Concept of Jihad in Islam

After 9/11, Islamophobia spreads in West causing a lot of misconceptions regarding Jihad of Islam. Western Media portrays the worst image of Jahad declaring it a holy war and accusing Islam to be a terrorist religion. We all know that if a Muslim travels to West and has a beard, Westerns see him as a threat and go through a complete inspection of him. Westerns and many Non-Muslim countries believe in the propaganda of media against Jahad and starts hating Islam. But today, I will tell you the reality of Jahad, that what this thing exactly is. Unfortunately, many Muslims also don't know the reality of Jahad and they also see it as a synonym of Holy war, as it is being declared by Western Media. 

Jihad word comes out from the term Jahada meaning struggle and to strive. It includes every type of struggle, if it is positive. It includes various things for example, Jihad against one's own evil inclination, against oppression, for achieving high goals of life, to struggle for the betterment of society, to struggle for the betterment of one's own life, self-defence in battlefield as well as in harsh matters of life etc. If a woman struggles against oppression imposed on her, if a person struggles to write a motivational novel for his or her nation, if a nation does self-defence against harmful policies of other countries imposing on them, if a student struggles to achieve high grades, if a person restrains himself from doing any evil thing, smiling in tough times, taking care of people, respecting and forgiving people around them; these all are under Jihad. If a person starts doing Jihad, society will ultimately get better. 

Hadith is:

"The highest kind of Jihad is to strive against one's self and restrain oneself from evil desires."

This is the highest type of Jihad which is mostly overlooked by extremist Muslims and Western Media also never talk about this. In fact, social media is full of fake Hadith and wrong interpretation of Ayahs to mislead people. 

Western Media has declared Jihad as a Holy war and declaring that Islam is being spread on the tip of sword. So, for getting the truth of this accusation, let's have a look at the word "Holy War". This word was first being used by Christian crusaders for their war in which millions of people died. This word is basically referring to the Christian's crusaders war and now Media is using this term for Islam's Jihad. Let me tell you one thing, a term like "Holy war or any type of war" is not present in the Quran. Media keeps on changing its perceptions and we keep on believing them without thinking much. Previously, Western Media has used the word fundamentalist for Christians now they are using it for Muslims. Seventy three years before British media was declaring Pakistani and Indians as terrorists because they were revolting against British Government for freedom. British media was calling them terrorists, but for Pakistanis and Indians, those people are freedom fighters, a true patriot. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned and was declared as a terrorist because of his revolt against White Government. After Africa got independence, Nelson was given the Nobel Prize for Peace. George Washington was a terrorist for British Media but he became the first president of the USA. So, with change of perception and time, the media's accusation loses its importance. So, except for believing in the media, we all should peek into the matter ourselves. I'm going to address some misconceptions spread by the media.


First misconception is the one which I have already mentioned in previous paragraph; Islam spreads on the tip of Sword. If this is the reality, then why people are still accepting Islam in different parts of World? Many Westerns are accepting Islam and there is no such incident seems to happen that they accept Islam on gun point. So, how can people declare such a thing? Muslims ruled over Spain for 800 years and they never drew swords to turn people into Muslims. Later, Christian crusaders came and wiped away Muslims. Muslims ruled over Arabia for 1400 years, and there were 14 million Arab Christians at their time. If they spread Islam on sword, why these 14 million people were Christians? Muslims also ruled over the Subcontinent (India) for 1000 years and 80 percent of the population was Non-Muslims. If they spread Islam through sword, every single citizen of India should be Muslim today. These facts show that Islam doesn't spread on tip of sword. Even if Muslims want to do this act, Allah has restrained them from doing so. 

"Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error." (2:256)

De Lacy O’Leary in the book ’Islam at the cross road’  (Page 8): 

’History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myth that historians have ever repeated.’


Second misconception is present in Westerns but it is also on peak level among some Muslims. Misconception that Non-Muslims are our rivals and we should fight them. This is a misconception led by a wrong interpretation of Ayah. Allah, the Exalted has mentioned in Quran:

"O you who believe! Do Not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you take them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah doesn't guide the unjust people."

In this verse, word اولیاء "Awliya" is badly translated by people. In Arabic word "Awliya" refers to protectors and advocates. It is obvious that each country or nation of the same religion will protect each other from another religion's assault. This ayah is mentioning that if someone attacks on Muslims, then other Muslims should protect them and in that war, they should not support other religion's people. This ayah is for war situation, and in political or financial situation that if a Muslim country needs financial help or protection, then other Muslim countries should help it, or should boycott those Non-Muslims countries which are making issues in that Muslim country (if any). Muslims should be united and protect each other, but they should be friends to the whole of humanity. Hadith is:

"Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights, or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against him on Day of Judgement". (Reported by Abu Dawood)

So, Muslims should be compassionate and friendly to Non-Muslims. Prophet Muhammad was compassionate toward pagans of Mecca. In Medina, he made treaties with Jews and respected the treaties. Courts have given the decision against Muslims concerning issues of Non-Muslims. The Prophet received Christians of Najran with respect in Medina. These all incidents and numerous Hadiths and Ayahs proved that Muslims can be friends of Non-Muslims. But in case of war, they should not take the side of the opposite party and betray the Muslims. Only a malicious or double standard person can do such an act! 


Another issue which the media highlights is related to the tax which Non-Muslims have to give while residing in Muslim country. For such tax, the term "Jizya" is being used in the Quran. This is a type of tax which both, Muslims and Non-Muslims have to pay to the Government. It is just their name is different but they both have to give tax. So, why Non-Muslims of Muslim country have to give Jiyaz? It is a symbolic payment for the guarantee that their religious liberty, honour, wealth and life will be protected by the Government as they are exempted from being a part of the military. Muslims have extra duties to perform as they have to give Zakat, have to perform in the military and have to give to charities. The issue of Jiyaz can be best understood by example of Hazrat Omer Bin Al-Khattab who is the second caliphate of Muslims and the conqueror of Persian and Roman empires. He wrote to the Non-Muslims of Jerusalem. 

"In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate and Most Gracious. This is the covenant of security granted by the servant of Allah, 'Omar the Commander of the Faithful, to  the people of Aelia. He, hereby, guarantees the security of their persons and property, their churches and crosses, the little and the great and all adherents of the Christian religion. It is prohibited that their churches be inhibited or demolished or diminished as regards the church itself or its domain. Nor may their crosses be impaired or any of their properties in any manner. They should not be coerced to abandon their faith and none of them may be harmed.No Jews are permitted to live with them in Aelia. Upon the people of Aelia falls the obligation to pay the jizya, as is the case with the people of Mada'in, as well as evict from their midst the Byzantine. Whoever of these who leaves Aelia will be granted security of person and property until he reaches his destination. Whoever decides to stay in Aelia will also be granted the same, and share with the people of Aelia in their rights and pay jizya. The same applies to the people of Aelia as well as to any other person. Those who would like to march with the Byzantines may go and those who would like to return to their people will not be bound to pay anything until they reap their harvest. Allah attests to the content of this treaty, and so do His Prophet, his successors and the believers."

This shows the real intention of taking Jizya and beauty of Islam. Jizya's amount is less that the amount which Muslims have to pay to their Government. And it also falls upon Muslims to take care of Non-Muslims in their country, as it is also a part of beautiful Islam. Allah, the Most Merciful has mentioned in Glorious Quran:

"God forbids you not, with regard to those who do not fight you for your Faith nor 

drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for God loves those who are just. God only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for 

your Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support others in driving you out, from turning to them for 

friendship and protection. Those who turn to them (in these circumstances) do wrong. (60:7-9)

So, those people around us, who are friendly or harmless to us, we should also be compassionate and frank with them. While those nations or Governments which are killing or fighting against Muslims just because of their faith, Muslims should fight them and should protect their Muslim brothers and sisters. 


Largest misconception of Non-Muslims are that 70-80 percent teachings of Islam is based on terrorism and war. 

Islam is the religion of peace. Greetings of Muslims are "Assalam o Alaikum" (Peace be upon you). So, how is it possible that Islam is giving the teachings of terrorism? Allah, the Exalted has mentioned in Glorious Quran:

"If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, and to spread mischief in land- it would be as if he killed all humankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humankind. " (5:32)

Hadith is:

"Whoever is deprived of gentleness is deprived of all good."

My previous points has also make it clear that Islam and Muslims are not terrorist. But why is the media declaring them terrorists? One reason is that media is not portraying the real picture of Islam. They are manipulating or concealing ideas from viewers. Secondly, some extremist people also don't know the reality of Islam because of their terrorist psychology and they are killing people in the name of Islam. They are doing wrong and Muslims condemned their actions but, judging Islam through the actions of extremist is not right. Because of some psycho extremist people, the whole Islamic nation cannot be said to be wrong. In history, Christians Crusaders have killed millions of Muslims and Jews but no one is saying Christianity wrong because religious teachings and actions of its followers are two different things to judge. Islam is full of peaceful teachings. You have seen the glimpse of its peacefulness until now in chapter. Giving rights to females, restraining Muslims from getting in war, declaring war with own's evil intentions is biggest Jihad; these all are pointing toward Islam's struggle to avoid war. Islam has a large portion of Jihad and you have come to know about the real meaning of Jihad. Every person, every human being is doing Jihad on daily bases of his life. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has done this Jihad throughout his life. Every Muslim who keeps on struggling and striving throughout his life to bring betterment in society, his death is in the category of Shaheed (martyrs).

But, there are some Ayats related to the physical war. This physical war is the smallest type of Jihad and it has a lot of restrictions and orders, and if a Muslim violates or ignores any of Allah's order during war, he will be out from the category of martyr. Quranic verse is:

"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah does not love the transgressors." (2:190)

So, what are those restrictions and orders of Allah? 

Allah has ordered that Jihad is only allowed in following situations:

Self-defence against attack upon a person. Hadith is:

Whoever is killed while attempting to protect his belongings is a martyr; whoever is killed while attempting to protect himself is a martyr; whoever is killed while attempting to protect his religion is a martyr; and whoever is killed while attempting to protect his family is a martyr.”

Self defence is allowed in Islam and for it, indulging in physical fight of a person or a nation is allowed. 

This type of Jihad has a clear obligatory humanitarian purpose, fighting to save people from oppression. Oppressed or weak people need help and for rescuing them, war is allowed. Allah, Most Majestic, states in His Glorious Qur’an: 

And why shouldn’t you fight in the cause of Allah, and for those who, being weak, are persecuted and oppressed? Men, women, and children, whose cry is: 

‘Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us, from Yourself, a protector,and raise for us, from Yourself, a helper! (4:75)

If a Muslim country has a treaty of peace with other country, but they violate it and either attack on you or help someone in attacking upon you, then at this violation, muslims are allowed to war against them. Allah has mentioned in the Quran. 

"But if they violate their oaths after their covenant, and taunt you for your Faith, fight the chiefs of disbelief: for their oaths are nothing to them: that they will henceforth be restrained." (9:12)

Another type of Jihad is a type of disciplinary action against those Muslims who start hostilities and spread mischief in land without any just cause. Allah has allowed Muslims to fight against those people. Almighty states: 

"If two parties among the Believers fall into a quarrel, make peace between them: but if one of the parties transgresses beyond bounds against the other, then fight against the one that transgresses until it complies with the Command of Allah. If it complies, make peace between them with justice, and be just and fair: for Allah loves those who are just and fair." (49:9)

These are the reasons or causes of war in Islam. But, there are restrictions upon Muslims during war. 

No harm should be caused to nature. Trees, greenery and animals should not be hurt during war. Special care should be given to this element. 

Women, children, old age people and innocent people who are not indulging in war should not get hurt during war. If they are being killed or get any type of harm, Allah's wrath is for the one who causes the harm. 

If the opposite party accepts its defeat and wants to stop war, Muslims have to oblige to it. 

Muslims should inform the opposite party beforehand. Sudden attacks are not allowed in Islam.

Muslims should take care of the well being of people who are the residents of those areas which they have triumphed. 

So, these restrictions and conditions have proved that physical fight is only for the implementation of justice and law in society. These Islamic rules are totally opposite of those destructions which World War 1 and World War 2 has invaded. Western Media keep on declaring Muslims as terrorists while keeping a blind eye toward the destruction of World wars. Billions of innocent people were being killed during those wars which is strictly prohibited in Islam. Nature and animals were also being destroyed which is also prohibited in Islam. So, this comparison is also a proof that Muslims are the most peaceful nation of the world. 


Similarly, punishments for crimes have the same purpose; to implement law and order in society. These punishments are playing the role of police in society to whom people fear and stop themselves from doing any injustice. In Saudi Arab, these Islamic punishments are being implemented so the crime rate is lower than other countries. These Islamic punishments are not inhuman, as it is being claimed by many Human rights associations, but they are there to avoid inhuman situations in society. For example, if a thief is being captured by the person whose thing was being stolen, more likely they will indulge in a fight and it can cause the death of anyone. Or if a thief is being caught, more likely he will be released after the worst ten or fifteen years of his life in Jail which can turn him into the worst human. Life in jail can have an effect on his mental health, and also he has nothing to do in life. So, he will again turn into a criminal. But, according to Islamic punishments, his one hand will be cut off as a punishment and then he will be set free. One cut off hand will keep on reminding him not to indulge in crime and it will be a lifelong punishment but it also has saved the thief from getting dead. In case of rape, 100 lashes to unmarried person and stone to death in married case. These punishments will create fear in rapists and they will avoid doing such crimes. In many countries, rapes are getting common because rapists know that there is no one to question him or the punishment for it is not as much worse. But, these inflexible Islamic punishments will be a hurdle for them in doing such a vicious act. Each Islamic punishment is according to the crime and these are friendly to victims. These punishments also have some conditions which must be fulfilled before applying punishments. 

First condition is that there should be four witnesses of a crime, then it should be implied. Those witnesses should be highly respectable and reliable persons. Secondly, during lashes, it should be cared for that those lashes should not be applied on sensitive parts of the body. Whip should not be so old or should not be new, it should be something in between. Thirdly, if a person is ill or if a woman is pregnant, then punishment should be delayed till their recovery. During the Prophet's time, a married woman came to him and confessed that she had committed zina, and she should be stoned to death for her punishment. That woman was pregnant so the Prophet (PBUH) delayed her punishment till delivery. After delivery, that woman again came but the Prophet (PBUH) turned her till feeding her child for two years. After two years, she was stoned to death. If a person is old, his punishment should not be so painful that he couldn't bear it. During the Prophet's time, an old man was proved to be a rapist. Because of his old age, he was unable to bear pain. So the Prophet (PBUH) took the twig which contains a hundred short twigs. The Prophet (PBUH) applied once on his back and that was only his punishment. Purpose of punishment was not to instil pain or scars, but the sense of humiliation. In short, these punishments should not be applied blindly or ruthlessly. The elements of humanity should be taken care of during applying these punishments. Ayahs are:

"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and his Messenger and strive upon Earth (to cause) corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment. Except for those who return before you apprehend them. And know that Allah is forgiving and Merciful." (5:33-34) 

So, with order of punishments, reward for repenting and the Merciful side of Allah is also being mentioned. 


Various Ayahs and incidents of Prophet Muhammad's life has been misinterpreted. This misintereption has caused confusion and hatred among Non-Muslims. So, this last segment of part 1 is reserved for such Ayahs. 

So, before starting these Ayahs, we should look at the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) because many Non-Muslims also have objections related his life. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) became Prophet at the age of 25. Hazrat Jibreel came to him and gave him the Ayahs of Quran. That thing was terrifying for Prophet so he shared it with his wife, Hazrat Khadija. Her uncle was Jew and when he came to know about that incident, he told Prophet that in Torah, there is mention of such Prophet. Listening this, Hazrat Khadija became Muslim. Prophet (PBUH) kept on preaching Islam for thirteen years in Mecca. During these years, he faced a lot of injustices, torture, pain and murders of his fellows from the hands of pagans of Mecca. Allah asked him to do Jihad but not to do "Qitaal" (physical fight) because first rule of preaching of Islam is humbleness, patience and sweetness. Prophet (PBUH) remain adhered to these rules of preaching throughout thirteen years of his life. It is awful and shameful for us that the Prophet faced a lot of pains and tortures in Mecca just to preach Islam, and today we are neglecting his teachings and some people are doubting about his character. Non-Muslims keep on criticizing him while turning a blind eye toward his pain and tortures which he experienced in Mecca. And then, with order of Allah, he migrated to Medina, the city which had become Muslim during Mecca's preaching. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) set an Islamic Government in Medina, and as every Government need an army and every Government should always be ready for self-defence, Medina's Government, with Allah's permission, also prepared an army. Most Non-Muslims criticize his fighting in Medina's reign without considering the fact that every nation and country needs an army and has to war sometimes in the self defence. As Muslim's Government was established in Medina, so wars also become part of this time. Now, what are the reasons for that war and what Ayahs are related to it, we will now discuss these things. 

In Glorious Quran, Allah has stated:

"Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (within the message): I am with you: Give firmness to believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips off them. " (8:12)

For understanding any Ayah, we should look at the historical background of these Ayahs. Without historical background, these Ayahs will be misinterpreted and will cause confusion. So, the historical background of this Ayah is that it is referring to Muslims of the Battle of Badr. In that battle, 1000 pagans of Mecca travel to Medina to fight 300 Muslims. This was the first battle of Muslims and in it, Allah has given them permission to take revenge on their brothers who were killed by these pagans during thirteen years of Mecca. Those pagans of Mecca were the one who had tortured those 300 Muslims so Allah gave them permission to fight them and kill them. As it was the first battle of Muslims, they were afraid and reluctant. Pagans's army was approaching them and they were afraid of all the situation. So, in this Ayah, Allah is cheering them and is uplifting their spirits by saying that Allah is with you, go and fight them. It is just like those speeches or words which a commander of the army will say to his army to make their morale high. It is not applicable to every Non-Muslim in the world but it refers to self-defence in a battle or war. But there is also another verse in the same chapter which is often overlooked by Non-Muslims:

"But if the enemy inclines towards peace, you also incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that hears and knows." (8:61)

So, inclining towards peace if enemy wants is also an integral part of Islam. Many extremists don't follow this thing and while doing it, they are opposing Allah's orders. 

Another Ayah of Quran is:

"O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is destination." (9:73)

These verses are about the battles of Mutah and Tabuk. One of the ambassadors of the Prophet was carrying the message of peace to the ruler of Busra. And with this act, Byzantine empire instigated war against Muslims. Persian Empire also ordered their commander to kill the Prophet (PBUH). Through these actions, war was invaded and Allah ordered Muslims for their self-defence. During the war, hypocrites were also there who was cheating on Muslims, so Allah also allowed Muslims to kill such cheaters. Numerous other Ayahs are also present regarding such hypocrites or cheaters. 

"O who you believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard." (9:123)

"Unbelievers who are near to you" refers toward hypocrites who were not with Muslims but posing to do so, so that they can harm them. Cheaters or hypocrites within the Government's assembly or in war are dangerous because they can instill unbearable loss to the nation. So, Allah is telling Muslims to be hard or fight with these hypocrites. Similarly, self-defence in a war is also integral for Government and nation so Medina's Muslims fought for their survival. 

Another Ayah of Quran is:

"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves." (48:29)

Again, this Ayah only refers to those Non-Muslims who fought against Muslims, not to every Non-Muslim of the world. In fact order of compassion with non-Muslims is present in Islam. 

Racists and Islamophobia lobbies also refers to those Ayahs where Islam is saying itself right. They ridiculed such Ayahs, so have a look on Ayah:

"We have believed in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Issac, Jacob and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims (submitting) to Him." (3:84)

So, this Ayah alludes toward our belief in every Prophet which is sent to the world by Allah. We believe in the prophets in which Christians and Jews believe and we respect them without any discrimination. So, it is unbearable and hurtful for us when other nations ridiculed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

ISIS, Taliban, and people like them are not true Muslims because they are not following orders of Allah, but doing all those acts at which Allah's wrath is being compulsory. Judging Islam or Muslims through the acts of these ignorant, extremist people is wrong. As Muslims are not judging Christians on the bases of their crusading million of people, as we are not judging every Western person on the bases of horrifying World Wars, Muslims should also not be judged just because of some extremist and malicious people. There is also a quotation of Zakir Naik:

"If you want to learn about Islam, go study Islam, don't study the Muslims. Islam is perfect, Muslims are not."

This is the end of Part 1 and now we will enter into Part 2. (In next part)

Till then,

Allah Hafiz!

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