Part 8

Sorry this is so short, I'm trying to figure out how to end the story, what the conclusion will be (or more or less, how to get there). I want to know what you all think, is it boring? Does it need more action? I'm sorry if there isn't a lot of fighting or stuff, it just doesn't seem like that sort of story. And I'm sorry if it's repetitive. I wasn't planning to turn it into a story and well, it did...

I think it's coming to an end now anyway (not this part but soon), though I'm not entirely sure. Again, I'm winging this whole thing, and I really do apologise for that. I hope you're enjoying it either way, and I hope it's not too boring... Enjoy...

"What do you know?" The cat asked the moment the door was opened.

Espio walked into the room, determined to get all the answers he could from the cat, before letting him go and getting Charmy back. The sooner this case was solved, the better. For all of them, (Y/N) needed her closure.

Vector walked in behind the chameleon, his arms crossed as he sent a glare towards the grey cat, Espio had filled him in on the rest of the deal, "I hope what my colleague told me is true. Will you finally tell us what we want to know?"

"Only if you know enough." The cat said, "I swear."

Espio nodded to his boss, before walking over and once again taking his seat across from the other Mobian.

"(Y/N) and her brother were taken in by your boss after one of his workers beat her mother to death. Since then her brother has worked with you. He is all she has."

The cat blinked, "That was summed up pretty quickly but... Alright."

"Great, now start talking." Vector growled, "Where is Charmy? What have they done with him? Is he hurt?"

"Easy alligator." The cat huffed, "I won't know that, I wasn't there, or a part of his kidnapping."

"I'm a crocodile..." Vector huffed, crossing his arms, "Fine, what do you know?"

The cat let out a sigh, before lowering his head, "My boss would never hurt children, I'm positive Charmy is only being held as black-mail for you to drop the mess, or until you give me back. I don't know, but if you stick to your agreement, I'll get him back to you, I swear."

"Then talk, and we'll let you go."

"Alright..." He raised his head again, "You both understand that (Y/N)'s brother is all she has left, but aside from that, she has nothing."

"Yes." Espio nodded.

"Good, well it's the same for him. Do you even know his name?"

"Yes, (Y/N) told us his name was Jacob." Vector stated.

"Good good, that's good." The cat nodded.

"Right, so what happened to Jacob?" The purple ninja leant forward.

The cat gave a shrug, "Look, you have to understand, this sort of work is top secret, hush hush work. There is a lot to do, and in a limited time, it's a very stressful thing to do."

"Get on with it."

"Fine. You know her worst fear now I take it, losing her brother?"


The cat nodded, "Good, now what I'm about to tell you is... There is a reason she should believe he is dead. It would be so much better that way."

"For the love of the Gods will you just tell us?" Vector asked, growing irritated.

"He faked his death." The grey Mobian said, and the two froze, "He's faking his death, to cut ties with (Y/N). He needs her to think he is dead, so he can focus on work and not have to worry about her."

"So he's... Abandoning her...?" Espio asked, and he felt something settle in his stomach. Rage. A strong rage, he'd never felt anything like it.


"Crap..." Vector sighed, rubbing his head, "This is a very awkward position to be in..."

The cat merely nodded, before leaning back in his confined chair, "Need to know anything else?"

"Yes." Espio said, almost sending a glare his way, "How could we get in contact with Jacob? I need to talk to him, ask him why he would abandon his own family."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Both the cat and Vector said.

"I want to know why." The purple chameleon stood, "I want to know why he thinks it's okay for him to abandon his sister, why he thinks it's okay for him to break her heart, leave her with nothing."

The green Mobian reached down, placing his hands on his partner's shoulders. He had a look in his eyes, an 'I'm being serious' look.

"Espio, we're not going to go looking for her brother. It will make things worse." He said, "Look, she's a sweet girl, and I can tell you really care for her. She needs to know the truth, and then we'll go from there, okay?"

"Okay..." The chameleon let out a sigh, "Fine... But we should sleep on this, and we'll handle everything else tomorrow."

He turned his golden gaze back onto the cat, "Thank you for co-operating with us. We will let you go tomorrow, but for now, rest up. I will talk to (Y/N) first, and then we will plan how we'll get you back."

"Plan? Why would you need to plan?" The cat asked, "I know how to get to where I need to go."

"Because I'll be going with you." The chameleon said, "To get Charmy back safely, and to get answers."

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