𝘕𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘢 𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸

    "Hello, I'm Dareth!"
"And I'm Skylor," she sighed.
"And today we have the ninja to answer the web's most searched questions! Who's ready!?" Dareth had already made so many insane hand gestures it was a miracle he hadn't ripped the sleeves of his brown tuxedo and messed up his perfectly combed-back hair. (Styled by Kai.) The cameraman flickered over to where a boy with a wide smirk leaned far against the back of the chair he was on was sitting. Skylor sat down next to him.

Six separate stages were set up, each with a supervised sitting next to a ninja, holding the signs. The camera would alternate between each stage. Pixal was with Lloyd, Dareth was with Zane, Skylor was with Nya, Akita was with Kai, Vania was with Jay, and Morro was with Cole.

"First question," Akita handed Kai a cardboard sign with the questions. Kai sat upright and dramatically peeled off the tape, revealing the question.
"What is Kai Smith's element," Kai read aloud, glancing down at the board. "Fire," he explained, winking at the camera. Luckily, Skylor was in the other room, or there would have been simping. Akita rolled her eyes, and he elbowed her.
"Don't have a crush on this guy," she called to the cameras. Kai then recited his essay on why Fire was superior to all elements until it switched to the next stage.

"What school did Jay Walker go to," the blue ninja read. "I went to Ninjago Elementary until sixth grade, when I started homeschool for a few years. Then I joined our team," he shrugged, not sure what else to say, and looked around the room shyly.
"I read that on your Wikipedia page!" Vania cheered. Jay's eyes went wide, and a grin stretched across his face.
"WE HAVE A WIKIPEDIA PAGE!?!" Ignoring The cameraman's protests, he whipped out his phone and googled himself.
"Hey, let's see how much of it is accurate!" Vania suggested.
"That'll be fun! OOOH, LOOK, LET'S READ 'RUMORS!'" Vania leaned over Jay's shoulder as the two stared intently at the screen.

"What is Lloyd Garmadon's mom's name," Lloyd was sitting up tall, nerves dancing in his eyes. "Misako," he giggled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, a bit of camera shyness creeping in. Pixal reached over and lightly touched his arm. He looked up, smiled, and squeezed her hand for reassurance.

"What does Zane Julien do in his free time," Zane stated it in a monotone voice, like it wasn't a question.
"Oh, come on! Not even a juicy question!" Dareth complained, standing up. He slumped back into the chair after a few seconds and crossed his arms. Zane just blinked before turning to the camera and saying the single word, "cooking."

"What did Nya Smith do before joining the ninja," Nya read. Skylor raised an eyebrow.
"Is it referring to when the guys became a ninja, but you weren't yet, or when you were a blacksmith?" She questioned. Nya thought about it for a moment.
"Well, to answer both, I was only thirteen when Kai became a ninja, and I mostly did normal teen stuff. I liked playing basketball with the kids in Jamanakai. I made some friends there. If Akiko is watching, hi!" She waved towards the camera. "If you meant what I did while Kai was a ninja, I mostly did inventing and went shopping sometimes. It's kinda relaxing, just taking strolls through the Ninjago mall."

"What is Cole Brookstone's sexuality," Cole managed to yell out the last part through intense laughter.
"They all know, don't they?" Morro rolled his eyes and tried to fight back teh smile possessing his lips.
"I didn't tell anyone except the guys!" He continued laughing, leaning forwards in his chair. Morro started laughing along until his eye caught the camera and he glared at it.
"Bisexual, with a preference for guys," Cole clarified, his laughter still there, but as small hiccups.

"We're onto the 'who's' now," Akita explained as Kai peeled off the tape on the board of questions.
"Who is Kai Smith's best friend?" Kai stared into space, trying to think about it. Akita pretended to be shocked.
"Kai's thinking. That's a first," she smirked, and almost fell out of her chair dodging a playful punch from Kai. Breaking into laughter, she steadied herself on her chair.
"Other than the guys, this insane woman," he rolled his eyes and gestured a thumb towards Akita, who was still bent over laughing.

"Who is Jay Walker's girlfriend," Jay read with a flustered face, but it could barely be heard over Vania's squeals.
"Jaya!" She chanted repeatedly, then froze and looked over to him with stars in her eyes, waiting for a confirmed answer.
"Jaya...yeah, Nya's my girlfriend," he laughed nervously, so Vania slapped him on the shoulder.
"Hey!" He retorted playfully, and sent a little, non-harmful shock through her arm. The two laughed together.

"Who is Lloyd Garmadon's cousin," Lloyd's voice was steady and strong again. Morro poked his head on screen.
"Hey, @#*&%," he declared. Lloyd hid his face in his hands, and Pixal looked between the two, conflicted.
"That idiot's my cousin, since he doesn't wanna admit he has a cooler cousin than him," Morro said, pointing a stern finger towards Lloyd.

"Who is Zane Julien's mother," Dareth read for Zane, holding up the sign. "Ooh, new gossip! What info you got for us, Zane?"
Zane's face had a blank expression. "I have no mother," he stated, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "I was created by my father, and I have never indicated or implied I was born to a mother."
Dareth groaned.

"Who are Nya Smith's ex-friends," Skylor read for Nya gently, in case she was sentimental. Nya, however, appeared unfazed and even happy.
"I'd prefer to think of them as friends that I will meet again someday," she shrugged. "My old friends from the village were Akiko, Katsuki, Matsuko, and many others. Shoutout to all of them! Follow them on social media, too!"

"Who is Cole Brookstone," Cole read. He glanced at Morro, who shrugged.
"I'm Cole Brookstone," he elaborated, and made an 'I don't know' gesture.

"Does Kai Smith use hair gel," Akita broke down laughing yet again, and Kai's face tinted slightly red.
"My hair is naturally beautiful!" He exclaimed with fire in his voice. Akita fell to the floor, laughing her lungs out of her body.
"He buys ten bottles every time we go shopping," Akita managed to blurt out before losing her breath again.
"They're for Jay!" Kai lied, although it was way too obvious he wasn't being truthful.
"I've SEEN the supply of hair gel in his bathroom," Akita claimed, rolling on the floor.
"I'll set you on fire," Kai mumbled.
"How are you gonna do that, hair gel?" Akita smirked, sitting upright. The cameraman decided to leave them alone to cause conflict.

"Does Jay Walker build all the ninja vehicles," Vania read, still bouncing in her chair with excitement.
"Yeah, I guess. Nya and Pixal are really talented with mechanics and engineering, too, and Zane's pretty good. It's really the four of us that build vehicles together, although Pixal and Nya do separate projects sometimes. My separate projects are usually not related to our missions, though."
"Remember the flying machine!?" Vania asked. Jay's face was still for a moment until it dawned on him.
"Oh yeah! I remember we took rides on it and almost knocked Morro over," Jay explained to the camera. "I didn't know I still had that thing!"

"Does Lloyd Garmadon have a secret stash of candy," Lloyd read, giggling a little bit. He'd become more used to the cameras, and was pretending he was having a one-on-one conversation with Pixal.
"I do, but Jay's never found it," a bit of an evil smile played at the corners of his lips.
"My memory recalls that your secret candy stash is hidden-" Pixal began, and Lloyd ran towards the camera with a sheepish smile on his face, covering the lense.

"Does Zane Julien watch rom-coms," Zane read, and his eyes darted towards the seat next to him, but it was empty. "Dareth?" He asked, but there was just silence. The cameraman shrugged, and Zane returned his focus to the question. He cracked a small smile. "Me and Pixal find movies in the romantic comedy genre quite enjoyable!" He exclaimed. "Our favorite is You've Got Mail."

"Does Cole Brookstone read fanfiction," Morro asked, his confident smirk returning.
"Alone in my room, yeah," Cole smiled mischievously. "What kind of fanfiction, you'll have to find out."
"I bet you read-" and that was where the camera cut.

~A/N: Interpret this however you want to. No, I am not implying that Cole reads you-know-what. If anyone did, it would be Kai.~

The ninja and interviewers, (except Dareth, who was long gone,) all gathered in one room together.
"Thank you for watching The Ninja Autocomplete Interview," Lloyd began, clapping his hands. Kai was glaring at Akita while she smirked back, Pixal and Zane were holding hands, Cole had his headphones in, Morro was staring at the ground, Vania and Jay were still reading the Wikipedia page, while Lloyd, Skylor, and Nya were the only ones who looked natural.
"Subscribe to the YouTube channel linked below, and I hope you enjoyed!" Nya finished off.
"BOO!" Dareth jumped out behind the ninja and they all screamed. Vania and Jay were clutching each other on the floor, Morro and Cole were asleep somehow, Kai jumped a foot in the air, Zane and Pixal were calm, while Nya, Lloyd, Akita, and Skylor were visibly taken aback, and Lloyd had fallen off the couch.

And that was where the cameras cut.

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