Hyperreal: exaggerated in comparison to reality
Keith pov
Friday came quicker than I would of liked.
I'd given Lance my address through the text and he was supposed to be picking me up outside the entrance of my building since he can't get in without a key. Lance was picking me up at 7.
School seemed to go by fast.
Lance was extra flirty today which I didn't mind.
"I'll see you at 7 then?" Lance asked as I hopped on my bike. "Yup" I replied. He waved goodbye and I headed off.
I haven't changed out of my school clothes yet but I'll worry about that later when the time comes.
My palms were sweaty and clammy.
"So, This whole date. Explain to me" Shiro said.
"Lance just asked me out and I said yes. We've been flirting on and off for days but I've just met him. It'll be nice" I smiled.
"How tall is he?" Shiro asked.
I gave him a perplexed look.
"Why?" I asked.
"If he's taller than you it'll be cute if you have to stand up on your tippy toes to kiss him" He teased.
"Shut up" I groaned.
"He's 6'0 exactly. But Shiro, we might not even work out, This is just a date" I said.
"Fuck that reminds me, I need to get ready for said date" I said.
What am I going to wear?
It's just a coffee date so I shouldn't go all out.
Nothing too sexy, Maybe something cute but comfy?
I dug through my mess of a closet.
I picked out a black tank top with a fun pattern of skeletons on it and some ripped grey jeans. My hair is a total mess so I spent 10 minutes tying to find a beanie. I did eventually find it behind my bed.
I switched out my solid black plugs for a hollow red pair.
"Is this okay? Is it too much?" I asked Shiro when I stepped out of my room. "It's fine, You look great" He replied. "Ugh I feel so bad that I have to leave you here" I groaned.
"Keith it's fine! You're not going to be gone all night. I can handle being by myself for a few hours. I leave you alone all the time" Shiro said putting a large hand on my shoulder.
"I just feel bad" I mumbled. "Everything is fine. I'm happy for you" He smiled.
"So is he picking you up?" Shiro asked. "Yeah" I replied.
"He said he'll text me when he's here"
"How are your piercings doing by the way?" He asked.
"My tongue is pretty much healed and I've been changing the rings every day this week. My nips are still kinda sore so I can't sleep on my stomach" I said.
"Don't say "nips" that's weird" Shiro said.
"Oh sorry, My nipples are still kind of sore" I said in a mocking tone and put my hands over my chest.
I flinched and then removed them.
"That hurt" I yelped.
"I still can't believe you went through with those. You almost broke my hand because you squeezed it so hard" Shiro laughed.
"They were horrible! You fucking go and get one of the most sensitive areas of your body stabbed with a needle and tell me how good it felt!" I hissed.
"The stupid barbells are so ugly and I want to change them" I groaned.
"I bought cool black ones but I'm not supposed to change them yet"
"Just be patient" Shiro sighed.
Me? Patient?" I said.
"Patience? Never heard of her" I added.
I felt my phone buzz from my pocket.
I checked it and it was Lance.
My heart skipped a beat.
"He's here!" I squealed and ran to the door like ah excited child.
"Fuck what shoes do I wear?" I yelled to Shiro.
"Wear the creepers" He called.
"Good idea!" I yelled back.
Good thing the shoes were sitting right at the front of the closet.
I quickly slipped them on.
"Good luck" Shiro said walking over to where I was standing.
"Thank you. I'll be back in a bit"
"Have fun" he called after me.
I waved goodbye before I shut the door.
I was almost out of breath by the time I managed to get down all those flights of stairs.
I pushed one of the front doors of the building open.
I almost started crying when I saw Lance.
He was leaned up against his car holding a bouquet of roses.
I covered my mouth with my hand to keep myself from looking stupid from smiling so much.
How fucking romantic is that??!
"You look really good" I managed to say.
Lance was wearing a grey jacket with a baby blue shirt underneath with plain black jeans similar to mine.
"I can say the same for you" He smiled and handed me the flowers.
I can't believe he got me flowers.
He went to a store and got me flowers.
He went out of the way to do that.
"I feel bad because I didn't bring you anything" I sighed.
"Oh don't worry about that, Just having you here is the best gift I could ask for" Lance said.
I smiled and looked down at my shoes.
"Should we go then?" He asked. I nodded.
Lance walked over to the drivers side and got in. I awkwardly clambered in next to him and set the bouquet nicely on my lap and did up the seat belt.
I noticed a tacky hula girl stuck to the dashboard of the older car. I poked it and snickered.
"That's my brothers. We share a car and he refuses to take it down. He superglued it to the dashboard so he'll have a fun time trying to get it off if we decide to sell this piece of shit" Lance grunted.
"I think it's cute" I grinned.
Lance shifted the car into drive and we headed off.
I have no idea where he's taking me. I don't know my way around this city at all. It's so big! It seems so confusing so props to all the people that can navigate their way around.
"I haven't had much time to adventure around the city" I said.
" Well...I have had time, Its Just I'm too scared to go out into the world with just my bike in such a busy city" I added. "I don't blame you. It's a big city so it's pretty intimidating" Lance said.
"I feel bad about leaving Shiro" I mumbled.
"You just ditched him for me??" Lance gasped.
"Well sure if you wanna put it that way" I scoffed.
I heard quiet pop music coming from the cars radio as we sat in silence.
It wasn't an awkward silence.
Not at all.
No words hung dead in the air.
We drove for a few more minutes until Lance slowed down and parked. I wasn't paying attention to where we were or how we got here.
"We're here" Lance announced.
I carefully set the flowers down on my seat after I got up.
"This place is really nice. It's fairly new as well" Lance explained.
I just can't believe I haven't even been at school for a week yet and I'm already on a date with a boy I just met.
I'm proud of myself.
I nodded and followed him into the small building.
"Ah good it's not to busy" Lance said.
He glanced up at a chalkboard menu and my eyes followed.
Shit can I even drink any of this stuff?
I'm lactose intolerant by the way.
"Fuck" I muttered.
"What?" Lance asked concerned.
"I'm lactose intolerant" I muttered. "I'm sure they have almond milk or something they could use" Lance said reassuringly.
"They should though honestly. The amount of vegans and health nuts in this city is crazy" Lance laughed.
"I'll ask them" I said.
We waited in the fairly small line up.
When it got to us Lance ordered a latte then looked over at me.
"Uh do you have any lactose free options?" I asked awkwardly.
"Yeah we do" The guy at the till said. "Every drink on the menu comes in just normal milk, almond or soy" He added.
I ordered a small soy cappuccino and had a brief argument with Lance on who was paying. We held up the line so I just let him pay.
We went over to the opposite side of the big coffee bar area to wait for our drinks.
I glared at Lance and shoved a $5 bill in his jacket pocket roughly as we made eye contact.
"You got me flowers and you're the one taking me on this date so at least let me pay for my own drink sir!" I hissed. "I'm just trying to be a gentleman" He said.
"You're already succeeding in that" I remarked.
I looked down at the grey floor for a second then Lance tugged on my arm gently
"They'll bring us our drinks. We can go sit" Lance said.
"Okay" I said and followed him to the far corner of the area. A rustic little corner with hipster plants hung on the walls where he chose our table.
"These seats are comfy" I giggled as I got comfortable on the cushiony stool. "Yeah they are" Lance agreed.
"Do you know what you're being for Halloween yet?" He asked.
"Shit I haven't even thought about that yet!" I gasped.
"No I haven't fuck. What about you?" I asked. "I don't know actually. I might be something stupid and ironic or dress in a sexy costume as a joke" He laughed.
"I'd kill to see you in a sexy costume" I said. Lance's eyes widened at my comment.
I regret my words.
"Mm would you now?" He smirked.
I blushed but tried to cover it up.
I can't let him know I regret that.
I can flirt back or show weakness.
"Yeah I would in fact" I purred.
We were interrupted by a barista bringing our drinks over to our table. "Thank you" I smiled at him.
"No problem" The barista said.
The drinks were in cute little white mugs with designs on the top. The kind you'd see on an aesthetic "uwu" blog.
"These are pretty" I said. Lance agreed.
"How long have you and Shiro known each other again?" Lance asked me.
"Oh god I've known him for years" I said. "Since I was 14"
"Wow that's a while. You two seem close" Lance said.
"We are. He's been my only real friend my whole life" I said.
"I can barely cook and get myself up on time for school so I'm happy he's here to get my life together" I chuckled.
"I think he'd like you. I'll have to get you two to meet some time"
"He sounds like a good guy" Lance said.
"He is" I agreed.
"What about Hunk and Pidge. How long have you guys all known each other? You seem close" I asked.
"I've known Hunk since about kindergarten and we've known Pidge for about 4 years" Lance replied taking the small white mug in his hands. "Kindergarten wow" I said.
"He's my best friend" Lance laughed.
I carefully grabbed my mug as well and took a small sip.
"This is good" I said.
"Right? They have good coffee" Lance replied taking a sip of his.
"Your eyes are really pretty" Lance said after a few minutes. I looked at him fondly.
"Thank you" I said quietly.
"I've never seen an eye colour as gorgeous as yours. It's like purple" He said.
"It's really nice. I really really like it" He added.
We spent around the next hour and a half just talking and getting to know each other.
I learned lots about Lance. I didn't open up too much since I have trust issues.
He told me him and his family practice voodoo.
I was really intrigued by this and listened to him explain it all.
I almost forgot about the last bit of my drink because I was only paying attention to him.
I'm so fascinated by voodoo now.
I'm not ready to tell him about my religion yet because it might scare him off.
I wouldn't really take him as religious but I guess he is.
I almost cried when our hands accidentally touched.
I wasn't paying attention to time at all. I was just lost while talking with Lance. We were in our own world.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket which snapped me out of heaven.
It was just an Instagram notification but then I saw the time.
I had to be home soon, I promised to help Shiro cook supper.
"Shit I wasn't paying attention to the time" I said.
"Should we go then?" Lance asked.
A barista came by and picked up our empty mugs.
"Yes please" I said.
The sun was almost fully gone from the horizon.
We got up and Lance held the door for me which was sweet.
The sun set was very pretty and I watched it the whole drive back.
When we got back to my apartment building Lance parked and got out as well as me.
"Thank you for taking me" I said and happily clutched the bouquet of flowers.
"No problem. I had a good time" Lance said.
"Me too" I giggled.
I set the flowers down on the concrete steps of the building and wrapped my arms around Lance's torso and pulled him into a hug. He was caught off guard but chuckled and hugged me back, Gently putting his hands on my lower back.
I pressed my head to his chest.
We stayed like this for a few more seconds then I let go.
"You're so sweet. Thank you again" I smiled and picked up the flowers.
I grabbed my keys from my pocket. "What? No goodnight kiss?" Lance exclaimed. I laughed.
"Goodnight Lance" I smirked and gave him a light shove.
"Goodnight Keith" He called after me as I scanned my keycard for the front doors of the building. I waved bye to him and let myself into the building. I watched him drive off.
I smiled to myself and began heading up the many flights of stairs.
I survived the long crawl up the hellish stairs and unlocked my front door out of breath.
"I'm sorry I'm late" I said as soon as I got through the door. Shiro was sitting on the couch cross legged and playing on his phone. He looked up.
"It's all good man" He laughed.
I did up the normal lock and the slide lock.
"He got you flowers?!" Shiro gasped. I nodded happily.
"That's so adorable" Shiro squeaked and stood up. Shiro held the roses for me as I took off my shoes.
"These are really nice" Shiro said
"Roses are expensive as fuck though" Shiro laughed.
"Shit I didn't even think about that" I said. "God he better not of spent a lot of money on these" I groaned looking at the flowers.
"They're so pretty though" I added. "Lance better treat you right. He's a lucky guy" Shiro said.
"No I'm the lucky one! You haven't even seen how hot he is" I cried.
"I need to find a vase or something" I said taking the flowers back.
I looked all around my kitchen. I found a dirty vase under the sink that is definitely not mine. I haven't even looked under the sink yet. That's weirdly the only think under here. "I found a vase" I said to Shiro slightly confused. "Since when do we own a vase?" He asked. "We don't. There's this gross one I just found" I stood back up and washed it out in the sink. Shiro laughed loudly when I turned the water off.
"What?" I snapped at him.
"The face you made while washing it" He snorted.
"You were looking at it like it was garbage. It's just a little dirty" He said. "I don't like dirt and gross stuff" I gagged.
"I know you don't" He said.
I filled the vase up and took the roses out of the plastic thing and carefully placed them in the water and put them on the counter.
"There" I said putting my hands on my hips.
"They look good. We really need some more decorations and stuff. There's not a lot here" Shiro remarked.
I looked around. "Yeah you're right" I said looking at the blank white walls.
Soon after me and Shiro made supper. I tried my best to help but I can barley cut vegetables.
We made stir fry as we found a recipe that had things we both like.
We're nigh picky eaters and have different tastes.
Shiro is more of a health nut and I don't eat lots, Which Shiro gives me shit for. I'm lactose intolerant and a vegetarian.
As we cooked, I told him more about the date. He was really interested in what we did.
After we ate, we watched a movie and it was after midnight when we finished.
"We should get some sleep" I said mid yawn.
I went into my room and changed into an old black tank top and different underwear.
Shiro had changed into pj's as well.
"Oh my god" He said when he saw me. "What?" I asked looking down at myself.
"That is the gayest thing I've ever seen you wear" He exclaimed.
"I'm assuming you're referring to my boxers" I said.
"Yes Keith, I'm referring to the fucking pink barbie boxers" Shiro said.
Yes I own pink Barbie boxers.
They're pastel pink and have Barbie written on the ass.
"Whatever. I can wear what I want" I said sticking my tongue out at him. "Have you not seen my Halloween costumes?" I asked.
"Okay those maybe aren't the gayest thing I've seen you in" Shiro said.
The last few years I've been going all out for Halloween.
I've worn "sexy" costumes for 3 years now. I just like being a whore on Halloween.
It's my night after all. Well I like being a whore all the time but just Halloween it increases.
Last year I went as a playboy bunny for a party me and Shiro were invited too. I bought a women's playboy bunny costume but bought black leather booty shorts since the costume was basically a leather strapless bathing suit. Uh I have a dick and I'd get arrested if I was seen wearing it without the shorts. I wore fishnets underneath.
I slept with a cute guy I'd met that night and I had a wild time. He was dressed as a "Gay mad hatter" which was a great costume. He was pretty drunk but I'd only had 2 drinks.
Once I left that morning I never talked to that guy again.
I tend to do that though.
I fuck guys then leave them.
Well more like they fuck me then I leave them.
I'm a horrible person I know but I never really want anything more with them. I've slept with so many dudes.
I've lost count.
I'm a whore but I really don't care as long as I don't get any std's. I don't have any thankfully.
I'm a heartbreaker.
Anyway. The year before I was a sexy peacock and before that I was sexy captain America. I still have that costume actually. It was actually quite comfy .
Me and Shiro brushed our teeth together and then said goodnight and both went to bed.
The next day was a blur.
Me and Shiro went shopping for furniture with the few hundred dollars we had left.
We were up super late as well making an attempt at trying to build a dresser. We put half the shit on backwards on our first try but by midnight we got it finished properly.
We stayed up even later and watched the newest spider man movie.
On Sunday we both slept in until noon and managed to make eggs for lunch and we just sat around all day in our pj's. We scanned on our laptops for hours trying to find jobs that peaked Shiro's interests. He's so picky! Trying to find a job for him is not going to be easy.
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