
Selcouth: Rare

Keith pov

I has finished a few drinks I'd given money to Shiro to buy me.
Lance seemed pretty jumpy so I tried my best to comfort him.

The venue was really hot since there were so many people jam packed into the medium sized building.
I was sweating and decided to go to the bathroom. I looked around the venue and I saw a sign on the other side of the dancefloor.

Lance pov

Keith got up and told me he was going to the bathroom.
I nodded and watched him walk over to the dancefloor. The bathrooms were on the other side of the floor. Keith was one of the only people dressed in all black so I kept me eye on him with ease.
I felt my heart drop into my stomach when I saw those two guys get up from their table and start to follow Keith.
Nope, Nope.
I only noticed them because they blocked my view of Keith.
I felt a pang of panic in my chest.
Maybe they're not actually following him.
Maybe they're just going somewhere else.
I should just calm down and see if they follow him into the bathroom.
They did and I felt a pang of panic in my chest.
I quickly got up and raced off towards the bathroom.
It's almost like the crowd of people on the dancefloor turned into a sea. It was like a huge wall.

Keith pov

I managed to push my way through the people on the dancefloor and managed to get past the sea of people.
I pushed open the door and let it swing close behind me.
I examined myself in the mirror.
My face was a bit shiny with sweat.
I got some paper towel, wet it and wiped my face down.
I jumped a bit when I heard the door next to me open.
Two guys walked in.
I didn't think much about it until I realized that they were both almost a full foot taller than me AND they were both very buff.
They were both wearing dark jeans. One who was taller than the other was wearing a tank top with blue and grey stripes on it. The other a dark green dress shirt.
The taller one had bleach blonde hair with an undercut and the other a buzz cut.
The atmosphere changed and I began to feel nervous.
I just ignored them and continued.
I walked over to the trash can and threw my paper towel in. When I turned around one of them was right there behind me.
I had to look up.
The one blocking my way gave his friend a look and a nod.
I broke into a sweat.
The one in front of me pushed me back and pinned me against the wall.
"Uh-Um" I managed to choke out.
"If you make a sound I won't hesitate to slit your fucking throat!" He hissed at me, leaning in close and drawing a spring loaded pocket knife.
I took a breath, I was about to yell when he put a massive hand over my mouth.
He smelled strongly of whiskey an cheap cologne.
My heart was racing.
Why are they doing this? What did I do.
"Don't let anyone in!" He yelled at his friend.
"Where's your Spanish boy huh?" He purred and looked at me maliciously.
He moved his body closer to me. So close our chests were almost touching.
"He really shouldn't of left you alone. Pretty boys like you shouldn't be left alone" He said.
I tried to yell again but his hand just muffled it.
"Shut up!" He growled and pushed his hand against my mouth harder. I began to breath heavily.
He flung his arm back and gave his friend the knife.
I looked over at the other guy who was now playing with the knife. He gave me a look and raised an eyebrow.
I felt helpless.
There's no possible way I can overpower him, or his friend. They have a knife. Who knows what other weapons??
The guy grabbed my crotch with his now free hand.
I squirmed violently and tried to escape his grip.
"Stop moving!" He shouted.
I didn't listen.
I tried to kick at him but he stepped on both of my feet with just one of his.
"Stop-fucking-moving" He shouted again.
I whimpered.

Lance pov

The crowed seemed to become more and more dense as I desperately tried to push past people.
It had been almost two minutes of me just pushing past people.
My heart was pounding in my chest.
They better not touch Keith.

Keith pov

I just wanted to die right there.
I was helpless.
I'd left my phone in the car.
I can't possibly overpower these guys.
I have no weapons.
Lance and Shiro have no idea what's going on.

This guy just kept feeling me up and I just shut my eyes and clenched all my muscles together.

"Turn around" He said after a few moments. He cautiously removed his weight from my foot.
"If you make as so much as a whimper, I'll bust your head in!" He snarled and slowly lifted his hand from my mouth.
I exhaled and crumpled onto the floor.
I was trying to catch my breath.
My life is literally on the line.
I'm not the kind of person to just take orders but...that's not the case now.
Tears filled my eyes but I tried my hardest to blink them back.
I can't let him do anything.
I scrambled up and lunged towards the door.
The buzzcut guy blocked me and the other grabbed me and threw me back against the wall, my head hitting the brick.
"Get up" He commanded.
I didn't listen.
I tried to kick at him again.
He picked me up with just one hand and slammed me against the wall.
He drew a different knife and held the blade to my throat.
The cold hard object was almost breaking the skin.
I coughed and struggled again.
"Don't kill him. There's no fun in that" The buzzcut one said.
"Fuck" he cursed and tossed the other knife into the floor.
I struggled again and tried to get out of his grasp.
It was no use.
I'm powerless.
"I'm not afraid to kill you though. He might be but I can have some fun with torturing you" Buzzcut snapped.
"Why kill him though Jess? He's such a pretty little thing" My blonde captor said and put a thumb on my chin.
I fucking glared at him and spit right at him.
"You prick!" He shouted and grabbed a fistful of my hair.
He pulled me upwards my feet left the ground by a few inches.
The strain of my own weight on my hair was a horrible pain.
I opened my mouth and whined and struggled.
This guy is so fucking strong.
He put me back down and put his massive forearm on my chest to keep me from moving.
"Open your mouth again" He demanded.
I glared at him again.
"Open-your-mouth you whore!" He said again.
It's my tongue piercing isn't it?
I should of just kept my mouth shut.
I cracked it open just a bit.
"He's got a tongue ring!" He said to his dark haired friend. "Jess" apparently.
"I bet you can have some fun with that" "Jess" exclaimed.
"Hm you're right" He smirked.
"First things first though" He said.
"Turn around" He commanded.
This can't be happening.
He loosened his grip then grabbed my hands from my sides, turned me around, and pinned them both above my head with one hand.
"You don't see guys with asses like yours everyday" He smirked.
"It's uncommon" He added and gave me a slap.
"You know what? It's always nice to share right?" The other guy said. I heard footsteps come closer to me.
"Ever had two guys at once?" The other guy asked.
The blonde one turned me around and forced me onto my knees away from him and towards the darker haired one.
He chuckled and began to unbuckle his belt.
I clenched my eyes shut and small unwanted tears rolled down my cheeks.
I can't let this happen. I'm not going to give up this easy.
You know when you shut your eyes and you sometimes see little sparks?
Imagine that but times 10 and a horrible ringing in your ears.
That's what was happening to me.
The blonde one behind me shoved my head towards his friend.
One in front of me and one behind.
I suddenly felt a weird buzz in my nerves.
It was kind of numbing and made me feel jumpy.
I then started to cry.
Pathetic I know.
But then something I couldn't of ever imagined happened.
I tore my eyes open and the both of them were thrown away from me with such force they both slammed into walls and fell to the ground.
The blonde one had crashed into a mirror, glass flying everywhere.
I did that.
I didn't touch them.
My hands were pinned to my back.
I fell backwards onto my hands.
They both looked stunned and the buzzcut guys head was bleeding.
I looked over and the blonde one was bleeding too.
"What the fuck!" The buzzcut one shouted.
"How did you do that?" He yelled.
All of a sudden the door flung open and I saw Lance. Flustered and face full of worry.
"Keith" He cried and ran over to me and helped me up.
"What happene-" I cut him off.
"We need to go" I yelled.
Lance looked around the room.
"What wh-" I cut him off again.
"We need to go!" I screamed, grabbed his hand and yanked him out of the bathroom.
"Keith what happened?" Lance yelled as I pulled him through the crowd of people.
I was blinking back tears again.
I was so angry and confused.
I almost just got raped.
We got back to the bar.
Shiro was still sat in his spot.
"Shiro we need to go!" I whined and pulled on his arm.
"What? Why?" He asked confused.
He then saw the panic and fear in my eyes and he knew something was up.
"Hey you motherfucker!" I heard a deep voice below.
It was the blonde guy. He was on the other side of the dancefloor from us but he yelled loud.
Shiro put some money on the counter and I pulled him and Lance out of the bar at a rapid speed.
Right before I got into the car I heard running footsteps from behind me. The two guys were running across the parking lot at us. Shiro saw them and jammed the keys into the ignition and peeled out of the parking lot.
"Keith what happened?? Who are those guys??" Shiro yelled at me.
I took a minute to just process this all.
"I don't know who they are!" I cried.
"They came into the bathroom after me and one pinned me to the wall and started groping me and I tried to get away and he pulled a knife on me and I kept trying to escape and yell and he put his hand over my mouth and then the other one joined and the one behind me and I started freaking out. I got forced onto my knees and they were both planning to make me do some shit and have some things forced on me. Both at the same fucking time and I began to panic a bit and I sent them flying across the room" I cried.
"What do you mean you sent them fly-"
"I did it with my mind Shiro!" I screamed.
"It's just like when I scratched those guys. I felt that same feeling and they just got pushed away from me!" I said.
"But this was like times 100!" I added.
Me and Lance were in the backseat. We'd all forgot about seat belts.
I put my head in Lance's lap. A few tears soaked into his jeans.
"I saw those guys looking at you like you were a full course meal earlier. They catcalled you too but you didn't seem to hear. I did and I just put my arm around you just to show them that I was with you. I glared at them too" Lance explained.
"What's happening to me?" I whimpered softly.
"What were they trying to do to you? I don't understan-" Shiro started.
"They wanted to rape me Shiro!" I screamed.
"Why else would they trap me in a bathroom??" I sobbed.
"This is all my fault. We should should of stayed home" I added.
"If I didn't dress like such a fucking slut all the time this wouldn't of happened. I just wanted to have a good time tonight" I said.
Lance put his hand on my hip.
"It's not your fault" Lance said.
"Yes it is Lance! I'm such a fucking whore" I whined.
"If I just didn't dress like this all the time...if my body didn't look like this" I said softly, Shutting my eyes.
"Don't even start Keith. You get a lot of attention because you're really attractive. That's not your fault. It's the people who choose to act in negative ways against you, it's their fault. You should be able to wear what you want" Shiro said.
"He's right Keith" Lance said.
"You're gorgeous. You don't dress like the average guy and you don't look like the average guy. That's a good thing so of course you'll get attention. You wear crop tops, heels and leggings. Typical "girly" clothing but you make it look good so of course people will be stunned when they look at you. This isn't your fault. It's theirs. They chose to act in a disgusting way, not you" Lance said and rubbed my side.
I cuddled up to him.
Nobody said anything afterwords.
"Do you guys want something to eat? Keith you haven't eaten anything all day. To my knowledge anyway" Shiro said.
"Fuck why not" I mumbled.
"You didn't eat lunch either" Lance said.
"God no wonder he's so skinny" Shiro huffed.
"I eat. I just didn't eat anything today" I said.
"You have to eat man" Shiro said.
"I will. Just pick somewhere" I said.
There was silence for a few minutes.
"D-Do I have telekinesis or some shit? How can I do this kind of thing?" I said after a moment.
"I don't know" Lance mumbled.
"This isn't a common topic in Wicca. Am I cursed or something? It just sounds so stupid and unreal when I talk about it. But it's scary" I said.
I then sat up as my arm was getting numb from being underneath me.
"I don't know what to say. I don't really know anything about Wicca" Shiro said.
I sat right next to Lance so our bodies were touching.
"I need to talk to a psychic or something" I said.
I then had the sudden urge to just want to cuddle up with Lance. I can't do that now, now is not the time.
I want more soft time with him.

Shiro soon pulled into a McDonald's parking lot.
Ugh I really want food now.
We all slowly trudged out of the car. It was pitch black out already.
We got inside the restaurant and there weren't too many people there.
An elderly couple in one corner and an middle aged guy on the opposite end.
A few people in line though.
"What do you want guys?" Shiro asked.
"You've paid for enough tonight Shiro" I said.
"I paid for two of your drinks and you paid for Lance's. Shh" Shiro said.
"Let me" He added.
I grumbled.
Lance held up a $10 and stepped in front of us in line and ordered something.
"Just get me whatever" I mumbled and walked over to Lance.
"That was quick" He said as a tray with a thing of French fries was pushed at him.
"Where do you want to sit?" Lance asked me.
"I don't care" I mumbled. I followed Lance to a booth closest too us.
Shiro saw us and then waited in line for whatever he'd ordered.
Lance dug right in and began to eat his fries.
I rested my head on my hand and just let everything that just happened take time to process. Shiro soon took a seat across from me and Lance.
"I just got you fries" Shiro said pushing the cardboard thing towards me. "Thanks" I said.
Shiro being Shiro got a salad .
The only noise besides the quiet chattering of the older couple and the employees was some older pop music playing on the radio.
I was really hungry so I devoured my "meal" in only a few minutes.
Shiro and Lance were almost done when I finished.
I ran my nails over the weird ugly spotted pattern table top.
What am I doing touching that? Ew.
"Feeling better?" Shiro asked.
"A little" I mumbled.
"Well that's better than nothing" Lance said.
"You need to eat more Keith. I only see you eat breakfast on occasion" Shiro said in his fatherly way.
"You're so skinny. You gotta eat more" He added.
"I'm fine Shiro. I'll eat if I'm hungry" I said.
He raised an eyebrow at me. "Okay" He said sarcastically.

We cleared off our trays and set them over top of the garbage can.

We sat in the parking lot for a bit just making small talk.
"Do you want to stay over?" I asked Lance.
"Fuck, Yes please!" He exclaimed.
"I'm not going to ask my mother. I'm going to tell her" Lance announced.
"Bold move" Shiro chimed in.
"I'd rather spend another night with you over anything else" Lance said.
I smiled to myself.
"Let's go home. I'm tired and I feel gross and dirty" I complained. Shiro started up the car and we drove back to the apartment.
"You get to spend the night with me" I purred as me and Lance got out of the car.
I fumbled with his shirt collar.
He gave me a cocky but nervous smile.
The three of us made our way up the treacherous flights of stairs.
I was complaining because I was in heels. With Lance climbing behind me you damn well guessed he made a few quiet remarks.
When we got back to the apartment we all just shoved ourselves inside and locked the door.
Shiro was tired and decided to do a load of laundry before going to bed.
"I have to shower. You can wait here" I said to Lance.
"Or I can join you?" He offered.
"You can stay here" I chuckled.
Lance whined but accepted my answer and flopped down on my bed.
"You might get a little something later though" I said and winked at him on my way to the bathroom.
I'm so happy it's conveniently right next to my room. RIGHT next to my room. You walk out of my room and bam it's there to your right.

I take long showers but didn't want to keep Lance waiting.
I washed myself thoroughly like I usually do, used my shampoo and I even shaved down there...just incase. I'm on top of my body hair grooming. No hair other than on my head, eyebrows and arms exists. I shave EVERYWHERE.
Gay stereotype right there.
That took a few extra minutes but I soon got out. Put my favourite lotion all over my body. It's nothing fancy. It's just basic Keri since I have really dry skin.
I put some detangler in my hair and rubbed it in. I put on deoterant and took out my gauges. Gotta let my ears breath.
I put a different lotion on my face and began to brush out my mop of hair.
I just left it wet and walked back into my room with just my towel covering me and my clothes in hand.
"God you took forever!" Lance complained.
I rolled my eyes and threw my towel off and tossed my clothes onto the floor. Lance stopped speaking after that. I smiled to myself just because I know he's getting a good look of my back. "Is it a sight for your sore eyes?" I asked sarcastically.
"My eyes aren't sore. They've just been replenished" He said smoothly. With my back still to him I walked over to my closet and dug around in my underwear drawer for something sexy.
I'd bought these at a sex shop.
Black lace panties with a G-string and two strings on each side coming from the one string. Since there's two strings on each side all there is to the back is just 5 strings. The two strings on each side come out over my ass.
So there's basically no ass to them. These were made for men so I've got room for my junk. The front is made of lace of course and has a little frilly waistband. They're just really cute. They're not fully solid so you can see my skin.
I chuckled to myself and slid them on. Lace hasn't noticed yet.
I folded the other clothes and put them away. I hung up my towel too.
That's when Lance noticed.
"Oh hello!" He said taken aback. I turned towards him. "Is there anything you don't look fuckable in?" He asked. "Probably not" I replied.
"Tonight I'm wearing these just for you" I smirked and sat in his lap

Shiro then knocked on my door but didn't come in.
"I'm going to bed. Night guys. Don't stay up too late!" Shiro called.
"Okay dad!" Lance laughed.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes?" I asked Lance and played with his hair.
"Nah I'm okay" He replied.
I nodded.
I continued to play with his hair.
It's really soft.

"You're such a princess and you deserve to be treated like one, I want to treat you like that" Lance said.
Lance put his hands on my waist.
"I'm kind of trashy" I chuckled.
"No you're not" He said.
"Let me talk about you for a damn second" I said and put a finger over his thin lips.
"You sir are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. I've seen lots of people,especially guys and they don't have nothing on you. I've never met anyone like you before. You're very special to me" I said.
"Awe Keith" Lance said and hugged and squeezed me.
"You look really good in this" Lance said and tugged at my waistband.
"You have the option to one up me though" I purred. "How so?" Lance asked. I began to unbutton his shirt.
"Oh? Okay" Lance squeaked.
"It's not as fun just having me in my underwear right?" I said.
"Mm I guess so" He said.
I'm really itching for some action right now.

I normally wouldn't forget about what happened this easily. I know for sure this event won't leave my mind for long. I just need to distract myself.

I finished unbuttoning his shirt and I slid it off and tossed it onto my floor.
Lance looks so good.
I was starting to get hard already!
I squirmed a bit.
I then unbuckled Lance's belt I got off of him for a moment so he could slide his jeans off.
"That's better" I smirked.
I immediately got back on him. I then began to kiss his neck.
He was warm, his skin nice and hot against me.
Lance definitely isn't hard yet.
I started to feel more and more uncomfortable because of this. I was soon fully hard and I don't think Lance hasn't noticed.
I pushed him against my headboard so we could sit up.
I continued to his neck.
Lance then put his hands onto my ass.
I then moved to his lips.
There is definitely not enough room in these fucking underwear.
I bumped into Lance's stomach and this time he noticed.
"Oh man, excited already?" He chuckled and broke away. "Shut up" I said and started kissing him again.
He squeezed my ass.
I don't care, he can grope me all he wants.
I could tell he was now starting to get hard.
Lance held closer onto me and took control, he then kissed my neck passionately. "Please" I moaned softly.
"What?" He chuckled.
I squeaked softly at the now worsening tightness in my underwear.
"I want you, Really badly" I said.
"Make me your bitch honestly. Just fuck me!" I exclaimed.
"I'm fully submitting to you" I added.
"Are you kidding?" Lance squeaked softly.
"Just take me now" I said.
"Fuck okay" He huffed.
I put my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
"God you're really hard" Lance said.
"Ugh just shush" I scoffed.
Lance smiled to himself and kissed my chest.
"We should try my favourite position" I said after a moment.
"Mm and what's that?" Lance asked.
"I'll show you when it's time" I purred.

I'm pushing the memory of what happened tonight away.
I don't want to think about it right now.
Lance is all I want to think about.
He then carefully moved his hands to under my thighs, picked me up a bit and laid me underneath him. "You're so beautiful" I said looking up at him.
I wanted to say I love you right then and there.
I'd finally decided on it as I looked up at him, what moonlight came in from my window illuminating his pretty face ever so slightly.
I love him.
I want to stay with Lance forever and ever.
I want him to hold me, I want him to kiss me everywhere and grab my ass.
I want to snuggle up to him at night when I'm cold.
I want to wear his clothes, he smells so nice.
I want Lance to tell me he loves me.
I want to take long showers with him.
I want to drink coffee with him in the morning.
I want him to play with my hair.
I want him to talk to me softly as I fall asleep.

I want to hold him.
I want to kiss and hug him.
I want him to snuggle up to me at night if he's cold.
I want to tell him I love him.
I want to play with his hair and talk to him softly as he falls asleep.
I want Lance forever.

I smiled fondly at him.
He smiled right back and stroked my cheek.
I want to just enjoy what's going on right now but I also really want him to fuck me so I can't walk.
Me in a nutshell.
No in between.
"I need to get a condom ugh" I grunted and had to get up and rummage around in my bedside drawer for one.
"Here" I said and tossed the small blue package at him.
He tore it open with his mouth.
"Ooh that was hot" I giggled.
I took the wrapper from him and just threw it onto my floor.
Lance was now magically fully hard.
I guess I just wasn't paying attention.
He rolled the condom on as I got back onto my bed.
I slithered back underneath him.
I put my arms around his neck again.
Lance began to kiss me again as well, this time he slipped his tongue into my mouth and ran it over my tongue barbell.
I flicked my tongue into his mouth after a minute.
He flirtatiously bit onto the ball of my piercing. I took it back from him and ran my tongue over his bottom lip.
I began to squirm again.
"Fuck" I growled and just tore my underwear off and threw them to the corner of my bed.
"Okay now just do what I say for a minute here. After this I'm all yours, I'll listen to you" I panted.
Lance agreed.
I put my hands and arms flat on my bed and lifted my abdomen up and a few inches off the bed.
I swung the bottom half of my calves up and onto Lance's shoulders.
He understood what I was doing after a second of confusion.
Lance made an attempt to grab my thighs.
"They're huge sorry" I apologized as Lance struggled for a minute to get a good grip.
I do have big thighs and it's been an insecurity of mine for a while but I've just learned to deal with it.
It still makes my finding pants situation just as hard.
I'd say almost 60% of my body fat distribution is in my legs and ass. I just barely have any body fat in my arms, chest or stomach, it's all lower down.
Yeah it's that much. I'm really bottom heavy.
It's just how my body distributes it I guess.
"What? No it's hot as fuck!" Lance exclaimed.
"You can barely grab onto them, is that not inconvenient?" I asked.
"No of course it's not. It's really hot" Lance said.
I don't think he's lying though.
He got a firm grip on them after a few more seconds.
"I have thunder thighs but I guess i can't really help it" I said and shrugged.
"Keith shh, It's really attractive on you" Lance said.
I lifted myself up a bit and kissed him a few more times.
"You're really flexible holy shit" Lance said after he broke away.
I just smirked at him.
I flopped back down and regained my balance.
Lance awkwardly shifted around, trying to get an understanding of how this position works.
He aligned himself up with me.
He then looked at me with a slightly concerned look.
"Don't worry about it" I said to him.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you" Lance said.
"Didn't you say that last time? Don't worry about it. I can handle it" I said.
I think Lance likes having full control.
Sure I like it too but I'm in a submissive mood tonight.
Lance started to go in slowly.
I hate it when guys do that!
If you're gonna fuck someone just go for it!
I scoffed and forced myself onto his dick.
"Jeez okay!" He exclaimed.
I held back a grunt of slight pain.
Better to just get the worse part over with right?
Lance started a hesitant rhythm, but not a good one.
"Lance" I groaned and threw my head back in annoyance.
"Stop hesitating, I'm not some delicate little bitch!" I snapped.
He thrusted in hard suddenly.
That's better.
Lance got into a good hard beat.
I really didn't care if Shiro can hear us, It's a Friday night.
I began to moan once Lance started to go really hard.
Lance was getting really sweaty and was grunting every so often.
He let go of my thigh to push his damp hair from his forehead.
I just kinda made the :0 face as I gawked at him.
He looks so hot!
His bangs weren't spread across his forehead like I was used to seeing.
They were now sitting on top of his head, pushed back.
Everything just kinda went in slow motion.
His face was in slight distress from how hard he was going at it.
His thin eyebrows furrowed and face shiny.
I then boosted myself up a bit more with my arms, my body aching for more.
Lance went all out for about 2 minutes straight.
God bless his level of stamina honestly.
He let out a soft groan as he finally pulled out slowly then came.
Lance carefully set me down on my back.
He tore the condom off and got up and threw it in the trash then flopped down beside me.
We were both panting.
"You did so good. Your stamina is insane" I huffed.
"You're making me sound like an athlete" He chuckled.
I put a hand on his cheek.
"God you're burning up" I said.
"Hold on" I added and got up and quickly ran to the bathroom, got a facecloth and dampened it with cool water, shut the light off and came back into my room and locked the door behind me.
The pain will set in overnight so I just need to get ready for that.
"Here" I said and pressed the white cloth to his forehead.
"Ah that feels good" He said and smiled weakly.
I wiped his whole face down and then pressed it back to his forehead.
"You know, You should get something out of this too. It's not fair I get all the action" I said.
"You wanna know what you can do for me?" He asked.
"What? I can give you head, I'm up for that" I said.
"No no, Just...just let me hold you as we fall asleep tonight. Let me cuddle you. That's all I really want" Lance smiled.
"I just want to hold you" He added and blushed a bit.
"I mean hey either that or you could sit on my face"
I rolled my eyes at him.
"That was sweet while it lasted" I sighed.
"I wouldn't mind being cuddled. I don't ever get that after sex" I said.
"I'm not very good at affection" I added.
"I sure as hell am!" Lance exclaimed.
"Get over here" He said and held his arms out for me.
"I'm getting under the covers though, I'm freezing!" I said rubbing the goosebumps now on my arms, then buried my body underneath my duvet.
Lance took the facecloth off his face, set it on my bedside table then joined me.
"I can only fall asleep on my right side fun fact" I said.
"Perfect. I usually fall asleep on my left side" Lance said.
I rolled onto my right side and pressed my backside to Lance.
He's warm.
Not as warm as he was just moments ago.
"This feels right" He mumbled.
"It does" I agreed.

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