Genuine: truly what something is said to be; authentic.
Keith pov
Skating left me on a happy high for days.
I'm so deep in love with Lance.
Unbearably so.
The last week of school before winter break came.
The Monday the biggest talk amongst everyone was the upcoming winter dance on Friday.
I don't usually like dances but now that I have the opportunity to go with someone I might like this one.
But who should ask who?
Me and Lance still aren't officially together.
But when will that happen though.
I'd love to stand out as the same sex couple there.
Well...sorta couple anyway.
If I go I've got my whole outfit planned and ready.
Tuesday night I ranted to Shiro for almost 2 hours about how much I love Lance and how much I want to ask him to this dance.
"I say go for it" Shiro said.
He's so patient with my bullshit, I love him.
I should go for it right?
I decided that I was going to ask Lance on Wednesday.
I dressed extra cute and flirty to add up to my mood.
I wore the jeans with the holes under the ass but with fishnets under them. Paired with a red sleeveless turtle neck crop top.
Me wearing colour, Wow.
I wore black heart gauges and wore a few bracelets.
I wore my bat wing shoes again.
I've been neglecting them so they need some love.
"Whoa you're wearing red!" Was the first thing Lance said to me in the morning.
"You look fancy!" Pidge exclaimed.
"Mm I wore it just for you Lance" I purred as I perched myself right next to him. He swung his arm around my waist.
"Just for me huh?" He smirked.
"Mhmm" I hummed into his ear.
I wanna do a subtle but sexy move/sign of affection.
I poked my tongue out and grazed his neck with the ball of my piercing.
"You look good today" I whispered giving his crotch a good fond stare. He was wearing skinny jeans God bless.
"Well I can only say the same for you" Lance said.
"You guys are gross" Hunk gagged looking over at us.
I stood on my knees so I could hug Lance's head to my chest.
He let his hand slide down to one of the openings in the fabric below my ass and poked his finger through.
"Oh hello!" I exclaimed.
Lance's hand was warm though.
He then put his hand just flat on that side of my ass.
"Better move your hand or I'll sit on it" I warned.
"Go ahead. I'm not complaining" Lance smirked again.
I did as he wanted me to and I sat on his hand.
"Do my face next" He grinned.
"You're in a mood today" I said.
"Is that so?" He purred.
"Mhm" I replied, leaning in close to his ear. Quieting my voice.
"Your dick looks great in those jeans. I've never seen you wear them before" I said softly. Licking my lips.
I think we're both in very flirty moods today.
"Exactly my thoughts with your pants every single day" Lance said.
"Stop flirting with each other, It's nasty!" Pidge hissed.
I ignored them.
Lance squeezed my ass, somehow managing to do it from under the extensive weight of my body on his hand.
"Keep your hands to yourself today why don't you?" I said, egging him on.
"Why should I?" He asked.
"Because you have no idea how much I'd love to wrap my mouth around your dick right now and I don't want you to tempt me" I growled in his ear just loud enough for him to hear but no one else.
"You're bad" He giggled.
"If you keep running your mouth I have no problem with crushing your skull with my giant fucking thighsthe next time we're alone" I said.
"There's the comment of the day" He said.
He still didn't move his hand so I pulled it away.
I put it in his lap for his own convenience.
"I want you to shit talk me all the time" Lance said.
"Only if I'm feeling up to it" I replied.
Lance pov
God bless first period today.
We've been doing improv and every class and Mr. Palmer makes us do these weird warm up exercises. Ones you'd see in an elementary school gym class. They really have nothing to do with improv honestly.
Everything is just going my way today.
Palmer was making us jump up and down and I was thankfully standing behind Keith so I got to watch his ass shake.
I'm a fucking pervert I know but I have no excuse.
Me and Keith are in very flirty moods today.
We've just been flirting like crazy with each other all day.
I almost got a hard on at lunch just from looking at Keith's BANGIN thighs for too long.
I think the only thing that stopped me from totally popping one was the fact that I literally prayed.
I'm wearing my special spirit bracelet and it's giving me an extra...kick today.
My prayers were answered.
Keith should just stop wearing such sexy and slutty little outfits and this wouldn't happen!
Just kidding...I never want him to stop.
After the final bell rang I went to my locker and Keith just about passed me before I grabbed his bicep and tugged him over to us.
"God you scared me!" Keith exclaimed.
"Sorry" I chuckled.
"I was looking for you but I forgot where your locker was" He said.
"Y-You were looking for me?" I gulped.
"Yeah I was" Keith grinned and bit his lip.
He's wearing his super high stiletto boots and he was just about tall as me.
He had his helmet in one hand and a leather jacket in the other.
I noticed he was chewing gum too.
He's such a fucking stereotypical bad boy. But gay, thicc and short.
"So" Keith started and moved a few inches closer to me, our chests almost touching.
I can very well see his nipple piercings through his thin shirt.
I swallowed hard.
I'm actually really intimidated by him right now.
My eyes quickly darted down his body and stopped at his crotch.
Fuck him and his stupid skin tight clothing.
He's so sexy what the actual fuck.
Look at his face Lance, Look at his face.
Keith didn't seem to notice.
"You know there's that dance this Friday..." He said. His eyes were just glimmering with excitement but his face and body language said otherwise.
"Yeah?" I inquired.
"Would you want to go with me. I think it's about time I've asked you" He giggled.
"I was gonna ask you the same thing" I said.
"Of course I would, it's not even a question!" I exclaimed.
"Mm Good" He smiled and grabbed my hand and held it to his chest.
"I really want to show you off to everyone" I grinned.
"I bet you'll be looking stunning as always. Both girls and guys are gonna fucking jealous of you" I smirked.
Keith then let go of my hand and then flirtatiously fiddled with his ear plug which I noticed was shaped as a little heart.
We were then suddenly interrupted by Lucas running up to us and jumped on my shoulders.
"Get off me asshole!" I yelled and shoved him off.
He laughed then got off me.
His face went from mischievous and joyful to nervous once he saw Keith standing there.
Lucas glued his eyes to Keith's figure then began to eye fuck him and rolled his eyes all over Keith's curvaceous body.
His eyes then noticeably stopped dead on Keith's crotch just like mine had minutes ago.
Lucas wasn't even aware that Keith saw exactly what he was doing.
Keith didn't even looked phased.
He then made his legs touch and squeezed his thighs together.
Lucas's jaw dropped a bit.
I then elbowed him angrily.
That snapped him back into reality and he realized what he had been doing was so blatantly obvious.
Lucas brought his bulging eyes back up slowly and nervously. Lucas made eye contact with Keith and Keith smirked and raised an eyebrow at him.
Keith then ever so casually turned around to face me.
I know exactly what Keith is trying to make him look at.
Brothers think alike unfortunately and I know Lucas will not hesitate to gawk.
Nope nope nope, This is not okay.
I fucking glared at my brother then swung my arm around Keith's waist and pulled him right to me so his chin was touching my shoulder.
I put my hand right smack dab on Keith's ass just so Lucas could clearly see that. Keith knew what I was trying to do thankfully.
"What do you want?" I hissed at him.
"You always wait for me at the car unless you want me to drive" I added.
Keith then pushed himself back onto my hand and my fingers automatically just latched around his ass.
Lucas starred right at this and made a high pitched surprised grunt.
This couldn't be any more awkward for Lucas.
Not for me and Keith though.
I know Keith loves getting his ass grabbed.
"What-do-you-want?" I growled.
"I-I uh-" Lucas stammered.
I gave him a vicious death glare.
"D-Do you want to drive?" He choked out and held the keys up.
"You're driving bitch" I replied.
"Uh-Ah O-Okay, Okay" He sputtered.
Keith then spun around.
My hand just on his waist now.
Lucas pursed his lips and looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Keith ran his hands through his thick black hair.
"Well I should be going then" Keith announced.
Keith nonchalantly escaped my grip and perched his shiny black helmet to his hip.
"I'm thinking red and black outfits then Lance?" Keith purred.
"For sure" I replied.
"I'll see you tomorrow then" He giggled and blew me a kiss before he spun around and sashayed off.
I blushed hard.
Keith always sashays slightly when he walks but that's because his hips and ass are that big so he kinda has no choice.
I could feel the arrow Keith had just shot hit my heart and go straight through.
"Lucas what the actual fuck!" I hissed right in his face.
His face was bright maroon from embarrassment.
"Oh my fuck-Lance I'm sorry he's so fucking hot" Lucas whimpered.
"That man is my eye candy, not yours!" I growled. Lucas looked like a turtle trying to poke it's head back inside it's shell.
"God that was disgusting. Keith literally saw what you were doing and was purposely egging you on!" I cried.
Lucas just like guilty.
"He loves doing that you know. Keith gets a lot of attention for obvious reasons and knows how to push people just the right way. Especially guys. He knows how people look at him. He wanted exactly the reaction you gave him. He wants people to be sexually frustrated when they look at him!" I exclaimed.
"He's such a demon. He's so full of flirtatious energy" I added and crossed my arms.
"I've never looked at him that closely before..." Lucas trailed off.
"Uh clearly" I replied.
"How...How the fuck did you get a guy like him?!" Lucas cried.
Lucas has obviously just had a sudden realization of how incredibly hot Keith is.
"Guess it's just my boyish charm" I boasted.
"Uh yeah right" Lucas scoffed.
"What other reason would he want to be with me then?" I asked.
"Well it's not your body. You're not that ripped" Lucas sneered.
"Hey!" I yelled.
"It's my charm man I'm telling you. Keith's head over heels in love with me" I bragged.
"God...I need to rethink my life now. If someone as hot as Keith can fall what the hell kinda dreamboat can I get??" Lucas gasped.
"Fuck off" I huffed and shoved him.
We began to walk to the parking lot.
"You really were not lying when you said he had a huge ass" Lucas said.
"You could barely just fit one side of it in the palm of your hand. And you have giant hands!" He exclaimed.
"Tell me something I don't know" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"" Lucas breathed.
"You better back off. Keith is mine. I've got him wrapped around my finger" I smirked.
"Judging by the look on your face I think that's quite the opposite" Lucas sneered.
"I bet Keith could dominate your ass in seconds" He added.
I cackled just remembering what a huge bottom Keith is.
"He's a bottom" I admitted.
"You know, I was thinking that, just because of his looks but I feel like he could really whip you into shape" Lucas said.
"It's the opposite" I mumbled.
"I cannot see you dominating him" He said.
"Better believe it dipshit" I growled.
"Whoa wait...Have you guys done it?" Lucas asked baffled.
"That's none of your business" I spat.
"You totally fucking have!" He yelled.
I tried to keep my cool and act like what he was saying wasn't making me want to beat him to pulp.
"God I bet he's great in bed" Lucas sighed.
I shoved him hard and he bumped into a car.
"Shut the fuck up!" I hissed.
"Okay okay" Lucas said surrendering.
All the memories of me and Keith's intimacy came flooding in and I grinned to myself.
We got to the car and Lucas drove off without me even being able to buckle my seatbelt.
"Whoa slow down much?" I scoffed at him.
"You didn't wanna drive" He shrugged.
I dramatically slammed my seatbelt into the little clicker thing.
I'm really pissed that Lucas deadass had the nerve to look at Keith like that. But I have more important things to worry about than him being jealous of my smoking hot...boy...boy, just for now.
I think Keith is way out of my league honestly.
I mean I am a pretty great guy and so is Keith but he's just so...edgy. I can't live up to that!
Meanwhile he's 15 times more attractive than I am and I'm really attractive! He's just that gorgeous.
But he's thinking red and black huh? That's typical Keith.
I was thinking black and blue but I'll do what he wants.
I'm so happy he asked me!
I wanted to ask him so badly.
Bless him honestly.
When we got home I practically ran upstairs to my room to look if I had anything red and black and formal.
I don't go to ever.
I have a few black dress shirts but I think everyone does honestly.
Green tie, Blue tie, Orange tie, Purple tie, Checkered tie...
I own so many.
I shovelled around in my tie/sock drawer for something red.
"Fuck!" I cursed to myself.
I'll go ask my perverted brother I guess.
I shuffled awkwardly into his room.
"Hm?" He asked seeing me enter.
"Do you have a red tie?" I asked him, leaning on the door frame.
"Mm I can look" He mumbled and got up from his desk and rummaged around in his closet.
"Aha!" He said after a minute.
He chucked a red tie at me. I caught it midair.
"Thanks" I mumbled and turned around.
"Wait Lance!" Lucas called.
"What?" I asked slightly annoyed.
"Know any hot guys that'd be willing to go to the dance with me?" He asked, smiling nervously.
"All the guys I know are straight as rulers. Keith's the only queer guy I know. Well and Matt" I replied.
"What?? Matt's queer?" Lucas asked, mouth agape.
"He's pansexual" I said.
"Hm. Never knew that" Lucas hummed.
"Dude, He's one of your closest friends" I said.
"He called you hot in like 9th grade" I laughed.
"Damn okay" Lucas said.
"We're not that close. Just school friends" He added.
"Sorry bro" I shrugged and left his room and went back to mine.
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