
Nefarious: Wicked

Keith pov

The next two weeks went by fairly quickly.
I'm getting close with Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. We've spent lots of time together a group and I've been really happy! They make me feel like I finally belong.
I get along well with them all.

On the Monday two days after me and Lance's date we were both in really flirty moods.
In English Lance dropped his pen and it rolled under my chair. Lance got up to pick it up so I moved my chair back since that's the right thing to do. 
I happened to be wearing really tight pants that day. Tighter than usual. Lance bent down and grabbed his pen and oh so coincidently raised his head so it was between my legs ever so slightly. He made direct eye contact with me and just smirked.
"You got your pen Lance..." I said.
"I know" He grinned, then got up and sat back down.
I just kinda sat there in shock for a minute.

I've also had tests that I haven't studied for but I've managed to pass them all thankfully.
I've always just had that luck with school.

Okay I think Lance has a thing for "accidentally" touching me.
In class he'll "accidentally" brush his hands against my thigh every so often.
He's playing with me.
I can play too.

My birthday is this Tuesday and Shiro will not shut up about it.
I'm hoping Lance forgot the day I told him because I feel he'll make a big deal out of it.

It's Monday and today was very interesting.
Lance was being flirty as usual and I decided to do a little something to up my game but subtly.
When I went to Lance's locker at lunch so he could put away his books.
The hallway was crowded as usual. Lance had turned around to face me and I was already fairly close to him since there was so many people in the tiny hall. When he was quickly checking a text from Hunk I pushed myself onto him and let my hand graze his crotch.
He wasn't paying attention so I played it off like I was pushed.
"Fuck, I'm sorry" I said with a slightly guilty tone.
Lance caught on to what I was doing.
"No worries" He smirked.

We went and met Pidge and Hunk up on the roof like we have been.
I'm pretty used to this school already. 3 weeks in so far and I'm feeling good.
"Do you guys know what you're being for Halloween yet?" Lance asked Pidge and Hunk.
"I'm going as myself. That's scary" Pidge remarked.
"I might do a pun sort of costume" Hunk said taking a bite of a granola bar.
"Shiro is doing 50 shades of grey" I said.
"Oh I've seen that costume!" Pidge exclaimed. Hunk looked at us confused.
"You basically just glue 50 paint swatch sheets onto a shirt" I said.
"Ohhhh that makes sense" Hunk said. "What about you Lance?" Pidge asked. "Hm I don't know yet" He replied.
"I might go shopping this week" He added.
"What about you Keith?" Lance asked. "Uh I might just be a cat. I don't like pussy but I like cats" I said. Hunk snorted.
"I like dogs" Lance said.
"I really want a cat but I can't because my apartment is pet free" I sighed.
"Oh speaking of apartments. How is everything going? How's Shiro?" Lance asked.
"Everything is good. Shiro is doing good. He's been saving up for a car and almost has enough for one he's had his eye on. He's trying to find a job as well" I replied.
"That's good" Lance said.
"He has been on edge the last few nights. He's stayed up late because he was worried he'll have nightmares" I said.
"He misses his mom though. That's why " I added.
"Well that's understandable" Lance said.
"He really wants to see Matt though" I said to Pidge.
"I bet Matt would be happy to see him" Pidge replied.

I'm in a fairly bad mood today. I guess it's because I didn't get a good sleep.
People have really been pissing me off more than usual. I'm an angry person but lately I've been keeping it on the inside since it really scares people off. I actually want friends and I don't want to scare everyone off by snapping at them.
Today I'm just extra mad.
Little things people have been doing are just driving me insane.
Someone in English was taping their pencil on their desk and it was so annoying but I just clenched my fists and put headphones in.

After lunch I once again followed Lance to his locker. People were rushing to get their books and head to class. People bumping into me and I definitely feel like it was on purpose even though it wasn't.

It all started when two guys were shoving each other around and one pushed the other into me.
I lost my shit right then and there.
"Could you fucking watch where you're walking!?" I hissed at the guy.
"Whoa dude you pissed off the emo new kid" The other one laughed.
Lance turned around and saw what was going on.
"Jesus Christ, First of all I'm not emo you ignorant fuck" I spat at him.
"Chill dude, I just bumped into you" He said. My blood was boiling.
"Watch-where-you're-walking" I said teeth clenched and a death glare plastered on my face.
Both guys looked scared now.
"Curtis your arm!" The guy who shoved the other guy yelped.
The Curtis guy looked down at his arm and 3 long scratches were forming on his arm and going upwards towards his elbow.
"What the fuck?!" He yelled and moved backwards away from me, almost falling over.
My face softened.
What is happening to his arm?!
What is happening??
I'm not touching him.
No one is.
The scratches continued all the way up to his bicep then stopped. They were almost deep enough to draw blood.
"What the fuck!" He yelled again now clutching his arm.
I've never seen someone look so terrified.
"No!" The other one yelled and was now holding his arm as three scratches began to appear on his arm.
I felt my legs weaken and I fell to the group and scooted backwards away from the two. I stopped when my back hit the lockers and part of Lance's leg.
People had stopped walking and watched the strange scene unfold. "How are you doing that?!" The Curtis one screamed at me.
"I-I'm not touching you!" I yelled on the verge of tears.
"K-Keith..." I heard Lance say. People were looking at the two guys yelling and cussing at me then back over at me with horrified looks of their faces.
I was so scared.
I felt tears began to roll down my cheeks and I quickly got up and stormed off down the hallway.
"Keith!" Lance yelled after me.
I shoved the door to a bathroom open and let it slam behind me.
I fell on to the floor again.
I heard the door open and it was Lance.
"Don't come near me!" I screeched at him.
I felt something warm drip from my nose and run down my face.
"You're bleeding" Lance said.
"Don't come near me!" I yelled again as Lance tried to move closer to me.
"No!" He yelled at me and helped me up much to my dismay.
He got some paper towel and held to my face. I took it from him with shaking hands.
"What was that?" Lance asked voice quavering.
"I don't...entirely know" I said.
"You don't entirely know!?" He asked.
I sighed.
Time to lose a new friend and a potential boyfriend.

"I'm a witch Lance!" I yelped.
"Sorry What? You're a witch? God, Please don't tell me you're some kind of satanist" Lance whined.
"What? You practice voodoo? Please don't try and kill me with a voodoo doll" I retorted.
"Stereotypes" I smirked.
My random nosebleed had stopped after a few minutes and I threw the blood soaked paper towel in the garbage.

"Are you joking?" Lance asked me. "Does it look like I'm joking Lance?!" I hissed at him.
He shook his head.
"Did you do that to those guys?" He asked swallowing hard.
"I don't know" I said.
"Nothing was touching them! Scratches just formed on their arms!" He yelled. "I know Lance!" I cried.
"I'm a witch okay? I don't worship the devil or cast spells on people. I practice Wicca. Google it" I yelled.
"I didn't do that to them. I thought about it and visualized it in my mind but then it actually happened" I said. "This has never happened before and I'm really scared" I yelped.
"Is this even real life?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
"Unfortunately" I mumbled.
"I-I don't know what to do" I cried.
I started to cry again.
I'm such a little bitch
"Shh" Lance said and wrapped his arms around me. I sniffed and wiped my eyes.
"I'm sorry" I mumbled.
"What? You didn't do anything" Lance said rubbing my back.
Yes I did. I hurt them...I didn't actually want to hurt them. I don't know why that happened! I don't have powers like that, I never have. I can't levitate shit or anything like that" I said.
"Th-This is so much for you, I'm sorry" I said to Lance.
"You don't have to apologize Keith, I'm just a bit taken aback but I think you being a witch is pretty cool" Lance said. "Really?" I asked.
Yeah! It's actually really cool. As long as you don't curse me" Lance said.
I let go of him.
"I promise I don't curse people" I laughed and wiped my eyes again.
"I believe you" Lance chuckled.
"I'll have to explain everything to you. Wicca isn't that hard to understand" I said.
"Oh god what if they tell the office. They have no proof that I did it.
I wasn't even touching them! Shit what if I get suspended?" I exclaimed.
"I'll make sure you won't" Lance said.
I sighed and splashed some water on my face.
"Honestly fuck this. I'm leaving" I announced and sat on the bathroom counter.
"You're gonna skip?" Lance asked. "...Yeah?" I said.
"Well I shouldn't be surprised. You are a bad boy after all" Lance said.
"Is that what you think of me?" I scoffed and crossed my arms.
"Keith, You lit a car on fire..." Lance said.
"Oh yeah I did!" I chirped.
"Um well fuck school. I'm leaving" I said and hopped off the counter.
"I don't want to go to class without you. It'll be so boring" Lance groaned.
"Well come with me then" I said. "Lucas has the keys so I can't take the car" Lance said.
"Lance I said come with me. Forget about the car" I exclaimed.
"On your motorcycle?" He squeaked. I gave him a "Are you fucking serious?" Look.
"Yes Lance" I grumbled.
He looked scared.
"I-I don't have a helmet though" He said.
"You can just take mine" I said.
"But what about you? He asked. "Whatever. I care more about your safety than mine" I said walking to the bathroom door and opening it.
"So we're just gonna leave?" Lance said.
"Yes just come with me!" I hissed and grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall towards my locker. I finally got it to work and I shoved all my binders and shit in it and today my helmet is in it.
I scurried down the hall tugging Lance behind me.
I got to my locker and quickly opened it and shoved the helmet at Lance. He took it and I hurried off towards the nearest exit.
It was cloudy outside and looked like it was going to rain.
It was windy and the autumn wind was crisp against my exposed skin. I was wearing just a t-shirt.
I grabbed my keys out of my pocket. When we got to my bike I hopped on and Lance just kinda stood there holding the helmet.
"Well get on" I said swishing my hand at him.
Lance looked at me awkwardly.
"Put the helmet on dipshit" I snapped. Lance obeyed.
"Give me your phone any anything you have in your pockets" I said.
"Wha-Why?" He asked.
"So it dosen't fall out. I have a side bag right here" I said pointing to the leather pouch on the side of my bike. I leaned over and put my phone in it.
I held the flap open for Lance and he put his phone and a pack of gum inside. I snapped the bag back up and started the bike.
"You can get on now" I said to Lance slightly annoyed. Lance clambered onto the bike.
"What do I hold on to?" He asked, his voice muffled by the helmet and the engine.
"Hold onto me" I said.
"Where?!" He cried.
I groaned.
"Wrap your arms around my stomach" I snapped.
Lance slowly did as he was told and gently put his arms around me. His body is nice and warm since I'm really cold. It feels good.
I revved the engine and backed up out of my parking spot and headed off. Lance was clinging onto me so tightly. He was shaking. I can tell he was scared.
His grip tightened even more when we got onto the main road.
I was showing off a bit by revving the engine a lot and swerving in and out of cars which is really dangerous. Plus I'm really angry and I just want to get home.
"Are you fucking crazy!?" Lance screamed at me when I swerved in and out of a bunch of cars.
People obviously honked at me but I didn't care. I'm extra.

Lance was still shaking but not as bad by the time I pulled into the underground parking garage of my apartment building. I slowed down and parked in my spot. I stopped the bike and put the kick stand up.
"Lance you can get go of me now" I laughed. He slowly removed his arms from me and quickly got off the bike. "That was the scariest experience of my life!" Lance shouted angrily.
"You're a crazy driver!"
"I'm aware" I said.
"That was my first time on a motorbike and I do not plan on going on one ever again!" He cried.
"If you want a ride home you'll have to come with me" I sang.
"Fuck" He said under his breath. I opened up my pouch and gave him his phone and gum and I grabbed my phone as well.
Lance took the helmet off and gave it back to me.
"You get to meet Shiro!" I said.
"Oh yeah I forgot about him there for a minute" Lance replied.
"Oh by the way I'm on the tenth floor and the elevator is broken" I said walking towards to door that leads to one of the stairwells.
"Uh haha I'm sorry what?" Lance said. "We have to walk up a bunch of stairs?" He asked.
"You guessed it" I replied opening the door and letting him through.
Lance groaned and looked up at the stairs.
"Imagine walking up all these stairs in heels after 8 hours of wearing them" I said.
"Whenever I wear heels that's what I have to deal with" I added. "Jesus...You poor man..." Lance said.
We began our journey up the stairs. Lance was keeping up with me.
"How can you do this every day?!" He said in between huffs.
"I'm used to it. It's good exercise" I said.
We got up to my floor and Lance breathed a sigh of relief.
"Shiro should be home. He had a job interview today but that was earlier" I said. Lance nodded. We walked down the hall towards my apartment. I grabbed my keys from my pocket again.
"This hallway is creepy as fuck" Lance said.
"Meh I guess so" I said.
"Reminds me of the shining hallway" He added.
"Not as old looking though. The carpet is actually quite similar though" I said looking down at the long strip of reddish coloured geometric carpet covering the floor.
"We're here" I said stoping in front of my door.
I unlocked the door and stepped inside and Lance followed.
Shiro was sitting at the counter on a stool on his laptop.
"Keith it's noon. What are you doing ba-" He stopped when he saw Lance.
Shiro smirked to himself.
"Get ready for a long fucking story" I huffed.
I let Lance in fully and shut the door behind me.
Lance looked flustered. Most likely because of the stairs and the fearful ride.
"I'll get you some water" I said to him. "Thank you" He said.
I kicked my shoes off and walked by Shiro and got Lance a glass of water. "Here" I said and handed him the glass.
"You've been through a lot please sit down" I said to Lance and motioned to the couch.
"Shiro this is Lance, Lance this is Shiro" I said slightly stressed.
Shiro could tell something was up with both of us. We were visually pretty stressed.
"What happened?!" Shiro asked, voice full of concern. I put my face in my hands and put my helmet on the floor.
I didn't answer.
"Keith?" Shiro asked.
"Just give me a minute Shiro" I sighed. I walked over to Lance who was looking pale. He was now sitting on the couch.
"Are you okay?" I asked Lance.
"I will be" He said giving me a nervous smile.
"I'm sorry for dragging you into this" I groaned.
"Hey, You didn't drag me into anything" He said grabbing my hand. "Just sit and relax okay?" I said rubbing my thumb on his hand and giving him a fond look.
I let go of him and walked over to Shiro and sat next to him.
Shiro looked horrified and full of worry.
"It's nice to meet you finally Lance" Shiro said through his concern, turning and giving him a slight smile.
"It's nice to meet you too" Lance croaked.
Shiro then turned back to me.
"Something happened and I can't explain it" I said. Shiro looked even more worried.
Goosebumps began to form on my arms at the thought of the guys.
"I-I was really mad today and some guys were fucking around and one guy got shoved into me and I flipped out on them and...and" I stammered.
Shiro's eyes were wide.
"A-and I was mad and I just wanted to punch them. I envisioned me scratching my nails up their arms and I-It happened" I said.
I felt sick.
"What do you mean it happened?" Shiro exclaimed.
"Fucking scratches began to form on their arms and I didn't even touch them! I was on the other side of the hall. I fell onto the floor and just watched it unfold in front of me" I said and began to tear up.
"I didn't touch them Shiro! My hands were nowhere near them! I was on the other side of the hall because they backed away from me. I-I think I did it with my mind" I said.
A lump formed in my throat.
"Keith what the fuck do you mean you did it with your mind??" Shiro shouted standing up now.
I was crying now.
"I did it with my mind. I didn't actually want to hurt them. I don't know how I did it. It sounds unreal but it happened right in front of my eyes!" I sobbed.
"Lance watched it happen. He saw everything" I said.
"Don't worry Lance you don't have to talk okay?" I said leaning over so I could see him.
He nodded.
"It's okay" Shiro said voice shaking. He got a Kleenex from on top of the fridge and wiped my eyes.
"It's not okay Shiro. These kind of things aren't supposed to happen. I'm a Wiccan yes but we don't believe in hurting people, you know that. I didn't think I have any powers like this but what just happened then?" I cried.
I got up and hugged him and cried into his shoulder.
"I don't know what to say" Shiro said softly.
"I don't know either" I said.
"This is....this is unreal" I added. I let go of Shiro and walked over to Lance. "Are you okay?" I asked him again. I sat on the couch next to him and put my hand on his leg.
"I think so" He said.
"If you're wondering why Lance is here; I decided to leave because of this...situation and he didn't want to go to his classes without me and I wanted him to come with me. So he's here" I explained.
"I guess I should explain a bit about Wicca to you then?" I said.
"Please do" Lance said.
"Shiro knows all about it" I added.

"So Wicca is a nature based religion and we believe in a god and a goddess. The god watches over the day while the goddess watches over the night. We believe in magic yes but it's really nothing like you see on tv. We usually preform spells for our own benefit. There's sleeping spells, wealth spells, fertility, all sorts of spells are out there. We don't ride brooms or wear pointy hats. I'm really into crystals and crystal healing personally. I believe that crystals have a special energy.
I believe in spirits and I have strong connections with spiritual energy. Wicca is a bit dangerous in a sense that the if you make the tiniest mistake you can release a spirit into your home. When you preform spells you always have to cast a protective circle which is a process itself but this projects you from negative energy and bad kinda stuff like that. Potions are a thing too but I'm not too experienced in that field. The pentagram in Wicca is super important. Each point represents an element. Air, Spirit, Water, Air and Fire. Yes we consider Spirit an element. I have the strongest connection to fire.
Pentagrams have been demonetized by the media. They're symbols of power and protection
Wiccan celebrations encompass both the cycles of the Moon, known as Esbats and commonly associated with the Goddess and the cycles of the Sun, seasonally based festivals known as Sabbats and commonly associated with the god. I tend to celebrate them as a rule but sometimes I forget" I explained.
Lance looked intrigued.
"That was a lot I'm sorry" I said out of breath.
"I have books actually if you want to read" I added.
I started to explain a few more things. "Okay Keith give the poor boy a break" Shiro chuckled.
"I'm sorry" I sighed and put my head on Lance's shoulder.
"But yes I would love to read a few books. I don't read but this is interesting stuff so I'll read just for you" Lance said.
"Awe you're sweet" I gushed.
Lance put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.
I'm internally screaming.
Me and Lance both giggled.
"This is a lot for you Lance" I said.
"I'm more worried about you" Lance said and rubbed my side a bit.
"So much was just thrown at you today and I'm so sorry" I said.
"Quit apologizing Keith. It's okay" Lance said.
"Okay" I agreed softly.
There was silence for a few seconds then I kissed Lance's cheek.
I could see a tint of red come into his dark skin.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"For dealing with my bullshit" I said. "Shush" Lance said.
"I'm not too phased. I've got some connections with the spirit world. I'm a voodoo boy remember" Lance said. "Oh holy shit I totally forgot about that you told me that" I said.
"Oh yeah, Lance practices Voodoo by the way" I said to Shiro.
"I'm just an atheist but I really like the fact you guys are religious" Shiro said. "I also lowkey feel like I'm kind of intruding on this...moment you two are having" Shiro said.
"Don't worry, You're not Shiro" I reassured him.
"If anyone is intruding its me. You two are so close and I just came in here and-" I cut Lance off.
"Shh" I hushed him and put a finger to his lips which were very soft.
"I invited you here and you are 100% welcome and I want you to be here" I said.
"Okay?" I asked. Lance nodded. "Do you want some coffee or tea?" Shiro asked him.
"No thanks I'm good" He replied.
"I'm going to make coffee. Keith, I know you'll have some. If you want anything just ask me. We don't have lots of food because we need to go grocery shopping still" Shiro said.
"Shiro, we've been planning on going grocery shopping for a week" Shiro said. "Last time I took him to a grocery store was weeks ago. He's a pain to shop with!" Shiro exclaimed.
Lance giggled.
"Shiro don't expose me!" I hissed at him. I got up and went into the kitchen to make some afternoon coffee.
I'm happy the atmosphere has gone from sad to happy now.
"I'm going to expose you!" Shiro yelled.
"Keith is so annoying when we go shopping. He's so picky and can barely eat anything. He's vegetarian, lactose intolerant and just hates everything" Shiro said.
"He eats vegetables, cheetos and spaghetti. That's about it" He added. "I eat other things!" I yelled.
"I like stir fry, salads and sushi too!" I said.
"He eats really healthy most of the time because he just hates everything" Shiro laughed. "I'm not a picky eater like he is. I'll eat whatever is put in front of me" He added.
"Shiro is annoying too! Half the time all he consumes is kale or protein shakes" I hissed.
"You guys are so close and I love it" Lance laughed.
"I should show you around Lance" I said.
"Sure" he replied.
"There's really not much to see. Our laundry room is there next to Shiro's room" I said pointing to the area across from the kitchn.
"You're in the living room obviously. We are planning on getting more furniture" I said.
"Come see my room" I said getting up and leading Lance into my room.
"Whoa!" Lance exclaimed and looked around.
"It's!" He chirped.

Lance pov

I had the most interesting day. Long story short something crazy went down with Keith and he somehow scratched two guys without touching them. I have no idea how??
I've seen some weird shit during my families voodoo ceremonies but never like this.
I was pretty shocked and scared.
This isn't something you tend to see everyday.
I also skipped school for the first time in years. Me and Keith went to his apartment on his motorbike.
It was terrifying!! He's such a crazy driver! He could of killed us! He was speeding and swerving in and out of lanes. I don't know if he always drives like that or if he was just doing it because I was with him?
I'll never know.
The only good thing was I got to hold him. He told me to just put my arms around his stomach so I did. It was like I was hugging him from behind...I guess that's what I was technically doing but I was hugging him so I didn't fall off and die!
His stomach was seriously almost rock hard.
I can definitely tell he's got some great abs.
Being able to hold him was the ONLY good part of that experience.

I got to meet Shiro finally which was really nice. He's just as sweet and amazing as Keith described him.
A lot had gone down and I could tell Keith was pretty stressed. Understandably so.
It's not everyday you somehow rip open people's arms with your mind.
I'm pretty traumatized but all I cared about was how Keith was handling this situation.
Through tears he explained what happened to Shiro and all I wanted to do was just hug him and make everything okay.
Keith explained all about Wicca to me and let me borrow some books.
It's a really interesting religion actually!
It's nothing how I thought it was, There's no evil or devil worshiping involved. Or at least none of that in the branch of Witchcraft Keith dabbles in, Thankfully.
I feel bad for modern witches. They've been demonetized for their religion which actually is a very peaceful practice.
Keith also said he has an interest in crystals! I do as well so that's something we have in common.
I thought I had too many crystals...Keith probably has hundreds. He's got a wig shelf full of books, crystals and just knick knacks. Keith even has an actual crystal ball! He dosen't know how to use it but Shiro got it for him last year. It's really pretty though, Looks just like the ones they use in movies.
Keith has dozens of candles on almost every flat surface in his room.
He has cute spell books too!
Keith also has a bunch of cute plants in his room too. He's got huge pretty purple dragon tapestry on the ceiling over his bed. He's got a rainbow flag over his headboard as well.
He burns a lot of incense and it doesn't smell like shit like most do.
It's really just a drop dead gorgeous room.
It's the most lively room in the apartment but that's because Keith and Shiro haven't had time to go shopping for furniture and stuff. Keith's got school and Shiro is trying to find a decent paying job.
On the weekend they both stay up late and the next day Keith helps Shiro organize his stuff or help him look for jobs too.
It's taking Shiro a long time to find one because he wants to find one that pays more than minimum wage. In the time they're not doing all that, They clean.
They're busy guys.
Me and Keith have really gotten to know each other lately. I noticed he likes to keep to himself but I've got a few things out of him.
He can get really mad really quickly.
One day some that Jamie kid pushed me on purpose while leaving first block (a lot of shoving happens) and Keith who is pretty small, body chequed this guy and Jamie ended up looking at Keith like he was the devil himself and scurried away like a little bitch.
Keith is surprisingly pretty strong. He's not super small, Not a small as Pidge but he's a few inches taller than them. He's small compared to me.
I was kind of intimidated by Shiro's size when I met him. He's massive! He's so fucking jacked it's almost inhuman. He is a few inches taller than me even! But Shiro no where near as scary as he looks, He's so kind though.
Oh I forgot to mention the best part of the day: for about 5 minutes Keith put his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around me and kid you not, he kissed my cheek.
He actually kissed my cheek.
Somebody who thinks of someone else as just a friend would definitely not kiss their cheek.
Does Keith like me?

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