she is alright. He hopes they haven't done anything to hurt her on account of him.

They reach the end of the hall and hesitantly open the door. The lights have not turned back on yet. The darkness ahead swells ominously but thankfully, no unwanted visitors hide within it.

Yoongi laughs nervously—a quiet sound—and holds onto Jimin's wrist tighter. "This is sketchy."

Jimin sighs in slight annoyance, "This is an illegal hybrid lab, this whole place is sketchy." He pulls Yoongi along and they walk down the long, narrow halls together.

"I didn't realize these things existed..." Yoongi comments, glancing around at the locked doors. "I thought AGE was the only one able to do this."

Jimin shakes his head, still looking ahead. "No. These guys have been doing this for years." A knot ties in Jimin's chest at the memory of his kidnapping. "For many years," he adds.

"How long have you...?"

"I don't remember the exact age. Somewhere about ten. It doesn't matter anymore."

"Is there a way to reverse it?"

"Not that I know of..." Jimin's voice falters. I've given up hope of ever being normal again a long time ago. "I've been like this for so long, it would be impossible to undo. I know they can stop the transformation in the early stages, they did for my brother... but it was extremely painful. I don't think it's worth it if it has already been done."

"You said you escaped from being sold that night," Yoongi asks quietly, "Do you know where you were going?"

Jimin shudders as a phantom chill passes over his body. "I didn't think about it."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

They turn another corner and find another empty hallway. Jimin's ears perk up at the sound of a soft voice behind one of the doors. He quickened his pace and found the door. He leans against the cold metal and listens carefully, hoping it's Eden.

"Hello? Hello, is somebody there?" It's a male voice.

Jimin sighs and pulls away from the door in disappointment. Where is Eden? he thinks to himself.

"What is it?" Yoongi asks nervously, "Is somebody in there?"

Jimin shrugs and tries the handle of the door. It's unlocked. He pulls it open carefully and finds somebody standing in the middle of the padded room.

The guy lets out a high-pitched scream and throws his hands up to shield himself.

Jimin felt a pang of sympathy and remembers when he too would try to protect himself from whoever walked into the room.

Yoongi drops Jimin's hand and shoves him aside like he weighs nothing. "HOBI!" Yoongi shouts and runs into the room without hesitation.

Jimin stands awkwardly in the doorway as Yoongi tackles Hobi. Hobi shrieks as he falls back onto the ground. Yoongi slams his hands on both sides of Hobi's face, pinning him to the ground, and immediately starts scolding him for wandering off and all the shit Yoongi had to do to save him. Despite his rough tone, the relief in Yoongi's expression is clear as day.

Jimin realizes they have found Yoongi's roommate, Hoseok. He didn't realize they would find him so quickly. It gives him hope that Eden is nearby as well.

Hobi bursts out laughing, either shocked or amused by Yoongi's entrance. He holds onto Yoongi and rolls on top of him, now pinning Yoongi to the ground. "Oh my God, it's you! You're here!"

"Of course I'm here," Yoongi answers in a rush, his voice sounding tight with emotion. "Who else will pay rent with me?" he questions.

Hobi laughs again and sits back, allowing Yoongi to sit up. Then he wraps his arms around Yoongi's shoulders, welcoming him into another hug, and rests his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "You came...." he adds in a softer voice. "I thought I was a goner."

Yoongi clicks his tongue in disapproval. "You should give me a little more credit. Of course, I'd come for you."

Hobi nods quickly, "I know, I know. I'm just surprised."

The two boys break apart and Yoongi finally turns around to notice Jimin. "Good, now all we need is Eden."

"Eden? Is that...?" Hobi squints in the darkness at Jimin. "Oh, you must be Jimin."

Jimin nods slowly. His tail swishes nervously behind him as Hobi's gaze falls on him.

"Do you know where Eden might be?" Hobi asks with a note of hope.

Yoongi shakes his head. "Not yet. We're still looking for her. Do you know where she is?"

Hobi lowers his gaze, and his expression darkens. "No. They separated us when we passed out. They... they electrocuted the cage."

Yoongi draws back in surprise. "They what?"

Suddenly, Jimin feels sick.

Hobi's grim expression doesn't fade. "They were interrogating us on where you were. We didn't know, but even if we did, I don't think Eden would have told them. I didn't see her after that, but I did hear that they tried to escape."

"They?" Jimin asks, his eyes wide with horror. They were torturing them. This is all my fault.

"They said two hybrids were with her. The place was in lockdown until the lights went out."

"The other two, did you hear which ones?" Jimin asks desperately, his heart already racing with panic. "What kind? Did they say?"

Hobi scratches the back of his head and winces. "I think a dog was mentioned?"

Jimin pales with fear.

Of course she ended up with Taehyung and Jungkook. Now they are all in more danger.

Yoongi notices Jimin's horror-stricken expression and casts him a weak look of reassurance. "They escaped, right? They should be okay now. They are probably outside already."

Jimin shakes his head quickly. "No... Eden wouldn't leave Hoseok behind. She's still here if he is. She's not that type of person."

Yoongi frowns. "And how do you know what kind of person she is?"

Jimin feels his heart squeeze. "I just—... I just know." He looks to Hobi for confirmation, "She wouldn't leave without you, or anybody. She's..." His gaze falls to the ground as a sharp pang hits his chest. "She's the self-sacrificing type."

Always the hero.

This is all my fault.

Yoongi slowly looks back at Hobi. "Then we'll probably run into them. We need to get going before the power comes back on."

Hobi nods quickly and takes Yoongi's wrist. "Yeah, let's go."

"You guys go, I need to keep looking," Jimin replies seriously. "Get out of here as fast as you can, okay?"

Yoongi inhales sharply before casting Jimin a sarcastic smile. "You're dumber than you look, kid. We're going to find your girlfriend, okay?"

Jimin stares at him, mortified. "No, you have to get out of here. You'll be safe outside, you can't stay here!"

I won't let anybody else get hurt because of me.

"Fuck being safe, we're in this together." Yoongi shoots Jimin a dirty look, "Enough for your self-sacrificing crap. I bet that if you and Eden were dangling off a cliff together, you'd both fall off to save each other."


"We're breaking the cycle, kid. Stop thinking about it and get moving!" Yoongi says decisively and drags Hobi out of the room. He gestures sharply to Jimin, "Come on! We're wasting time here! Let's get this done! If we're lucky, we can still make it to Breakfast Hour at Taco Bell."

Hobi stifles a laugh as he is pulled out the door.

Jimin remains in the doorway with a conflicted expression. He watches Yoongi stumble down the hall in the dark, trying to find the next corner.

He knows Yoongi is probably right about the cliff scenario, but he doesn't want to admit it.

No amount of reassurance will ever make him feel okay about this whole situation. People got hurt because of him. There's no way he will forgive himself for what happened.

On the other hand... maybe he can fix his mistakes.

He will save his family before the morning sun rises. He won't run away from this. He'll stand and fight until his last breath to keep his family safe.

Taehyung. Jungkook. Eden.

He can't keep them from the danger, he can't protect them forever, but he can damn well try. Not only that, he won't do it alone. He has help now.

Eden was right. He should have let her help him. They need to stick together instead of fighting separately.

If he had trusted her, this wouldn't have happened.

Jimin fists his hand as his resolve solidifies.

I'll save them all. And I won't do it alone. I'm coming, Eden. Just hold on a little longer.

"YAH! JIMIN! Get over here!" Yoongi shouts urgently. "I think we found your friends!"

Jimin's heart spikes and he snaps out of his daze. He springs down the hall without hesitation and turns the corner, coming face to face with a familiar face.

"Taehyung," he whispers, stopping short.

Taehyung looks down at him with tears in his eyes. His dark hair is slicked back with sweat. His body is trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline.

"I'm so sorry," he chokes out.

And he falls into Jimin's arms with his back completely soaked with blood.

A/N: This was a long chapter but it deserved to be long! When I started this book, I made it my goal to make sure the love aspects were mutual. Too many times, I see a lack of development on the boy's side and I wanted to explore that side. I hope I executed it properly! I wanted Jimin to actually be in love with Eden, not just say he was. I am also sorry for all the cliffhangers! Don't fall off the edge yet!! : )

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